Epidemiological ATL's


(1) After the Ice Age ends, the tsetse fly, and the diseases that
carries including the nagana pest, spread to the Middle East before
man has time to overgraze the area into a desert. (Note: the nagana
pest kills most domestic animals.)

(2) The tsetse fly and the diseases that it carries, get blown across
to South America.

(3) Yellow Fever gets into South-East Asia.

(4) OTL: The Bantu people lived around Cameroon. A bit before the
birth of Christ their cattle evolved resistance to nagana pest and
that allowed the big southward expansion of the Bantu.
ATL: That does not happen. The Bantu and Sudanic peoples stay at
home. Further south, in tsetse fly country, man can not keep
livestock, and it stays like that until the white man comes.

(5) Domestic horses evolve resistance to nagana pest. Or men
domesticate the zebra and breed it to the size and strength and
ability and manageability of the various breeds of horses.


heh you justcan't get away from them ;) but anyways any ideas on how the world would be like??