Empire of New Castille

27. Filibuster Wars (1848-1856)
27. Filibuster Wars (1848-1856)


In 1848, Caracas born Narciso Lopez was one of those arrested by the Spanish when they were rounding up Cuban Revolutionaries. He was then expelled by Spanish authorities.

Lopez went to the United States planning a filibustering expedition. He started his recruiting in New York city. He gained support from influential Americans- John. L. O'Sullivan, and Senator Jefferson Davis. John. L. O'Sullivan was one of popular columnist with articles publishing United States manifest destiny. Senator Davis recommended one of his friends, a veteran of North American War, Major Robert E. Lee. Major Lee accepted the offer after a month of consideration. Many more Americans contributed financially.


Major Robert E. Lee​

They recruited Cuban exiles, American volunteers and gathered finances, setting sail in 1850 from New Orleans to Cuba.

After the United States loss during the North American war, U.S. eyed expansion southward towards the Caribbean.

United States offered to purchase Cuba from Spain for $10M. Initially the Spanish refused. U.S. threatened Spain with war. With the initial success of Lopez-Lee expedition, the dwindling finances of Spain, Spain just came from the Second Carlist war, Spain sells Cuba and Puerto Rico for $12M.

Cuba was accepted to the United States as a slave state.

After the success of acquiring Cuba, the United States set another target. The French Empire under Napoleon II have been eyeing to reconquer Hispaniola. Louis might have slipped his tongue during his visit in United States to acquire support. With Napoleon II in power, the United States feared another French invasion in Hispaniola.

The island of Hispaniola has been at war since 1844. Haiti united the island in 1822 conquering the Republic of Spanish Haiti. In 1844, Republic of Spanish Haiti, now known as Dominican Republic, declared independence from Haiti. The Dominican Republic had requested aid from the United States. The government was in debt and the war for Independence against Haiti still rages on. The Dominicans even asked for annexation.

In 1851, the United States landed troops in the Dominican Republic and attacked Haiti from the Sea and from the Dominican Republic. By 1854, both nations were pacified at a high cost due to deaths caused by yellow fever. The United States accepted Haiti and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) as both slave states.

William Walker who became the editor of New Orleans pushed the idea of conquering vast regions of Central America to be unified with the United States and creating slave states. He was supported by the Knights of the Golden Circle. It was secret society with the objective to absorb Central and South America as slave states to the United States.

In 1854, a civil war erupted in Nicaragua between the Legitimist Party and the Democratic Party. The Democratic party found support from Walker as many of the colonists and mercenaries to Nicaragua. Walker brought in veterans of North American war and wars in Europe.

This alarmed Mexico. Mexico sent an expedition to stop William Walker. Eventually Walker and his men were captured in 1856.

Instead of helping reinstall the Legitimist party, the Mexicans conquered Nicaragua and of all Central America. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras were all absorbed by the Mexican juggernaut.

As a Mexican ally, Britain recognize Central America as de jure parts of Mexico. Britain even sold British Honduras and Mosquito Coast to Mexico.

The Tehuantepec Canal was studied but financial, geographic and technical problems delayed the construction of the Canal. However, after United States and Grand Colombia plans were known, to build a railway in Panama, a parallel plan was made by Mexico with the help of the British. They plan to have their own railway at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The Isthmus railway was completed in 1856.


Young Ireland, an organization committed to Ireland’s independence, failed the 1848 uprising against Britain. After 1848 revolts in Ireland and conclusion of the North American war, Irish migrants in U.S. and Mexico started their own filibustering organization. Mexican authorities were more eager to arrest these Irish due to British pressure and as courtesy of British ally. The United States became more tolerant of Irish independence movements. Non-Irish Americans who detested the British supported these organizations. They got financial backing of certain Americans. The plan was to raid Canada and start another revolt in Ireland.

But, the raid of Canada of Irish failed in 1853. The Province of Canada had more stricter border controls than Nicaragua and Spanish Cuba. The revolt in Ireland also failed as British authorities in Ireland were more thorough.


European revolts of 1848 did no spare the South American nations. Brazil had the Praieira revolt from 1848-49 but was crushed by the Brazilian Empire’s National guard.

The Andean Union had their own revolts but was stamped out by the authoritarian regime with strict implementation of laws. The Chileans experienced revolts in 1851 with the government stamping out that same year. Philippines aided since both governments were silver suppliers.

Mexico was still in fervor of their win with the United States, a stable democratic regime overflowing with British aid and Philippine trade.

Gran Colombia had no significant uprising with the United States and Philippines helping the government’s growth and stability. United States playing more of a major role in keeping the friendly regime in power.

A war occurred between Argentine Confederation and an alliance between Empire of Brazil, Uruguay and the Argentine Provinces of Entre Rios and Corrientes. There was a long running dispute between Argentine confederation and Empire of Brazil for influence over Uruguay and Paraguay over the hegemony over the Platine region. British fleet blockaded Argentina. The war ended in 1852 with Empire of Brazil as victors.


Crystal Palace, London​

The Imperial Society of Science was founded by Count Varela in 1826. It is a learned society patterned after the British Royal Society.

After Count Varela’s death, Emperor Andres sponsored the society. Part of the sponsorship was to attend scientific fairs in Europe and America. Each demonstrator and contributor had to be recorded thoroughly. Andres initial intent was to copy, hire or license the products of the military demonstrator. This expanded to machines, tools that the empire needed.

The first fair that the society joined was American Institute Fair in New York, 1829. It was followed by 1832, 1838, 1844, 1850 in Turin; 1834, 1839, 1844, 1849 in Paris France; 1846 in Genoa; 1849 in Birmingham and London.

In 1851, the Imperial Society attended the Great Exhibition in London at the Crystal Palace. Britain wanted to outmatch the French expositions and make it clear to the world that Britain was industrial leader of the world. It not only list exhibitors from Britain but from 45 foreign states (including the Philippines), colonies/dependencies.

The Imperial society wanted Philippines to join as an exhibitor. Andres agrees and limits exhibitors of products that Philippines can market and sell around the world. It should never be about bragging the culture nor the technical capability of the Philippines.

Out of the 13,000 exhibits, one of Andres interest was a Firearms manufacturer named Samuel Colt. Colt Demonstrated his prototype Colt Navy and his old Walker and Dragoon revolvers.

The Philippines was very much interested in United States technology. Philippines already have access to British expertise and technology. Interests of U.S. technology ranged from agriculture machines – McCormick Reaper to Newell's Permutation Lock and Key.

All of the information gathered from these exhibits were shared with local engineers and were made available in the Imperial Library in Manila.

A lot of the machines at the exhibit were licensed, purchased or copied by local engineers and some were improved.

Philippines also started repairing the relationship damage with the United States. Most of those Philippines offended were either members of Knights of Golden Circle or the Democratic party or both. Philippines approached members of the Whig, Free Soil and Liberty parties. Philippines started buying American goods especially products of American ingenuity.

Prince Alfred’s Journal in August 1851:

“I was very much delighted when Mr. Benitez of the Philippine Imperial Society of Science visited me this afternoon to give me a most beautiful watch that Emperor Andres sent me. It came from one of the Philippine exhibitors at the Crystal palace. Mr. Benitez told me I make good use of my time, and that I had a watch which would show me how quickly minutes and hours fly away. I feel grateful to Emperor Andres for being so kind as to send me a watch.”
After the United States loss during the North American war, U.S. eyed expansion southward towards the Caribbean.

United States offered to purchase Cuba from Spain for $10M. Initially the Spanish refused. U.S. threatened Spain with war. With the initial success of Lopez-Lee expedition, the dwindling finances of Spain, Spain just came from the Second Carlist war, Spain sells Cuba and Puerto Rico for $12M.

Cuba was accepted to the United States as a slave state.
I was wondering what happened to Cuba and Puerto Rico in this ATL.....Well, US had to eye Puerto Rico and Cuba sooner than OTL timeline with their Manifest Destiny hampered in the west by Britain and Mexico teaming up against it. This also means that with the purchase of Cuba/ Puerto Rico, the remaining colonial empire of Spain has finally set (compared with OTL 1898). Here's me hoping that after this Spain would finally concentrate on itself rather than holding on to the last vestiges of colonial empires. I'm wondering if you could do a little summary on effects of this on Spain (with the loss of these territories, I think there would be a earlier destabilization of the government and now I think about it, was there any butterfly effects on Spain just because of Philippine independence 1823? cuz from what I read of Spain in the past updates, more or less, it followed a smiliar pattern of OTL?)
n 1854, a civil war erupted in Nicaragua between the Legitimist Party and the Democratic Party. The Democratic party found support from Walker as many of the colonists and mercenaries to Nicaragua. Walker brought in veterans of North American war and wars in Europe.

This alarmed Mexico. Mexico sent an expedition to stop William Walker. Eventually Walker and his men were captured in 1856.

Instead of helping reinstall the Legitimist party, the Mexicans conquered Nicaragua and of all Central America. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras were all absorbed by the Mexican juggernaut.

As a Mexican ally, Britain recognize Central America as de jure parts of Mexico. Britain even sold British Honduras and Mosquito Coast to Mexico.
Interesting, because of a stronger and stable Mexico, they absorbed these independent countries instead of these letting these countries go by themselves. But Mexico already has the resourceful Cali, Texas and additional parts of the Great Plains, why absorb these countries? Instead of letting them go independently, albeit under the "guidance" of Mexico.
I was wondering what happened to Cuba and Puerto Rico in this ATL.....Well, US had to eye Puerto Rico and Cuba sooner than OTL timeline with their Manifest Destiny hampered in the west by Britain and Mexico teaming up against it. This also means that with the purchase of Cuba/ Puerto Rico, the remaining colonial empire of Spain has finally set (compared with OTL 1898). Here's me hoping that after this Spain would finally concentrate on itself rather than holding on to the last vestiges of colonial empires. I'm wondering if you could do a little summary on effects of this on Spain (with the loss of these territories, I think there would be a earlier destabilization of the government and now I think about it, was there any butterfly effects on Spain just because of Philippine independence 1823? cuz from what I read of Spain in the past updates, more or less, it followed a smiliar pattern of OTL?)
With Cuba, it is more or less one of the fork in the roads. Robert E Lee decided to go in ATL rather than not to go like OTL. Failure of the expansion to the west, U.S. including citizens were more willing to invest and man the expedition.

The Filibuster of Narcisco Lopez happened in OTL except it failed.

Spains problems continued to happen in ATL like OTL. Like the recent Second Carlist wars(still happened in ATL like OTL). Spanish coffers are not really overflowing.

Interesting, because of a stronger and stable Mexico, they absorbed these independent countries instead of these letting these countries go by themselves. But Mexico already has the resourceful Cali, Texas and additional parts of the Great Plains, why absorb these countries? Instead of letting them go independently, albeit under the "guidance" of Mexico.

These nations were once part of Mexico. But going independently could happen also.
Was Mexico and Britain allies by this point? by virtue of defensive treaty in the post aftermath of Mexican American War. Cuz I was thinking that Britain had their splendid isolation policy from 1815, right? In OTL? what made them amendable to make an agree to an alliance with Mex? So...no isolation policy for Britain at this time?

I just realized with the implications of having a future British monarch on the throne (esp one with power to make legislations). Coming from a British background, is there any chance that Alfred himself would make/change/repeal laws in Philippines like laws on women and class/racial segregation for example (laws like not allowing women to own property which is actually practiced in Britain common law by this time etc)
Was Mexico and Britain allies by this point? by virtue of defensive treaty in the post aftermath of Mexican American War. Cuz I was thinking that Britain had their splendid isolation policy from 1815, right? In OTL? what made them amendable to make an agree to an alliance with Mex? So...no isolation policy for Britain at this time?
The treaty with Britain only applies in North America due to British and Mexican interest are aligned, defensive treaty vs the USA.

However, if you meant the definition of British Splendid isolation in Europe or permanent alliance with other Great powers. It still applies(since Mexico isn't yet considered a Great power nor in Europe). If you meant the OTL term under Lord Salisbury from 1885 to 1902, that is a couple decades from the current date.

I just realized with the implications of having a future British monarch on the throne (esp one with power to make legislations). Coming from a British background, is there any chance that Alfred himself would make/change/repeal laws in Philippines like laws on women and class/racial segregation for example (laws like not allowing women to own property which is actually practiced in Britain common law by this time etc)
Could be, but why would he. It will create a lot tensions with those in power. class segregation will offend all those in power. Women are all over in government.
Interesting, because of a stronger and stable Mexico, they absorbed these independent countries instead of these letting these countries go by themselves. But Mexico already has the resourceful Cali, Texas and additional parts of the Great Plains, why absorb these countries? Instead of letting them go independently, albeit under the "guidance" of Mexico.
I mean Mexico did used to rule over them and with an antagonistic relationship with the U.S having another front being friendly or be part of the U.S is something they would rather avoid.

So rather than risk letting independent countries getting to cozy to their political eninmy it just safer in their mind to not have that be a possibility in the first place.

Also maybe their victory over the U.S caused some jingoistic feeling to form in Mexico
I mean Mexico did used to rule over them and with an antagonistic relationship with the U.S having another front being friendly or be part of the U.S is something they would rather avoid.

So rather than risk letting independent countries getting to cozy to their political eninmy it just safer in their mind to not have that be a possibility in the first place.

Also maybe their victory over the U.S caused some jingoistic feeling to form in Mexico

Like somewhat like the "American Exceptionalism"? haha Just thinking, since Mexico is playing catch up with stronger and industrializing US, and they are still consolidating their power on the new territories gained from the last war. Since the Central America states are somewhat too independent to ever bow to Mexico (they secede from the 1st Mexican empire and later their federal republic came apart in late 1830s, I recall). Its one thing to take over but the pacification though, it will cost a lot for Mexico (better to have them as protectorate states rather than annexing them for the mean time (they can absorb them later, influencing here and there, support there, suppress here). Being somewhat of the same culture compared to white dominated US at this time and Mexico who can travel into them by land compared to US having to enter them by sea would have Central America preferring being protectorates of Mexico (Mexico win also helped).

And they really have to catch up with US with how US getting friendly with Gran Colombia and had had just annexed the Caribbean islands (which gave them a clear advantage over the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea). if they don't watch out, they have a potential weakness coming the Eastern side and Southeast (though Britain mostly and Philippines may help them in that regards to naval power)
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Like somewhat like the "American Exceptionalism"? haha Just thinking, since Mexico is playing catch up with stronger and industrializing US, and they are still consolidating their power on the new territories gained from the last war. Since the Central America states are somewhat too independent to ever bow to Mexico (they secede from the 1st Mexican empire and later their federal republic came apart in late 1830s, I recall). Its one thing to take over but the pacification though, it will cost a lot for Mexico (better to have them as protectorate states rather than annexing them for the mean time (they can absorb them later, influencing here and there, support there, suppress here). Being somewhat of the same culture compared to white dominated US at this time and Mexico who can travel into them by land compared to US having to enter them by sea would have Central America preferring being protectorates of Mexico (Mexico win also helped).

And they really have to catch up with US with how US getting friendly with Gran Colombia and had had just annexed the Caribbean islands (which gave them a clear advantage over the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea). if they don't watch out, they have a potential weakness coming the Eastern side and Southeast (though Britain mostly and Philippines may help them in that regards to naval power)
The British(Canada) is in the north of USA while having islands in Bahamas, Jamaica near the US and newly acquired Cuba and Hispaniola.

Gran Colombia is cordial with the Philippines. US and Philippines with regards to Gran Colombia are a bit somewhat aligned. Philippines might help Mexico if US invades California but will not help Mexico invade Gran Colombia due to being one of the trade routes.

At this point, since US does not have any ports in Pacific, the Philippines does not want to fight a war with US in the Americas. Philippines also want their tech and import US goods. As long as US keep their expansion in the Atlantic, Philippines will keep on buying US goods and may even help US expand in that direction.
I was reading on the history of the scramble for Africa (since I guess that America expanding in the Atlantic instead of westward may increase its chance of joining the Scramble for Africa for its resources or slave states), then it said that the Scramble of Africa colonization was made possible by the introduction of the anti-malarial drug Quinine. Living in a tropical country where malaria is a potent tropical disease (hence Gurkha inhabiting the Cordilleras rather Europeans), I would imagine Andres and his Imperial Society of Science hearing of this medicine (from the Cinchona tree, a plant native to the Andean Region) as early 1820s and would have been VERY interested in it and the demand would have been very high (with that medicine, they would essentially cure malaria, though it has a lot of side effects compared to modern chloroquine). This could help increase Philippines population a lot.

Just interesting since Charles Ledger brought the modified seeds to London to be sold but the British wasn't interested in it. Instead, Dutch took it (the species grew very well in Java that they became later major supplier of Cinchona ledgeriana), who had similar tropical climate with Philippines . Independent stable tropical Philippines would have first in line to procure seeds and study the plant for their medicinal use (they could buy the seeds instead of the Dutch and they have cordial relations with Andean region thus likely smuggling the plants/seed under radar if monopoly is still being practiced in those areas or if they wanna get aggressive, just straight up do the gunboat diplo to Andean Region for "trade concessions" for the seedlings/saplings). Further studies of the plant could have butterflied the start of a ambitious person with a growing business which specializes in drug processing and manufacturing (looking at you Zobel Ayala with your German descent coming from a line of pharmacists).

Just a thought, OTL German pharmaceutical company discovered chroloquine but was perfected by the Americans in ww2.
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(since I guess that America expanding in the Atlantic instead of westward may increase its chance of joining the Scramble for Africa for its resources or slave states)
It looks like a British-sponsored Northern Secession is lock-and-loaded on our part, isn't it? Philippines has already stacked plenty of d20's on it's part, and so a dilemma that involves the disruption of some of its most important partners (the United States and Mexico) will only make for a REALLY GOOD STORY.
It looks like a British-sponsored Northern Secession is lock-and-loaded on our part, isn't it? Philippines has already stacked plenty of d20's on it's part, and so a dilemma that involves the disruption of some of its most important partners (the United States and Mexico) will only make for a REALLY GOOD STORY.
You mean the American civil war is inevitable? Could be...it would really messed up American internal politics with the south wanting to expanding into Africa (thus expending resources and money to fund the would-be colonies/slave states, angering the anti-slavery faction in the north)

I think Britain and Mexico are Philippines' most important partners rather than US at this time. (and the Philippines is almost a vassal state to Britain when it comes to foreign policy, I think and Phil is doing damage PR control with US. So Philippines would likely side with Britain at this rate) but between US and Mex if worst comes to worst? More likely with Mex for their trade rather US tech/product loss. But if avoided, Good for Phil.
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I was reading on the history of the scramble for Africa (since I guess that America expanding in the Atlantic instead of westward may increase its chance of joining the Scramble for Africa for its resources or slave states), then it said that the Scramble of Africa colonization was made possible by the introduction of the anti-malarial drug Quinine. Living in a tropical country where malaria is a potent tropical disease (hence Gurkha inhabiting the Cordilleras rather Europeans), I would imagine Andres and his Imperial Society of Science hearing of this medicine (from the Cinchona tree, a plant native to the Andean Region) as early 1820s and would have been VERY interested in it and the demand would have been very high (with that medicine, they would essentially cure malaria, though it has a lot of side effects compared to modern chloroquine). This could help increase Philippines population a lot.

Just interesting since Charles Ledger brought the modified seeds to London to be sold but the British wasn't interested in it. Instead, Dutch took it (the species grew very well in Java that they became later major supplier of Cinchona ledgeriana), who had similar tropical climate with Philippines . Independent stable tropical Philippines would have first in line to procure seeds and study the plant for their medicinal use (they could buy the seeds instead of the Dutch and they have cordial relations with Andean region thus likely smuggling the plants/seed under radar if monopoly is still being practiced in those areas or if they wanna get aggressive, just straight up do the gunboat diplo to Andean Region for "trade concessions" for the seedlings/saplings). Further studies of the plant could have butterflied the start of a ambitious person with a growing business which specializes in drug processing and manufacturing (looking at you Zobel Ayala with your German descent coming from a line of pharmacists).

Just a thought, OTL German pharmaceutical company discovered chroloquine but was perfected by the Americans in ww2.
Zobels and Ayalas haven't unified yet.

Johannes Zobel is the pharmacist. In OTL, his grandson will be the one who will marry with the Ayalas. Jacobo Zobel to Trinidad Ayala.

In OTL Antonio Ayala started a distillery(Casa Roxas) with Domingo Roxas which will eventually be Ayala Corporation.

Malaria wise, the scientific version would take time. It is easier to accept Chinese or Nepalese migrants, who are less likely to die with tropical disease. Or procreate 6-7 children per woman(similar to OTL US 1800).
Zobels and Ayalas haven't unified yet.

Johannes Zobel is the pharmacist. In OTL, his grandson will be the one who will marry with the Ayalas. Jacobo Zobel to Trinidad Ayala.

In OTL Antonio Ayala started a distillery(Casa Roxas) with Domingo Roxas which will eventually be Ayala Corporation.

Malaria wise, the scientific version would take time. It is easier to accept Chinese or Nepalese migrants, who are less likely to die with tropical disease. Or procreate 6-7 children per woman(similar to OTL US 1800).
Hhmmmm....jacobo was born around this time right? i wonder with the better education (albeit stricter military like education), his family would decide that he takes his education here in Philippines rather than international Europe.....if that happens, he would be a Filipino raised under Andresian education (would affect his liberalistic views and infused him with Andresian traits, which is rather interesting)

Another thing on the chinchona plantations of Java....if my predictions for the Namayan's future updates is right, the Dutch will lose a lot of their colonies in western Indonesia , its only a matter of Andres deciding of which island to conquer. Sumatra island is to the west of Borneo and Java to the south and so many possibilities (if they get really very aggressive, colony of Batavia, Java and the Java island (where the chinchona plantations in 1870s-1910s will boom in OTL) itself would be their end goal for being the capital of DEI). We already golden tidbit of Philippine merchants of supplying Javanese and Balinese rebels with weapons. Interesting, since the Dutch is the only European country allowed to trade in Japan at this time, and so this might also play a part in Japan's opening up.

PS: Oh, its 1856 hahaha.....seems like 2nd opium war is right around the corner (if it still happens and now I think about it, I haven't heard that much from Britain and China foreign relations), Big chance of Phil replacing US with French and Britain against China.
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Hhmmmm....jacobo was born around this time right? i wonder with the better education (albeit stricter military like education), his family would decide that he takes his education here in Philippines rather than international Europe.....if that happens, he would be a Filipino raised under Andresian education (would affect his liberalistic views and infused him with Andresian traits, which is rather interesting)
We shall see. Under Andres reign liberalistic view wont get you in jail, but if you act on it like protest you get thrown in jail.

Too many butterflies already for the Ayalas to remain as is. e.g. Makati was not bought by the Ayalas or the Roxas since Andres took it from the Catholic orders. While the Zobels are living currently in Malacanang.

As for Jacobo, the Zobels are too up the wealth status to go to the public school compared to the Mercados who need to rent land from the Catholic orders in Calamba in OTL. e.g. The Zobels can buy the land instead. So no public school for Jacobo(miltary training etc).

Another thing on the chinchona plantations of Java....if my predictions for the Namayan's future updates is right, the Dutch will lose a lot of their colonies in western Indonesia , its only a matter of Andres deciding of which island to conquer. Sumatra island is to the west of Borneo and Java to the south and so many possibilities (if they get really very aggressive, colony of Batavia, Java and the Java island (where the chinchona plantations in 1870s-1910s will boom in OTL) itself would be their end goal for being the capital of DEI). We already golden tidbit of Philippine merchants of supplying Javanese and Balinese rebels with weapons. Interesting, since the Dutch is the only European country allowed to trade in Japan at this time, and so this might also play a part in Japan's opening up.

Balinese were still independent at this time. The Javans can constantly rebel and take refuge in Borneo or Luzon. But we shall see what will happen. A few more updates til chapter 30.
We shall see. Under Andres reign liberalistic view wont get you in jail, but if you act on it like protest you get thrown in jail.

Too many butterflies already for the Ayalas to remain as is. e.g. Makati was not bought by the Ayalas or the Roxas since Andres took it from the Catholic orders. While the Zobels are living currently in Malacanang.

As for Jacobo, the Zobels are too up the wealth status to go to the public school compared to the Mercados who need to rent land from the Catholic orders in Calamba in OTL. e.g. The Zobels can buy the land instead. So no public school for Jacobo(miltary training etc).
Interesting...its little nuances of the altered butterflies that keeps me guessing of the future of this ATL (we all know the old saying, a flap of a butterfly's wing can lead to a storm in the another place and time). So, most likely Jacobo will still go international (as mestizo white rich Filipinos are likely to do). the Ayala family wouldn't have Makati at this time (cuz of the Emperor himself) and this would be given to the Zobels instead (or if not, another mestizo family firmly on the side of the the Emperor). Haha cuz of the butterflies already done, the marriage of Zobel and Ayala would be in danger of being butterflied away (which is a big big butterfly of Philippine history, the Ayala Corp is one of the oldest conglomerate of Philippines with diverse businesses that shaped the our modern culture today: Globe Telecoms, BPI etc)
28. Cathedral of the Archangels (1852)
28. Cathedral of the Archangels (1852)


Cathedral of the Archangels, Manila​

Intramuros (0.67 sq km) in Manila has been transformed into a palace complex. For many years, houses, churches, commercial buildings, schools, government offices, etc. were slowly moved outside Intramuros into Manila’s Pombaline Buildings. The movement was hastened after several attempts on the emperor’s life. The movement was decreed by the emperor financed by entities owning properties inside Intramuros. Government buildings were funded by the Imperial Government.

It made sense to move as Catholic Church attendance have been dropping, increased further with the movement of citizens outside Intramuros and composition of Gurkha Guards, which were not Catholic. Materials from Manila Cathedral were moved, Ayuntamiento de Manila (City Hall) or Palacio del Gobernador white marbles imported by Spain from Venice were reused. They all moved to buildings outside Intramuros that were either Pombaline design or approved stone/bricks and wood houses built by locals and Chinese. The Catholic Church insisted on retaining stone materials and baroque design of the churches. The Church gets the exemption approval from Andres on not following the building code.

The new Manila Cathedral was larger. One of the reasons to build a larger Cathedral was to impress and attract more devotees to attend mass in the more anti-clerical Luzon. It also showed the wealth among private citizens in Luzon who donated. All the funding for multiple churches inside Intramuros were also unified. The Shrine of St. Michael and the archangels in San Miguel district in Manila, still in the process of being rebuilt, was chosen as the place for the new Manila Cathedral or Cathedral of the Archangels. The Cathedral will eventually be one of the largest cathedrals in the world. It’s volume and capacity would outclass Milan and Seville Cathedrals. Only St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome was larger.

The wall system of Intramuros have been already improved by this time into a polygonal fort, using concrete casemates. The barracks, work areas and living quarters of the employees were improved or reinforced to building code standards. After demolishing the Palacio del Gobernador, the emperor was living at the Gurkha guard barracks.

After receiving reparations from the Chinese during the Opium war, instead of hiring Portuguese engineers, Andres hired Chinese engineers and workers who were cheaper, migrants flooding from China. Construction materials composed of wooden columns and tiled roof, and brick walls. Very few nails were used. The roof was built using interlocking flower-shaped brackets (Dougong), mortoise and tenon joints. Buildings inside Intramuros became more Chinese architecture than Spanish. Pombaline buildings were more expensive to build than what the Chinese offered.

Andres also built his Gurkhas a temple inside Intramuros. Andres, the Yellow Guards (Amazons) and other employees had a Catholic Chapel inside one of the Chinese designed buildings.

Manila became a melting pot of architectural designs. Government buildings outside Intramuros were Pombaline Portuguese designs; Binondo district, Buddhist temples, Pagodas, Intramuros buildings were ancient Chinese architecture; local Bahay na Bato a mix of local Nipa Hut combined with Spanish Colonial architecture; and Catholic Churches with either Baroque/Gothic architecture.


Chinese architecture in Manila​

Children who were educated in public school spoke and wrote Spanish frequently but early on can speak and understand local native languages at their homes. Those local languages were spoken by their elders. They understood local languages but had no writing to base the languages from nor a dictionary, a written local language system. By the time these children were independent, have their own families and own house, practice of local native language disappeared.

Literature of local native languages in Luzon and Cebu continued but were limited. Native languages were documented but one had to learn Spanish since documentation of native languages that survived were written in Spanish. Those who understand the local native languages were mostly illiterate. And majority of the literates preferred reading Spanish language about Philippine news and events. Success of Mariano and Visayans over the Moros, General Ruiz over the Igorots or the invasion of China were more appealing to the common man of the day. Or Public services that were used or accessed were in Spanish like public education, public libraries and books. Most of the readers of native languages were a very small group of academics and literate elderly. The common man in Luzon and Cebu had more use to learn and use the Spanish than native languages that will not help them in their daily lives.

Private and church schools noticed the drop among even the rich enrollees. Primary public education offered more in geography, agriculture, field medicine, military training, discipline. Private and Catholic schools had more courses on arts, literature, philosophy and theology. Private and Catholic schools start to adapt and include, agriculture, geography and field medicine. Imperial authorities notices this and had gathered data that citizens who enrolled in private schools and Catholic schools had more arrests and were problems for the Imperial society. Imperial authorities starts to require private and Catholic schools to impose loyalty to the Empire with subjects on imperial law, order and discipline. These schools had to comply otherwise will be shutdown. Instead of military training, these private and catholic schools included gymnastics as parents of enrollees in private and Catholic schools complained that their children were less physically fit than public school enrollees.


The building code have positives and negatives. The code provided for guideline for seismic resistant building whether it be a European-Portuguese design, Chinese design or local design. But those approved by the code had more wood materials which made Manila, Cebu and Cavite more fire prone.

This forced the Imperial government to start state funded local fire brigades starting with the major cities. These local brigades patterned after experiences of organized European fire brigades.

Fire hydrants were installed inside the major cities. These hydrants were cast iron and patented by a Philadelphian engineer, Frederick Graff. Horse drawn steam pump fire engines invented in Britain were given to the fire brigades. Protective gear and uniforms were also given.

The Gurkha Guards and Yellow Guards (Amazons) were trained with fire, typhoon and earthquake damage control.


Smog in Cebu​

Due to Cebu’s easy to available industrial resources and population, Cebu has become the most industrialized island of the Empire of the Philippines. Railways are all over the island of Cebu. Coal was heavily mined. Industrial machinery and steam engines were common.

However, progress created certain problems. People started to have respiratory diseases that previous generation had less of, especially among the toddlers, young child and old retirees. Communities in valleys surrounded by hills suffered more deaths as smoke emission became trapped and concentrated.

Coal combustion also affected health of those survived. It led to repeated respiratory illness, slower growth during childhood and shorter adult stature compared to people from rural areas in Luzon.

Mariano had to request increase in healthcare spending from Andres and import more doctors from Europe. Medicine practice start to become common in Cebu due to the affects to local health. European chemist and microbiologist were consulted on how to deal with the health issues.

The Imperial Society of Science recommended the foundation of Medical Research facility. The Imperial Medical Research Institute was founded in Cebu 1852.

Heavy deforestation in Cebu and Luzon were being noticed. Shipyards and industries that demanded wood were the culprits of deforestation. Tropical forests had to make way for farmlands. During Spanish Colonial times, Shipyards were setup to nearest wood source. The local industry demanded less wood during Spanish colonial period. Nowadays, wood is imported from different islands in Visayas, Northern Mindanao and Borneo to complement and preserve wood sources in Luzon.

Philippines had an insatiable appetite for tropical wood. Conquest of the rest Mindanao was carefully considered but after reviewing, conquest was viewed too costly. Philippines must break its treaty with the Islamic states. Carolians which were armed, trained and unified under a confederation, will be harder to conquer. The empire had a good relationship with the Carolians but tensions between the native Carolians and Visayan and Mindanao migrants was increasing. It was cheaper to buy wood from the Sultanates and Carolians. It was also cheaper to buy a large piece of island that is less resistant than conquer a resistant island.

There was a negotiation that started in 1852 with the Dutch to abandon weapon sales in Java and Bali. Philippines was also negotiating with the Sultanate of Tidore. An offer was made to purchase New Guinea. Simultaneously, a parallel negotiation was done with the Dutch to recognize Philippine control of New Guinea. With the rate of deforestation in Luzon and Cebu, Andres’ plan was to supplement Borneo with New Guinea wood in order to slow down deforestation in Borneo.

All the other islands in the empire including Borneo governors were tasked to survey for more coal sites as the empire’s coal demand increases. Incentives were given to find coal inside the empire. British advisors were hired to help in surveying for coal mines.
Intramuros (0.67 sq km) in Manila has been transformed into a palace complex. For many years, houses, churches, commercial buildings, schools, government offices, etc. were slowly moved outside Intramuros into Manila’s Pombaline Buildings. The movement was hastened after several attempts on the emperor’s life. The movement was decreed by the emperor financed by entities owning properties inside Intramuros. Government buildings were funded by the Imperial Government.
Manila became a melting pot of architectural designs. Government buildings outside Intramuros were Pombaline Portuguese designs; Binondo district, Buddhist temples, Pagodas, Intramuros buildings were ancient Chinese architecture; local Bahay na Bato a mix of local Nipa Hut combined with Spanish Colonial architecture; and Catholic Churches with either Baroque/Gothic architecture.
So, Intramuros had been transformed into the palace grounds/complex.....That's quite interesting actually. Especially when it is finished, Andres and the future monarchs would be residing in this area. Since it would be palace of the monarchs, I was expecting European styled architecture, considering that the heir would be British. (though I remembered that Andres values frugality and I'm thinking if that's the case, have the buildings outside of Intramuros be the cheaper architecture while the palace complex itself would be more the expensive pombaline architecture). I'm also assuming Intramuros will be purely a residential area for him and the future leaders? Or are there exempted government building that can be built inside the complex (like the House of Parliament etc).

Due to Cebu’s easy to available industrial resources and population, Cebu has become the most industrialized island of the Empire of the Philippines. Railways are all over the island of Cebu. Coal was heavily mined. Industrial machinery and steam engines were common.
Mariano had to request increase in healthcare spending from Andres and import more doctors from Europe. Medicine practice start to become common in Cebu due to the affects to local health. European chemist and microbiologist were consulted on how to deal with the health issues.

The Imperial Society of Science recommended the foundation of Medical Research facility. The Imperial Medical Research Institute was founded in Cebu 1852.
Of course, Cebu, being the coal island of the Philippines at this time, is the the most likely island that will have the problems of coal dependent economy (health problems and such). I'm glad that they have the Imperial Medical Research Facility (and I guess this is the 1st medical research facility of SEA or even Asia?)....Hehehe, no construction of big hospitals? With the medical research facility also located there, Cebu might also be the go-to-city for the best training for medical researchers, medical doctors and other healthcare workers (this might also lead to an earlier founded medical school that produces the nation's best healthcare graduates (an earlier ATL version of Velez College for medtechs and CIM for physicians)
Philippines had an insatiable appetite for tropical wood. Conquest of the rest Mindanao was carefully considered but after reviewing, conquest was viewed too costly. Philippines must break its treaty with the Islamic states. Carolians which were armed, trained and unified under a confederation, will be harder to conquer. The empire had a good relationship with the Carolians but tensions between the native Carolians and Visayan and Mindanao migrants was increasing. It was cheaper to buy wood from the Sultanates and Carolians. It was also cheaper to buy a large piece of island that is less resistant than conquer a resistant island.

There was a negotiation that started in 1852 with the Dutch to abandon weapon sales in Java and Bali. Philippines was also negotiating with the Sultanate of Tidore. An offer was made to purchase New Guinea. Simultaneously, a parallel negotiation was done with the Dutch to recognize Philippine control of New Guinea. With the rate of deforestation in Luzon and Cebu, Andres’ plan was to supplement Borneo with New Guinea wood in order to slow down deforestation in Borneo.

All the other islands in the empire including Borneo governors were tasked to survey for more coal sites as the empire’s coal demand increases. Incentives were given to find coal inside the empire. British advisors were hired to help in surveying for coal mines.
Ok, at least the growing needs of the empire are addressed. Philippines needs wood for their buildings/shipbuilding and coal for their rising industrial needs. So I assumed that they shelved the conquest of Mindanao again (why do i have the feeling it will bite them back later? mindanao unconquered will leave the visayas/northern mindanao vulnerable. in the past updates, the Dutch knew that Philippines merchants were selling weapons to Javanese and Balinese but are there instances that it was the other way around? (Dutch smuggling weapons for the Moros. I guess with the more stronger Philippines (unlike the weaker Phil in OTL) to the north and the Carolians to the east, I would imagine the Moros themselves would be pressured to do more desperate measures like smuggling western weapons from the Dutch or even British, least they get absorbed by their stronger neighbor. I'm surprised that the Moros never tried peace negotiations with the Carolians and teamed up together against Philippines once they noticed Philippines getting more powerful with its navy and military.

So, Philippines has plans to purchase New Guinea, hmmmm.....that's so far hahaha but I can imagine the possible reaches of the 2nd colonial expansion of ATL Philippines. By that end, I'm already waiting for chap 30.

The new Manila Cathedral was larger. One of the reasons to build a larger Cathedral was to impress and attract more devotees to attend mass in the more anti-clerical Luzon. It also showed the wealth among private citizens in Luzon who donated. All the funding for multiple churches inside Intramuros were also unified. The Shrine of St. Michael and the archangels in San Miguel district in Manila, still in the process of being rebuilt, was chosen as the place for the new Manila Cathedral or Cathedral of the Archangels. The Cathedral will eventually be one of the largest cathedrals in the world. It’s volume and capacity would outclass Milan and Seville Cathedrals. Only St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome was larger.
So, I guess Cathedral of the Archangels (our title for this chap) will be a bigger basilica than the one in Intramuros and other international catholic churches? Nice! Frankly, I rather find it hard to believe haha. Even bigger than the Brazil Cathedral? I guess Brazil would possibly make theirs even larger (after all, it was built in 1950s) after Phil.
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I suppose that it's more like the Sultanates and the nascent Carolians recognising that they were ultimately under the suzerainty of the Andresano government in Manila. To be fair though, the Dutch should have retaliated upon knowing Manila's interference in Java of all places, considering them as dangerous imperialists that they are that have not satisfied itself with Borneo.
I suppose that it's more like the Sultanates and the nascent Carolians recognising that they were ultimately under the suzerainty of the Andresano government in Manila. To be fair though, the Dutch should have retaliated upon knowing Manila's interference in Java of all places, considering them as dangerous imperialists that they are that have not satisfied itself with Borneo.
Which is why Mindanao unconquered will be a weak spot for Philippines (The Dutch can use them against Phil). With the past updates, I have a feeling that the Dutch - Philippine relations are deteriorating (making friends with British, gone to war on the British side (Opium and North American War), the growing Philippine navy (colony of Batavia is a coastal colony) and lately I imagine that the Dutch spies will not be happy with the British heir to Philippine throne, buying up of Borneo and the possible final nail in the coffin, the Javan interference.

But then, the Dutch are quite alone in this area of the world (the only other power in the region is Britain) at this time.....so, who else will the Dutch turn to? The other European powers haven't catch up yet in this region yet and the ones that had former control (Spain/Portugal) have lost their colonies in this area in this time (cept for East Timor....even that will possibly change later in this ATL....who knows?)
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