DBWI: Hitler fails to get into art school.

What if the legendary but controversial artist Hitler had failed to get into art school. I mean he only just scraped in.
What effect would this have on artistic culture?
What would of happened if he had gone into politics?
If he had become chancellor?


What if the legendary but controversial artist Hitler had failed to get into art school. I mean he only just scraped in.
What effect would this have on artistic culture?
What would of happened if he had gone into politics?
If he had become chancellor?
It's hard to imagine a world without "Neoimpresionism-futurism", that would be a horribly ugly place! I think that we need an ASB to do it! Hitler was such a genius painter and artists, and sometimes architect (he was a chief creater of a main idea for the League of Nations complex in Geneva).

I cannot imagine Hitler being a politician. I think that rather he would be depressend and angry at art estabilishment, who didn't recognize his talent. We all remember his battles against fossilized art estabilishment.


True, the man was a bit loopy. Very charismatic and impressive, I'm told, and a bit bonkers on some subjects, like Jews. Just as well he never quite managed to get a real power base; his artwork's pretty impressive, especially his landscapes and most especially his SF and fantasy landscapes.
It’s not too hard to imagine him getting a support base if he had power. Post-Great War Austria was quite the mess, and it never managed to stabilise unlike Weimar. Hell, until the Unification with the German Republic after the Soviet War, it looked like they were going to have another Civil War, or be occupied by Italy.


It’s not too hard to imagine him getting a support base if he had power. Post-Great War Austria was quite the mess, and it never managed to stabilise unlike Weimar. Hell, until the Unification with the German Republic after the Soviet War, it looked like they were going to have another Civil War, or be occupied by Italy.
I always enjoy his SF like pieces inspired by this war. It is a visual basis fot diesel and atom punk which are still the most popular genres in fantasy movies and videogames.
I have a Hitler from the mid-20s hanging in my office. I'd hate to see a world without Armeen des roten Planeten.
I always enjoy his SF like pieces inspired by this war. It is a visual basis fot diesel and atom punk which are still the most popular genres in fantasy movies and videogames.

That’s true - there was some interesting stuff. Though in terms of SF inspired by the Soviet War I far prefer Scheer and Ernsting’s Karl Lindemann books*.

I have a Hitler from the mid-20s hanging in my office. I'd hate to see a world without Armeen des roten Planeten.

He was talented but I was never a fan - they didn’t call him ‘Austria’s Lovecraft’ for nothing. They were both equally bigoted.

* OOC: The guys who created Perry Rhodan. ITTL: German protagonist and different outlook ;)
As long as he had not become a politician, he really had strange ideas

No doubt from his rampant drug use (amphetamines, MDMA, thujonine, etc.) which would've disqualified him from political office anyway. "The High Man in the Castle" has many anecdotes about how dysfunctional he was getting, even as his artwork rose in fame.
I've heard someone claim that if Mr. Hitler became a politician instead of an artist, he would've tried to take over Europe and destroy all the Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs. How ridiculously ASB is that?


The man was more than a bit of a megalomaniac and a major league racist even for his own time and place. So yes, it's conceivable. But I can't see him getting into power with a platform like that.
The man was more than a bit of a megalomaniac and a major league racist even for his own time and place. So yes, it's conceivable. But I can't see him getting into power with a platform like that.

Easier than you might think in early Republican Germany - despite the fact that it's been rightly praised as the most progressive country in Europe (early strides in gay and transgender rights, early strides in women's rights, they had women under arms fighting the USSR, the country was a haven for black musicians from the US...), in the early days the extreme right were everywhere, anti-Semitism was a major problem...combine that with the economic problems they had in the early days, you could see even a more lunatic fringe candidate getting power if he used the right words for the masses. But it'd be pushing ASB to have Hitler get to be in Germany at the time...

It's very good it didn't happen of course. IRL, Germany's a progressive country and has basically been the dominant economic and military power on the European continent since fighting the Sovs. Some lunatic fringe type taking over could have caused all that to be undone...
Easier than you might think in early Republican Germany - despite the fact that it's been rightly praised as the most progressive country in Europe (early strides in gay and transgender rights, early strides in women's rights, they had women under arms fighting the USSR, the country was a haven for black musicians from the US...), in the early days the extreme right were everywhere, anti-Semitism was a major problem...combine that with the economic problems they had in the early days, you could see even a more lunatic fringe candidate getting power if he used the right words for the masses. But it'd be pushing ASB to have Hitler get to be in Germany at the time...

It's very good it didn't happen of course. IRL, Germany's a progressive country and has basically been the dominant economic and military power on the European continent since fighting the Sovs. Some lunatic fringe type taking over could have caused all that to be undone...

I think if Hitler was made Chancellor he'd have a huge negative effect on Germany's war effort against the Soviets. The megalomaniacs of the time all shot their countries in the foot, like how Stalin purged his generals. If Hitler did the same in Germany, no doubt Stalin would've smashed up the Germans and taken control of all of Europe. Think of how many gulags Stalin would fill with every political 'dissident' in all of Europe. Thank god the red tsar died when he did.
Now, maybe the Entente club would've overcome their differences with Germany to fight against the communists the first time around, but I don't think Britain and France were ready to get into another war. They were pretty spooked by what was happening in Italy and Spain.
Well, I do not see him entering politics. Hitler's art clearly focuses on building and architectural details. So, if he does not get into art school he might - after years of struggling - become an architect.