Describe Your own Tentative timelines, pre 1900


Well, I'm currently working on the beginnings of a Hussite TL. Here's the details.

Haven't thought up a title yet
Style: Narrative combined with little alt-historical bits at the beginning of chapters; from the viewpoint of a series of characters through the alt-history. Ah, you'll see when I eventually start it.
POD: Sigismund Korybut is requested by the Czech Hussites to be their King (aka King of Bohemia)
-The Hussites spread to Hungary and Poland
-King John Hunyadi of Hungary, possibly a Hussite.
-A more powerful Kingdom of Aragon, master of the Mediterranean.
-A Sforza Pope or Antipope.
-A Teutonic Order fleeing from Eastern Europe, but still surviving.
Brethren of El Cid.

POD: Diego Rodriguez (El Cid's son) does not die at the Battle of Consuegra.

He manages to defend the town of Valencia and create an independent County that will be inherited by Diego Rodríguez.

Valencia (a client County of Castille) will eventually absorb the Taifa of Zaragoza and achieve a dinastic union with Aragon and the county of Barcelona.

- Faster Reconquista
- Earlier unification of Hispania/Spain
- Expansion in North Africa

The wooden soldier
Spain: Blasco de Garay's steam-ship + Juanelo Turriano's wooden man and machineguns
France: Leonardo's tanks + Leonardo's gliders
England: Giamelli's "super-warships"
Ottoman Empire: Clockwork war-elephants

Ending in a Hispawank (so few of them...).


Well, it goes to show that human rationale isn't all logic, especially in times of distress; we'd be robots if that was true. If OTL Reconstruction was grimdark for some, TTL is going to amp it up to eleven. Needless to say, I knew this TL will be pretty dystopian, depending on how its looked at.

My point is that this is only dystopic if you are a KKK sympathizer.

"Behold, the grimdark future where desegregation takes place earlier, the South gets a viable education system, and the region doesn't end up sucking! But in this dark and benighted land, when people burn churches and engage in domestic terrorism because someone tries to vote, they get imprisoned.

Weep for the future of this America."

Wait. What?
Of Muskets and Tomahawks: A Georgian America and a Jacobite Britain (working name)

Seven Years War:
- POD: Britain does much better in North America, taking Montreal and Quebec in 1759.
- To force Britain in giving back their territories in North America and India, France ups their plans to invade the British Isles and it succeeds with surprising consequences.
- The British/Hanoverian Monarchy flees to North America and the Bonnie Prince Charles takes the British throne with support from France.
- Georgian monarchy survives in America, Jacobite Britain is weighed down by Protestant rebels and France becomes to colonial power number one (a reverse of OTL).
- Georgian America owns the east coast of north america to the Mississippi and all of Canada, while France owns the Mid-west.
- Europe will be different as well as the colonial empires that come later.

Hopefully, I'll be getting this off the ground sometime soon, just waiting on a few books for a bit more info. :D


My point is that this is only dystopic if you are a KKK sympathizer.

"Behold, the grimdark future where desegregation takes place earlier, the South gets a viable education system, and the region doesn't end up sucking! But in this dark and benighted land, when people burn churches and engage in domestic terrorism because someone tries to vote, they get imprisoned.

Weep for the future of this America."

Wait. What?

Ah, I see what you mean. Well, good thing I'm not a KKK sympathizer.

But the point really is to explore the effects of a harsher 'Reconstruction' (the whole 40 acres and a mule, property confiscation, every major Confederate leader hanged or imprisoned, victor's justice, crimes during the occupation, god forbid a black majority state! :eek::D, etc.).
The Madness of George II

In or around 1722, illness (smallpox?) sweeps through the royal family, killing Princess Caroline (wife of the future King George II) and leaving Prince Frederick (eldest son on George and Caroline) and Princess Anne (eldest daughter) sterile. Two major long-term consequences:

  1. King George II has no grandchildren, so upon his last child's death the heir to the British throne under the Act of Succession is Frederick the Great.
  2. Without Caroline's influence, with the emotional trauma of his wife's death, and with possible brain damage from his own illness, King George II is a very different person when he assumes the throne. Significant consequences for Bonnie Prince Charlie's rising and its aftermath.
Wide Awake

Abraham Lincoln suffers a fatal heart attack upon receiving the news of South Carolina's secession, before the Electoral College votes are cast. Republican electors wind up splitting their votes between several candidates, throwing the election to Congress. The lame duck House elects Seward as President, and the Senate elects Joseph Lane (Breckenridge's running mate) as VP.
Eh... what the hell, why not. Ok, so outside of my Hannibal timeline, I've had three main ideas that I've considered pursuing at different points.

La Tempete Parfait - Involves a successful French invasion of Great Britain in 1744 and a Jacobite restoration, as the wind that destroyed France's plans doesn't happen here. A Franco-wank, or at least a Brit-screw from OTL perspective. As second PoD would involve Catherine the Great dying of pneumonia before she marries Peter III (she was pretty sick with it at the time of the main PoD, but recovered). I'd have to read up a bit more on the period though before trying it.

Go Tell the Spartans! - Kind of an odd PoD, I think - King Croesus of Lydia gets some advice to ask the Spartans to send troops before he attacks the Persians, rather than after like OTL (year 547 BC). A small Greek force is sent, which tips the balance in Croesus' favor, and it's Cyrus' empire that falls, not Croesus'. This keeps Babylon and Egypt from being conquered by the Persians, and also gives a boost to Sparta, who at the time was rising to become the greatest Greek power, by earning a strong alliance with Croesus and his wealth. Admittedly, this one I would incorporate the most "rule of cool" in, as not only do I have less to work off of as far as clear, historical fact, but also because there's Spartans. ;)

The God of War (not sure on this name)- Alexander the Great timeline that I've toyed with a little, though I'll probably have to read a bit more on him and all that before I'd be really comfortable trying it. The PoD would be Hephaestion's survival, which I think would help Alexander out a lot in the long run for long-term survival, plus it's after his injury against the Malli, which I think would keep him away from risking his life in battle all the time. Haven't decided who exactly he'd conquer and who he wouldn't. Empire wouldn't entirely collapse after his death, though it would splinter. Might have an Alexander IV character break up the satrapies like the Seleucids, which helps the the remainder of it survive longer.
The major one I keep mulling over pre-1900 is:

Prussia of the Balkans, or The Lion of Sofia

Essentially, Bulgaria (preferably with Alexander II at the helm) manages to do the preiod from 1881-1920 a lot more skillfully than OTL.

The PoD is that Stambolov and Alexander handle the 1885 union with Eastern Rumelia differently (still researching). Russian support remains, so no War of the Captains. Bulgaria manages to tread the fine line between upsetting Russia and becoming a puppet. When the *Balkan War(s) kick off, some point between 1900 and 1920, Bulgaria concentrates on Macedonia instead of smashing itself against the approaches to Istanbul.

The first mental drafts were thought up before I was a member. The butterfly effect was none existent. Serious research needed to bring it up to snuff.


My point is that this is only dystopic if you are a KKK sympathizer.

"Behold, the grimdark future where desegregation takes place earlier, the South gets a viable education system, and the region doesn't end up sucking! But in this dark and benighted land, when people burn churches and engage in domestic terrorism because someone tries to vote, they get imprisoned.

Weep for the future of this America."

Wait. What?
Maybe it's more a "Torch the white folks in their church, God will know his own," combined with the usual 40 acres and a Mule thing? That'd get fucking grim dark.
Isn't that the same thing as Ichbinkaiser's TL:confused:


Different POD (for one thing) as Gates has been dead for over 22 years in 1777 in my TL.

This has far reaching implications for not just Arnold but the United States on the whole.

A bit of a preview:

*Arnold runs a much different campaign against the British and Iroquois in northern New York in 1777 being in total command and without a rival in the theater.

I may have over-simplified what constitutes Arnold's victory at Saratoga. Rather than simply being the victor on the field at Freeman's Farm and Bemis Heights, he commands the entire theater in 1777 and his expedition against St. Leger and the Iroquois has a much different (and far more decisive) outcome than OTL. He doesn't just get credit for one battle, he gets credit for an entire campaign and the resulting security of an entire theater of operations.

*When he arrives at Valley Forge in late spring of 1778, the first thing he does is reaffirm Washington as CinC of the Continental Army by dismissing notions that he should be CinC. He understands Washington's strength and character are far more important in that position than his tactical and strategic prowess. He goes to Washington committed to being Washington's finest field marshal, not his rival.

From a discussion in a previous thread, I have a pretty good idea how it will shake out without being wankish and quite plausible.

The TL covers the ARW from June, 1777 to September, 1783.

I may do a sequel, dealing with the period between the end of the war and the ratification of the Constitution, dealing with the butterflies from TTL's ARW which will, in some cases, be quite massive, provided I have the time.

I'm still working on the first one to begin with, so sequels are the last thing on my mind at the moment and I'd like to get some opinions and input when it's completed and posted before I do another one.

It will be my first actual TL since I joined this board, actually, so I'd like to see how it does before I start working on a second.
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Maybe it's more a "Torch the white folks in their church, God will know his own," combined with the usual 40 acres and a Mule thing? That'd get fucking grim dark.

I mean, the USA wasn't run by Nazis during this period. Why would this happen? How?


I mean, the USA wasn't run by Nazis during this period. Why would this happen? How?

That guy who was playing with poison gas managed to make it work, and they used it as a terror weapon, sneaking cylinders into Philadelphia and the like?
Well heres mine...

Sic Semper Tyrannis:

My TL which i never seem to properly get off the ground, much to my annoyance...

Anyway, the twin POD's are:
- Due to some differant movements in the womb, Kaiser Wilhelm II isn't born a breach baby and therefore doesn't have a withered arm.
- Prince Albert is able to recover from his ilness and lives.

The resulting butterflies eevntualy lead to the US Civil War aswell as all the other conflicts of the 1860's turning to a WW1 equivilent in which Britain, France, the CSA, Austria plus German Allies, Denmark, Sweden, The Ottomans, Portugal and Polish rebels face off against the Union, Prussia and German Allies, Russia, Italy and Spain, the results of which are:

- The CSA winning thier indpendence plus some more...
- An alt January Uprising leading to a large, independent Polish-Lithuanian State.
- Prussia/ Germany doing even better in thier wars agaisnt Austria and France (they get end up taking the Sudetenland), with the result being an even mroe agressive and militralist German Emprie equivilant than OTL.
- Sweden joins Denmark in the Second Schelswig War equivilent, which, although they lose, leads to Scandinavian Unification and the taking of Finalnd from Russia.
- Britain effectivly wins the Great Game outright.
- Leopold Hohenzollern accepts the Spanish crown which leades to war with France and Allies aswell as a Spanish Civil War.
- The Taiping rebbelion succedes.
- Plus much more (it's complicated).

The result is, by 1900:

- Korea aswell as Japan pulling a Meijj.
- More advanced technology in general.
- A very differant scramble for Africa.
- Some very differnat allaince systems.
- Cannibis smoking being considered as innofensive as drinking alcohol (Weed wank in other words :D).
- A larger and very differant British Empire.
- Some very whacky political and racial ideologies.

Plus much more...
I've also got a few other ideas in my mind which i will probably never start. Some of these are...
Churchill's Victory:
Churchill and the Tories win the 1945 election and things get interesting from there.

No name as of yet:
An ASB/Strangerverse TL in which the Stranger ends up meeting Harold Godwinson just after being crowned, resulting in an Anglo/Saxon wank.

Joseon Resurgent:
Although i've tried to incorporate the concept in my plans for Sic Semper Tyrannis, i've always wanted to do a TL focusing just on Korea pulling a Meijj.

No name as of yet:
I've also been interested for soem time in doign a TL where the Old Prussians never get conqured by the Teutonic Knights and form thier own state.

Prester John a Koori:
An idea i've had for a possibly ASB timeline in which the Australian Aborigionies manage to form a civilization ala Lands of Red and Gold. Meanwhile, due to Nestorianism being more influential in China or something like that, some stray Missionaires manage to come across the Aborigional Kingdoms and convert one of the most powerful kings to Christianity, the result being, come the time of the Crusades (the butterflies outside SEA remain minimal to nonexistant), that there is a enourmous, christitan, Aborigional Empire.
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Maybe it's more a "Torch the white folks in their church, God will know his own," combined with the usual 40 acres and a Mule thing? That'd get fucking grim dark.

For that to happen, the ex-Rebs will have to keep destabilizing D.C. through assassination, and the Union isn't stupid. More like, "anyone who wears a white sheet over their heads or wears a butternut uniform will be shot, no questions asked."

Like I said, I have a lot to research and I can't do that with school right now.
Potential TLs

The Divine Son
POD: Alexander continues on into India, crushing the decrepit Magadha
-Gangetic India and Arabia are brought into the Macedonian Empire
-Alexander's attempt to break Fortress Tyrhennia
-A more succesful Carthage

The Second Alexander
POD: Mithridates VI wins the Third Mithridatic War
-Pontus becomes the chief rival to Rome instead of Parthia
-The Seleucids and Ptolemies fall into Pontic orbit
-No civil war between Caesar and Pompey, as Pompey lacks the clout to challenge him

Heirs of Arthur
POD: Cadwallon ap Cadfan defeats Oswald of Northumbria at Heavenfield
-The end of Aenglisc rule in the North
-Stronger Celtic Church
-More stable Gwynedd

The House that Karl built
POD: All of Charlemagne's legitimate sons outlive him, leading to an earlier division of the Frankish Empire
-Unitary Medieval Italy
-No division between Cosmopolitan France and Germany
-Independent Occitania

Be careful what you wish for
POD: Harold wins at Hastings
-Many TLs have a surviving Anglo-Saxon England become a succesful, thriving, prosperous state filled with ahead of their time ideas. This ... is not one of those.

The Line of King Steve
POD: Henry Curtmantle dies of sickness in 1143, breaking Matilda's will to fight on for the throne of England. Stephen establishes a succseful kingdom in the ensuing peace
-A Stronger Capetian France
-Succesful Kingdom of Jerusalem (thanks to prior)
-More succesful merging of the Saxon and Normand cultures (which was screwed up by the sudden infusion of Angevin and Anquitainian nobles into Norman England)

Crazy Colonies
POD: No set POD, just different colonial borders. Spaniards expanding north into Carolina, English Quebec, French New England (heh), Dutch Louisiana, Portuguese Cape Town, etc.

For All Kaisers
POD: A Kaiserrecih timeline
The major one I keep mulling over pre-1900 is:

Prussia of the Balkans, or The Lion of Sofia

Essentially, Bulgaria (preferably with Alexander II at the helm) manages to do the preiod from 1881-1920 a lot more skillfully than OTL.

The PoD is that Stambolov and Alexander handle the 1885 union with Eastern Rumelia differently (still researching). Russian support remains, so no War of the Captains. Bulgaria manages to tread the fine line between upsetting Russia and becoming a puppet. When the *Balkan War(s) kick off, some point between 1900 and 1920, Bulgaria concentrates on Macedonia instead of smashing itself against the approaches to Istanbul.

The first mental drafts were thought up before I was a member. The butterfly effect was none existent. Serious research needed to bring it up to snuff.

I was actually considering something similar, but with General Sherman going to Bulgaria as a senior general or with some well placed butterflies as a King.
A Family Affair aka The Samurai Hound Shall Rise (link in my signature)

A longer than I originally planned timeline about a Japan that opens up and modernizes much earlier than OTL. I won't give spoilers but it will include the following

  • Bloodshed
  • Romance
  • Political Intrigue
  • A new and original sect of Christianity
  • Basset Hounds
POD: Azai Nagamasa begrudgingly gives his son to Oda Nobunaga as a hostage and because of that he doesn't betray him and instead becomes one of his most trusted generals.
Nobunaga gives his son Manpukumaru to the Jesuit Luis Frois to be raised in the European way so he can understand Europeans much more and learn what they won't tell him.
So far it is still in the early stages as the Sengoku era has proved much longer than I planned. I didn't just want to state my POD and go to the after bit.
I've got a bunch.

China in America

POD in the late 1300's a large Chinese merchant ship is blown badly off course and so badly damaged it can do little more than drift with the current. It ends up on the American coast where it spends a few months fixing the ship. During that time they notice the natives have simple necklaces with unworked gold as ornaments and a few have jade.
They return to China and manage to get approval to trade with the natives.
A small trading post gets set up and a single ship sails to the continent every year to get the gold and silver, and later jade.
When turmoil and invasion hits China some of the merchants and sailors fearing for their lives head to the outpost for safety with their families. It grows from there and eventually becomes a powerful regional power that fights with the Mexican Empire and faces off against the Allied States of America (who don't reach the Pacific).

POD: A small group of dinosaurs in an Antarctic valley escaped extinction from the KT comet. They survive and thrive in Antarctica, Australia and South America. Butterfly nets keep the rest of the world much like ours, with a few strange birds with teeth and leathery wings living in the southern areas of the known world.
When South America connects with North America the ancestors of the dinosaurs (no T-Rex's) spread north, changing the course of evolution there, but not seriously affecting Eurasia.
When humans reach North America they get many new animals to deal with.
By the time Europeans reach North and South America, and Australia the natives aren't exactly push overs.

I have a bunch more but these were the two with the most thought put into them.