It's a well known fact that in our timeline Brazil could have followed a similar path to the rest of Latin America and been separated into many different countries

With that in mind, we have dialects and accents in parts of the country to this day, which is natural considering the continental size of the country, which could have lead to a larger divergence from the standard portuguese

Im aware of course that Latin America is separated in many different countries and yet most of these countries still speak spanish and can understand each other fairly well despite the political separation the same ways as Quebec still speaks french despite not belonging to France anymore

However I must also point out that Brazil had some other factors in play:
1- The existence of creole languages resulting from native languages merging with portuguese to create the "Linguas Gerais" like Nheengatu and the Paulistan language
2- European immigration, specially to the southern states who received quite a bit of citizens from Italy and Germany, where these languages might still be found being spoken in a few cities
3- Asian immigration, specially to the southeast of the country, which makes Brazil have the largest japanese comnunity outside of Japan and large communities of other east asian countries as well
4- Great afro-brazilian communities who hold a cultural influence over brazilian society, specially in the North and Northeast areas of the country, who read Malê Rising must have a idea of what Im talking about
5- Geographical proximity with other Latin American countries, after all its no surprise that Brazil is influenced by it's neighbours
From the southern states neighbouring the spanish speaking Uruguay & Argentina and sharing it's gaucho culture, to the Center-West neighbouring Paraguay(that occupied said brazilian states during the Paraguayan War) who aside from spanish also speaks Guarani and the northern states who not only share a border with Bolivia but also did share it with, gasp! France(Guiana) as well as British Guyana & Dutch Suriname, with both the french and the dutch having tried to estabilish colonies in Brazil before

With that in mind and depending on when said balkanization happened - and I would like to leave that open in this topic so as to have more space for discussion - what tongues could've been born from breaking up Brazil?

To be clear, I'm looking for variations of portuguese, so no "If Portugal hadnt colonized Brazil" scenarios here unless you could spin that into a different luso dialect being spoken here

However I'm fine with anyone pointing out potential languages that could have existed due to the huge amount of different cultures that make up the brazilian nation(example: lebanese + japanese) so long it doesnt get too off-topic

Likewise I'd like examples of how such break-up could have affected the other portuguese colonies(like Angola or Macau) or even Portugal itself, so long its linguistically, if ya'll feel like it and can think of something

With that out of the way, have fun!
To be clear, I'm looking for variations of portuguese, so no "If Portugal hadnt colonized Brazil" scenarios here unless you could spin that into a different luso dialect being spoken here
Uhh.....the Spanish colonise a bit of the Amazon but as they can't find anyone willing to Iive their it ends up being mostly settled by Brazilians who due to the increased Spanish influence from the nearby colonies develop their own weird Spanish accented Portuguese.
Uhh.....the Spanish colonise a bit of the Amazon but as they can't find anyone willing to Iive their it ends up being mostly settled by Brazilians who due to the increased Spanish influence from the nearby colonies develop their own weird Spanish accented Portuguese.
Uruguay 2 Amazon Boogaloo?
To be fair dinosaurs do
Its not like New Zealand after all...
TL Idea. The Dinosaurs in Acre break out of their prison and conquer the rest of Brazil and divide it into a bunch of independent Kingdoms. Eventually the Human Subjects/Livestock adopt their language which is pretty much just a bunch of indescprihbable roars.