British Comprehensive Schooling Disaster Not Implemented

"Even British DIR now goes through India because BT just can't get the indigenous British staff with the requisite IQ!"

Shed loads of companies are moving their call centres to India cos it's cheaper.

"As Prince Charles said: It is surely obvious that putting adolescent boys & girls together in the same class will distract from one's education, together with other unnecessary and unpleasant social implications."

As I mentioned above, boys actually do better in mixed sex schools. Research by educational psychologist vs. opinion of inbred aristocrat with no idea about life in the real world. You choose which to believe.


Monthly Donor
Well, call centres don't just get the less well housemate has 2 degrees (Physics and History) and he works in a call centre for a measly £12,000 per year....the job situation ain't great in take what you can get.

And I'm really not sure about single-sex vs co-ed systems. Both have pros and cons it seems. Seems to be affected by culture too in some regards perhaps?

Dunash- why in God's name are you grateful for going to an all male school? So did I, and it damn well retarded my social development. It doesn't sound too healthy if the introduction of females in the 6th form caused you all to freak out.
AOL. The fact that student are distracted from learning 'cause of social implications isn't only a bad thing. An older relative of mine went to an all-girls school and never really learned how this strange species from Mars (i.e. men) think & feel. No wonder her marriage broke up. IMO Single-sex schools are only good for educating kids who want to become monks/nuns and/or homosexuals. (This is not meant to be anti-gay. I only want to say that anyone else won't become too happy in his/her social life after being educated in a school where they pretend that the other sex doesn't exist.)
There is a confustion here. "Comprehensive Schools" are those in which people are not selected based on supposed academic merit at 11.

It is possible to have single sex selective or Comprehensive schools. It is possible to have co ed selective or Comprehensive school. I believe all of these combinations have existed in the UK in the last 20-40 years


Wasn't Einstein nearly put out of school in his youth for poor grades in Language?

Any system that bases one's entire education on one test taken at age 11 has a serious problem in my opinion. If America is so backward educationally why do we continue to be the most productive country in the world? I get a little sick of countries we can buy and sell telling us we don't know how to educate our children.
NapoleonXIV said:
Wasn't Einstein nearly put out of school in his youth for poor grades in Language?

Any system that bases one's entire education on one test taken at age 11 has a serious problem in my opinion. If America is so backward educationally why do we continue to be the most productive country in the world? I get a little sick of countries we can buy and sell telling us we don't know how to educate our children.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Einstein did poorly in mathematics.


Dunash said:
In the Indian, Chinese, S.Korean and Japanese schooling system, boys are still separated from girls. Those countries are literally peacefully overtaking the world.

Not the evil asians taking over the world through business prowess myth. That is soo 1980's.
Einstein did well in mathematics. He mostly had problems with the wide-spread militarism in the German schools, being the pacifist he was. He later said: "In my first school, the teachers were like sergeants, and in my second one, like lieutenants." (Something like that.)