DBWI Splintered Iberia

Otl, the reconquista has seen (christian) Iberia as a united nation since at least the 1200s, finally fully conquering the whole peninsula in the late 1300s with some north african change by 1422, largely completing its modern old world territories. But what if the iberian christian kingdoms broke up at some point?
Didn’t one of the XIV century kings (I don’t remember his name unfortunately) try to move the court from Toledo to Palermo during one of his African campaign to better supervise his personal crusade. The move made sense militarily speaking but the nobles and even some members of the royal family opposed it and so nothing happened. What if it did and this sparkled a rebellion against the king? Could this provoke a permanent division of the kingdom, with Palermo ruling over Sicily, the western Mediterranean islands and the Iberian cities on the coast loyal to the rightful king while Toledo rules everything else?