D.C. Voting Rights Amendment ratified ~1982: who runs for Congress?

We could plausibly do 1984 or 1980/1986, but 1982 adds the Mayoral race for fun and seems like a reasonable date. I'm not too worried about a specific scenario as to why it passes, but a plausible example timeline could centre on a more effective Democratic President who also gets luckier than Carter (let's say Church) and/or alternate early/effective buildup of Statehood movement.

There will be two Senate seats up, equalizing all three Senate classes at 34. Class I for a six year term and Class II for a two year term. Plus of course a proper voting seat for the House of Representatives.

So. In 1982 you all have kinds of people. Many who ITTL have seen that the 27th Amendment will pass a year or two out.

Mayor Marion Barry's first term was pretty good, he's the most popular DC politician in (planned name of state) New Columbia I wager. This is well before his mess of a second and then some drugs. So in 1982 does he skip re-election and go for Senate? This also scrambles the 1982 Mayoral race.

Walter E. Fauntroy as the delegate to Congress already seems certain to run for Senate.

Under Democratic President elected in 1976 scenarios probable Cabinet Secretary Patricia Roberts Harris is a contender.

Arrington Dixon is in the running, although hopefully for him he picks a different race than Clarke.

John L. Ray likely depends on what Barry does.

David A. Clarke is running for something.

John A. Wilson is probably running for Mayor or Chairman depending on other players.

Jerry A. Moore Jr seems like the highest profile Republican candidate. I doubt he could win statewide but maybe? If Dem President elected/re-elected in 1980 then the 1982 midterms could be bad.

Anyway. I don't know much about local DC politics in the 1970s and 1980s but perhaps someone here does?
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