Fantasque Time Line (France Fights On) - English Translation

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August 30th, 1943

SS Generalbezirk Weißruthenien [White Ruthenia SS Headquarters] (Minsk), 16:00
- Following the information transmitted the day before by the HG Mitte, the services of
Wilhelm Kube's services undertake to hastily identify the ghettos and gathering places most likely to be threatened by a Soviet advance - that is to say, those that should be liquidated first, and quickly!
Of the 238 ghettos created by the Nazis in Belarus (White Ruthenia for the Germans), the SS estimates that there are still 150 that concentrate a significant number of Jews to be eliminated - the others have either already been emptied of their inhabitants or will no longer be a problem in the near future, so massive were the "reprisal" executions in the region. This is a lot - and yet it is appropriate that no Jew should escape the Reich, even if the Bolsheviks were to advance! That is why, before the end of the day, the SS headquarters in White Ruthenia will propose Niederkirchnerstraße to deport the inhabitants of the camps in the Minsk and Brest administrative regions to Maly Trostinets, before sending them to Poland for disposal. As for the regions of Vitebsk, Gomel and Mogilev, organizing a deportation is difficult, the Jews in the camps there should simply be "liquidated" as soon as possible: in order to do so, the surveillance of the rear of the Front has to be neglected a little.
In the area covered by "Suvorov", the death machine of the Schutzstaffel has well started - if it ever stopped...
9494 - Start of Operation Kutuzov
August 30th, 1943

Northern Ukraine
- Once again the weather is uncertain, once again the thunder rolls on the front line. After a night spent trying to infiltrate the enemy trenches and sending its engineers to clear "approximately" secure corridors for its assault waves, the 3rd Ukrainian Front goes back to the attack, without having had as much time as its leader would have wished to recover after Zitadelle... Nikolai Vatutin can however count on a powerful air support, provided by "his" 3rd Air Army (S.A. Krasovsky), reinforced for the occasion by the 8th Air Army (T.F. Kutsevalov) - normally assigned to the 3rd Belarusian Front, whose units are still on their feet for the moment. The LuftFlotte 4 of Generaloberst Otto Deßloch will obviously come out in force to intercept the bombers with the red star and hit the most advanced assault columns, but it is in clear numerical inferiority. However, things did not go as well as hoped in Moscow for the attackers.
August 30th, 1943

Novohrad-Volynskyi sector
- Ivan Chernyakovsky's 5th Shock Army leaves its positions to move westward, towards the ancient possession of the Lubomir princes. Although still having to guard on its left of a possible counter-attack of the XXIX. AK (Erich Brandenberger) from Romaniv, the Soviet plans to go fast. In the worst case, in case of intervention of the fascist tanks, he will call upon the 5th Guards Armored Corps, reinforced by the 49th and 51st DC... And he knows above all that he would have to strike fast and hard to hope to break through the lines of the 62. ID before Botho von Hülsen could bring in reinforcements.
Alas, when the frontovikis engage on the road to Ulashanivka, of sinister memory, they find there perfectly organized defenses, which benefit moreover very quickly from the support of the machines of the 249. StuG Abt - which know how to get where they need to go. Under the impact of the initial shock, the Axis still surrenders the cursed town where the 17th CB had previously broken but nothing more. The attack will have to be relaunched tomorrow on a second line of defense still very biting.
August 30th, 1943

Barashi sector
- A little further north, the 37th Army - still very weakened by the fighting of this endless month of August - leaves Barashi to cross the Uzh on a wide front, taking advantage of the weakness of the Axis defenses in the sector. In fact, the 294. ID (Johannes Block) is almost alone to hold this area, the two other divisions of the LV. AK (Erich Jaschke) defending a little further the Novohrad-Volynskyï-Korosten axis, considered much more strategic than a few acres of plains...
Vasily Chuikov - who knows nothing of the anemia of his army and doubts to be able to do better than the figurative one - progresses of a handful of kilometers and crosses the main obstacle of the sector. That is enough for him... for the moment. He plans to continue his advance the next day - with determination, it's true, but also with caution.
August 30th, 1943

Horshchyk sector
- General Maslennikov (4th Shock Army) has to send his men to the assault of the Novohrad-Volynskyi-Korosten line, like three weeks ago and under similar circumstances. The VVS, in the breach but who must also support other attacks, are doing their best but cannot be everywhere. The Luftwaffe can therefore contain Stalin's falcons, numerous but confused and who do not manage to create the conditions for a breakthrough.
Barely rested, and despite the rapid support of the 11th Armored Corps (V.M. Alexeiev), the 4th Shock suffers a lot in the woods around Kovbashchyna, as well as at Veselivka, facing the defenses of the XLIV. ArmeeKorps (Friedrich Köchling). The latter has only two and a half divisions, it is true (one of its three formations is the KorpsAbteilung D, which is composed of the remains of the defunct 302. and 332.ID). However, the German had plenty of time to entrench and prepare its approaches, which quickly become real fields of fire that the Red Army has to cross... The Red Army wins 5 km and takes the two above-mentioned localities, it is true. But at such a price that, on the rear, K.D. Golubev (50th Army) and I.D. Vasilev (19th Armored Corps), of the 3rd Belarusian Front, wondered if they will not have to go on line earlier than expected...
August 30th, 1943

Korosten sector
- The most violent fight of the day (and of the following days!) takes place here, when Mikhail Potapov's 5th Army launches a frontal attack from Novaky towards Uzh, along the Malin-Korosten road. This assault, which was perfectly predictable, comes up against the lines of the LII. AK (Hans-Karl von Scheele), which was fighting with its back to the river, according to a Führerbefehl demanding to give up neither Korosten, nor even its approaches!
The shock is very violent - in the measure of the interest that Hitler carries to the defense of Korosten.
But Potapov believes he has the means to shake the castle... In addition to the support in priority of the VVS, he receives help from the 2nd Armored Guards Corps (P.S. Rybalko) and the 4th Armored Guards Corps (S.I. Bogdanov) - two formations tested by past events, but they still represent a powerful maneuvering mass. Potapov does not delay to engage them in two points pushed towards the flanks of his opponent (respectively towards Nemyrivka and Roztyazhyn), as soon as he estimates that the bulk of the combat is in progress in Hrozyne and that he thus thinks to have fixed the enemy reserves.
And in fact, the LII. AK could well have been put in danger, facing the mass which falls on him...without the intervention of the XLVII. PanzerKorps (Heinrich Eberbach), which comes to the rescue and engages the 5. Panzer (Ernst Faeckenstedt) and 21. Panzer (Edgar Feuchtinger) against the Soviet vanguards looking much more for the bypass than the destruction... It was expected, but the terrain, constrained by the Uzh in the rear and by the Kupech marshes in the north, does not lend itself well to this kind of overflow ! Finally, the Soviets have to be satisfied with digging two salient of 2 and 5 kilometers in the north and in the south of Hrozyne, while waiting for the second round for tomorrow.
Facing the T-34, Eberbach is not particularly worried: he is master of his terrain, has a reasonable support from the Luftwaffe - the Stukas of SchG 1 have rained hell all day on the Reds with their formidable 37 mm guns - and he destroys much more than he loses, while rotating his Abteilungs as and when actions come. Moreover, his 4. Panzer (Dietrich von Saucken) has still not been engaged!
It is true that this unit suffered heavy losses during Zitadelle, but it remains nonetheless operational. He is unaware that, facing him, no less than two Red armies - the 44th Army (V.A. Khomenko) and the 60th Army (I.G. Kreyzer) - are in reserve, reinforced by the 20th Armored Corps of Pavel Poluboyarov!
The sector therefore promises a lot for the days to come... And the Korosten region, already martyred during the whole month of July, is likely to become a kind of Aisne front for the belligerents - with the armor as well, of course.
August 30th, 1943

Narodytchi sector
- The 8th Guards Army - former 56th Army, severely beaten at Malin - attempts to cross the Uzh River, taking advantage of the changing weather as well as the relative stretching of the LVI forces. PzK (Erhard Raus) facing it. The latter however - and quite logically - concentrated its troops in the most likely crossing points. And there are not that many in the sector! For lack of air support, and above all lack of determination on the part of General Trofimenko, the attack does not go further than a few hand strikes on the least defended installations.
It is little ... but it is still better than the 64th Army (Kurassov). The latter is facing the XXIV. PanzerKorps (Otto von Knobelsdorff) west of Chernobyl, and does not even exert pressure on its opponent. As for the 61st Army (Belov), all in the east, it remains on its positions and seems to wait for the inevitable withdrawal of the Axis towards the Dnieper.
August 30th, 1943

HG Nord-Ukraine (Kovel), 17:30
- Erich von Manstein takes note of the news from the front with reservation, professionalism and annoyance of the news from the front. He had expected, of course, an offensive by the Reds against his forces - it was inevitable, since the Wehrmacht had lost the initiative to them... - but not so soon. And certainly not in coordination with an attack on the troops of that impertinent Rommel!
After reading the reports, and after having discussed them at length with Walther Model on the telephone - after all, it is his 3. PanzerArmee which suffered the brunt of the shock! - the Prussian considers however that there is nothing really alarming at the moment. The Russians have not broken through anywhere... like in Belarus, by the way! Obviously, Zitadelle did a lot of harm to the Slavs - this was one of his (many) objectives, and it will be seen in the long run. In six months, everyone will recognize the remarkable work that HG Sud-Ukraine did between July and August! Maybe even by acting so stupidly, the Reds will facilitate the restart towards Kiev in 1944, who knows? Basically, only the situation in front of Korosten deserves to be closely watched - it is appropriate that Eberbach continues to engage his forces sparingly, without pretending to hold the front line, but to destroy the enemy in a series of decisive tactical engagements.
In doing so, von Manstein has no doubt that he would succeed in holding the line - even if it means bringing back reserves from elsewhere, if necessary. All of this would allow him to rise in the esteem of the Führer, who certainly keeps his confidence in him (he even promoted him to replace Kluge!) - but with requirements. Between his former boss and the crowd of idiots present in Rastenburg, there are undoubtedly many who wish to see him fail... And surely also his neighbor of the Mitte, the Balkan fox who, it is whispered, would like to withdraw so as not to have to have to defend.
In HG Sud-Ukraine, at least, the key word is clear: no retreat whatsoever!
August 30th, 1943

Occupied Ukraine
- If the Soviet offensive does not worry the Heer too much for the moment, it is not the case for everyone in Ukraine. Among the many collaborators of the Axis, who volunteered but were not always treated fairly - at least they thought so - many now observe with apprehension the fights of this summer 1943, where the German army seems to have broken like a tidal wave on the communist dike, before gradually flowing back on the Ukrainian plains.
One man in particular is agitated and questioning: Andriy Melnyk. This leader of the UNO-M (for Melnykivtsi) has been operating for a long time in Bukovina, with the blessing of the Wehrmacht and the SD - who can never have too many auxiliaries at their disposal to keep order in their rear. Although Melnyk was an educated gentleman spy*, he never particularly liked the Nazis - this opportunist is much closer to the Italian fascists, and defines himself as a moderate in the face of the exalted Stepan Bandera. And above all, he sees that, in all of Europe, the German armies are faltering.
With a cautious optimism, the Ukrainian says to himself that his time has perhaps come - and that of a new Ukraine with him. Stepan Bandera is locked up, following his unilateral proclamation of independence on May 30th. His supporters are scattered and some of them have even joined rival gangs such as that of Taras Bulba-Borovets of the UPA. Yes, maybe it's time to go back to the Germans, to offer them services that they now realize they cannot do without.
But first, in order to give weight to his proposal, Melnyk thinks that he will have to unify all the Ukrainian independence movements under his control. All this while fighting of course against the communist partisans, whose activity - it was to be expected - is strongly increasing!

* A volunteer officer during World War I, Melnyk has worked for the Abwehr since 1938 under the alias "Consul I" - which says a lot about his manners.
August 30th, 1943

South of France
- USAAF bombers attack bridges over the Rhone River. At first, the 376th BG, protected by the 350th FG, attack the bridges and railroads on both sides of the river near Avignon. The German fighters react, but the escort is able to interpose itself effectively; no Liberators are lost. Further north, the works of Saint-Paul Trois Châteaux undergo a double raid by the 320th and 321st BG, escorted by the 27th FG.
The Armee de l'Air operates further south, against the coastal defenses of the Aigues Mortes sector (11th EB, escorted by the 4th EC), while the fighter-bombers of the 86th FG, covered by Mustangs of the 354th FG, bomb the defensive works around La Cadière d'Azur.
August 30th, 1943

Italian Front
- With strong naval support, the CCA of the 1st Armored crosses the Cecina River and captures San Petro in Palazzi. However, the attack falls on empty: the Germans anticipated the American bombardment and withdrew in order to better be able to counter-attack. Elements of the 6th Armored Infantry Btn find themselves trapped all day in the village, cut off from the rest of the division. The 13rd Tank Btn has to come and clear them, with the timely intervention of the 57th FG. In the evening, elements of the 81st Cavalry Btn even manage to push to the fishing village of Vada, south of Rosignano Marittimo.
On the other side of the mountains, the Texans of the 141st Infantry Regiment of the 36th US-ID seize the positions of the Poggio al Pruno (or what is left of it). The CCB of the Old Ironside then takes the risk and forces the last cuts to arrive in sight of Cecina at the level of Route 68, thus regaining contact with its division.
Meanwhile, the 143rd Infantry Regiment occupies a deserted Montecerboli village and explores Hill 480 west of the town, while the accompanying armor pushes on to the next compartment. The 142nd comes out of the hills abandoned by the Germans but heavily trapped, and cuts Route 35 south of San Dalmazio.
Task Force Bender, still at the top of its game, cuts through the German position south of Casole d'Elsa after having cut Route 28. The rest of the 34th US-ID advances in its wake, clearing the ground. Thus, the 135th Infantry Regiment reaches Montecastelli Pisano.
But the hot spot of the day is on the Italian side. The Friuli has advanced too far in relation to the Bari, which could only advance slowly in the hills. The Germans notice this and mount an attack on the flanks of the small Italian division at Colle di Val d'Elsa. The Italian staff pulls out all the stops to get air support. All day long, American, French and Belgian support aircraft make their presence felt in the area. Lieutenant Charles Goffin of the 53rd EACCS scores his seventh victory, making him the number one Belgian ace on P-47. The other feat of the day is achieved by Commander Papin Labazordière, who scores a double victory against an Fw 190 in the morning and a Bf 109 later in the day.
On the ground, the 87th Infantry Regiment of the Friuli has to fight on a reverse front, while the 88th detaches some elements as reinforcements to the south. The Italian command sends the 187th Rgt of the Folgore, held in reserve until then, supported by the last Semovente 75/18 of the corps, to take position at Castellina Scalo. He orders the Bari to move northwards as quickly as possible, on the flank of the German attack.
On the eastern side, the 1st Alpini of the Cuneense reconnects with the Friuli, emerging from the woods at the level of the Lucarelli farms, south of Panzano in Chianti. The 2nd Alpini, on the other hand, pitons on and around Hill 850, near the provincial road 68: the village of Lucolena in Chianti is visible below.
Faced with this situation, the French reposition the 4th Spahis in Siena to respond to the Italian calls for help. While clearing the area, the 83rd DIA redeploys its device to the foot of the hills to the west, where it reaches Ponte Agli Stolli.
The 2nd Brigade of the 4th Belgian ID continues to survey the hills and reaches the hamlets of Carda and Calleta. On the ground, the men are surprised by the little fighting they have to do, unlike the rest of the division, in the valley. Indeed, if some reconnaissance elements reach Chitignano in the east without too many problems, the rest of the 3rd Brigade blocked in front of Rassina, decides to overrun the village through the hills to the west. But on this side, the Germans are entrenched on a large hillock that has to be taken out with great difficulty. Night falls and the fighting continues.
The Granier Brigade, of the 86th DIA, pitches all day and reaches the next hill without too many clashes. The other brigade reaches Caprese Michelangelo, where infantrymen of the 65. ID have set up a hedgehog position.
On the British side, the fighting ends in Scheggia and the men of the 1st Army Tank Brigade set out to exploit the success dearly paid the day before by the men of the British 44th ID. But soon, it proves impossible to advance, the Abote bridge having been blown up on Route 3. The tankers know the maneuver and start to advance through the fields and woods along the road, taking care of the mines. Suddenly, when more than a kilometer has been covered, several anti-tank positions are revealed on both sides of the valley. One does not count any more the vehicles which are detoured or on fire, without mentioning the artillery fire which pursues the retreating armoured vehicles for a while. The brigade has the greatest difficulty to get out of this trap.
The Indians of the 161st Brigade advance cautiously toward Monte Molette while the Indians of the 125th Brigade pass the monastery of Pascelupo but are blocked just after, at the Coldipeccio constriction.
Further east, the West Nova Scotia Rgt advances to the next cut-off point - a small stream in front of Route 360 - but cannot go further, held in check by a powerful artillery barrage.
A few kilometers away, the Canadian armoured brigade tries to overrun Sassoferrato to attempt a turning movement to the east. But as soon as the armoured vehicles come out in the open they are lit up at more than 2,000 metres by what the Canadian tankers describe as "self-propelled 88s". They are in fact Hornisse, a cobbled-together unit made up of a Pz-IV chassis and an 88 Flak 36 gun (the machine has not yet been renamed Nashorn).
Only one abteilung, the 525. Schwere Panzerjager abt. was sent to Italy, where it is in army reserve (there is no Hornisse in Greece - yet). The unit landed in Bologna only on the 25th, the first day of the Allied offensive. The German staff did not panic and assigned these tank fighters to the eastern front, as planned, where they had taken up position only the day before. The Canadian brigade has to return to its starting positions after having lost more than a dozen tanks.
On the plain, the 3rd and 4th Armoured Brigades try to cross the Esino River again with more air support and by using a lot of smoke during the crossing. They pass Monsano and advance towards San Marcello when several unmarked German anti-tank positions are revealed. To crown it all, a company of Leopards of the 10. Panzer flanks the brigade. More than thirty vehicles are destroyed and the attackers risk being cut off from their bases. The British have to withdraw once again to their starting positions, pursued by the sinister howling of the Nebelwerfers.
August 30th, 1943

- After yesterday's intense effort over Albania, the planes of 1st Tactical Air Force (RAF) aircraft turn their attention to Macedonia, once again hitting communication and railway infrastructures. Some squadrons are put at rest, but they are replaced by the bombers of the 1st French Air Force (which are more often Polish or Yugoslavian than French!).
The cities of Bitola, Kavadartski and Veles are heavily bombed. It would thus be finally the XVIII. Gebirgs-Armee-Korps of Dietl which would be targeted by an allied offensive?
This possibility gives Alexander Löhr cold sweats and worries von Weichs, at GA E. The 1. PanzerDivision is really not ready to move from Belgrade!
August 30th, 1943

Thessaloniki Plain ("Double Tower")
- The 2nd Greek Army Corps continues its excursion through the agricultural plains and spends the night between Skipra Rizarri and Kali, villages which were also undefended. Further north, the two German reinforcement regiments, mobilized in practice since August 25th and the breakthrough of Kozani, finally arrive at the Agras Pass. The 2. Brandenburg Rgt pushes on to Apsalos during the night - less to hold this valley than to limit the possible infiltrations from the north from there. Behind them, the Bulgarians are two days away.
Opposite and on the other side of the plain, the XIIIth Corps reaches Agios Vasileios, under the eyes of Trifonov's troops, now comfortably installed around the Koronia lake. The latter did not take any particular initiative - it is illusory to pretend to defeat two army corps with two infantry divisions poorly motivated, in the opinion even of the German officers.
Meanwhile, the ANZAC closely border the positions of the 97. Jäger and seize Nea Magnista, located immediately behind Agios Anastasios - the point where the XIIIth Corps has given up pushing further. The Jägers, duly informed of this flanking maneuver, withdraw to the suburbs of Salonika (Eleftherio-Kordelio) without making a fuss. Proof that a decisive action by Horrocks might have succeeded, as the numerical inferiority of the Germans is flagrant.
Finally, in the north, the Serbs take Kampanis, in the foothills of the Vertiskos chain. The road to Guevgueliya is thus definitively cut off and the operations in this area cease, to the great regret of the participants. The allied staff discusses with General Brašić and especially with his subordinate General Stefanović, head of the 1st Armored Brigade. But no one has a solution to the problems of fuel and ammunition from the port of Piraeus (located, it should be remembered, 335 kilometers away as the crow flies), or from Volos (much closer but far too small). We stop here for the second time and the Allies have to be satisfied to observe the remains of the XXII. Gebirgs-AK take their quarters, not without some clashes between small units.
August 30th, 1943

- Since early morning, General Montgomery has been meeting with his deputies Audet and Spiliotopoulos. The latest report from the Supply Service is worrying, and unfortunately does not allow for discussion - it will soon no longer be possible to resupply the units besieging Salonika. The problem is obviously linked to the rate of consumption of fuel and ammunition, the difficulties of transport between Piraeus and the front, by road or by Volos, and even to the decrease (foreseen for a long time) of the supplies arriving in Piraeus. In one week, it will be necessary to make a pause, a long break.
August 30th, 1943

- General Yanchulev is holding a series of consultations to transform the Bulgarian command. In a first salvo, he places Kiril Stantchev as head of the Operations Bureau, and Damian Veltchev Damianov as Quartermaster General.
Others will obviously follow in the days to come. But all these career soldiers, however competent they may be, have one thing in common - they are members of the Zveno movement.
Among their first concerns, in addition to the obvious preparations to defend historic Bulgaria or Thrace, it appears curiously that the presence of the XXII. Gebirgs-AK not far from Guevgueliya does not seem opportune to them - would it not be preferable that it goes to defend Macedonia? Moreover, they seem to be trying to make sure that the units of the I Corps of Asen remain grouped, and not be dispersed in the middle of the Gebirgs-Divisionen of the XVIII. Gebirgs-AK. This does not go without raising some questions among their Germanic interlocutors.
August 30th, 1943

- Hermann Neubacher continues his negotiations with the government of Milan Nedić, and more generally with all Reich collaborators in Serbia - from Dimitrije Ljotić of the Zbor (or Yugoslav National Movement), an eloquent warlord and fascist ideologue, to Kosta Pećanac, a Chetnik of rather little importance in the end.
But the more Neubacher discusses, the more difficult it seems to him to organize this coalition of opportunists and enlightened people, who hate the other peoples of Yugoslavia almost as much as they do the Communists - and are hardly more friendly to their allied compatriots of Germany.
In a first report to the Wilhelmstraße, he suggests to give preference to the forces of Konstantin "Kosta" Mušicki, i.e. the Serbian Volunteer Corps. These regiments under the direct authority of the Heer, but which were not part of it, proved to be of great efficiency, a rare thing with this kind of auxiliaries. The commander of the XXI. Gebirgs-AK, Paul Bader, is full of praise for them. They could perhaps form the basis of a future Serbian gendarmerie subservient to the Reich...
Continuing his tour, Neubacher flies to Zagreb to discuss with the Ustasha and possibly to bring into play the competition between Croats and Serbs.
August 30th, 1943

- Captain Pivert sends for Professor Adélard: new raids on La Spezia have allowed to show the progress of the works on the open sites around the city, and some - not all - are beginning to resemble the clichés from England. What's more, an American mission to Imperia has uncovered three others, and Imperia is mentioned three times on the Italian Resistance list. It will be necessary to have to organize without too much delay reco missions on the other places mentioned in this document.
August 31st, 1943

Collège de filles de Villefranche-de-Rouergue
- In this small town in the Massif Central, the inhabitants witness an unusual spectacle: the Muslim prayer in a schoolyard. Under the direction of Imam Halim Malkoć, soldiers in feldgrau wearing fez, celebrate the last night before Ramadan. They belong to the 13th Engineer Battalion of the SS-Division Handschar, recruited mainly among Bosnian Muslims. The imam addresses them a small speech: the Reichsführer SSHimmler, a great friend of Islam, personally saw to it that their food did not contain any food contrary to their religion. Their presence is necessary to defend the railroads and coal mines of the region against the miscreants of Algiers and their accomplices, the English and the Communists, enemies of Islam and oppressors of the Muslims of Africa and the East. The miscreants will not hesitate to use no ruse to prevent them from accomplishing their task!
This word of the imam causes a discreet smile on the lips of some listeners.
It is true that when they arrived in France, they were first put on a train to Villefranche... sur Mer. An employee of the French railroads had directed them to the Mediterranean, by mistake, of course! The mistake was discovered shortly before they reached that destination.
On the whole, the reception of the French civilians was not hostile. The Muslim fez and the scimitar-shaped insignia of the Bosnians would even earn them a favorable welcome. Along the way, they heard several times remarks such as "They are the Beans that the Krauts captured in Greece". At one station, some women brought them drinks and shouted: "Long live France!" In general, no one believes that they enlisted of their own free will.
After the meal, mutton and beans from the country, some of them gathered in a separate place. Not all of them are Muslims, their small group includes a Catholic Croat and a German from Yugoslavia. Lieutenant Ferid Dzanic, a Muslim and one of the few to understand French, tells them what he has learned: "The radio in Algiers announces that the Americans have bombed the bridges of the Rhone, and this kind of bombing has been multiplying in recent weeks. This is a sign that something is brewing. For the moment, volunteer for night patrols and reconnaissance. It shouldn't be long before we have a contact."
August 31st, 1943

- The OKW hesitated for a long time. In June, the Frikorps Danmark was engaged in Courland. Contrary to the pessimistic predictions of some, the unit - the size of a brigade - did not shatter at the first clash with the Red Army, like the LVF. After all, these were Aryan soldiers! Nevertheless, the unit suffered heavy losses, including its leader, Colonel Christian Frederik Von Schalburg - killed, by the way, while leading perhaps too boldly at his post.
The Frikorps was sent back to its homeland in July for reconstitution. But the growing hostility of the population towards any form of collaboration made it impossible to plug the holes. Reduced to less than 4,000 men (from an initial strength of over 5,000), the unit is near Nuremberg, and we wonder what we are going to do with it! Send it back to the Eastern Front? To the Balkans? To Italy? Or simply have it play a police role in Denmark?
After some thought, the Frikorps Danmark is officially disbanded. The SS division Wiking will recover a part of the survivors of the Frikorps. The rest will return to the country to reinforce a newly formed auxiliary unit called Schalburg Korps. This unit would be responsible for police missions, including the surveillance of the kingdom. It would be commanded by Knud Børge Martinsen, the last commander of the Frikorps.
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