DCS - Yet Another Colour Scheme, but without an acronym

On the old scheme, the colour Drex used for EAF (as well as Kenya and Maasai) was what is now the Kenya/Maasi/British East Africa colour, so perhaps use that?
Yeh, that's a funny one isn't it, at a guess would suggest intermarium/miedzymorze/greater Poland, especially given that last option

Edit: or, if your group is more an alliance than a physical union of territory, there's visegrad group/mitteleuropa/central Europe alliance in the
Alliances part of the scheme. (Also a Slavic alliance, but may be too broad, that one at least)
Any others?
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Thanks! What stuff did you add?
">Fixed the order of Caribbean islands and added Florida Keys, Curaçao and Bonaire
>Added Cocos Island
>Added Meta (Gran Colombia)
>Added Beni and Juan Fernández Islands
>Added more alternatives for South American colours
>Added Damietta, Suez, Buganda and Tooro and secondaries for Africa"
That among other fixes I can't recall now, I recall adding some colours for India.

There will be a patch list in the DA link, under the picture.

@Drex Put this on the colorscheme pls
I've added them to their respective geographical boxes. I don't think a Micronation box has to be necessarily added. For now. Oh, btw you used a wrong font, I use Times New Roman.
Sorry about the font issue.
Some Micronations don't have a color on the current version of the scheme (Sealand, Doggerland, Romanov Empire).
Also "for now"?
I'm gonna make this now end very soon by adding a color for every nation on the wikipedia micronations list. #MicronationsAreRelevant
Some Micronations don't have a color on the current version of the scheme (Sealand, Doggerland, Romanov Empire).
Also "for now"?
Yeah, that's why I said I added them. The "for now" means "Until you finish and fix the fonts"
If someone still has problems downloading the Q-BAM's or DCS I can send them the full file through discord.