OOC: This timeline takes place in a world where Ireland is basically TTL's British Empire when it comes to the world domination thing. Even non-Irish Celtic culture was more prominent, with Brittany being considered one of France's great culture centers, as opposed to the rather poor and neglected region it was OTL, and the English language having notable Brittonic influences, although England is still culturally and governmentally similar to OTL (or was until Ireland conquered it in the late 1500s). In addition, England is heavily depopulated compared to OTL, even before the event that was TTL's equivalent of the Irish potato famine. I actually am planning on writing a book sort of based on this DBWI. This is mostly for fun and ideas. This TL is intended to be a soft-II on TV Tropes' Sliding Scale of Alternate History Plausibility, with the TL the book is set in being a III or maybe even a hard-IV from our perspective and a soft-II from TTL's perspective. Sorry for the long-winded introduction.

Okay, so I'm working on an alternate history novel in which England becomes a world-spanning empire instead of Ireland (yeah, I know, it's kind of ridiculous). Its main competitors are Iberia at first (basically TTL's Italy), a united France (basically TTL's Sorbia*), and Germany once it unifies (basically TTL's France), although it has some significant political differences, since I want to veer away from total parallelism.

Thing is, even though a lot of my ancestors came from England, I don't really know that much about English culture, history, or all that other good stuff. Got any suggestions or useful info? I really need it!

*OOC: Sorbs are a West Slavic ethnic group in OTL. They're a lot larger in TTL, controlling large portions of Western Poland, Northeastern Germany, and even a bit of Denmark. Despite their geographic disadvantage, they're a lot like TTL's France in some ways (but not others, since, as I said, I want to veer away from total parallelism.
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A DBWI is a double-blind what-if, not a roleplaying game. It is supposed to be about speculating how an ATL person might generate an OTL idea (such as, say, the assassination of an archduke leading to WWI, or a boy from Corsica becoming emperor of France), not trying to work out details of an ATL world based on an OTL WI, or about pretending you are from an ATL.

Also, in before "something something if the US hadn't annexed Canada!" :biggrin:
Dunno why England becoming a world-spanning empire is ridiculous - talk about the Catholic Work Ethic you want, but Ireland was substantially smaller and less populous than England at first - don’t think it’s *that* ASB for England to be the one that ends up dominating the isles.
Dunno why England becoming a world-spanning empire is ridiculous - talk about the Catholic Work Ethic you want, but Ireland was substantially smaller and less populous than England at first - don’t think it’s *that* ASB for England to be the one that ends up dominating the isles.
There's also the Catholic alliance. Once France annexed ports on both sides of the Channel, it really asphyxiated the English kingdoms
I guess you'd have to prevent an Anglo-Saxon England, somehow. Their German heritage made them incredibly hard to unite--not until King John the Great's Magna Carta upon his defeat of Eric the Red would England become a truly unified kingdom, and this was several hundred years after Ireland had unified, and near simultaneous with the Magna Carta was the famed battle of Scotland.