DBWI: Rudy Giuliani Becomes a Republican

It often comes as a surprise that Rudy Giuliani, one of New York's most influential Democrats, once considered switching parties. In the 1970s, Giuliani flirted with joining the GOP in order to move up the ladder as a federal prosecutor. However, Giuliani decided against this and remained a Democrat. What might've happened if Giuliani had joined the GOP?
Will this lead him to actually changing his views on social policy significantly? A Republican who is as liberal as he is on abortion and gay rights might do well in New York, but he won't get very far nationally - the GOP base will never allow it.
Will this lead him to actually changing his views on social policy significantly? A Republican who is as liberal as he is on abortion and gay rights might do well in New York, but he won't get very far nationally - the GOP base will never allow it.

True. I doubt he'd ever be considered presidential material.