Effect on Western Colonialism in Africa and South East Asia if no Nazis

If the Weimar Republic had survived indefinitely without any extremists (left or right) coming to power, how would that have effected the future of European colonialism in Africa and South East Asia? I am of course, thinking particularly about WWII not happening at all.

Surely even if no WWII does mean slowing down or stopping deconolonisation, you would eventually have a situation where only a tiny minority of European nations have these overseas territories, and it will just seem 'odd.' Surely in this scenario you would have say, school children studying Geography, saying 'exuse me miss, but why is it that Britain and France own these huge chunks of Africa when most countries in Europe, like Poland, don't?' Also, if the Weimar Republic does manage to become a successful power, surely that would only serve to debunk any idea that colonies were needed to become rich and successful.


Weimar Republic has these lovely limits that prevent them from throwing money enmasse into military black hole, where they can rarely ever seen again. They would have to be mad to be unsuccessful on the long run. Well, they were, actually.
Ironically the main driver of decolonisation wasn't the Soviet Union, but United States that wanted access to all that undeveloped, protected markets. Without the war they can want as much they want.
And btw, Poland made offers to buy French colonies of Madagascar, Liberia or Sierra Leone. Interwar Poland have semi-NGO, semi-company, semi-governmental agency (if you live in here, something having three halves is normal) Marine and Colonial League. (Liga Morska i Kolonialna in original). Without Grofaz making French uneasy they could be more open for negotiations. So... Poland can into colonies?
No Nazis mean no WW2 and no WW2 means far fewer impoverished European powers struggling to maintain control of (now) unprofitable colonies. Ergo, colonialism survives for decades longer.