While at first glance, even i thought this was a nonsensical idea, reading through Nasci num Harém by Fatema Mernissi it seems that the Haseki Sultan Gulnus Sultan, the mother of Ahmed III and basically the real ruler of the OE during Ahmed III's reign, was very taken with Charles XII. When she found out that Asiye Sultan, the daughter of Ahmed II (20 years old in 1711) was also very taken with Charles XII, in order to further the cause of the war party in Constantinople, she asked Ahmed III to facilitate a marriage between Asiye Sultan and Charles XII with Asiye converting to the Church of Sweden. Ahmed III was hesitant, but there was good precedent in allowing ottoman princess's convert and marry (happened a good amount of times with some Shia beys in Iraq, and happened a few rare times in Orhan's reign), and Ahmed III was willing to go for it if Charles XII was okay with it. But before the question could even be broken the Pruth River Campaign went ahead and the light terms basically killed the War party in Constantinople making it political suicidal to make such a suggestion so the proposal was dropped. But what if Ahmed III made an earlier decision and in the unlikely scenario Charles XII agreed to marry Asiye Sultan who would convert to the Church of Sweden before marrying him? What do you think would be the consequences of this? @von Adler @Osman Aga
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