Book adoptions of Movie an important genre.

While many of the most popular movies in history have been adoptions of books, as far as I know, not a single novelisation of a movie has gained popular or critical acclaim. It just doesn't seem to happen. Can anyone think of a way that this might be changed and popular written adaptions of movies become a respectable thing. Or is the present relationship baked into the nature of the medium?
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Maybe if there was a slew of movies that got more inferior and the books based on them were more superior, maybe that might happen but I'm not very well versed into the film medium than maybe before the late 70's.
Maybe you could get a movie catching the attention of a very renowned writer, or at least a successful one (not the same thing!), so much that they approach the movie director with the idea of a novel adaptation. When the book is successful another successful author follows the lead. This creates a precedent where a novel adaptation is seen as a work of love and not as a mere money-grubbing initiative - at least on the surface. Maybe Dashiell Hammett, the author of the Sam Spade novels, takes a liking to Casablanca?