BMN/FasterThanRaito's Hoi4/Paradox inspired maps

That is a lovely shade of green ya used there.

Edit: Random question, but which of your maps do you think is your favorite?
It's actually Ukraine Green!

I love all my maps, though I think the world-conquest ones are the least visually interesting. The ones that I like looking at the most are the ones that show a diverse post-war situation that is very different from normal history while not being completely fantastically implausible, so #14 Liberia and #15 New Zealand are good examples from my earlier work. For my more modern work, based on a non-historical start like Kaiserreich, I am particularly inclined to appreciate #123 United Kingdom and #128 United States.

Of course, all the other maps have interesting little tidbits like unique ways of dividing China. I love seeing France at its Natural Borders, etc etc

And also, some of my posts are more narrative text focused than map-focused. One of my favorite stories was the Lord of the Rings campaign as Isengard #24. It featured the rise of a new people and a beautiful romance between a princess and solider, having started as a political hostage situation for the machinations of the wizard aiming to usurp a king's throne. Very dramatic stuff with the War of the Ring as a mere backdrop and pretext for the mobilization of great armies. But even after the War of Ring, the politics and wars do not end...
I am somewhat regretful that I didn't flesh out the writing even more. If I were a better writer I would have turned it into a full fanfiction story. I think it deserves at least 20,000 words not the mere 1,000 on my post.
130. Spain - Fascist
NatPop Carles rampage in Kaiserreich

Kaiserredux- Carlist Spain

I am joining this request

The shocks of the German financial crisis increased the present fissures in Spanish society. The King, in an attempt to restore faith in the government, invited the Carlist pretenders to discussions to present a united monarchist front before the people. However, this strategy backfired and the people instead demanded the replacement of the king by one of the pretenders who might do the job better. With the ascension of the new king, radical national integralist thought began influencing the government, and Spain came closer and closer to forming an Organic Monarchy.

Meanwhile, Germany had collapsed, and although the SPD-led rebellion was crushed by force of arms, the four principal regions of Germany ended up being controlled by different cliques, in the North, the Syndicalists established a stronghold, in the West, Democratic reformers, in the South Ultranationalists, and in the East the remnants of the imperial government formed Prussia.

Canada, knowing that it could not rely on Germany to help defeat the Internationale for the reclamation of its homeland, instead turned to America. Their strategy was to support the rightful US federal government, which happened to have the most well-aligned ideology, and directly intervene to defeat the other civil war factions.

Spain, and also Portugal, in order to gain a foothold in the Americas and reconquer the Empire, joined the Entente and helped the US government in the civil war, which in return repealed the Monroe Act, allowing Spain and Portugal to recover their territories.

Both Spain and Portugal used their integralist policies to incorporate the American populations into their country not as colonies but as provinces.

The Internationale hadn't been inactive either. They nearly got MiddleAfrica to collapse, though Goering somehow mostly pulled it back together. They got India united under Gandhi, and they conquered a path through Switzerland, South Germany, Austria to Hungary, all to connect with friendly regimes in the East, though Hungary would have a Liberal counter-revolution and would drop out of the Internationale.

Czechia, Serbia, and Romania all developed ultranationalist positions and in the case of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, managed to succeed in uniting their pan-ethnic "folk" into their respective states by all allying with each other by joining the Eurasian alliance. Russia is officially a democracy, but only in a limited capacity and internationally find such common ground with the militarists of East Europe. Eurasia conquered and subjugated Finland, Turkey, and Arabic Republic with the help of Persia.

With the end of the US civil war and unification of the Americas, the Entente is ready to take the fight back to Europe.

It starts with Border skirmishes between Spain and France, then develops into a full multi-national mechanized drive through France to rescue the besieged Low Countries.

Huge losses at sea on both sides occurred during the Battle of Britain, but eventually the Entente navies won, and the assault overwhelmed British defenders, especially since the Exiles had help from a Welsh uprising and some Scottish resistors.

Spain installed a proper catholic regime in Ireland, but also returned Ulster to the British, who reformed the United Kingdom and its Empire.

After that, it was a simple matter of sending the navy to Japan to finish them off. The Japanese had already failed to take over Malaya, and now with both the Russians and Chinese bearing down on them they agreed to surrender.

131. Germany - Neutral/Monarchist
This was somewhat of a challenge run.

I gave maximum buffs to France, Britain and CSA

Also gave all technologies, including mutually exclusive ones, to both France and Britain at game start

As Germany, I had to suffer the revolution and restore authdem rule in the new republic.

As expected, the revolution cost me the entire starting army which had to be rebuilt from scratch, but I got back the entire navy, plus I managed to salvage the Asian navy before they collapsed.
Although the monarchy was gone and we had temporarily been forced to ally with the 3rd Internationale, German Africa remained stable and strong, hoping order would be restored in the homeland.

Taking advantage of the relaxed attitudes in France and Britain, Germany invaded Belgium and Netherlands. From there, Germany staged its simultaneous invasions of France and Britain. The Navy secured Dover before the British could react, while the army used tanks to pummel the French, who had taken over the fortifications of Alsace.

However, what was really unexpected was that despite the huge boosts to technology, productivity, and political power, the 3rd Internationale did not actually build up much industry or army units and instead languished apathetically as Germany recovered and re-eclipsed them. The war, rather than being a slow slog against a higher quality enemy, was still painful but rather quick, with a the slightly more numerous but vastly inferior German navy able to hold of the enemy fleets long enough for German tanks to assemble in southern and eastern England. The British infantry did not have the necessary equipment to defeat armor, and were overrun.

Due to the rapid capture of London, the British fell first, and then it was only a matter of time until the frontline divisions in France suffered enough attrition that the tanks found a weak spot and pried open a breakthrough. German armor surrounded Paris and began occupying deep into the countryside. The Internationale collapsed, and Germany had secured itself.

Then there were further elections, which fraudulently allowed the major corporations to influence the government, resulting in an illiberal "democracy" where the military and corporatists held all the power and decided the results of the electoral process. Satisfied with this right-wing government, Africa submitted to rejoining the German Empire.

Soon afterwards, National France demanded to be allowed to return to the European Mainland. Germany refused, and National France foolishly declared war. The Entente, having already lost North America to the syndicalists, stood no chance and were easily dispatched by Germany, along with help from Spain, which annexed Portugal.

In the rest of the world. Poland-Ukrainian alliance dominates Eastern Europe while Serbia, Restored Byzantium, and an Afghani Persian Empire face off against the Arabs in the Middle East.
Japan dominates Asia, except China which remains somewhat peacefully divided.

Syndicalist Mexico and Argentina brought the revolution to Latin America.

If I look for a challenge, next time I'll have to try something more extreme.

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132. Bonus Round X - Crusader Kings 3
Game of Thrones Mod - Crowned Stag start date in 283 AC.

In the style of an in-universe history record. Only select types of events are logged, and only concerning lords of King-rank or higher, aside from a couple special characters from the original story.

I played as the Starks of Winterfell, my aim was to become a strong independent kingdom, seating as many Starks as possible on as many lordships as possible, first inside the North, then also outside.

282 Robert's Rebellion begins
283 Robert's Rebellion ends

283 North

Jon Snow born, son of Brandon Stark (Secretly son of Lyanna Stark and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen).
Robb Stark born, son of Lord Eddard Stark.
Eddard Stark Lord of Winterfell, appoints younger brother Benjen Lord of Moat Cailin.

292 Vale
Lord Petyr Baelish died, of an accident. Was close friend of the Arryns and Tullys (Secretly Lysa's lover and true father of Robin Arryn, Lord Jon Arryn's son and heir).

293 Reach
Lord Mace Tyrell died, succeeded by his son Willas Tyrell.
Doran Martell died, succeeded by his daughter Arianne on account of his sons still being young children.

294 Vale
Lord Jon Arryn died, succeeded by his son Robin Arryn. Lysa Tully remarries.

298 Crownlands
Grand Tournament of Robert Baratheon. All major lords and knights in attendance through 299.

299 Crownlands
Viserys Targaryen invaded Westeros to reclaim the Iron Throne. The Targaryen army numbered 80,000 mostly from Essosi sellswords but also some traitor Westerosi such as Dornish and Crownlander supporters. The Westerosi Army numbered 90,000. Viserys was defeated at the Battle of the Kingswood before being able to cross his army over the Blackwater to attack King's Landing. The timely mobilization and coordination by the Westerosi lords resulting in the quick defeat of the invaders is attributed to Robert Baratheon's Grand Tourney which had already assembled the lords and their knights at King's Landing. The lords of the Reach might have attemped to support the invaders if they hadn't been surrounded by Robert's guests at the start of the war, so they declared for the Baratheons instead of the Targaryens. Such good fortune on the part of King Robert's timing stands as proof of his right to rule in the light of the Seven.
After the Battle of the Kingswood, Viserys was captured and executed, along with Arianne Martell.
Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard died in battle, defending his King Robert. Son of Lord Tywin Lannister and brother of Queen Cersei (Secretly Cersei's lover and father of the two princes and the two princesses).
Lord Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone died in battle, fighting King Robert's enemies. Brother of Robert, succeeded by his daughter Shireen Baratheon.
Iron Islands
Balon Greyjoy died, attempting to raid the Westerlands and Reach during the war. Succeeded by his son Rodrick Greyjoy.
Lordship of Dorne was seized by Quentyn Martell from his traitor sister Arianne.
Lord Hoster Tully died, of old age during the war. Succeeded by his son Edmure Tully who fought loyally for King Robert.
Eddard Stark, his son Robb and nephew Jon all fought loyally for King Robert. In the battle of the Kingswood the Northern army proved to be the deciding factor. Among the northern fighters, Jon Snow stood out as particularly valiant.
Jon Snow legitimized by Lord Eddard and married Meera Reed. Jon Stark granted lordship over lands in the Blackpines.
Robb Stark married Alys Karstark.
At the end of the war, Princess Daenaris Targaryen sister of Viserys Targaryen was captured and her life spared, taken to the North as a hostage by Lord Eddard.

302 North
Lord Jon Stark's wife Meera Reed died. Daenaris Targaryen married Lord Jon Stark of Allpine.

303 Dorne
Trystane Martell married Sansa Stark, establishing an alliance between Dorne and the North.
Lord Tywin Lannister died, succeeded by his son Tyrion Lannister.
Queen Cersei Lannister died, of illness.
Cersei's royal children exposed as bastards by Lord Renly of the Stormlands, brother of King Robert. Former princes Joffrey and Tommen took the Black and were sent to the Wall, former princesses Myrcella and Sirawen took the vows of the Silent Sisters.
King Robert Baratheon remarried with Alyssa Thorne, a crownlands lady.

308 Dorne
Lord Quentyn Martell deposed and replaced by his brother Trystane Martell, on account of Quentyn being unable to father children.

312 Crownlands
King Robert Baratheon died, succeeded by his legitimate son Prince Gillard born from his second wife Alyssa.
The Iron Thone ruled by Regent Renly Baratheon on account of Gillard being an infant babe. Renly began plotting to seize the throne from his nephew, no doubt beleiving himself to be a more suitable king than a mere child.

313 Crownlands
Lady Shireen Baratheon of Dragonstone died, succeeded by her sister Daria.

316 Crownlands
King Renly Baratheon crowned, having seized the Iron Throne from Prince Gillard. Beginning of a crisis, which was resolved when the Lords Paramount of Westerlands (Tyrion), Riverlands (Edmure), Vale (Robin), and Reach (Willas) accepted Renly as King. Dorne, North, and Iron Islands formed an independence faction and negotiated their release from the Iron Throne.
The Kingdom of Dorne declared independence. Lord Trystane Martell crowned King.
The Kingdom of the North declared independence. Lord Eddard Stark crowned King.
Iron Islands
The Kingdom of the Iron Islands declared independence. Lord Rodrick Greyjoy crowned King.

319 Vale
Lord Robin Arryn died, succeeded by his son Jon Arryn.

321 Iron Islands
King Rodrick Greyjoy died, succeeded by his son Torgon Greyjoy. King Torgon is the first Salt King to follow the faith of the Seven instead of the Drowned God.

324 Crownlands
Lady Daria Baratheon of Dragonstone died, succeeded by her son Roy Baratheon.

327 Stormlands
Prince Gillard Baratheon granted rule over the Stormlands by his uncle King Renly Baratheon. The Viceroyalty had been revoked from Lady Brella Caron (daughter of a marcher lord) on account of the scandals and incompetence of her rule.
King Eddard Stark died, succeeded by his son Robb Stark. King Eddard ruled for 45 years.

330 Reach
Lord Willas Tyrell died, succeeded by his daughter Lyesa Tyrell.

333 Riverlands
Lord Edmure Tully died, succeeded by his son Illifer Tully.

334 Crownlands
King Renly Baratheon died, succeeded by his son Arion Baratheon.

335 Crownlands
Lord Roy Baratheon of Dragonstone died, succeeded by his son Clayton Baratheon.

336 North
Prince Jon Stark grandson of King Robb, married Edmyne Arryn sister of Lord Jon Arryn of the Vale, establishing an alliance between the two lords.

339 Westerlands
Lord Tyrion Lannister died, succeeded by his son Sumner Lannister.
King Robb Stark died, succeeded by his son Rickard Stark. King Robb ruled for 12 years.
Lord Jon Stark of Allpine died, succeeded by his son Aegon Targaryen.

340 Stormlands
Prince Gillard Baratheon died, succeeded by his son Corwin Baratheon.

342 Dorne
King Trystane Martell died, succeeded by his daughter Mariah.
Lord Illifer Tully died, succeeded by his son Edmure Tully.

348 North
King Rickard II Stark died, succeeded by his son Jon Stark. King Rickard II ruled for 9 years.

349 North
Lady Daenaris Targaryen died, she had presided over the resurrection of her house after being the sole survivor.

354 Iron Islands
King Torgon Greyjoy died, succeeded by his grandson (son of his dead eldest son) Torwold Greyjoy.

357 Crownlands
Prince Renly Baratheon, heir of King Arion, married Princess Alayne Stark daughter of King Jon II of the North establishing an alliance between the two kingdoms.
Prince Raymun Martell, heir of Queen Mariah (grandson through her oldest child), married Princess Lysa Stark daughter of King Jon II of the North establishing an alliance between the two kingdoms.
Prince Howland Stark, brother of King Jon II, married Princess Katla Greyjoy sister of King Torworld of the Iron Islands establishing an alliance between the two kingdoms.
King Jon II Stark, suffering from depression and overwhelmed with stress and accusations of tyranny, abdicated the throne to his son Eddard Stark. King Jon II ruled for 9 years.

361 Westerlands
Lyndon Lannister, son and heir of Lord Sumner Lannister, married Princess Jyana Stark, sister of King Eddard II of the North establishing an alliance between the two lords.

364 Reach
Lady Lyesa Tyrell died, succeeded by her grandonson (through her dead eldest son) Lorent Tyrell

365 Reach
Lord Lorent Tyrell died, succeeded by his sister Amyria Tyrell

367 Stormlands
Lord Corwin Baratheon died, succeeded by his son Josua Baratheon

368 Crownlands
Lord Clayton Baratheon of Dragonstone died, succeeded by his son Stevron Baratheon
Queen Mariah Martell died, succeeded by her son Rustyn Martell.

369 Dorne
King Rustyn Martell died, succeeded by his son Raymon Martell.
Lord Stevron Baratheon of Dragonstone died, succeeded by his sister Falena Baratheon.

373 Reach
Lady Amyria Tyrell died, succeeded by her daughter Liera Tyrell.

374 Riverlands
Lord Edmure Tully died, succeeded by his son Balder Tully.

377 Crownlands
King Arion Baratheon died, succeeded by his son Renly Baratheon.
Melwys Tully, son and heir of Lord Balder Tully, married Princess Alysane Stark, daughter of King Eddard II.

378 Riverlands
Lord Balder Tully called King Eddard II Stark to war, to fight his rebelling vassal Lord Warren of Atranta who attempted to overthrow the Tullys and usurp Lordship over the Riverlands.
Lord Balder Tully called King Eddard II Stark to war, to fight his rebelling vassal Lord Brennet of Blackwood who attempted to overthrow the Tullys and usurp Lordship over the Riverlands.
This was the first time the North went to war since Eddard I defended King Robert's throne in 299.

379 Riverlands
The wars to defend Lord Balder Tully ended in victory for the Tully-Stark alliance.
Lady Falena Baratheon of Dragonstone married Prince Pierce Baratheon, son and heir of King Renly II, reuniting the Baratheon family branches of the Crownlands and Dragonstone.

381 Iron Islands
Prince Galon Greyjoy, son and heir of King Torwold, after the death of his first wife Keryn Greyjoy, remarried with Eddane Baratheon, niece of King Renly II establishing an alliance between the Iron Islands and the Iron Throne.

382 Iron Islands
King Torwold Greyjoy died, succeeded by his son Galon Greyjoy.

383 Iron Islands
King Galon Greyjoy's wife Eddane Baratheon died when her head was ripped off by a beserker from Orkwatch, ending the alliance between the Iron Islands and the Iron Throne.
Lady Liera Tyrell married Prince Eldric Baratheon of the Crownlands, second son of King Renly II, establishing an alliance between the Reach and the Iron Thone.

384 Vale
Jon Arryn, grandson and heir of Lord Jon "the worthy" Arryn (son of his eldest son) married Princess Meera Stark, daughter of King Eddard II of the North establishing an alliance between the North and the Vale.
Lord Balder Tully died, succeeded by his son Melwys Tully.
Former King Jon II died, survived by his son Reigning King Eddard II.

386 Iron Islands
Prince Theon Greyjoy son and heir of King Galon Greyjoy matrilineally married Princess Lysa Stark daughter of King Eddard II of the North, establishing an alliance between the two kingdoms.

387 Stormlands
Esmane Baratheon daughter and heir of Lord Josua Baratheon married Prince Jeor Stark, third son of King Eddard II of the North establishing an alliance between the two lords.
Lord Jon Arryn died, succeeded by his son Donnel Arryn.

388 Vale
Lord Donnel Arryn died, accidentally killed in a tourney against Lord Josua of the Stormlands, succeeded by his son Jon Arryn.

389 Iron Islands
King Galon Greyjoy died, succeeded by his son Theon Greyjoy.

390 Westerlands
Lord Sumner Lannister died, succeeded by his son Lyndon Lannister.

392 Westerlands
Lord Lyndon Lannister divorced his wife Jyana Stark sister of King Eddard II of the North ending the alliance. Jyana was a valued member of her former husband Lord Lyndon's court administration but after the death of their son Orbert Lannister she fell into an opium addiction.

395 Westerlands
Taran Lannister grandson and heir (son of dead eldest son) of Lord Lyndon Lannister married Princess Elsera Stark granddaughter (daughter of Prince Brandon the heir) of King Eddard II of the North.
Prince Brandon Stark grandson (son of Prince Brandon the heir) of Eddard II married Princess Fryn Stark granddaughter (daughter of Prince Thorren Stark the heir) of King Raymun Martell of Dorne.

396 Riverlands
Belden Stark son and heir of Lord Melwys Tully married Lyarra Stark daughter of Prince Thorren Stark son and heir of King Raymun Martel of Dorne, establishing an alliance between the two lords.

398 Iron Islands
Queen Lysa Stark, wife of King Theon IV Greyjoy, died. She was assassinated, possiblty in a plot to prevent a Stark takeover of the Salt Throne. But it was too little too late, Theon IV's matrilineal marriage had already produced Stark heirs.

399 Stormlands
Lord Josua Baratheon died, succeeded by his daughter Ismane Baratheon.

402 Iron Islands
King Theon IV Greyjoy died, succeeded by his son Theo Stark.
House Stark became a dynasty of multiple independent kingdoms.

404 Reach
Florence Tyrell, daughter and heir of Lady Liera Tyrell, married Aemon Baratheon son of Lady Falena Baratheon of Dragonstone.
Robin Stark, son and heir of Lord Jon Arryn, married Morgana Stark daughter of Melwys Tylly of the Riverlands, establishing an alliance between the two lords.
Jon Stark, second son of Lord Jon Arryn, married Lysa Stark daughter of Prince Thorren Stark son and heir of King Raymun Martel of Dorne, establishing an alliance between the two lords.

405 Stormlands
Patrice Baratheon daughter and heir of Lady Ismane Baratheon married Prince Hallion Baratheon son of King Renly II reuniting the Baratheon lines of Robert and Renly I.
Iron Islands
King Theo Stark married Asha Stark daughter of Prince Thorren Stark son and heir of King Raymun Martel of Dorne, establishing an alliance between the two kingdoms.

407 Dorne
King Raymun Martell died, succeeded by his son Thorren Stark.

409 Crownlands
King Renly II Baratheon died, succeeded by his grandon (son of his second son) Aemon Baratheon.

411 Westerlands
Lord Lyndon Lannister died, succeeded by his great-grandson (through his dead son and grandson) Osric Lannister.

412 Riverlands
Lord Melwys Tully died, succeeded by his grandon (son of his dead oldest son) Jothan Stark.

413 Dorne
King Thorren Stark died, succeeded by his son Roger Stark.
Lord Osric Stark married Sarra Stark aunt of Lord Jothan Stark of the Riverlands.

414 North
King Eddard II Stark died, succeeded by his great-grandson (skipped son and grandson) Brandon Stark. King Eddard II ruled for 56 years.
Lord Jothan Stark deposed, Lordship of the Riverlands usurped by Wyl Vypren of Wayleroot.
Lord Osric Stark declared war on by rebellious vassals. His ally Jothan of Riverrun provided an army, paid for by King Brandon XVI of the North.
Lord Osric Stark defeated the rebels, ending the war.
Princess Ashlynne Stark sister of King Theo of the Iron Islands married Thermund Stark brother of King Brandon XVI Stark, establishing an alliance between the two kingdoms.
Jothan Stark of Riverrun and Brandon XVI Stark of the North declare war on Lord Wyl Vypren to take back the Riverlands. Lord Wyl died of illness on the march, so his son Gillam Vypren took command of the usurper army. The Northern armies vastly outnumbered the rebel Riverlanders, so the army was split into two equal parts, one to siege the enemy capital at Stillfen in the Lakeleaf highland area, the other to defend Riverrun against the rebel army that was heading there to besiege it. Although there was a mutiny from many northern lords who did not wish to fight in the South that resulted in nearly ten thousand soliders quitting the campaign, there was still plenty left over to outnumber the rebels 2-to-1 in every battle while maintaining the detached siege army.

416 Riverlands
The war to restore Lord Jothan Stark to his rightful position as Lord Paramount of the Riverlands ended in victory for the Starks.
Lord Jothan Stark married Dalla Stark sister of King Brandon XVI Stark of the North, establishing an alliance.

416 Westerlands
Lord Osric Stark was assassinated by his vassal Byron Payne of the Gold Road, succeeded by his brother Elyard Stark.
Lord Elyard married Princess Salera Stark daughter of King Roger Stark of Dorne, establishing an alliance.

At this point I can't reach the 420s without a game crashing error. The alliances have been set up and the Stark-ruled Midlands are ready to declare an independence war against King Aemon Baratheon and his Tyrell-Baratheon heir.

Map legend:
Stars are capitals of independent kingdoms. Triangles are capitals of kingdom-tier lords paramount. Diamonds are capitals of duke-tier lords belonging to Great Houses, not including dukes of the same great house as their overlord.
White outlines are Independent Westeros, Black outlines are Iron-Thone Westeros aligned.
Stark - Grey
Targaryen - Dark Red
Lannister- Light Magenta
Baratheon - Yellow
Tyrell - Green

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133. Korea - Communist
This was just to test the new Arms against Tyranny DLC along with some of my own custom combat balance modding.

I started as Japan and went with a democratic restoration path, which releases its colonies as independent countries. From there I switched to playing Korea.

At first, the Japanese-aligned transition government wanted to return Korea to the Joseon dynasty with a constitutional monarchy, however the people clamored for a republic. The government crackdown was brutal, pushing the protestors into the arms of radical groups, such as the communists.

A massive protest in the capital Seoul resulted in the overthrow of the government offices there. What remained of the civil administration fled to establish a rival government in Pyongyang. Korea was divided between a communist south and nationalist north. A small volunteer army formed and invaded the North, while the nationalists in the civil war were unable to convince anyone to reform a functioning army. The war ended quickly with the capture of Pyongyang.

However, the revolution was not over. The overhauling of the economy and rapid industrial expansion lead to a booming and prosperous population. Some argued that additional territory for the Korean population would be necessary, along with greater market access to fuel the industrial economic boom. Ideally, Korea would partner with the Chinese, however they were ideologically opposed and were intent on finishing off their own communist faction and wanted nothing to do with Korea subversion.

The Soviets were next in line but fell into civil war when anti-Stalin groups formed a coalition, convincing most of the army to fight. However, by granting greater autonomy to the ethnic minorities, Stalin ensured the loyalty of the european and central asian republics and raised a new army to fight the rebels in Siberia.

Meanwhile in the rest of the world, Britain and France developed communist-leaning socdem governments, and attempted to intervene in European governments. The Franco-British invasion of the Netherlands was the last straw and the USA joined the war on the side of the liberal democracies (and to protect the oil interests in Indonesia).

The Franco-British then lost the European front against the Nazis and relocated their governments to Africa, where they continued the war against a middle eastern coalition of Turkey, Bulgaria, Iraq, and Iran. Iran and Turkey conquered India, while Iraq liberated the arab colonies.

The Nazis, after defeating western europe, thought they could finish off the Soviets who were still distracted with the rebels in Siberia. However, Stalin had foreseen this betrayal and fortified the border, surprising the German invasion with strong prepared defenses. The invasion stalled and did not advance beyond pre-war Poland.

Korea offered to join the Soviets and finish off their Siberian problem to let them concentrate on counter-attacking the Nazis in exchange for the territory of outer Manchuria. Korea soon finished training their large army for the liberation of China to bring them into the Soviet sphere. The opportunity opened with China was distracted fighting a war against Japan.

At first it was a slog through rough terrain and narrow passes to get through the Beijing area, but then the open plains of central China allowed a rapid advance. In south China the Japanese had establish a strong foothold so Korea declared war on Japan to dislodge them and be the only liberators of all of China. Japan's naval fleet had been in disarray due to their own civil war and thus Korea was able to bring ashore an army to invade the Japanese islands. It was a long and bloody slog since most of the Japanese army had concentrated on the ports to get ready to head to China. Also, they knew their coastline and trapped many attempted Korean landings resulting in slaughters at the beachheads. But after multiple more attempts biting off piece after piece, the Japanese defenders were spread thin and a final surprise raid captured Tokyo, ending the war.

Korea divided Japan into a rump client state, and took Kyushu, Hokkaido, Okinawa, and Taiwan as colonies.

The USA failed to reinstate democracy in Europe due to the Soviets capturing Germany first, leaving only neutral nordics. However, the USA did enforce democracy in Latin America.

The African Union is a Franco-British merger state to combine the colonies into a single system to be more resilient against Stalinists, Capitalists, and Jihadists. The African Union maintains the commonwealth ties with democratic South Africa and communist Australia.

134. Norway - Democratic
Did this one to try the new nordic focus tree.

Norway prepared to resist fascist and communist aggression, by creating an alliance for the democracies of scandinavia to join. However, Sweden and Finland remained content on their own as long as they were at peace. Denmark wisely joined Norway.

Germany fell into civil war as the nazis fought an anti-hitler faction. Jumping at the opportunity, Norway intervened in the war to get the anti-nazis into their faction.

The British became a fascist empire, and invaded the USA when it fell into civil war. However, the invasion from Canada first hit the midwest, home of the American fascists, which allowed the democratic faction the breathing room to survive the civil war.

France had a growing communist and fascist movement, and had its own large civil war, which ended in communist victory. They went to war with the British fascists, and took over their African and Asian colonies. France then helped spread the revolution to Iberia. However, the conservatives were still a majority in the French population and the fascists resurged again, resulting in a second civil war. This one saw German intervention, which almost helped the fascists win, but then the German volunteers had to suddenly be recalled due to war in the Balkans. The Germans singlehandedly beat Yugoslavia, Hungary, Greece, and Turkey. However the sudden disappearance of their allies from the front lines saw the French rebel army collapse and the communists recaptured Paris. The fighting had been deeply unpopular and even though the civil wars ended in communist victory, the people demanded elections and saw a peaceful transition into a conservative republic. In a strange twist of fate, one of the presidential candidates was a Bourbon royal pretender. He won the election and in a popular coup crowned himself king.

Meanwhile, Norway entered the war to take down the fascist british, invading their ally Italy as well which became a client state to the French. With the British capitulation, the democratic USA was rescued. Japan attempted to invade the Philippines and Hawaii, but the Norway helped the USA beat them as well. China joined the alliance due to the war against Japan.

The naval invasions were possible due to advanced scandinavian shipbuilding technology and industrial investment. Norway spearheaded the creation of a new class of all-purpose cruisers. They had the speed of light cruisers with heavy torpedo armament to take down capital ships, along with gun batteries for swatting away their escorts. They were equipped with radars in order to be deployed in wide formations without the need for spotters. A task force of 50 such cruisers was able to bully the british Royal navy out of the North sea, clearing the way for the Scandinavian marines. The fleet then also cleared the Mediterranean and East China sea.

Sweden establish its own Nordic Defense League, which would have been welcome expect they demanded the annexation of Norway, so we annexed them instead.

Finland demanded the liberation of the Sami people, which was accepted by Norway and the Soviets, and then Finland joined Norway's union.

Once the wars were over. The Germans and Chinese we no longer interested in remaining with the democratic alliance, so Germany and France formed a monarchist alliance, with China being aligned to them.

Just powered thru this entire thread to satisfy a 'Gawk at maps Evelyn you've got a quota to fill' itch and since I've never played this game and understand barely anything about it, could I make a request for you to do as you wish with aside from the choice of country and ideology?
Just powered thru this entire thread to satisfy a 'Gawk at maps Evelyn you've got a quota to fill' itch and since I've never played this game and understand barely anything about it, could I make a request for you to do as you wish with aside from the choice of country and ideology?
Sure, I do not always fulfill each request but I do always take them into consideration. The more specific/challenging the better, since otherwise my playstyle defaults to a more passive role of trying not to paint the world in one color while observing what other countries do

By the way, if you’re willing to give feedback I’m curious what the impression of my description gives to people who are unfamiliar with the game mechanics. Are there things you wish I explained better?
Sure, I do not always fulfill each request but I do always take them into consideration. The more specific/challenging the better, since otherwise my playstyle defaults to a more passive role of trying not to paint the world in one color while observing what other countries do

By the way, if you’re willing to give feedback I’m curious what the impression of my description gives to people who are unfamiliar with the game mechanics. Are there things you wish I explained better?
Addressing your final paragraph first, honestly when I was reading your descriptions and appreciating how you developed your expository style from 2018 to now I was thinking "if I ever play this game this dude is pretty much giving me a gamers guide so I should bookmark this" and so I did :p

Anywho, what are the choices for ideologies? I'd like to give you the reason to do Mongolia again and I think you already did the Monarchist(?) path so I am requesting/suggesting you pick whichever option ideal for your needs in regards to Making Mongolia Great Again lol
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Addressing your final paragraph first, honestly when I was reading your descriptions and appreciating how you developed your expository style from 2018 to now I was think "if I ever play this game this dude is pretty much giving me a gamers guide so I should bookmark this" and so I did :p

Anywho, what are the choices for ideologies? I'd like to give you the reason to do Mongolia again and I think you already did the Monarchist(?) path so I am requesting/suggesting you pick whichever option ideal for your needs in regards to Making Mongolia Great Again lol

Regarding ideologies: in game terms there are 4 categories that determine how counties align with each other and also affects game rules.

Democracy: represent liberal capitalism and representative government. Restricted ability to declare war without just cause and restricted ability to enact wartime mobilization laws

Fascism: represents militarist and ultranationalist dictatorships. Able to increase militarization of the economy and manpower reserve earlier. Faster war declaration speed.

Communist: in base game represents Leninist type vanguard socialist revolutionaries. Similar but reduced bonuses that the fascist get but increases ability to turn defeated enemies into allies. Mods such as Kaiserreich feature alternative worlds where communism is more syndicalist democracy than Leninist

Unaligned: a catch-all used for monarchists, non-liberal aligned capitalists, non-fascist aligned authoritians, and non-Stalinist anarchist communists. They avoid joining alliances unless attacked and used to be called “neutral”

Kaiserreich divides these basic types into a few more specific ones. I put market liberals, social conservatives, social liberals, and social democrats into the democracy bucket. Totalists, syndicalists, and socialists into the communist bucket. Authoritarian democrat and paternal autocrat in the neutral bucket. And national populists are the fascists.

The are additional modded ideologies that do not fit into this 4 type scheme, such as the game Victoria 2 (1836-1936) which can produce a campaign conversion to continue the timeline and includes “radicals” which represent the anarchist/libertarian capitalists who ban elections to enact bourgeois dictatorship.

As for Mongolia, specific nation options tend to depend on what’s available in their national focus tree. the Mongolia I played was the Kaiserreich version which can only do monarchists, just options between different paternal autocrat leaders. Base game has a generic tree that can do anything except monarchist and without flavour.

But territorial expansion is always much more difficult on democracy than fascist/communist. Neutral is a little less difficult but obviously still has some diplomatic handicaps. Then there’s the surrounding countries to consider, which can make things very easy or very hard depending on what they are doing with themselves. Usually countries in civil war are easier prey, while countries in mega-alliances that include an overseas great powers are so annoying people will often given up trying due to the surrender mechanics meaning war is impossible to win
Regarding ideologies: in game terms there are 4 categories that determine how counties align with each other and also affects game rules.

Democracy: represent liberal capitalism and representative government. Restricted ability to declare war without just cause and restricted ability to enact wartime mobilization laws

Fascism: represents militarist and ultranationalist dictatorships. Able to increase militarization of the economy and manpower reserve earlier. Faster war declaration speed.

Communist: in base game represents Leninist type vanguard socialist revolutionaries. Similar but reduced bonuses that the fascist get but increases ability to turn defeated enemies into allies. Mods such as Kaiserreich feature alternative worlds where communism is more syndicalist democracy than Leninist

Unaligned: a catch-all used for monarchists, non-liberal aligned capitalists, non-fascist aligned authoritians, and non-Stalinist anarchist communists. They avoid joining alliances unless attacked and used to be called “neutral”

Kaiserreich divides these basic types into a few more specific ones. I put market liberals, social conservatives, social liberals, and social democrats into the democracy bucket. Totalists, syndicalists, and socialists into the communist bucket. Authoritarian democrat and paternal autocrat in the neutral bucket. And national populists are the fascists.

The are additional modded ideologies that do not fit into this 4 type scheme, such as the game Victoria 2 (1836-1936) which can produce a campaign conversion to continue the timeline and includes “radicals” which represent the anarchist/libertarian capitalists who ban elections to enact bourgeois dictatorship.

As for Mongolia, specific nation options tend to depend on what’s available in their national focus tree. the Mongolia I played was the Kaiserreich version which can only do monarchists, just options between different paternal autocrat leaders. Base game has a generic tree that can do anything except monarchist and without flavour.

But territorial expansion is always much more difficult on democracy than fascist/communist. Neutral is a little less difficult but obviously still has some diplomatic handicaps. Then there’s the surrounding countries to consider, which can make things very easy or very hard depending on what they are doing with themselves. Usually countries in civil war are easier prey, while countries in mega-alliances that include an overseas great powers are so annoying people will often given up trying due to the surrender mechanics meaning war is impossible to win
Well is China in civil war a lot? I trust you could pull off another Mongolwank of some sort :p
135. United States - Communist
Technocratic america please

Another day in the world of Kaiserreich.

The American political establishment, mired by corruption from profit-seeking corporations, was stuck with a hands-off policy that utterly failed to deal the ongoing economic crisis. A crisis that lasted over decade through the 20's and early 30's. There were hopes that after the mid-1930's there would be some sort of recovery but those hopes were dashed by the Black Friday market crash.

In the upcoming elections of 1936, the radical candidates on the right and left seemed to be the only reasonable options who promised to completely change the system that had failed. In the public area left arguments prevailed and the election saw the legitimate victory of the socialists. However, there was many reactionary forces, and election deniers formed terrorist militias, sparking the Second American Civil War.

The Combined Syndicates of America quickly reorganized the parts of the country they controlled, centered around the Midwest and iron belt through Pennsylvania and New York City. A militia army was raised and sent forth to capture the industrial northeast before confronting the so-called constitutionalists and longists in the south.

Alaska and Texas completely declared independence, while the Pacific and Rocky mountain areas battled over command of the Federal Government in the West. In the South, right wing factions stabbed at each other while hounded by Black nationalists terrorist cells.

By exploiting the division between its enemies, the CSA was able to conquer one region at a time, and having sequestered all the heavy industry regions of the country it was easy to equip a proper army that far outstripped the resistance in firepower. In less than a year the war was a crushing victory for the forces of socialism.

Over the next two years the focus on the country was rebuilding from the short but devastating civil war, also the radical economic shift allowed for a boom in domestic growth. There was a growing need to coordinate the exponential growth of successful companies with the socialist charter of public good, that is where the technocrats entered the scene. By merging corprotism and totalist socialism, a new class of hyper-competent party leaders would guide the hand of state and company for the good of all.

By the election of 1940 there was serious discussion of making the transition. There was heated arguments over who would be the next president and the sitting president assumed re-election. After a congressional scuffle that some would call a coup, the office of the president was temporarily vacated and replaced by a general technocratic council. Among the industrialists they decided that the one man who should represent the new face of America should be the face of the latest and greatest scientific achievement, Mr. Oppenheimer. Thus Oppenheimer was presented as presidential candidate and took office.

Meanwhile in the rest of the world, the European syndicalists were in a spot of trouble after coups had toppled their governments and replaced them with unpopular totalists leaders who destabilized their own countries in their attempts to further the revolution at home. The Entente saw this as their way in and intervened, attempting a surprise invasion of France, while Britain saw the uprising and rebellion of welsh and scottish nationalists.

Germany did not intervene, since they were concentrating on dealing with the collapse of the Reichspakt in the east and their own economic trouble. Against all odds however the French and British put down the rebellions and threw out the reactionary invaders, and even counter-invaded the Entente, liberating Portugal and large parts of Africa outside of German middleAfrica.

Canada was under siege, and at this point the American Technocratic Union had recovered enough to thrust itself back onto the world stage, starting with the invasion of Canada in solidarity with their totalist brothers across the Atlantic. During the years of reconstruction America had also greatly modernized its large but out-of-date fleet of warships. The old battleships were refitted into aircraft carriers and were used as mobile bases to support massive marine invasion fleets that swept over the Caribbean and then central America. From there, American armored divisions thundered across south America, quickly unifying most of the continent into the Technocratic Union.

Venezuela and Mexico were spared, on account of already being allies in the Internationale. America took the next few years to build up and integrate the conquered territories, making America an accurate moniker of a country that spanned the entire continent in truth and no longer just in name.

Soon after the victory in America, the Internationale launched itself against Germany. Poland, Norway, and Italy joined willingly. Yugoslavs which had previously been defeated by the Austrians saw this as their opportunity for liberation. Seeing good progress being made in Europe and Africa, America let the Internationale handle itself and turned its own gaze to Asia.

Russia was a revolving door of autocratic dictators, leaving the pro-Japanese leaders in Vladivostok feeling like they had a chance to re-unify Russia from the East.
China was still divided, but was collecting into three main sections: the democracies in the south, the fascist Tian Dynasty in the center, and the pro-japanese Mongolians and Tibetans in the West. The Japanese also assembled the Thai, Nepalese, Turkmen, and Philippinos, and Vietnamese to their side to fight the remnants of the German and Entente colonies. Japan also conquered Australia and installed their puppet government there.

India was unified by the syndicalist Gandhi, who then stepped aside to let elections turn the country away from radical socialism and instead transitioned into a traditional republic.

With the defeat of Germany and liberation of Europe, the Internationale kept marching eastwards and was now at war with Russia, squeezing them as the hammer against the Japanese anvil.

Japan also used the coastal cities to launch a major invasion of China. The Fascist Tian monarchy was no friend to America, but Japanese domination of Asia could not be allowed, so before the Chinese could capitulate, America moved its fleets into position and launched the greatest naval operation of all time. Nearly 200 aircraft carriers participated, with over 100 parked off the coast of Japan itself, escorted by hundreds of battlecruiser and frigate class combat ships. They launched thousands of aircraft to clear the skies and seas of Japan, which then thundered under the overwhelming artillery of the marine corps when Japanese units made their stand on the central mountain range.

The invasion proceeded without a hitch, and the subsequent supply bases in Japan allowed the modern tank army to make landfall in Korea, where the liberation of mainland asia would begin. However, this ground operation would take time. Millions would die in China, Russia, and firepower superiority would mean little in the jungles of southeast asia, so Oppenheimer turned his nuclear project into the greatest weapons ever devised.

Seeing as how Japan had already been captured there was no real chance of not winning, it was just a matter of time until the oppositition surrendered. So a nuclear demonstration was ordered. In the harbor outside of Bangkok, a nuclear weapon was detonated, convincing the asians of the futility of resistance.

In Russia, the war had ground to a standstill on the muddy fields between Moscow and Smolensk. So Volgograd was bombed, as well as the fortified defense lines outside of Moscow. With this, the Russian military could no defend against the last wave of attack and Russia capitulated, ending the war.

America did not directly occupy all the enemy countries by the time they surrendered on the account of the nuclear threat, so outside of Japan and Manchuria, the Asian alliance of autocracies mostly kept their governments but agreed to a state of subservience to the Technocracy and would eventually be expected to reform their economies at the direction of America.

The world had been put on the path to better and brighter future, using dazzling technology to end the war quickly and efficiently, saving many millions of lives.

Well is China in civil war a lot? I trust you could pull off another Mongolwank of some sort :p



So sometimes, to try to map out a strategy or approach to a specific run, I will test out certain settings and objectives to see what seems like the right direction.

I didn't realize that Russia would win the civil war so fast and that it was a Japanese puppet. Ended up with Russia and Japan in the Allies due to prematurely trying to get Germany to help me. USA is also in the allies. This is pretty much the exact opposite of what I wanted and everything I warned against.
136. Mongolia - Fascist
I'd like to give you the reason to do Mongolia again and I think you already did the Monarchist(?) path so I am requesting/suggesting you pick whichever option ideal for your needs in regards to Making Mongolia Great Again lol

For some additional difficulty, I set all western countries and Japan to go Democratic.

Mongolia is extremely poor in all aspects. However, there are some resources that are proportionally equal between all countries and can be maximized by the player much better than the AI is able to. That being Political Power, Command Power, and Army Experience.

By min-maxing my government policies, ministers, special forces and army doctrines, and high command advisors, I am able to to give Mongolia a qualitative edge over its similarly underdeveloped neighbors. Using cavalry with as much army movement speed bonuses as we can manage will help us win wars cheaply and efficiently against out weak neighbors. We start by quickly fabricating a wargoal on Xibei San Ma. There are a small Chinese warlord with the largest population that we border. We invade them. They have only 10 divisions, so we recruit 12 and use our 10 to pin down theirs in combat on the contact line while those extra divisions sneak past gaps in the frontline and capture their supply centers and victory points.

Having captured the population and industry of XSM, we are able to recruit a larger army, to invade Sinkiang, Shanxi, and Tannu Tuva. At this point we have flipped to fascism and taken the recruitable population bonus. This snowballing allows to fill out our divisions into two armies. The Soviets are in civil war with various breakaway states declaring independence, so we invade Kazakhstan, and the rest of the central asian republics. From there, the Soviets are close to capitulating to the Russian rebels, so now is the time to declare war before they redeploy.

Our invasion of Russia is much more costly now that we are facing better enemy divisions, but resistance is uncoordinated and eventually we are able to capture the whole Soviet Union. Turkey started some trouble in the Caucasus so we ended up at war and had to conquer Turkey. Since they we the ones who declared war on us, the Allied guarantee did not fire and we avoid war with the western powers.

In Europe, Italy is mired in a war against Yugoslavia that it is slowly losing until it recruits fascist spain's help, then it wins. France flipped communist and got invaded by the Allies, Sweden defended the nordics from an aggressive monarchist Denmark. Germany helped in both those wars. The USA and Japan also join the Allies to fight fascist Japanese rebels. Lithuania took over the Baltics and reformed Poland-Lithuania

There are now five democratic great powers who are ready to hand out guarantees of independence while expanding the Allies alliance, so I have to be careful with my next wars. I justify-cancel on various european democracies to trick the Allies into guaranteeing countries I do not plan on attacking, so that their political power is tied up there, giving me a free hand in the Middle East and China.

My best stroke of good luck comes when Poland-Lithuania challenges me to a fight! they probably wanted to reclaim the PLC's core territories in Belarus/Ukraine and since I had no army stationed on their border they must have mistaken that for weakness! I prepare a full field army and carefully set a fallback line one tile back from the border tiles so that the Polish do not see any adjacent units and continue to believe in my weakness, to make sure they declare war on me, which saves me the trouble of figuring out declaring war on them.

On the stroke of midnight their declaration comes, and my army surges forward from their positions, surprising the poles with sudden resistance where they expected none.

After a fierce air battle, we establish air superiority and grind down their army in a battle of attrition. After several million casualties on both sides, their army is beginning to lack in equipment and manpower while we are still able to replenish, so they fall back deeper and deeper into Poland until their front line breaks just south of Prussia, and our army filters through the gap to capture Warsaw.

The fascist italians attack greece, getting them trouble with the Allies and are quickly put down, we take the opportunity to snipe Syria, which the Italians had previously lifted from the communist french.

Although I was technically not the aggressor, the Allies are done with my expansion. Bulgaria instigates a border clash in Thrace, hoping to capture Istanbul no doubt. The rest of the Allies back them up but our border armies are a great enough threat to keep them at bay. As revenge our own border clash seizes Palestine and Sinai. With the threat of losing the Suez canal, the British order the Bulgarians to stand down.

We give the Germans the Danzig corridor in exchange for buffer territory around Leningrad. We give up Chinese claims to Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as parts of India in exchange for non-interference in the re-alignment of Korea, which we promise will remain independent and neutral.

With our immediate outstanding issues resolved, it seems a massive world war is averted for now. The Allies may be confident in their long-term victory, but it would be extremely costly and the Mongol Empire has demonstrated its ability to co-opt and sacrifice its conquered subjects, not to mention the whispers of Mongol Nuclear development being not far behind that of the West.
