Yes, I'm well aware that there are several other colour keys already. But this is the one I always wanted, exactly the way I want it to be. My goal is not at all to create a universal standard, or to supplant other mapping schemes. It's just that there was no existing colour key that provided me with colours for just about every historical country that ever existed— so I made one myself.
To be more specific: I built upon the work of many others, altering and expanding, until this final product was created. Just like every other colour key currently in use, this one is also based on those that came before. Which others are those, you ask? I'll tell you, via a brief history of colour keys.
Needless to say, the whole issue of colour schemes used for mapping has caused no end of trouble in the past.Putting aside the contingent of people who reject fixed colour keys altogether, and who thus use CIWYL ("Colour It Whatever You Like") as their (anti-)system of choice, there has never been agreement on which key should be used universally. I do not expect such agreement to be reached hereafter, either.
To start with, there has been the Universal Colour Scheme (UCS), which gained a competitor in the Unified Colour Palette (UCP). Most elements of the UCP were eventually absorbed into the UCS, apparently because many of the UCP's colours being used in the UCS by a lot of people in any case. The UCS subsequently became the Thandean Colour Scheme (TCS). Later additions led to an expanded version, known as TCS+. When the additions ended up being as a large a part of the scheme as the original content, the result became the Revised Colour Scheme (RCS), the most recent version of which (to my knowledge) can be found here. The main existing rival systems to the RCS have for some time been TACOS (discussion thread here, most recent version of which I am aware here) and X2 (discussion thread here, most recent version of which I am aware here).
These are all beautiful, carefully crafted colour keys, and each one of them has its share of enthusiastic adherents. For the great majority of maps, any one of them will certainly suffice. Yet they are all limited in the amount of colours they offer. There are many countries on earth, and not one of these colour keys offers a distinct hue for each existing country— let alone colours for potential countries (such as existing separatist regions or other ATL countries) or the teeming multitude of historical countries. Last year, an endeavour was embarked upon to remedy this. To create an all-encompassing colour key. This project was dubbed TOASTER— The One All-encompassing Scheme To Eternally Rule.
As soon as I learned of its existence, I became a fan. Personally, I'm still very much a novice when it comes to creating maps, but I enjoy complex world-building immensely, and I really like timelines and scenarios with PODs in ancient times, and so the highly versatile TOASTER was bound to be the colour key I'd ultimately prefer. The project went through two threads (here and here), before ultimately being discontinued in its then-existing form. It was revived as TOAST3R, a third incarnation which is currently being shaped right here. This revision is no doubt the most beautiful colour scheme I have ever seen, and its creation is a labour of great love and dedication. Far be it from me to dismiss such a wonderful effort, yet I must admit that the third incarnation is less appealing to me personally. The goal of being all-encompassing has been dropped and the intended number of colours has apparently been reduced. In other words: TOAST3R is a lot more like previously existing schemes in its scope, at least. And for me, the vastly expanded scope of the original TOASTER project was the core of its appeal.
I am not the only one who believed this to be the case: @SaveAtlacamani soon created a thread for COVFEFE, an ironically-named successor to the original TOASTER, aiming at the continuation of the all-encompassing plans. However, amidst some frankly befuddling controversy regarding plagiarism, that thread has since been "temporarily" locked. It's been quite a while now, and the locking of that is looking less like a temporary measure and more like it will be permanent. It is primarily for this reason that I have embarked on creating my own—far more distinct—"successor scheme" to TOASTER. I still want that broad-purpose colour key, and in spite of its great beauty, TOAST3R doesn't look like it's going to offer this to me. I want a colour key that provides me with hues for every existing country, every historical country of any note, and for any "potential country" that one might reasonably expect to exist in an AH scenario.
Such a colour key didn't exist yet, I felt that this sucked, so I have now created SUCK: Skallagrim's Unexpurgated Colour Key.
NB: the image before is the version with anti-aliased text. As there are those who prefer a version with text that is not anti-aliased, such a version exists. You can find that one HERE.
NNB: the above is version 3 of SUCK, including various additions and alterations to improve upon version 2, as suggested by a number of people. A full list of the latest edits can be found below the spoiler cut.
Obviously, what I have done here is far more than just repeat an attempted "expansion" of TOASTER. I have created a new scheme that is certainly based on TOASTER, but has in fact been recreated from scratch. At most, it uses a lot of the same colours for the same countries (an aspect in which TOASTER itself did not differ much from earlier schemes, either). None of the unique quirks and in-jokes of TOASTER have been included. Country designations have often been changed wildly. Secondary country designations have been removed from certain colours and added to other colours. Scores of historical polities have been added. Typical ASB elements have not been included. Bizarrely long lists of additional Congos and the such have not been included. A vastly expanded catalogue of religions and ideologies has been introduced. Certain suggestions made by enthusiastic members for inclusion in TOASTER, which were nevertheless neglected, have been included here. (This includes options for mapping out political systems, diplomatic relations, democratic status, infrastructure, and various other odds and ends.)
Basically, SUCK is no more a direct copy of TOASTER than TOASTER is a direct copy of X2, for instance. I gather that the debacle regarding COVFEFE arose because @XO_Mapping felt that it merely copy-pasted the latest existing version of the original TOASTER and then added on a bunch of new colours/countries and other extra elements. Which was, to be fair, pretty much the case. Evidently, it's not the case here.
Anyway, here's some possibly useful notes regarding SUCK and its features:
— SUCK is intended to allow users to map out basically any country they want, modern or historical, existing or potential. The usual suspects are all included, and every major region typically has "other country in this region" as its final colour, which can be used to include a completely ATL or otherwise unforeseen country.
— SUCK is not intended to portray "country maps" that give every province/state of that country its own colour. SUCK is meant to portray as many separate countries as possible. It includes colour options for drawing sub-national borders, but all subdivisions of any country are intended to have that country's national colour.
— There are typically separate colours for far-right and far-left regimes in any major country. In case of less major countries, separate colours for such regimes in the respective region are added (e.g. "far-left Balkan country"). In the same way, the option "other radical X country" is often presented, for those instances when a radical regime isn't 'right' or 'left' in the way we typically understand those terms. Finally, the major countries where such a thing typically pops up in ATLs also each have a separate colour for a technocratic regime and/or a theocratic regime.
— Countries that have been both monarchies and republics typically get a separate colour for those two forms, especially when the two sides have historically engaged in a struggle for power. Major countries that have only ever known one form of government also have a colour for the other form (e.g. "republican Britain", "monarchist USA").
— Regarding designations: various entries use a formula such as "far-right Germany". Others use a formula such as "Slavic country in Italy", while yet others use a formula such as "Other small German state". It is important to note that regardless of whether "country" or "state" is used, an independent country is always meant, rather than a member state of a large country. Similarly, regardless of whether "far-right Germany" or "Slavic country in Germany" is used, either type of designation can be used to indicate a country spanning all of Germany, or a smaller country within the territory of what we'd typically call "Germany".
— Country designations that could properly belong to multiple regions are typically placed under both headers. For instance, one will find "German(ic) state in South-Eastern Europe" under the header "Greater Germany" and under the header "South-Eastern Europe".
— SUCK pays special attention to including historical countries. The list of historical countries represented in this colour key is extensive. China alone has literally dozens of separate colours for historical polities within the Chinese sphere. (So much for the "China was always united" myth.)
— Since there are so many historical countries, however, many of these are by necessity added onto other colours, as "secondary options". For this, I have endeavoured to use the colours whose prime function is to represent modern countries with which the historical countries in question cannot realistically co-exist. This is rather an indication, however, that SUCK is not really intended for ISOTs and other ASB scenarios.
— On that note, ASB elements are, by and large, left out. The key includes options for Atlantis and Lemuria, but that's about it. There are no colours for elves, wizards, vampires and such nonsense. If you want to start a fantasy world, it has little to do with our world anyway. I heartily recommend going the CIWYL way for that.
— Certain sci-fi elements, contrarily, have been included, so that SUCK is Future History-compatible.
— The header "Other entities" is pretty much a catch-all for what could not be allocated elsewhere. The entries there are meant to be used on the main map, since the colours used there are not recycled from elsewhere. Notably, this section includes a list of colours for a number of (unspecified) Hellenic, Roman and Carthaginian colonial successor states. These are of course purely ATL entities, but they appear often enough in AH scenarios to merit distinct colours. If you want a Carthaginian successor state in the Caribbean, or a former Roman colony in India... look no further. These are the colours you should use for that.
— There are separate schemes for religions, political ideologies, economic ideologies, governmental systems, state organisation, democratic status, and diplomatic relations. These are intended for separate maps or inset maps. These colours are recycled from the main listing, and should not be used on general maps.
...this should give you a pretty clear impression of what SUCK is, and also of what it is not. Perhaps it is exactly what you have been looking for; perhaps it is precisely what you dislike and do not need. Fine either way. As should be evident, there are plenty of other colour keys in existence for enthusiastic map-makers. For those who share my general preferences in that regard, this is just one more option of which they may avail themselves.
Needless to say, I have no wish to engage in any rivalry with the creators or loyal users of any other colour key. I merely hope that some people will be able to find some use for SUCK. At the very least, I'll be using it myself.
To be more specific: I built upon the work of many others, altering and expanding, until this final product was created. Just like every other colour key currently in use, this one is also based on those that came before. Which others are those, you ask? I'll tell you, via a brief history of colour keys.
Needless to say, the whole issue of colour schemes used for mapping has caused no end of trouble in the past.Putting aside the contingent of people who reject fixed colour keys altogether, and who thus use CIWYL ("Colour It Whatever You Like") as their (anti-)system of choice, there has never been agreement on which key should be used universally. I do not expect such agreement to be reached hereafter, either.
To start with, there has been the Universal Colour Scheme (UCS), which gained a competitor in the Unified Colour Palette (UCP). Most elements of the UCP were eventually absorbed into the UCS, apparently because many of the UCP's colours being used in the UCS by a lot of people in any case. The UCS subsequently became the Thandean Colour Scheme (TCS). Later additions led to an expanded version, known as TCS+. When the additions ended up being as a large a part of the scheme as the original content, the result became the Revised Colour Scheme (RCS), the most recent version of which (to my knowledge) can be found here. The main existing rival systems to the RCS have for some time been TACOS (discussion thread here, most recent version of which I am aware here) and X2 (discussion thread here, most recent version of which I am aware here).
These are all beautiful, carefully crafted colour keys, and each one of them has its share of enthusiastic adherents. For the great majority of maps, any one of them will certainly suffice. Yet they are all limited in the amount of colours they offer. There are many countries on earth, and not one of these colour keys offers a distinct hue for each existing country— let alone colours for potential countries (such as existing separatist regions or other ATL countries) or the teeming multitude of historical countries. Last year, an endeavour was embarked upon to remedy this. To create an all-encompassing colour key. This project was dubbed TOASTER— The One All-encompassing Scheme To Eternally Rule.
As soon as I learned of its existence, I became a fan. Personally, I'm still very much a novice when it comes to creating maps, but I enjoy complex world-building immensely, and I really like timelines and scenarios with PODs in ancient times, and so the highly versatile TOASTER was bound to be the colour key I'd ultimately prefer. The project went through two threads (here and here), before ultimately being discontinued in its then-existing form. It was revived as TOAST3R, a third incarnation which is currently being shaped right here. This revision is no doubt the most beautiful colour scheme I have ever seen, and its creation is a labour of great love and dedication. Far be it from me to dismiss such a wonderful effort, yet I must admit that the third incarnation is less appealing to me personally. The goal of being all-encompassing has been dropped and the intended number of colours has apparently been reduced. In other words: TOAST3R is a lot more like previously existing schemes in its scope, at least. And for me, the vastly expanded scope of the original TOASTER project was the core of its appeal.
I am not the only one who believed this to be the case: @SaveAtlacamani soon created a thread for COVFEFE, an ironically-named successor to the original TOASTER, aiming at the continuation of the all-encompassing plans. However, amidst some frankly befuddling controversy regarding plagiarism, that thread has since been "temporarily" locked. It's been quite a while now, and the locking of that is looking less like a temporary measure and more like it will be permanent. It is primarily for this reason that I have embarked on creating my own—far more distinct—"successor scheme" to TOASTER. I still want that broad-purpose colour key, and in spite of its great beauty, TOAST3R doesn't look like it's going to offer this to me. I want a colour key that provides me with hues for every existing country, every historical country of any note, and for any "potential country" that one might reasonably expect to exist in an AH scenario.
Such a colour key didn't exist yet, I felt that this sucked, so I have now created SUCK: Skallagrim's Unexpurgated Colour Key.
NB: the image before is the version with anti-aliased text. As there are those who prefer a version with text that is not anti-aliased, such a version exists. You can find that one HERE.
NNB: the above is version 3 of SUCK, including various additions and alterations to improve upon version 2, as suggested by a number of people. A full list of the latest edits can be found below the spoiler cut.
I have made the following edits to the second version:
-- Changed the colour for "Napoleonic / Bonapartist France" to make it slightly darker
-- Changed "Prussia, Teutons" to "Prussia, Teutonic Order"
-- Added "Far-right Denmark"
-- Added "Far-right Norway"
-- Added "Far-left Norway"
-- Added "Far-right Sweden"
-- Added "Scania"
-- Changed "Far-right Scandinavian country (other than Finland)" to "Other radical Scandinavian country"
-- Changed the colour for "Monarchist Lithuania" to Dartmouth green
-- Added "Culturally German country in the Baltics, Livonian Order"
-- Added "Free City of Kraków"
-- Added "Zapadoslavia, united West Slavs"
-- Added "Székely, Hungarian (country in) Transylvania"
-- Added "Gagauzia"
-- Added "Secondary Algeria, Kabylia"
-- Changed "Secondary Algeria, northern Tuaregs" to "Tertiary Algeria, northern Tuaregs"
-- Changed "Tunesia" to "Tunisia"
-- Added "Yorubaland"
-- Changed "Kasaï" to "Kasaï, South Kasaï"
-- Added "Bir Tawil Triangle-based microstate"
-- Added "Tertiary Somali country, Puntland, Afar / Ogaden country"
-- Added "Buganda"
-- Added "Caprivi Strip-based country"
-- Added "Secondary Zimbabwean country, Matebeleland"
-- Added "Republic of Hatay / Hatay State"
-- Added "Primary Levantine Crusader state, Kingdom of Jerusalem"
-- Added "Secondary Levantine Crusader state, Principality of Antioch"
-- Added "Tertiary Levantine Crusader state, County of Tripoli"
-- Added "Quaternary Levantine Crusader state, County of Edessa"
-- Added "Pentiary Levantine Crusader state (ATL Levantine Crusader state)"
-- Added "Other Levantine Christian country"
-- Added "Mesopotamian-influenced country in Arabia"
-- Added "Khanate of Khiva"
-- Added "Khanate of Kokand"
-- Added "Emirate of Bukhara"
-- Added "Primary Kongsi republic, Lanfang Republic"
-- Added "Secondary Kongsi republic, Heshun Republic"
-- Added "Tertiary Kongsi republic, Santiaogou Federation"
-- Added "Republic of the North Solomons / Bougainville"
-- Added "Culturally Indonesian country in Australia"
-- Added "Independent Manchukuo, Japanese-influenced China"
-- Added "Independent Inner Mongolia, Mengjiang"
-- Changed "Shu Han" to "Shu Han, Sichuan-based power"
-- Added "Kingdom of Tungning"
-- Added "Daxi dynasty / Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion"
-- Added "Other Ming remnant"
-- Changed "Non-RoC Taiwan-based country" to "Taiwan-based country (other than RoC or Tungning)"
-- Added "Japanese-influenced Korean country"
-- Added "European-influenced / Christianised Japanese country"
-- Added "Aztlán / República del Norte"
-- Added "Secondary Guatemala, Los Altos"
-- Added "Independent Guanacaste"
-- Added "Secondary Haiti, Kingdom of Haiti"
-- Added "Far-left Venezuela"
-- Added "Zulia, Lake Maracaibo-based country"
-- Added "Riograndense Republic"
-- Added "Juliana Republic"
-- Added "Para"
-- Added "Pernambuco"
-- Added "Acre"
-- Added "Afro-dominated Brazilian country, Quilombos"
-- Added "Jesuit Missions"
-- Added "Liga Federal / Liga de los Pueblos Libres"
-- Added "Unitarian Argentina"
-- Added "Confederal Argentina"
-- Added "Buenos Aires"
-- Added "Entre Rios"
-- Added "Knights Templar" to Other entities
-- Added "Viewing country has this country as a puppet or vassal" to Diplomatic relations
-- Changed the font
-- Created a version where the anti-aliasing of the text is turned off
-- Changed the colour for "Napoleonic / Bonapartist France" to make it slightly darker
-- Changed "Prussia, Teutons" to "Prussia, Teutonic Order"
-- Added "Far-right Denmark"
-- Added "Far-right Norway"
-- Added "Far-left Norway"
-- Added "Far-right Sweden"
-- Added "Scania"
-- Changed "Far-right Scandinavian country (other than Finland)" to "Other radical Scandinavian country"
-- Changed the colour for "Monarchist Lithuania" to Dartmouth green
-- Added "Culturally German country in the Baltics, Livonian Order"
-- Added "Free City of Kraków"
-- Added "Zapadoslavia, united West Slavs"
-- Added "Székely, Hungarian (country in) Transylvania"
-- Added "Gagauzia"
-- Added "Secondary Algeria, Kabylia"
-- Changed "Secondary Algeria, northern Tuaregs" to "Tertiary Algeria, northern Tuaregs"
-- Changed "Tunesia" to "Tunisia"
-- Added "Yorubaland"
-- Changed "Kasaï" to "Kasaï, South Kasaï"
-- Added "Bir Tawil Triangle-based microstate"
-- Added "Tertiary Somali country, Puntland, Afar / Ogaden country"
-- Added "Buganda"
-- Added "Caprivi Strip-based country"
-- Added "Secondary Zimbabwean country, Matebeleland"
-- Added "Republic of Hatay / Hatay State"
-- Added "Primary Levantine Crusader state, Kingdom of Jerusalem"
-- Added "Secondary Levantine Crusader state, Principality of Antioch"
-- Added "Tertiary Levantine Crusader state, County of Tripoli"
-- Added "Quaternary Levantine Crusader state, County of Edessa"
-- Added "Pentiary Levantine Crusader state (ATL Levantine Crusader state)"
-- Added "Other Levantine Christian country"
-- Added "Mesopotamian-influenced country in Arabia"
-- Added "Khanate of Khiva"
-- Added "Khanate of Kokand"
-- Added "Emirate of Bukhara"
-- Added "Primary Kongsi republic, Lanfang Republic"
-- Added "Secondary Kongsi republic, Heshun Republic"
-- Added "Tertiary Kongsi republic, Santiaogou Federation"
-- Added "Republic of the North Solomons / Bougainville"
-- Added "Culturally Indonesian country in Australia"
-- Added "Independent Manchukuo, Japanese-influenced China"
-- Added "Independent Inner Mongolia, Mengjiang"
-- Changed "Shu Han" to "Shu Han, Sichuan-based power"
-- Added "Kingdom of Tungning"
-- Added "Daxi dynasty / Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion"
-- Added "Other Ming remnant"
-- Changed "Non-RoC Taiwan-based country" to "Taiwan-based country (other than RoC or Tungning)"
-- Added "Japanese-influenced Korean country"
-- Added "European-influenced / Christianised Japanese country"
-- Added "Aztlán / República del Norte"
-- Added "Secondary Guatemala, Los Altos"
-- Added "Independent Guanacaste"
-- Added "Secondary Haiti, Kingdom of Haiti"
-- Added "Far-left Venezuela"
-- Added "Zulia, Lake Maracaibo-based country"
-- Added "Riograndense Republic"
-- Added "Juliana Republic"
-- Added "Para"
-- Added "Pernambuco"
-- Added "Acre"
-- Added "Afro-dominated Brazilian country, Quilombos"
-- Added "Jesuit Missions"
-- Added "Liga Federal / Liga de los Pueblos Libres"
-- Added "Unitarian Argentina"
-- Added "Confederal Argentina"
-- Added "Buenos Aires"
-- Added "Entre Rios"
-- Added "Knights Templar" to Other entities
-- Added "Viewing country has this country as a puppet or vassal" to Diplomatic relations
-- Changed the font
-- Created a version where the anti-aliasing of the text is turned off
Obviously, what I have done here is far more than just repeat an attempted "expansion" of TOASTER. I have created a new scheme that is certainly based on TOASTER, but has in fact been recreated from scratch. At most, it uses a lot of the same colours for the same countries (an aspect in which TOASTER itself did not differ much from earlier schemes, either). None of the unique quirks and in-jokes of TOASTER have been included. Country designations have often been changed wildly. Secondary country designations have been removed from certain colours and added to other colours. Scores of historical polities have been added. Typical ASB elements have not been included. Bizarrely long lists of additional Congos and the such have not been included. A vastly expanded catalogue of religions and ideologies has been introduced. Certain suggestions made by enthusiastic members for inclusion in TOASTER, which were nevertheless neglected, have been included here. (This includes options for mapping out political systems, diplomatic relations, democratic status, infrastructure, and various other odds and ends.)
Basically, SUCK is no more a direct copy of TOASTER than TOASTER is a direct copy of X2, for instance. I gather that the debacle regarding COVFEFE arose because @XO_Mapping felt that it merely copy-pasted the latest existing version of the original TOASTER and then added on a bunch of new colours/countries and other extra elements. Which was, to be fair, pretty much the case. Evidently, it's not the case here.
Anyway, here's some possibly useful notes regarding SUCK and its features:
— SUCK is intended to allow users to map out basically any country they want, modern or historical, existing or potential. The usual suspects are all included, and every major region typically has "other country in this region" as its final colour, which can be used to include a completely ATL or otherwise unforeseen country.
— SUCK is not intended to portray "country maps" that give every province/state of that country its own colour. SUCK is meant to portray as many separate countries as possible. It includes colour options for drawing sub-national borders, but all subdivisions of any country are intended to have that country's national colour.
— There are typically separate colours for far-right and far-left regimes in any major country. In case of less major countries, separate colours for such regimes in the respective region are added (e.g. "far-left Balkan country"). In the same way, the option "other radical X country" is often presented, for those instances when a radical regime isn't 'right' or 'left' in the way we typically understand those terms. Finally, the major countries where such a thing typically pops up in ATLs also each have a separate colour for a technocratic regime and/or a theocratic regime.
— Countries that have been both monarchies and republics typically get a separate colour for those two forms, especially when the two sides have historically engaged in a struggle for power. Major countries that have only ever known one form of government also have a colour for the other form (e.g. "republican Britain", "monarchist USA").
— Regarding designations: various entries use a formula such as "far-right Germany". Others use a formula such as "Slavic country in Italy", while yet others use a formula such as "Other small German state". It is important to note that regardless of whether "country" or "state" is used, an independent country is always meant, rather than a member state of a large country. Similarly, regardless of whether "far-right Germany" or "Slavic country in Germany" is used, either type of designation can be used to indicate a country spanning all of Germany, or a smaller country within the territory of what we'd typically call "Germany".
— Country designations that could properly belong to multiple regions are typically placed under both headers. For instance, one will find "German(ic) state in South-Eastern Europe" under the header "Greater Germany" and under the header "South-Eastern Europe".
— SUCK pays special attention to including historical countries. The list of historical countries represented in this colour key is extensive. China alone has literally dozens of separate colours for historical polities within the Chinese sphere. (So much for the "China was always united" myth.)
— Since there are so many historical countries, however, many of these are by necessity added onto other colours, as "secondary options". For this, I have endeavoured to use the colours whose prime function is to represent modern countries with which the historical countries in question cannot realistically co-exist. This is rather an indication, however, that SUCK is not really intended for ISOTs and other ASB scenarios.
— On that note, ASB elements are, by and large, left out. The key includes options for Atlantis and Lemuria, but that's about it. There are no colours for elves, wizards, vampires and such nonsense. If you want to start a fantasy world, it has little to do with our world anyway. I heartily recommend going the CIWYL way for that.
— Certain sci-fi elements, contrarily, have been included, so that SUCK is Future History-compatible.
— The header "Other entities" is pretty much a catch-all for what could not be allocated elsewhere. The entries there are meant to be used on the main map, since the colours used there are not recycled from elsewhere. Notably, this section includes a list of colours for a number of (unspecified) Hellenic, Roman and Carthaginian colonial successor states. These are of course purely ATL entities, but they appear often enough in AH scenarios to merit distinct colours. If you want a Carthaginian successor state in the Caribbean, or a former Roman colony in India... look no further. These are the colours you should use for that.
— There are separate schemes for religions, political ideologies, economic ideologies, governmental systems, state organisation, democratic status, and diplomatic relations. These are intended for separate maps or inset maps. These colours are recycled from the main listing, and should not be used on general maps.
...this should give you a pretty clear impression of what SUCK is, and also of what it is not. Perhaps it is exactly what you have been looking for; perhaps it is precisely what you dislike and do not need. Fine either way. As should be evident, there are plenty of other colour keys in existence for enthusiastic map-makers. For those who share my general preferences in that regard, this is just one more option of which they may avail themselves.
Needless to say, I have no wish to engage in any rivalry with the creators or loyal users of any other colour key. I merely hope that some people will be able to find some use for SUCK. At the very least, I'll be using it myself.
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