Crown Prince Rupprecht for President in 1932

Germany and its allies had pounded the Soviet forces . It had gained control of the skies over the Western Soviet Union.The Germans had now begun to press the attack with an aim to capture the Soviet Capital of Moscow. The western allies were now besieging Leningrad
Army Group South was pressing the attack in the Ukraine. General Erwin Rommel was commanding the 7thPanzer Division and had already destroyed 5 Soviet Divisions. The Germans were receiving a warm welcome from the Ukrainian people who were welcoming liberation from the Soviet Oppression.
The war in Russia had seen success by the German lead allies but there was also reason for concern. The wear and tear on tanks had been great. For instance Rommel's 7th Panzer Division had started out with nearly 300 tanks but between combat and the wear and tear of operations he was down to 100 tanks. The German Military was seeking to buy a huge amount of vehicles from German and British comapanies
German Logistics was reporting to the Army Commander in Chief that the war in Russia was resulting in the loss of a lot of vehicles due to the stress that was placed on them. The lack of roads and the needs to get things done had produced conditions that had not been foreseen.It wasn't just the German Army put also the Italian, Polish, Hungarian and Romanian.
With the fall of Kiev the Kaiser expressed concern that too much of the army's equipment was breaking down and that there perhaps needed to be a pause to allow repairs and replacements be brought up. The allied air forces would have to keep the pressure on by continuing the bombardment of key Soviet Military targets while the ground forces took a 72 hour break . A German -Polish force was within 72 miles of Moscow. Italian Warships had entered the Black Sea. Leningrad was under siege.
The Pause in the allied offensive into Russia had seen the Allied air Forces continue the Pressure on the Soviets. Bombers had struck military targets and rail targets used by the Soviets. The idea was to prevent the Soviets from being able to move forces and to destroy the Soviet capacity to replace its loses. German forces received replacements and new or rebuilt equipment. General Hans Guderian was once again ready to push forward . He had assured the Commander of Army Group Central that he was ready. The German Commander had consulted with tthe Polish and Hungarian Army Commanders and all agreed that the offensive would resume.
In the South Oddessa had fallen to a mixed German-Romanian Force. The Germans were pushing eastward joined by the Italian Eight Army. Rommel's 7th Panzer Division had received new tanks and the maintenance depots had also managed to return 50 tanks to him.
German and Finnish forces had now entered the city of Leningrad. Several units had surrendered but KGB troops continued to fight but were running low on munitions.
Meanwhile General Guderian's Panzer Corp had been fighting against a Soviet counter attack.
It is something to consider. The titles have been restored but the question is how much power will the various "Royal" have. It is something to consider once the current war is over.
The war in the east continued . Finaly on July 12,1940 Leningrad fell to the allies. The German -Finnish forces were hunting down the remaining Communist forces that refused to surrender.
The Battle of Moscow continued from late June 1940 through the beginning of September 1940 with the allies pushing forward and then the Soviets launched a series of Counter attack. Forces from Army Group North joined the offensive and the Giant Siege artillery arrive from Germany to smash the defenses. German Assault Engineers arrived and the intensity of the battle increase until finally on September 7th 1940 the German took the Kremlin. What was left of the Red Army attempted to escape but many units just surrender out of food and ammo. Stalin Had escaped.
The German General Staff met with its allies to consider the next move in the war. While the Kaiser would like to resolve things quickly he believe that the war would go on into 1941 and that the allies needed to begin planning for the Fall and winter. The Poles would like to press on but where aware that their army had suffered loses in taking Moscow and there was a need to replace a lot of equipment and rebuild units. A decision was to carry out a recon in force to 45 miles East of Moscow. But the Shift will take place with the great thrust now being in the Ukraine The 3rd Panzer army would Join Army Group South and Austria would be reinforcing its contribution so that it would now have a Panzer Division, Panzer Grenadier Division,Motorized Infantry Division and a Cavalry Regiment. Italy was replacing three divisions with 2 Armored Divisions and 1Motorized Division. A Slovak Volunteer Brigade was Joining the Germans. Germany was providing the equipment: 2 Companies of PZKPFIIIs ,1 Company of Stug III, 2 Motorized Infantry Battalions,1 SP artillery Battalion
The thrust in the Ukraine saw the encirclement of several Soviet Corps but the Soviets appeared to be falling back. The Sixth German Army sealed off the Ukraine as the allied forces pressed Eastward. The German High Command ordered that the people be treated with all do respect. The goal was not to create more enemies but to win the war.
The German Imperial Navy had deployed a task force into the Black Sea. It consisted of the SMS Admiral Graf Spee,, SMS Leipzig and three destroyers. This joined the Italian Black Sea fleet which consist of the Battleship Littorio and Andrea Dorea,1 heavy cruiser,2 light cruisers and 6 destroyers. The German Navy sent 3 submarines into the Black Sea with orders to sink any Soviet ship.
A German U-boat sank a Soviet Battleship and a destroyer that was underway attempting to relocate to the Eastern Black Sea. The Italian heavy cruiser Zara and the German Blucher engaged and sank a Russian cruiser while suffering only minor damage.
Germany's War Minister was meeting with the allied military chiefs to discuss war goals and where they wanted to go in 1941. It was clear that the Soviets had been hurt badly but there was no indication that Stalin was willing to make peace on the allies terms. So far there had been no real antiwar protest in any of the allied nations but many wanted to see a plan that would end the war in 1941 or no latter than the summer of 1942. The Kaiser had met with French and British leaders to discuss Russia.
The German Military was now screening the huge number of "Russian" Pows to see if any would fight with the allies against the communist> A German officer who had served on the Russian Front in the First World War was urging the raising of Ukrainians and others to fight with the Allies. The result was that the Germans were looking at raising 20 Battalions of troops with the possibility of expanding the amount.
The allies had pulled back from their positions at the start of October 1940 and thus had been better prepared for the Soviet Counter Attack. The Soviet leader had stripped the Far East of 80 percent of its crack troops leaving just a handful of regulars and a lot of trainees and militia.Grabbing all of the manpower that they could. The Red Army rebuilt its strength using every vehicle that came off the assembly line. In December the Reds struck and regained some territory. They pushed to within 12 miles of Moscow but by the end of February they had to pull back and regroup
Germany was working on training Russian and Ukrainians To be soldiers in the new Military which would fight the Soviets> The Ukrainians had provided 180,000 volunteers and the Russians 170,000. That was providing a lot of manpower which is what the allies would need to win the war. With the Baltic totally controlled by the allies the Germans were sending more ships to the Black Sea. The Bismarck would leave with the Scharnhorst,heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen ,2 light cruisers, 8 destroyers an oiler, 4 transports and 4 cargo ships. Plans were to land a force in Georgia and push inland,
Control of the Black Sea allowed the German General Staff to consider putting a plan into effect which would insert German and perhaps other allied troops into Georgia. Nearly 10,000 German Mountain troops were aboard 7 transports along with some artillery and tanks. The German Joint planning staff met with its Italian and Romanian counter parts to see if they would be willing to land additional Mountain troops in Georgia. The Austrians had expressed a willingness to send a reinforced Brigade to join the Germans. The Italians also expressed a willingness to deploy a full strength Mountain Division and already made the arrangements.