If one subscribes to the notion that a hard German push with no Halt Order would have further weakened German armored forces, it might actually weaken Fall Rot enough that the Weygand line holds enough for the reinforcements and equipment anticipated in June/July to arrive. Risking a considerably prolonged campaign in France in the hopes of capturing more of the encircled forces at Dunkirk may not be worthwhile.
It is always assumed that if the Germans had captured Dunkirk the surrounded Britih would have surrendered. Was there a possibility they could could have broken through the German ring and rejoned the main French army to the south?
If the German command had its eyes on the next step in fighting France, it would make sense to treat Dunkirk as a sideshow. Nobody (British/German/French) believed that any major evacuation could be successful (as far as i read the accounts).
So, Britain did not treat it as a sideshow, but the Germans could have? leaving it to LW to sink the ships is not a bad idea really, rather than risking the panzers (Warsaw springs to mind).
thanks @Bougnas that does seem to be the context for the German decision making (albeit with a great deal of "flying by the seat of pants")
my input is the subtext of their decisions is they have no naval capability to stop or even interfere much, almost the same timeframe as the Dunkirk evacuations the Allies were evacuating from Narvik, and shortly thereafter there were huge evacuations from French ports.
the German KM having lost half their destroyers during the initial invasion of Norway (at Narvik) and while they had a 1939 class of torpedo boats they only appeared starting in 1943.
what PODs could affect the LW? I've seen discussion of attacking (or more likely just luck striking) the Dunkirk Mole (breakwater), the last section being a wooden structure. any ship sunk adjacent also becomes an impediment to its use.
an interesting scenario might be if the evacuation stayed at a (relative) trickle. there were approx. 100k evacuation from the "beaches" and approx. 230k from the "harbor" (what I am assuming is from the mole)
how does that play out?