Custer's Luck

I found this book on the bargain table at the book store, and decided to give it a chance. It has Custer surviving Little Bighorn and becoming president in 1880. His presidency parallels Kennedy's Camelot in many ways. The book is fraught with grammatical errors, but is still a pretty good read. Has anyone else read this? If not, I recomend it.

I think the time span is a couple of years. Without giving too much away, let's just say that there are a LOT of parallels to JFK.
Does he get shot while riding in an open carriage by a guy with a telescopic rifle, or the period equivalent, from a building? Are there all sorts of conspiracy theories surrounding his death? Does he lead a bungled invasion of country that was thought up by his predeccesor? Finally, are there any Great Power confrontations similar to those of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Romulus Augustulus said:
Does he get shot while riding in an open carriage by a guy with a telescopic rifle, or the period equivalent, from a building? Are there all sorts of conspiracy theories surrounding his death? Does he lead a bungled invasion of country that was thought up by his predeccesor? Finally, are there any Great Power confrontations similar to those of the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Yes, he's shot by an "Indian" in San Antonio with a Winchester '73 who is avenging the death of his wife at Little Bighorn

The book ends with his death.

Right before his death, he secretly works to incite a rebellion in Panama, and stages an attack on a cruiser in Havanna harbor so that Congress will be convinced to declare war on Spain. I don't like the fact that that story line is just left open.