Empire of Freedom: The History of the American Empire

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Minister Talleyrand
On the 30th of April of 1803, Emperor John I sent to Paris his expert diplomat and pro-French advocate with a secret mission. He arrived in the Toulleries, entering the cabinet of the First Consul, where he saw Napoleon Bonaparte, dressed in the red consular clothes, and his Diplomat Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord.

Napoleon: "Greetings, monsieur Madison. Please take a seat." .
Madison: "Thank you, now, your excellency, I have brought another offer that you might be interested with."

James Madison gave Napoleon a document signed by the Emperor himself, Napoleon and Talleyrand examined it for a minute and handed it back.

Talleyrand: "That's an ambitious proposition, Monsieur Madison, would your government be capable to fulfill its part of such deal ?"
Madison: "Well, if it isn't, I just came here for nothing, I wouldn't offer you a deal that couldn't be offered, and neither would the Emperor. It would be a grave insult to your country and a humiliation to me."
Napoleon: "We would have to enter in contact with the Spanish crown before accepting."
Madison: "I can wait for your decision, I have heard Paris is beautiful this time of the year.

On the 11th of May of 1803, the American Empire signed the Treaty of Paris with the Republic of France and the Kingdom of Spain. The Treaty agreed on the transfer of Louisiana and Florida to the American Empire in return of 10 million dollars. What on the outside seemed like giving it for free, there was a secret part of the deal that was known only between Napoleon, Talleyrand, John I, and James Madison: The American Empire and the French Republic would enter in a secret alliance against Great Britain, in the case of either power entering at war with the United Kingdom, the other one would come to their help. It was created the Franco-American alliance, one of the worst nightmares of London.

The New territories of Louisiana and Florida brought a large amount of riches, lands, opportunity and issues. With the exception of New Orleans, most of the territory was not settled and was controlled by hostile tribes like the Sioux Confederacy in Northern Louisiana.

There was also the imbalance between Slave and Free States, a possibility that worried both the North and the South, with one fearing that the other could get enough seats in the Senate to impose their will on the other. The Emperor was also known for being anti-slavery, even if he had his own slaves, John I had signed several restrictions on slave trade in 1802 and was thinking about taking control of an African territory to send freed slaves back to Africa, in 1805 was created the American Colonization Society. It was created with the idea of sending freed black to Africa since they weren't expected to integrate in American society, and as a way to spread Christianity to the Dark Continent. The Emperor put Bushrod Washington, the Nephew of Emperor Washington, in charge of the ACS that established itself in a land called "Liberia" in Western Africa.


Bushrod Washington

To explore and map this new territory, John I sent an experdition into Louisiana led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, leaving from Pittsburgh and going all the way to the Pacific Ocean in Fort Clatsop, Oregon. The experdition had both scientifical and colonial reasons, entering in contact with several tribes of natives and discovering new species of animals and plants. While also charting the land that God had given to America, as seen in Washington's final address, soon America would be destined to extend from Sea to shinning sea.


Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

In Europe meanwhile, it wouldn't be long before hostilities restarted. In 1804, Napoleon executed Louis Antoine, the Duke of Enghien, after a failed assassination attempt on him by Jacobins on the Christmas of 1803. Napoleon thought that it was a Monarchist plot to kill him after he declared himself Consul-for-life, in retaliation he sent his troops to arrest and shoot the Bourbon. That shocked Europe, and what came next was a not just a step, but a jump too far, on the 2nd of December of 1804, after a referendum, Napoleon declared himself Emperor of the French. And instead of being crowned by the religious head (In his case the Pope), he crowned himself and his wife, and the supreme audacity of declaring himself equal to the European traditional houses was enough for the formation of the 3rd coalition. With Britain, Austria and Russia declaring war on France, it was time to America fulfill its part of the deal.


Coronation of Napoleon I


As in the terms of the Treaty of Paris, the American Empire was obliged to come to help Napoleon in the 3rd coalition war, but the Emperor soon ran into problems. The alliance was kept as a secret, and an attack by America to the British possessions would not be justified, especially with Alexander Hamilton's wing of the "true Federalists" that radically opposed aggression against Britain, with the movement supporting Anti-French policies instead. There was also the difficulty of selling the Conflict for the American people, especially New England merchants who traded with Britain. Luckily, those problems would be solved soon.

On the 29th of January of 1805, after a particularly violent wave of insults between Hamilton and Burr in a birthday party in the house of the Virginian Senator Henry Lee III, Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel and the latter accepted. They both drew their pistols in the garden of the Senator's house and fired, ending with the leader of the Federalist Party dead with a shot in the head. Burr was not prosecuted, in fact, many historians believe that it was a plan of Emperor John I (who was present at the party and left a few minutes before the challenge) to get rid of the main Pro-British voice in America. The proof for that was that the Emperor suspiciously meet Burr before the duel in private, but others claim that a man so obsessed with Law would never endorse an illegal duel, and if he wanted to get rid of Hamilton, there were less risky alternatives. No matter the Emperor's involvement, Hamilton was dead and silenced, with John I Marshall being the one that profited the most of it.


The duel between Hamilton and Burr

The Casus Belli was given to the British, during the Napoleonic Wars, Britain issued an Embargo on France and forbid any nation to trade with the new Empire, but the American traders opted to ignore it. British ships attacked American merchants, boarding the ships and forcing the sailors to be impressed in the Royal Navy, while also stealing its cargo. On the 28th of February of 1805, one incident happened near the coast of Ireland, where an American ship called "Emperor Washington" was intercepted by the British Sloop "HMS York", the American ship disobeyed the order to stop and recieved a warning shot, the Captain was forced to stop and when the British ship approached, the trade ship revealed covered cannons and blasted the main mast of the ship, crippling the "HMS York", the Americans boarded the British ship and a brutal combat followed, with the Yankee marines capturing the ship. But 4 British sailors escaped in a boat and sailed for 3 days until they arrived in Kinsale, spreading the news that American marines captured the ship. Actually, the ship was registered in the name of James Madison, who recruited a crew of mercenaries and dressed them like Marines to capture a British ship and cause a war. A few days later, the HMS York would show up in the port of Cork, with its entire crew decapitated and the bottom full of gunpowder, it was a fire ship that exploded into the harbor, putting 3 other Sloops on fire.

The "HMS York" incident caused outrage in the Parliament, who approved more radical measures on American trade ships, instructing the blockade ships to sink them without warning shots. An embargo on American products was placed, causing uproar amongst New England Merchants, once the main pro-British supporters of the Empire. The congress retaliated by approving armed escorts to the trade ships, with the IAN and the Royal Navy entering in a de facto war in the ocean, with Frigates of both sides clashing on the blockade line, with even French chips joining to help the Americans. This would continue until on the 25th of May of 1805, the British sent their own "HMS York", by capturing the "Emperor Washington" near Nova Scotia and sending it back against the Boston harbor, causing a large fire on the city. On the following day, Emperor John I declared war on the United Kingdom and sent over 14,000 men into Quebec, 9,800 into the Niagra, and 4,200 into the Midwest, the Canadian War had started.


The British had an ally in America, controlling a large territory of modern Illinois and Northern Ohio, the Shawnee Confederacy under Tecumseh Allied itself with British interests as a protection against the rising American Empire. Tecumseh was an able leader who wanted to create a great tribal Confederacy East of the Mississipi, he established his Confederacy into the city of Prophetstown, leading several raids on American supply lines. Knowing that it was dangerous to leave a strong Indian army behind during the invasion of Canada, the Emperor sent a 3,000 men army to attack Prophetstown and kill Tecumseh. For such task, the men were put under the command of General William Henry Harrison, a veteran of the Northwestern War, used to fight against guerrillas and Indians. Harrison led his men into 3 pincer attacks across the Shawnee lands, sacking and burning tribal towns in the way, provoking Tecumseh to attack, while on paper the 4,000 men army of the Shawnee was large, it couldn't beat the firepower advantage in a direct confrontation. Instead he harassed the pincers and directed them to the region of the Maumee river, away from the tribal lands and separating them further away to prevent reinforcements. But he was the one being baited, for a 1,200 men army under Harrison's rising star commander Horatio Leeper attacked and destroyed Prophetstown, massacring its population and sending the heads to Tecumseh. The enraged tribal leader acted with emotion and headed back West, defeating one of the pincers and outmaneuvering the other two to attack Leeper in the Tippercanoe River, where the Yankee troops managed to repeal the Indian attack across the river from entrenched positions and later counter attacked the exhausted native Americans. On the 8th of October of 1805, after months of playing cat and mouse, Tecumseh was killed by an American bullet and his body was carried away by the river, being found two days later by his own men, after the death of their leader and Capital, the Shawnee Confederacy collapsed.


The American troops charging the Natives in the Tippercanoe River
Meanwhile, the American attack broke the British defenses of the Niagra peninsula, taking Forts Eire and George, pushing and capturing the City of York. General Zebulon Pike restrained the American troops and treated the city fairly, then pushing to the North and attacking Kingstown. The siege of Kingstown lasted from the 18th of October of 1805 until the 6th of January of 1806 after a brutal winter siege starved the city, with the Imperial army capturing over 2,000 British troops and militias. The second attack was headed by General Henry Dearborn, pushing 14,200 men into Quebec and capturing the South of the St. Laurent river. The British General Sir Isaac Brook mounted a desperate defense of the city with 6,800 men, for 3 times the Americans attempted to cross the river, and only succeeded on the 4th, with General Brook killed in action during a desperate defense, leading one last charge to halt the Americans. Over 2,700 British troops were lost, while the Americans lost almost 5,000, but the city of Quebec fell on the 5th of November of 1805. The American troops stopped the advance due to the Winter, but now the cities of Montreal and Ottawa were essentially isolated from Britain, Canada (with the exception of the Maritimes) was now almost in American hands, but Britain wasn't out of the War yet.


IAN "Trenton" against the HMS "Guerriere"
On the seas, the American Imperial Navy and the Royal Navy entered in a full scale war in the Great Banks of New England and New Scotia. The Royal Navy decreed a blockade in the American coast, but enforcing it was an issue, with the threat of the combined Franco-Spanish fleet in Europe pinning down a large portion of the Home fleet, reinforcements couldn't be sent to the North American holdings. That allowed the American Imperial Fleet to defeat the North American squadron in the Battle of Halifax, with the elderly Admiral John Paul Jones leading the IAN "Valley Forge" a 120-gun juggernaut into battle. One of the main fights of the battle was the duel of the IAN "Trenton" and the HMS "Guerriere", while not as important, it was the most remembered, seeing the British frigate being blown up after getting hit in the gunpowder room. The British navy in North America was powerful, but was spread from the Caribbean to Newfoundland, allowing the faster American frigates to defeat them in individual engagements and retreat before reinforcements arrived. These hit-and-run tactics would cause massive loses to the Royal Navy, with the port of Halifax full of damaged ships, only for it to be burned by a fire ship on the 19th of September, a hijacked HMS "King George II" was able to infiltrate in the harbor and got lightened on Fire by a team of marines in a boat hit behind it under the cover of the night. The Raid of Halifax burned over a dozen ships and crippled the double, forcing the Royal Navy to send reinforcements to the New World in 1806, led by Admiral Lord Nelson.
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On the 7th of March of 1806, Admiral Nelson led the British fleet to the New World, keeping Admiral Collingwood in charge of the Home Fleet. Nelson led a large squadron of 4 Ships of Line, 14 Frigates, and 18 Sloops, and while still outnumbered by the Imperial American Fleet, Nelson said that it was enough. He led his fleet to Bermuda for supplies, and then sailed straight to Chesapeake Bay, threatening the Capital in Columbia. Upon discovering that, Admiral John Paul Jones led 5 Ships of Line, 22 Frigates, and 15 Sloops to halt the British advance, believing that his superior numbers would give victory. That might have been true, if he wasn’t fighting Admiral Nelson, and on that day of March, the Battle of Chesapeake Bay started.

The two sides formed two lines, with the HMS Victory and the IAN Valley Forge staying in the front of the left line. Both sides advanced against one another and the cannons began to fire, the 120 guns of The Valley Forge were the first to fire, damaging a British Frigate. And from there, the battle became a bloodbath, with two massive fleets engaging one another, where the Americans saw that their bit more than they could chew, even if they had superior numbers, they had nowhere as close to the British quality in crew. As the old British proverb said, “It takes 3 years to build a ship, but 300 to build an admiral”, and the Americans were less experienced, the time that took for an American canon to reload was enough for the British to fire twice.

In the middle of the battle, the Victory and The Valley Forge saw one another, and a duel of John Paul Jones’ superior ship and Nelson’s superior gunnery would begin. They clashed into broadsides, the British fired cannonades to make the American crew bleed, with Nelson planning to board the ship and take it as a prize. The Valley Forge fired incendiary ammunition on the Victory, putting fire on the second deck, they both went so close to one another that their crews were trading musket and pistol shots, Nelson would be remembered of holding the Union Jack while firing at the American crew, becoming a symbol of British Naval Tradition.

After 40 minutes trading shots, the IAN Valley Forge rammed the Victory, but the iron parts of the hull resisted the ramming, and the Victory used that to fire a full broadside on the Yankee ship, damaging its mast and sails. The wounded titan was then boarded by the British crew, with Nelson leading the assault himself, meeting the old American Captain and dueling him himself while the battle raged on around them. John Paul Jones was old, almost 20 years older than Nelson, and this allowed the younger and faster Admiral to disarm him after 4 full minutes. Seeing his admiral defeated, one of the Marines shot Nelson in the shoulder, allowing Jones to reach for his saber and continuing the fight. But Nelson, even with his right shoulder shot, managed to defeat the exhausted veteran, claiming the prize of the ship with the American crew surrendering. But one of the Yankee marines would rather die than be a British POW, he escaped to the lower decks and lightened up the gunpowder barrels, with the Ship exploding just after Nelson and the captured Admiral went back to the Victory. The explosion of The Valley Forge could be seen from Baltimore, and seeing their Capital ship destroyed, the rest of the American fleet escaped to Baltimore.

The British lost 5 Sloops, 3 Frigates, and One ship of Line had to be scuttled. While the IAN lost 3 Ships of Line (Including The Valley Forge), 10 Frigates, and 8 Sloops. And with that the Royal Navy blockaded Columbia and bombarded the port of Baltimore, even sending one of the heavily damaged sloops to ram it with fire. The tide of the Naval war had turned, and an army of 3,400 British Marines landed in the Bay and attacked Columbia. Emperor Marshall would not flee, he would stand and fight, leading the Imperial Guard of 2,000 men into the defense of the city. It would start the Battle of Columbia.


The White House burned by British Troops

The Battle of Columbia would be vicious, with the British supported by Naval Artillery bombarding the city. Between the 10th and the 13th of March, the British would launch several assaults into Columbia, and on the last day, under the leadership of Sir Thomas Picton, the Yankee lines broke. The Emperor and hi guard stayed behind and fought the British to the last, to give time for the Civilians to escape. John I Marshall would be shot 3 times and, when the last guards were defeated, either shot himself in the head, died of his bleedings, or was killed by a British sniper. Either way, the second Emperor of America was killed and Columbia was burned, with reinforcements arriving under General Andrew Jackson on the next day to drive the British marines out of Columbia, finding the body of the Emperor and swearing to avenge him. The British started a much bloodier phase of the war, because now America wanted nothing but Blood and Revenge
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Yep, the British done fucked up. By killing the emperor and burning down the capital city they've kicked the hornets' nest.

What happens to them next won't be pretty.
RIP Marshall. You did America proud. Honestly, I suspect that he’ll be made a martyr and a national symbol of pride and an Emperor second to only Washington since here he was, the ruler of America, and instead of retreating, he choose to fight to the end to defend the American citizenry
I don't think America has much potential to do any real harm to the British--the greater implication here I think is stronger American nationalism and perhaps a slippery slope towards the death of federalism.