Doctor Who WI & Challenge : The Dark Dimension gets produced...

Wow, that looks interesting. Never heard of that one.

As a Tom Baker fan I never complain about having more of the Fourth Doctor...

Its existence would radically change the nature of the Who as we know it... We might see a more 'hard-time-science' approach instead of the wishy-washy science we get from the new Who (I mean really, the Doctor defeats the Master by MAGIC? And when did the Tardis become alive? The First Doctor declared it was a machine...)
Wow, that looks interesting. Never heard of that one.

As a Tom Baker fan I never complain about having more of the Fourth Doctor...

Its existence would radically change the nature of the Who as we know it... We might see a more 'hard-time-science' approach instead of the wishy-washy science we get from the new Who (I mean really, the Doctor defeats the Master by MAGIC? And when did the Tardis become alive? The First Doctor declared it was a machine...)

HEY. I'll concede that "Last of the Time Lords" ended in a silly way, but you leave "The Doctor's Wife" alone!!! :mad:
HEY. I'll concede that "Last of the Time Lords" ended in a silly way, but you leave "The Doctor's Wife" alone!!! :mad:

Right... I simply quoted the original Whovian law... And people wonder why the traditionalists are bitter about new Who...

The Tardis was, and to me shall always be, a machine. It is a device, like sonic screwdriver, like my household toaster. Its function is to travel through time and space. The Doctor gives it a personality, much like most middle aged men with cars, BUT IT IS NOT LITERAL. Its still a metal (probably) construct with no sentience. One can make an argument for organic components, but even then they would be part of the construct which itself would be inert.

New Who introduced the idea of a 'living Tardis'. It was not so in the original series. The First Doctor even states it is JUST A MACHINE. I hate the idea of giving devices personalities anyway. I don't want my toaster to say "Sorry, don't feel like it today." It should do the job it was built for.

Apologies for the derailment, back to the subject in hand. What are your views on the Dark Dimension?
Actually, Jon Pertwee's Doctor dropped several hints or suggestions that the TARDIS was in some way alive.

I don't know enough about Troughton to say whether he did.

Sufficiently advanced technology might make such distinctions fairly arbitrary.
What do you think about the esthetic changes to the Daleks, Cybermen, etc. described in those texts and seen on the few surviving promo pictures ?

P.S. This is not a thread to argue about Whovian lore. I'm only interested in the impact of this getting produced on the history of the show.
Actually, Jon Pertwee's Doctor dropped several hints or suggestions that the TARDIS was in some way alive.

Again, its more of a man referring to his car as 'her'.

What do you think about the esthetic changes to the Daleks, Cybermen, etc. described in those texts and seen on the few surviving promo pictures ?

Hmm, well new Who had hand-of-death Cybermen. I think the claw-Cybermen are far darker than anything used previously. Much like the attempts in the later series' we'll see a Darker Who. Could lose a lot of the comedy (which would be detrimental to the series as a whole).
Hmm, well new Who had hand-of-death Cybermen. I think the claw-Cybermen are far darker than anything used previously. Much like the attempts in the later series' we'll see a Darker Who. Could lose a lot of the comedy (which would be detrimental to the series as a whole).

Doctor Who Into Darkness, ey ? :p Personally, I too was quite surprised with how radically they wanted to update or redesign some of the creature models. I think it's obvious that not all Cybermen would be updated like that. The new models would probably be introduced as members of a specially engineered warrior caste of Cybermen.

Incidentally, do you think that John Nathan Turner would still be involved in this film in some capacity ? Or would he have already gotten the boot ?