British-Spanish-American War - Timeline Idea

British-Spanish-American war

A Deal

Following reports of Spanish abuse and killing of Cubans, the United States sent warships to Cuba. Spain was losing control of Cuba and had been putting Cubans into concentration camps. The United States sent ships to Cuba to try to force Spain to give up Cuba. The U.S. battleship Maine exploded in Cuban waters, killing about 260 people on board. "Remember the Maine" became a common wartime saying. U.S. newspapers blamed Spain for the explosion. Spain tried to avoid going to war, but pressure from U.S. newspapers, called "yellow journalism," and ordinary people, persuaded U.S. government to go to war. Some of these people just wanted Cuba to become independent, but others hoped that the United States could build a colonial empire overseas, like many European countries had done.

Since the Madrid Protocol, the Spanish had shown interest in selling the Philippines to Great Britain, on July 1898 2 months after the declaration of Spanish-American the Spanish would offer the Philippines on Silver Platter to the UK in 20 Million $ in exchange of alliance between Great Britain and Spain.

The deal was ratified on August 30 1898 in London, where in the Philippines Proper was sold to Great Britain and not the Pacific Islands of Marianas and Guam, uniting the Philippines with Sabah and Sarawak.

The British would join the Spanish side in the Spanish-American war.

This is just a timeline idea that is open to anyone who would like to continue it..
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