Empire of a Hundred Millennia: a Congo River Civilization TL

Questions for you:

1. We are talking about H. sap. sap., and not some other Homo species, right? Or are you being vague and allowing for analogues of H.s.s.?

I'm being vague. The reason for this is that while the POD is 3 MYA, I'm treating the rise of civilization along the Congo River as the real POD, which is to say I'm disregarding all butterflies between those two points, while plotting anyway. I will likely acknowledge some butterflies at a later point.

This brings me to the main reason for being vague: the humans ITTL are for all intents and purposes anatomically modern H. sapiens sapiens, but there would be differences at the genetic level. They wouldn't be quite the same species as us, but overtly drawing attention to the city-builders in Africa being "not really human" has some uncomfortably racist undertones. It wouldn't really be racist, but it would sound a heck of a lot like old-timey racism, so I'm trying to downplay it.

2. Flora, fauna, geography: The Congo river, I assume, is dry enough for wheat and other familiar grasses to grow, right? What animals are we talking about here? Animals were obviously different 100 kya, so what animals are being used? Are they analogues as well?

That's, well, some of that is still to be determined.

I've been kind of inconsistent on how much the ice age has affected the climate of Africa, and I could definitely use some help from an expert on the topic. Here's the understanding I'm working from: 100 KYA was near the beginning of the most recent Ice Age, so for the purposes of this TL, the areas furthest from the equator are the most affected. The Congo is about as thickly forested as today, but the world is getting drier: the Sahara is growing larger, and the Nile is not as fertile as it is OTL. Considering that the agricultural revolution began OTL about 10,000 BC, extrapolating forward ITTL, by "modern" times the ice age will be a major ecological catastrophe. Civilization has picked a phenomenally bad time to arise.

It's possible that some wild species of wheat relatives (other Triticum species) may be native to Ethiopia, though I've not heard of it. But the domesticable versions of wheat (einkorn and emmer) were confined to the Fertile Crescent. Having them crop up in Ethiopia is a bit of a stretch.

I'd suggest simply using some of the native African domesticable cereals instead. Teff - which is from Ethiopia - is a good choice for anywhere that's not too hot, since it's native to the Ethiopian highlands.

For a higher-temperature, drought-tolerant alternative, sorghum (aka the cereal that Diamond forgot) is what you need. Easily domesticable, highly drought and altitude tolerant, it's well-suited for the conditions of the time.

Thanks for the info! It's not nitpicking at all, that's a pretty substantial thing for me to get wrong.

Based on Wikipedia, Teff sounds pretty ideal for growing:

Wikipedia said:
Teff has been widely cultivated and used in the countries of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Teff accounts for about a quarter of total cereal production in Ethiopia.[7] The grain can be used by celiacs (the gluten in teff does not contain the a-gliadin-fraction that causes a reaction in those with celiac disease) and has a high concentration of different nutrients, a very high calcium content, and significant levels of the minerals phosphorus, magnesium, aluminum, iron, copper, zinc, boron and barium, and also of thiamin.[8] Teff is high in protein. It is considered to have an excellent amino acid composition, including all 8 essential amino acids for humans, and is higher in lysine than wheat or barley.[citation needed] Teff is high in carbohydrates and fiber. In one 2003-2004 study in Ethiopia, farmers indicated a preference among consumers for white teff over darker colored varieties.[9] Teff is gaining popularity in the western United States as an alternative forage crop, in rotation with a legume such as alfalfa, because it uses C4 photosynthesis, similar to that of corn. It is noted for its high quality and high yield, when compared to other forage rotations.[10] It is also known as an "emergency crop" because it is planted late in the spring when the growing season is warmer, and most other crops have already been planted. It does not tolerate any type of frost. [11] Teff is also valued for its fine straw, which is traditionally mixed with mud for building purposes.

Sorghum is also an ideal dry-weather crop. Thank you greatly for this information, I will definitely be working it into the TL.
Thanks for the info! It's not nitpicking at all, that's a pretty substantial thing for me to get wrong.

Based on Wikipedia, Teff sounds pretty ideal for growing:

Sorghum is also an ideal dry-weather crop. Thank you greatly for this information, I will definitely be working it into the TL.

Would dry weather crops really work for the Congo basin? I would think that there's too much water in the system for them?

My recollection of the Ethiopian Agricultural complex in OTL was that it was a highland agricultural complex. ie, it grew at altitudes that mimicked the weather conditions of very different latitudes. That meant that it was unable to spread to the surrounding countryside, which had very different temperature and rainfall regimes. Ethiopia or Abyssinia ultimately ended up being an isolated pocket.

It seems to me that your Congo civilization would have to adopt or adapt new plants.
Would dry weather crops really work for the Congo basin? I would think that there's too much water in the system for them?

My recollection of the Ethiopian Agricultural complex in OTL was that it was a highland agricultural complex. ie, it grew at altitudes that mimicked the weather conditions of very different latitudes. That meant that it was unable to spread to the surrounding countryside, which had very different temperature and rainfall regimes. Ethiopia or Abyssinia ultimately ended up being an isolated pocket.

It seems to me that your Congo civilization would have to adopt or adapt new plants.

Taken into consideration. It sounds like more research is in order. Luckily, I have an uncle who is a horticulturalist.

How's sleeping sickness doing in TTL ?

Exactly the same? The Tsetse fly is still around, so that would be unaffected.
Exactly the same? The Tsetse fly is still around, so that would be unaffected.

That poses major challenges for your civilization, particularly for domesticated animals. You may want to poke around for concepts of a labour-meat-product domesticate that isn't affected by Tsetse.
Questions for you:

1. We are talking about H. sap. sap., and not some other Homo species, right? Or are you being vague and allowing for analogues of H.s.s.?

What about other hominids? I think that it would be interesting to see neanderthals absorbed into a civilization of the "Purebreed" H.s.s. that was archaic afrcans, or maybe genocide of all other hominids. For more information on other hominids click the link in my signature.
What about other hominids? I think that it would be interesting to see neanderthals absorbed into a civilization of the "Purebreed" H.s.s. that was archaic afrcans, or maybe genocide of all other hominids. For more information on other hominids click the link in my signature.

You can expect Neanderthals, that's for sure. However, I need to first deal with Africa before we can start looking at Europe. ;)
Society of Cheauri in the Tumbuktu Kingdom Period

Society of Cheauri in the Tumbuktu Kingdom Period

The Niger River Civilization, or the Kingdom of Cheauri, couldn’t really be said to have a unified society during the Tumbuktu Kingdom Period, due to the diversity of cultures and ethnicities between the cities. However, the upheaval of the Gold Wars had a paradoxically unifying effect on the region, culturally if not politically.

The constant changes of loyalty among the mercenary bands caused widespread cultural mixing. By the reign of King Qallic, well over 60% of the population was of mixed ancestry, and this number would continue to grow. Eventually the region would become a melting pot, and a true Cheauri culture and ethnicity would develop; but for the time being the area was simply a metropolitan mixing of groups. Even before this true unification, though, a number of common cultural traits developed:

Cheauri society is, for all intents and purposes, matriarchal. Women are considered the head of the household, most city hierarchies consist of women, and in a few city states where the local governor was elected, men didn’t even have the vote. The reason for this is that twenty years of war fought exclusively by men radically altered the social landscape of the region. The bands of men, which began as simple mercenary organizations, eventually became part of the social fabric. Most men went off to join a band, because it was simply what you did when you came of age. During wartime, the vast majority of families were single-parent, almost always a single mother. It is estimated that 50% of children born during the Gold Wars were born out of wedlock, and perhaps up to 5% were children of rape, though that is the highest credible estimate. Even among married couples, many were effectively single-parent families, due to the father leaving to fight in the war. It became the Cheauri social norm that cities and homes were the domain of women, while war was the domain of men. This trend continued even into the relative peacetime of the Tumbuktu Kingdom Period, with many of the warrior bands becoming bandits.

This social delineation, where women remained in a large, stationary community for most of their lives, while the men joined nomadic bands, led to the incredible degree of racial integration in Cheauri. The constant war also meant that at the point of the Jackal’s coronation as King Qallic, women represented over 60% of the population, because of casualties in the wars.

While most regions still retained their languages during the TKP, Shasong asserted itself as the lingua franca of Cheauri, due to the economic dominance of Ghoahorrum, the trading port on the Atlantic coast, at the mouth of the Niger.

One area which was profoundly altered by social change during the wars was religion, largely as a result of its lack of organization. Religious practices in the Niger River area were paradoxically both homogenous, yet incredibly diverse. While the religion of the region as a whole was very similar, the particulars of the beliefs varied drastically between areas, sometimes from town to town. Religion in the Cheauri was largely based on folk mysticism, the most prominent spiritual figures being what we might call witch-doctors (as an aside, witch-doctor was one of the few jobs other than warrior that it was acceptable for men to have). Where Oosong religion was esoteric and based more on blessings and good fortune, Cheauri religions were more rooted in an attempt to understand and explain the natural world. A strong herbalistic trend ran through them, and this led to the discovery of several psychoactive plants, most notably Tabernanthe iboga, known to them as Woogu. Woogu is a powerful hallucinogen, and key to several local religious practices. Most Cheauri folk tales are “just-so stories”, more properly known as etiological myths; stories which purport to explain aspects of the natural world. The most common mythological figure among Cheauri groups is Black Jackal, a trickster figure.

This commonality made the jackal a kind of unofficial symbol of the Cheauri region, which is believed to be part of the reason why the man who became King Qallic took on the Jackal as his persona. By fashioning himself into the personification of the Cheauri as a whole, Qallic maintained an incredible degree of popularity; this near-cult of personality meant that his authority was not questioned on the basis of his masculinity. His son, however, would not be afforded the same deference, and this would ultimately lead to the end of the Tumbuktu Kingdom Period.
...this might be the most amazingly original timeline I've seen yet posted on this site. And I'm very curious to see how a matriarchal society will develop. Keep up the good work!
Great TL! I have subscribed!

I have two pieces of food for thought: You don't need to have grains to have a complex society, and in fact in the Congo River Basin Rainforests it would probably be more ASB than orchards and yams. Secondly, agriculture, though perhaps not civilization at this stage, could spread with tef and sorghum thanks to certain techniques: Have a look at Wikipedia's article on OTL Oasisamerican Agriculture.
Just wanted to say that I'm going to be posting an update this morning, with more on the history of the Niger River Civilization.

I'd just like to say thank you to everybody posting information, don't ever feel like you're spoiling the concept or that I'll be mad because something I've written doesn't work. I personally consider this thread to be a first draft, so nothing is set in stone. For instance, I urge you to disregard everything I've posted about agriculture ITTL, since that needs much more research. My current thinking is that Congo River agriculture will be much more fruit based than OTL, which is largely vegetable based. Again, I need to do much more research before I can definitively say "Their agriculture would be like this".
A Brief History of the Tumbuktu Kingdom

A Brief History of the Tumbuktu Kingdom


The Reign of King Qallic

The reign of King Qallic was a golden age for the Cheauri; to go from chaotic, seemingly endless war to a state of peace within 5 years seemed like nothing less than a miracle. The people at last had an opportunity to settle down and rebuild, and one of the first things they did was reopen the gold mines. With gold flowing out of the country like never before, the Cheauri entered a time of incredible prosperity.

The Tumbuktu Kingdom Period marked the beginning of the first organized relations between states: Cheauri envoys to the Volta River Civilization, by then known as the Kingdom of Cozzi, established the first foreign embassy in the capitol city of Kofi. While many in the Cheauri viewed Cozzi as a potential conquest, Qallic had no desire to return to war so soon after establishing peace. To secure gold trade between the two countries, Cozzi willingly became a client state of Cheauri, in exchange for Cheauri mining methods. Cozzi was now ruled by a man with a title which will here be translated as “Duke”.

The Gambia River Civilization, by then known as Jolof, likewise became a client of Cheauri. While the tiny land had little to commend itself, its weakness allowed a greater deal of Cheauri influence, essentially creating for them a second port; though one far from any sources of trade. Growing Jolofan fisheries would help to feed their desert neighbors in Cheauri, and some intrepid merchants would begin expeditions north, to find the rumoured forest land beyond the Sahara and the Great Sea.

The Royal Family

One of the earliest things that Qallic did as king was marrying into the royal families of the various city-states along the Niger. All in all, he took nine Cheauri wives, and later took a wife from both Cozzi and Jolof to cement those alliances. By the end of his life, these marriages had produced a total of 37 children. These children would become the founders of most of Africa’s royal houses over the course of the following centuries.

His first wife was Minda of Tumbuktu, daughter of the treacherous king whom Qallic had deposed. From Qoll (OTL Gao) he married Frusu, from Djaali (OTL Djenne) he married Oksum, from Agadesh (OTL Bamako) he married Simoan, from Zill (OTL Tembakounda) he married Tushael, from Lusendech (OTL Niamey) he married Gorm, from Gutuku (OTL Lokoja) he married Suruma, from Samsa (OTL Onitsha) he married Joruka, and from Ghoahorrum (near OTL Yenagoa) he married Kaija. His wives from Cozzi and Jolof were named Yoko and Tika respectively, for a total of 11 wives.

That is a lot of names to remember, so don’t feel bad if you just skipped that paragraph because your eyes began to glaze over, or if you can’t remember them all, because Qallic probably couldn’t either. Most of his wives were effectively concubines who existed solely to cement the Tumbuktu Kingdom’s legitimacy. Only Minda, Oksum and Kaija held any real political sway, due to the prominence of their home cities. These three wives accounted for eleven of Qallic’s children, and it was mostly these eleven who would found royal houses with lasting influence. The two most prominent children during Qallic’s life were Thaisha, his eldest child, daughter of Kaija; and Roshorruk, his fourth child, son of Minda.

As the first product of a union between previously warring families, Thaisha’s birth represented the end of the Gold Wars, and the dawn of a new era of peace. A precocious child, she was beloved by both the nobility and the general populace, and she was seen as the queen-to-be. Some extremely conservative families of the nobility even suggested that Qallic should abdicate the throne upon Thaisha coming of age, since she as a woman would be more fit to rule a kingdom at peace. However, these views were not held by many, as Qallic continued to hold folk hero status. The family situation became more complicated as more children were born and grew older. The second-oldest son, Roshorruk, was the spitting image of his father, and took after him not just in appearance but in manner. The nobility nicknamed him Kallutu, the Cheauri Nubian word for jackal pup, in a teasing reference to how much he took after the king. It soon became apparent that Roshorruk was the king’s favourite.

The Succession Crisis

At the age of 57, King Qallic fell ill with sleeping sickness. Preparing to die, he officially named Roshorruk his heir, surprising and enraging the nobility. Various noble families began quietly making plans to convince Roshorruk to leave, and install Thaisha as queen after Qallic died and would no longer have a say in the matter. However, when they approached Roshorruk with the plan, he was enraged and informed the king, who had Thaisha banished to her homeland of Ghoahorrum, to prevent any efforts to defy his wishes concerning inheritance.

While the king would recover from his illness, he suffered irreparable neurological damage from it. As a result, for the rest of his life he remained bedridden and dubiously lucid, and for those five years Minda effectively ruled as a regent. The brief regency was a time of conspiratorial planning, with whispers of assassinating Roshorruk. Minda, however, was both widely respected and supportive of her son’s ascension, and she headed off all plans to depose him. Upon Qallic’s death, Roshorruk became King of the Cheauri. In imitation of his father, he took a regnal name: Qasim, which meant “falcon” in the proto-Nubian language of his father’s name.

The Reign of King Qasim

In a play to build the people’s confidence in him, and evoke memories of his father’s early reign, Qasim set out on a campaign to annex the Tchadda River. In preparing for this, he accomplished probably the greatest achievement of his reign: he united the roving bandits into a professional Cheauri army, the first of its kind in the world. With this army, he invaded and conquered the Tchadda River Civilization, bringing it into the Tumbuktu Kingdom. However, this would soon prove to be a pyrrhic victory at best.

The move to militarization alienated a nobility used to peace, and they perceived the new army as a potential threat to their status. Furthermore, while the people were excited and enthusiastic for the very premise of conquest, the nobility were aware that the Tchadda River Civilization was little more than a huge tract of desert with some farms along the shore of the river, and that it had little offer the rest of the Cheauri. There was also a racial element to this resentment, as most of the nobility were primarily Waati or Nubian, whereas the population of the Tchadda was uniformly Shasong, a group stereotyped as uncivilized.

With the war over and a huge professional army standing around doing nothing, Qasim instituted the Companions of the King, an order comparable to feudal knights. All of the soldiers in the army became Companions, individuals tasked with upholding the law in the Cheauri, becoming the first police force in the world. However, this didn’t really work out. The Companions had gone, in less than ten years, from being looting, raping, and pillaging bandits, to being the men tasked with upholding the law. Needless to say, corruption was rampant. Many of the Companions were the same terrors they had always been, but now with the backing of the King. This led to a period of chaos that hadn’t been seen since the Gold Wars, eroding popular support for the King.

The Cheauri Civil War

After about five years of this chaos, the Duke of Ghoahorrum called for an election. A move like this was unprecedented, since the election of the ruler had long since become the nobility giving their rubber stamp to the monarch’s heir. It had been over a hundred years since any of the kingdoms of the Cheauri had actually conducted serious elections. Over the course of the year, one by one, each city’s duke recognized the election call, and upon the vernal equinox, all the dukes (save for the Duke of Tumbuktu) met in Ghoahorrum to elect a new monarch. In their first round of voting, they unanimously chose Thaisha to become Queen of the Cheauri. This did not go over well with King Qasim, who dispatched the Companions to Ghoahorrum to kill the dukes and Thaisha.

Only about half the Companions’ force could be mustered against Ghoahorrum, many simply disregarded the order and continued to wreak chaos in their areas, while some supported Thaisha to become Queen. As the Companions did not travel together, they arrived at Ghoahorrum at different times, and when they did, they continued to use the bandit tactics they’d always used, tactics the city guards were trained to counter. All these factors allowed the city’s organized militia to rout them. Following the end of the botched siege of Ghoahorrum, Thaisha announced that all Companions willing to swear allegiance to her and a code of honour would be made nobility, and all who sided with Qasim or continued to pillage would be killed. Around a fifth of the Companions swore their loyalty to Thaisha, and with this army and the very best militiamen of the cities, Thaisha laid siege to Tumbuktu.

Instead of seeking to take the city by force, Thaisha’s army planned to simply starve the city into submission without ever engaging in direct battle. With the city cut off from outside contact, the nobles quickly began plotting against the king. After two weeks of siege, supplies were essentially exhausted. The nobles could take no more, and had both Qasim and the Duke assassinated. They then appointed one of Qallic’s daughters, Simoan the Younger, as Duchess of Tumbuktu, and she immediately negotiated surrender.

The Ascension of Thaisha

While Thaisha was beloved by the nobility in Tumbuktu, she distrusted them. She viewed their allowing her exile as a betrayal, and became far more at home in Ghoahorrum among her mother’s people. Despite being half-Nubian through her father Qallic, she distrusted Nubians, believing them to be inherently warlike. This was not helped by the majority of the Companions being Nubian, though this was attributable to social factors, not race. Thaisha made the decision to move the capitol from Tumbuktu in the far north to Ghoahorrum in the far south. This began a period that would see the racial integration of the Gold Wars begin to break down, as smoldering racial resentment would begin to develop between the cities at the two ends of the Niger. The Tumbuktu Kingdom had ended, and the Ghoahorrum Queendom Period began.
Damn, that is a big empire!

For domesticates, if you're looking to create an African version of the Big 5 (pigs, goats, sheep, cows, and horses) I do have some suggestions. Eland could make a good cattle equivalent. IOTL there have been attempts to raise them commercially, though I think that success has been mixed. Warthogs would make good grazing animals in drier areas, while red river hogs could act like Eurasian pigs in wetter areas.

I'm afraid that I'm really not quite so familiar with potential alternate African crops. Certainly silviculture (agriculture of trees) would be big in the Congo basin, though outside of that I don't know how well it could work. In drier areas, certainly an early domestication of teff or sorghum along with a larger human population to grow it and create cultivars that can grow in different environments could allow these plants to spread pretty far.

I also think baobab fruit would make an interesting crop :)
Damn, that is a big empire!

In case there's any confusion, that map does not show borders, just the locations of cities. Furthermore, the kingdom at this point has little reach beyond those cities and their immediate surroundings.

For domesticates, if you're looking to create an African version of the Big 5 (pigs, goats, sheep, cows, and horses) I do have some suggestions. Eland could make a good cattle equivalent. IOTL there have been attempts to raise them commercially, though I think that success has been mixed. Warthogs would make good grazing animals in drier areas, while red river hogs could act like Eurasian pigs in wetter areas.

I'm afraid that I'm really not quite so familiar with potential alternate African crops. Certainly silviculture (agriculture of trees) would be big in the Congo basin, though outside of that I don't know how well it could work. In drier areas, certainly an early domestication of teff or sorghum along with a larger human population to grow it and create cultivars that can grow in different environments could allow these plants to spread pretty far.

I also think baobab fruit would make an interesting crop :)

Cool stuff. It looks like, according to Wikipedia, there have been some successful efforts to domesticate the Giant Eland. Baobab also seems like a viable crop. The problem is that ITTL the Congo is still a rainforest, and Baobabs are dry-weather plants. I still need some of those, but Congo agriculture is the biggest unanswered question.


There aren't words in the languages i know to describe how awesome this is.
Granted i only know 3 languages but Still!