Empire of the Pacific | California Empire TL

Name of Norton's New Empire?

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Maybe a more professional map maker could do something for say, after the war has concluded, as merely colouring in states just doesn't sit right with me.
XI. Outside, There Is Chaos


The Free Men Executions
  • 9th of November - An organized Council Movement protest occurs in New York.
  • 14th of November - The protest is met with police conflict, and as the situation escalates, the military is forced to suppress the event.
  • 3rd of December - The California Empire and the Russian Empire begin making talks about the purchase of Alaska.
  • December - Many poor slave owners who struggled in recent changes would capture their sharecroppers and kill them. The Free Men Executions would be retaliation of the government going against them and for slave uprisings that caused the betrayal, in the eyes of pro-slave people. These people would often loose their homes as well, with no labor now to work the fields. Vagrants that weren't jailed for their murders would soon follow it up with raids on sprawling black communities.

George Gordon


William "Extra Billy" Smith (CSA President), Joseph R. Anderson (CSA Vice President)
  • 7th of January - The Empire of California would purchase the territory of Alaska at a fairly cheap price, due to the Great Depression (Panic of 1873).
  • January - California would make Alaska a penal colony of sorts. The government would send criminals and political opponents to Alaska. There, they would work grueling days in the cold.
  • February - U.S states force the Federal government to allow the states the ability to have influence in foreign policy and trade. In the Confederacy, many of these vagrant gangs unite to form a cult-like legion against abolition.
  • 14th of April - This unnamed pro-slave group would elect George Gordon, a former Confederate general, as their leader, and from there, he would mold it into the Washington Order.
  • April - June - A surge of freed slaves flock to the U.S and the Empire of California. While the U.S. would highly enforce border control to not lose jobs to cheap Southern labor, the Californian Empire would accept these former slaves into their population, and soon, most of them immigrated west.
  • 20th of May - The Empire of California meets British representatives at Canada.
  • 22nd of May - Trade relations are made between British Canada and California.
  • 1st of July - After celebrating the historic Battle of Gettysburg with the public, anti-slave Confederate President William Smith is killed while entering his carriage to leave. While some point the finger at the U.S, many have claims that the Washington Order is to blame.
  • 2nd of July - Joseph R. Anderson is made President of the Confederate States of America. He adopts the theory that the Washington Order is to blame and demands that the organization be disbanded and present themselves to the authorities. The Washington Order refused.
  • 19th of September - George Gordon would be captured by Confederate forces.
  • 21st of September - George Gordon was executed for the involvement of William Smith's assassination.
  • 30th of September - John Watson Morton is elected "Great Overseer" of the Washington Order.
  • October - December - The Washington Order would raid Confederate towns in retaliation for Gordon's death. In exchange, the Confederates would play a cat and mouse game with the Washington Order, but always a few steps behind.
Looks like everything is pretty much going to hell in a handbasket for the U.S., while the Empire of California is still out here chillin' like nothing's wrong. I like this. :)
XII. The Year of 1878


50 Cent Imperial Dollar "Norton-buck"
  • January - February - After much turmoil over the American dollar over the years, the Imperial government issued the first Imperial Dollar, nicknamed Norton-bucks, switching the economy from the American Dollar to the Imperial one. However many businesses in the territories of Applegate and Carleton, many still use the U.S dollar.
  • 16th of March - The Order of St. Norton is formally created by Emperor Norton and his cult-like followers, a secret society of sorts.
  • March - May - Many of Norton's followers break off from Norton's influence after much cult of personality propaganda starts to become fed to the populace.
  • 13th of May - Newton Booth, former Governor and follower of Norton, and his wife are killed in their sleep. The government uses this death to suspect many non-Norton followers, with fake evidence presented as proof to justify their incarceration. Many are killed. These actions are known as the Norton Consolidation.
  • 17th of May - Argentina and Paraguay are unable to agree with a third-party opinion from the U.S to settle disputes over land.
  • 20th of May - The Ambush at Jordan Lake occurs at North Carolina. Confederate troops hunting the Washington Order camp in a small forest area called Seaforth, but they are soon interrupted in the night by gunfire. Washington Order members shoot through the woodlands, cornering the CSA troops. Soon, many either are killed, jump in the lake, or surrender. Their captains would be mostly killed off as captives or dead from the gunfire. The few captains and men alive would soon return to Joseph R. Anderson empty handed.
  • May - As the Empire of California readjust with their new currency, the CSA is being terrorized by the Washington Order. In the meantime, the Council Movement grows in the U.S, as President Tilden faces much blame for the nation's issues.


Higinio Uriarte (left), Marcos Morínigo (right)

  • 13th of June - President Higinio Uriarte of Paraguay would be assassinated, with signs leading towards Argentina.
  • 14th of June - Marcos Morínigo is made President of Paraguay.
  • 21st of June - Paraguayan representatives head towards Argentina, demanding that they take responsibility for the assassination. Argentina is seen as appalled that Paraguay would accuse the government of such a thing, seeming to purposely worsen relations with Paraguay.
  • 3rd of July - Argentine troops would enter the Paraguay border, effectively occupying Paraguay.
  • 4th of July - Marcos Morínigo flees from Paraguay.
  • 12th of July - Argentine troops would begin to enter lands disputed by Argentina, Paraguay, & Bolivia.
  • 20th of July - Bolivia demands that the Argentine troops withdraw from the disputed territory. Argentina threatens war, and the Bolivian government backs down, effectively taking half of the disputed Gran Chaco and the lands south of the Rio Verde.
  • 22nd of July - Carlos Pellegrini, an Argentine politician, is installed as a puppet ruler.
  • July - August - Mass riots occur in Paraguay against the Argentine influence.
  • 14th of August - Paraguay terrorists attempt to kill Carlos Pellegrini, but only cause damage to the capital. Strict curfew and martial law is implemented, with Argentine commanders effectively ruling Paraguay under Argentina.
  • August - September - Religious institutions and beliefs are beginning to be skewed by the California monarchy, often making Emperor Norton seem semi-celestial by many churches.
  • 15th of September - Louisiana finally instates the first list of black codes to limit African-Confederate rights, with many Confederate states doing the same.


Emperor Meiji of Japan, Clarence Edmund Bennett

  • 4th of October - The Empire of California sends representatives lead by Clarence Edmund Bennett to Japan for a diplomatic mission to allow the Californian Empire trading rights in Japanese waters, meeting with the Japanese Emperor. However, these talks eventually end unfruitful, leaving the California Empire empty-handed.
  • 10th - 21st of November - Argentine troops enter disputed lands between Paraguay and Brazil.
  • 22nd of November - The Empire of Brazil demands that Argentina remove their troops in the territory, moving in their own troops in the disputed territory.
  • 23rd of November - Argentina formally declares war on Brazil, starting the 2nd Argentine-Brazilian War.
  • 24th of November - Uruguay sends military support for Argentina, as well as Bolivia for Brazil.
  • 26th of November - Argentina forces Uruguay to join the war on their side.
  • 2nd of December - Bolivia formally joins the war on the side of Brazil, promised the disputed territories taken by Argentina.
  • 19th of December - The Battle of Bela Vista becomes the first battle in the war between Brazil and Argentina, ending in a victory for Brazil.


Battle of Bela Vista


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XIII. War Rages In The Heart of America


Natives in the Adam Peak Reservation


The Battle of Guaíba


The Battle of the Pilcomayo River

  • January - Multiple tribes in Oregon and Nevada, such as the the Paiute and Bannock, would be moved to a camp near Adam Peak. In addition, the Washington Order would soon slowly die out and after January, the group would later take the form of a secret society, of sorts.
  • 15th of February - Argentine & Uruguayan ships embark to capture the Brazilian port city of Porto Alegre, as well as another contingent heading towards the Strait of Magellan, owned by Chile.
  • 20th of February - The Argentine & Uruguayan ships are met with Brazilian gunboats and coastal canons. The Argentine attempt a faint retreat with Uruguayan ships, however the Uruguayan captains preemptively left, leaving Argentine ships at the mercy of the canons on the land and water. After this failure, Uruguayan ships seize the city of Guaíba and wait for reinforcements to arrive for a second attack.
  • 21st of February - Brazilian ships attack the Uruguayan forces at Guaíba in the night. Although the Uruguayans were able to ready and do a counter attack, most of their fleet, except for a few ships that were able to escape, were destroyed. These two conflicts would be known as the Battle of Guaíba.
  • 7th of March - Argentine ships blockade the Strait of Magellan, which prompt tension between Chile and Argentina.
  • 11th of March - Chile demands that the ships leave the strait, but when they refuse, the Argentine government slowly forces the Chileans to allow Argentine ships to port at the strait, while making large promises to push the Chilean claims on the Bolivian coast.
  • 14th of March - Chilean ships would bombard the Bolivian coast, declaring war on Bolivia and joining on the side of Argentina, although most of the nation became bitter about this alliance.
  • 17th of March - Emperor Norton I declares Isaac J. Wistar, General of the Army of the Applegate, the successor of the Empire of California in his article, the "Declaration of Californian Succession".
  • March - April - The worshiped status of Emperor Norton would be finalized, as Emperor Norton creates the Church of St. Norton, also known as the Church of California.
  • 12th of April - The tribes in the Adam Peak Reservation rebel, killing the guards in the camp and naming Egan of the Paiute, originally named Pony Blanket, as their leader. This would be known as California's Paiute War or the Paiute Conflict of 1879.
  • April - As the Brazilian navy raided the coast of Argentina and Uruguay, Chilean and Bolivian ships would constantly skirmish each other's coast, sometimes clashing in skirmishes.
  • 16th of April - The Bolivians, through their Treaty of Defensive Alliance, would force Peru to join the war. Soon, the 2nd Argentine-Brazilian War would take on the name by the locals, the Continental War, but to the globe would give it another name, The Great South American War.
  • April - As the tribes under Egan raided settlements across the Humboldt River, travelling wherever they went, the Californian military was called and conflicts between the two began, with the first one being where the Californian Army ambushed a Paiute encampment, injuring Egan in the process.
  • 10th of May - Egan and his forces would try to capture the town of Winnemucca, named after a Paiute chieftain. However, the Californian Army was tipped by an escaped captive of the natives and the Battle of Winnemucca occurred, where Egan was killed and the natives retreated. Ondongarte, a Shoshoni who had been Egan's second-in-command, became leader of the native band.
  • 14th of May - When a raid made by California Army soldiers killed two of Ondongarte's sons, the leader, as well as most of the band, surrendered to the Empire of California, with many shipped to Alaska to work hard labor. However, Ondongarte was spared this fate and formally met Emperor Norton, where he would live the rest of his life in San Francisco, changing his name to Mike Daggett to leave his past behind him.
  • 22nd of May - Argentine and Paraguayan troops would attempt to make a push into Bolivia, but would be stopped at the Pilcomayo River near modern-day Santa Victoria Este in Argentina. Although the Bolivian were outnumbered, they made a defense at the river, forcing Argentine-Paraguayan forces to cross the river in the firing range of the Bolivians. The slaughter fest in the river helped lower the Argentine-Paraguayan numbers drastically. Soon, the forces pulled back to unite with forces that trailed close behind them.
  • 23rd of May - A small Argentine-Paraguayan force would skirmish the Bolivian side during the night, forcing them to stay up all night while the Argentine forces slept decently. When morning arrived, the rested forces quickly pushed through the river and forced the Bolivians into a vast forest. However, the Argentine commanders stayed put, covering both sides of the river, waiting for more reinforcements rather than chase the Bolivians. Soon, some forces led by Brazilian marshal, Floriano V. Peixoto, nicknamed the Iron Marshal, met up with the Bolivian forces.
  • 24th of May - Brazilian forces flanked the Argentine-Paraguayan position, and when morning arrived the Brazilians and Bolivians fired their weapons on two fronts. As a last ditch attempt, the Argentine-Paraguayan forces charged at the Brazilian flank. Close-quarters combat was bloody and brutal, with both sides taking losses. The Bolivians didn't dare fire so close to their ally and even the Iron Marshal was stabbed in the rib by a bayonet. However, the Paraguayan forces would soon either surrender, flee, and even join on the side of the Brazilians. The Argentine forces surrendered, finally ending what was known as the Battle of Pilcomayo River.
  • 26th of May - The "Iron Marshal" would die from his wounds, and soon, the Brazilian-Bolivian forces were commanded by former Bolivian president, Hilarión Daza.
  • 30th of May - Although Hilarión disagreed, the forces were to retreat back to Bolivia to ensure the war in the Pacific would not be lost and loss of land would occur.
  • June - Stephan F. Chadwick, the de facto governor of Oregon, would begin to grow a populace supporting him for succession. In addition, President Tilden would allow towns and cities, rather than electing mayors, able to elect councils, being a significant victory for the Council Movement.
  • 13th of July - Uruguayan forces were able to use trench warfare to beat the Brazilian forces two to one at the Battle of Rivera. This would incline both sides to make trenches, leading to trench lines on the Uruguayan-Brazilian border that would be complete in September for the Brazilians and October for Uruguay. These trenches would stretch from the Uruguayan River to the Lagoon Mirim, with trench warfare being minor in the rest of the front lines. The Uruguayan Trenches, as they would be called, would give Uruguay a fighting chance in the war and would be the first major use of trench warfare in history.
  • 20th of July - Britain would send representatives to try to end the conflict in South America, however they were bombarded with yelling politicians of the different South American nations, and they would quickly leave prematurely as emotions rose on the second day of negotiations, calling South America "the sleeping lion of the new world that woke up with a roar".

Chilean General Manuel Baquedano, Chilean President Aníbal Pinto​
  • 10th of August - Chilean Commander-in-chief, Manuel Baquedano, would make start a coup against the Chilean President, Aníbal Pinto, successfully taking over government and establishing a military junta. Many believe that the President was to back out of the war, and that Argentina organized the coup. Aníbal Pinto would flee to Peru, bettering his relations with the Brazilian-sided nations and Brazil promised Aníbal that he would be returned as President when the war was won.
  • August - Argentina would make a counter attack in Bolivia, but would soon divert their forces to the Paraguayan lines, as Bolivia was readied for the attack and successfully holding them back.
  • 12th of September - Chilean forces successfully break into the Bolivian border after the Battle of Antofagasta, where both land and naval forces were able to take the port city.
  • September - Brazil would begin a September Offensive, with hopes to take back Asuncion. This offensive would prop many Paraguayans to openly rebel against Argentina.
  • October - Former Paraguayan President, Marcos Morínigo, returns to Paraguay to begin an underground resistance. They take on the name "Libertadores de paraguay", Liberators of Paraguay.
  • 14th of November - Stephan F. Chadwick, with help from powerful Californian politicians, would forge claims of Norton actually choosing Chadwick as his successor.
  • 2nd of December - Isaac J. Wistar is tangled in a plot to plan a assassination of Emperor Norton, although the Emperor refuses such as thing.
  • 25th of December - Emperor Norton would give a great Christmas speech, calling for unity under faith, brotherhood, & the Emperor.

January The 8th, 1880.

The rain trickled down my feathered hat, as the cool evening brushed against my face and hands and my walking stick stayed near me. I could see "The Emperor" before me, and I only felt great conflict in my soul. My legs got wavier, as if they were sticks, but I stayed still. I took a deep breathe, as the frosty San Francisco air filled my lungs. While there was great achievement in my life, I feel only unsatisfied with my life. Mad Emperor they will call me, and a cult to come with it. The savior I was to people, and now I am their Emperor. Comrades that outlive me in spirit, as I outlive them in life. I could not move my leg, as the other got harder and harder to stand on. Soon, my head was both racing and calm, both ready and fearful. A life filled with such mental contradictions, that it only seems that his body is the only one going one direction.

"For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever."

I could only feel my head slam against the concrete floor. I could hear cries from the cold ground to the whizzing carriage, "Please oh Emperor! Please!". As I drew my last breathes, I emptied my mind away from the Empire, my legacy, my destiny in the next life. I laid my mind at peace, and soon, I realized this was the first time I was at peace since my previous life, and I cried tears of joy, until my soul emptied of spirit. Finally, at rest.

  • 8th of January - Emperor Norton dies.
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Sorry guys, but this darn site lost my draft again. I think I'll be switching to a separate site to write my installments, any suggestions?
best thing is to write in a seperate programm and save often. You could also try google docs that should work almost as good as a offline programm.