"Even British DIR now goes through India because BT just can't get the indigenous British staff with the requisite IQ!"
Shed loads of companies are moving their call centres to India cos it's cheaper.
"As Prince Charles said: It is surely obvious that putting adolescent boys & girls together in the same class will distract from one's education, together with other unnecessary and unpleasant social implications."
As I mentioned above, boys actually do better in mixed sex schools. Research by educational psychologist vs. opinion of inbred aristocrat with no idea about life in the real world. You choose which to believe.
Shed loads of companies are moving their call centres to India cos it's cheaper.
"As Prince Charles said: It is surely obvious that putting adolescent boys & girls together in the same class will distract from one's education, together with other unnecessary and unpleasant social implications."
As I mentioned above, boys actually do better in mixed sex schools. Research by educational psychologist vs. opinion of inbred aristocrat with no idea about life in the real world. You choose which to believe.