Collaborative Worldbuilding Project

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A proposal:
In the beggining, there was only Naamas, the God of Chaos. He existed in a time where there were no planes or worlds, or even time. One day He decided he was bored of the eternal void, and he wanted to create something. But there was no room. Therefore, Naamas created the world, but in doing so split himself in two: Aria and Obu. They were opposites: sweet and harsh, man and woman, joy and fear; but most imporantly, Aria was good and Obu was pure evil. They created more gods, who had children, which had children, and so forth; dividing the gods into the Obites and the Arians. The Arians were descendents of Aria, while the Ones were descended from Obi.

I know you said that not everyone was related, but this is just an idea. How do you like it?
I know you said that not everyone was related, but this is just an idea. How do you like it?

If I am to be sincere, it's too simplistic.

I mean that the Gods should represent plenty of aspects of nature, not all of which are either good or bad. The can be above or below that classification. There can be Gods who are the personification of, for example, the spirit of a tiger. A tiger needs to kill to live, does that make it good, does it make it bad? No, neither. It isn't even the right question to ask.

Also folks, I urge you to keep helping in completing the map, we need it to determine the climates and habitats. From there, everything else is constructed.

If it was not clear before, we are free to create any kind of elements, species, civilizations and many other things in the ages before The Cataclysm. That means we don't need much context, we create the object and then the context around it. In age after The Cataclysm, however, the opposite is true, we need the base because we are going to build from the ground upwards.

I would be too in favour of original creations.

Meanwhile, here is another race:

The low dark angels (placeholder name):

The species known as low dark angels were a supernatural race of hermaphrodite humanoids that disappeared around the (placeholder) age, often speculated that this was due to a war of extermination waged by a consortium of other species. They are named in this fashion thanks to what little registers there are about their existence and thus the lack a term about how they named themselves. A popular theory points towards the word "Ashar", nonetheless, there are serious doubts about the validity of this hypothesis.

Humanity is situated among the extermination pact sometimes, but its role varies according to what little secondary sources remain as there are almost no primary ones. The current theories point towards a humanity heavily invested in the complete annihilation of this race but there is no absolutely known answer to either the mystery of the how much and why.

They had a core appearance similar to humans and all sources coincide in that they were bearers of excelling beauty. The epic Journey to the Sea of the Ten Thousand Islands and what lied Beyond gives the most vivid account of the appearance of a low dark angel. They had a mostly human body from the eyes to the middle of the thighs and upper arms. The limbs, in contrast, were covered in very soft, though harder than steel, scales and were slightly elongated, which coincided with the taller than average height of a normal low dark angel. They had long and slender fingers in both hands and feet, which were digitigrade and had metatarsals as long as their tibias and two opposable thumbs on opposite ends of each foot. When older hair and feathers covered specific lines and designs in their limbs. From their heads grew eight slender, hollow horns and with age a plethora of smaller horns grew creating some kind of organic crown, which was a strange vision next to their vulpine or lapin-like ears. They never wore their hair shorter than their height and had a line of fur that started in the back of their heads and went down until the end of a thin reptilian tail several times their height. The low dark angels started growing a mane of both fur and feathers around their neck, between their breasts and from their collarbones in their adolescence. A natural crown of multicoloured feathers around their heads announced their sexual maturity. And of course, their name came from the fact that they were winged, spanning more than 13 metres from wingtip to wingtip. Each wing had a velvety inside of skin with some fur and an exterior covered by feathers.

All the individuals of the species were simultaneous hermaphrodites, possessing a pair of breasts and male and female genitals, the former above and in front of the later, both able to produce offspring but an individual not able to fecundate itself. Human males and females were often attracted without distinction towards the low dark angels. The account of the epic also narrates that their society was polyamorous as a norm but not much else beyond them being fierce warriors.

They were often confused with succubae and incubi and were probably the inspiration for the myth of these creatures.
Names for the world proposals:

Centralis, from "centralis", Latin for central.

Xenia, from "xeno", Latin for foreign, strange.

Pitia, from "Te pito o te henua", the name of Easter Island in Rapa Nui, meaning the navel of the world.

Yggdria, from "Yggdrasill".

I don't seem to be very inspired today it seems.
I'd like to stay away from Latin-esque names or the -ia suffix for this world. In other news, I've decided to contribute a little to the basemap.

EDIT: How about "Namouris" for a name?

Test idea for an eldritch abomination-y thing. I picture them like people throwing pebbles into a lake. Some do it to see the pond-skaters move with the ripples, some throw pebbles at the wildlife to hurt them, some people just idly throw rocks into the water, not looking or caring at the effects. This fellow is one of the latter.

Hashanarame Neverforgotten

One of the most well-recorded of the Ancients-of-Days, the pervasiveness of knowledge of Hashanarame Neverforgotten can be attributed to the unique effect the entity has on those who have come into contact with it; for in all certainty this is not one of the Shioldaagh that actively seeks Conjunction for purposes good or ill. As a result, there are far fewer cults to Hashanarame than to similar well-known entities such as Crowned Taipo-Naia, Vimelumo Six-Fins, Cnovhas of the Orphans, or even Valorous Pholoran. It is unknown by what manner those who have been affected by the entity have reached Conjunction with it, as such individuals either do not remember or refuse to convulge it. Nevertheless, the signs of a person who has Conjuncted with Hashanarame Neverforgotten are obvious, and come in usual three stages.

In the first stage, the Conjuncteds' memory improves greatly over a period of several weeks, to the point where they can actively remember extremely trivial details from any day of their life. At this stage, they become more active and inquisitive, as if seeking more knowledge. Even at this stage, they have forgotten everything to do with their Conjunction except for the name 'Hashanarame Neverforgotten'.

In the second stage, the Conjucted become able to remember events, persons, places, etcetera that they have read of, heard about, or otherwise learned of second-hand - often to a clearer degree than those who have firsthand knowledge. The affected begin to actively seek out knowledge; travelling, reading, questioning, etcetera, and rapidly begin to display diminished survival responses.

In the third and final stage, the Conjuncted appear to have overburdened themselves with information. They suffer migraines and detachment from reality, unable to distinguish the present from the past, their own memories from those of others', whilst still seeking new knowledge. As the third stage goes on, they begin to forget to eat, sleep, drink, blink, breathe or keep their heart-pumping - a condition that eventually kills them. Most disturbingly, their memories appear to change, either in the wording of or in their description of the events, to include Hashanarame Neverforgotten.

I added island chains, islands at the equator and volcanic island chain. For the "Southern Continent" I did much of the bottom coast, I thought it look very unique to make it look like that instead of it touching the bottom of the map. I also added some really cold islands as well.

I was thinking we should give the "Southern Continent" the name Oedinus. What do you guys think?

Added more rivers and did more of the "Southern Continent". I even made a lake that looks like a bunny if you look very closely. (Feel free to name that lake whatever you like as long it got something to do with bunnies)
The map is finished. Well, some parts could use a retouch but in general I think it is alright.

What about the name Järvien, "of lakes", in Finnish.

Collaborative Worldbuilding Project.png
Maybe some sort of Messinian Salinity crisis type thing could happen to one of the giant inland seas on the southern continent. Or have one in the process of draining/filling.
Maybe some sort of Messinian Salinity crisis type thing could happen to one of the giant inland seas on the southern continent. Or have one in the process of draining/filling.

The refilling of the seas could be an interesting expression of how the world heals itself after The Cataclysm.
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