British East India company is defeated at battle of plassy

What if it doesn't rains on the day of battle? What if the nawab had better spies who reported of the treachery? what if the French won the seven years war? How would it effect the history of Indian Subcontinent?
there is no british empire.
British India singlehandedly financed industrialization in the UK.
Britain with less resources is more reliant on Europe to trade with.
This would make Napoleons Continental System more effective.

There is no India, It was the british that unified a bunch of squabbling petty kings into 1 colony.
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there is no british empire.
British India singlehandedly financed industrialization in the UK.
Britain with less resources is more reliant on Europe to trade with.
This would make Napoleons Continental System more effective.

There is no India, It was the british that unified a bunch of squabbling petty kings into 1 colony.
I wouldn´t call petty kings to rulers of millions of subjects with territories larger than most european countries. Britain would just invest their resources elsewhere. They could certainly chip away at other coasts of india, or conquer indonesian islands. There was certainly an ability to conquer and a profit to be made even if they lost Bengal.
there is no british empire.
British India singlehandedly financed industrialization in the UK.
Britain with less resources is more reliant on Europe to trade with.
This would make Napoleons Continental System more effective.

There is no India, It was the british that unified a bunch of squabbling petty kings into 1 colony.

I do not think that the British losing one battle in India during the Seven Years War causes them to lose everything. You may get a more divided India between the French and the British. If everything stays the same during the Seven Years War Britain isn't losing North America in fact they still gain Canada. The colonies in Africa have not whisked away either. The British are either forcing their claim more in India or have been said spending resources on their half of India or say Egypt, North America, or even somewhere in Asia.
The British still industrialise pretty much on schedule and continue to trade and govern Madras and Bombay. Bombay likely doesn't expand, and Madras potentially could grow fairly large if alliances are played right- not close to domination of the entire subcontinent but a decent sized regional state.

The French never gain the power in Bengal that the British had but they as well as having no British to decentralise things could potentially modernise it's military enough that it could fight off the Marathas and establish secure control of Bengal, Bihar up to Patna and Orissa. I'd be interested to see how this partially more secure Bengal subah deals with resurgent Mughal ambition in the personage of Shah Alam II who was fought off primarily by the British commanded Bengali forces otl soon after Plassey.
Ok so if dwell a bit deep let's say British lose. Now this wouldn't effect the events of the Seven Years War. Now let's get to things one by one:
Fate of India :--
Well if there's no British Intervention, so the Marathas would come to power in India and rule for another century, now this era of India was very important because at this time India was
de-industrialised by the British to fund the Empire. So in this timeline though India won't industrialise but some parts of India would rapidly industrialise, namely Bengal and MadrasMadras and see rapid economic growth like what Japan saw after it's industrialisation. Whereas other parts would lag behind. There would no united national Indian Identity, it'll be like a European Identity.
North America:--
The French still lose in North America.
The American Revolution still happens.
The French Revolution still happens.
Things change during the Napoleonic Era. Without India the British wouldn't be able fund their fight against the Continental System as effectively as they did in our timeline. The Continental System in this timeline would partially succeed and Napoleon wouldn't need to invade Russia in this timeline.
British Empire:--
In this timeline all the resources that the British invested in India would be diverted to other colonies East Indies, Canada, South Africa, Mozambique, Indo-China, Australia and Angola.
With the growth of technology Britain would colonize huge parts of Africa(British Africa would somewhat resemble the German Mittel Afrika with the addition of South Africa.