Khavad I and khosrow I lived to their 70s the genetics so khosrow II could live for another 15 years and even then I think his relationship with shabaraz and others could be horribly strain it wouldn't be the first rebellion against himConsidering how much land the Sasanian armies conquered despite all their issues, I don't think it's that farfetched for them to occupy all of Anatolia (and basically restore the Achaemenid Empire in the process) and then guard it from Byzantine counterattacks. That could be achieved by having Heraclius be overthrown in 610 or, alternatively, having him lose his nerve and flee to Carthage as some think he almost did. If the war ends in, say, 620 (eight years earlier than OTL), the empire would have more breathing space before the Arabs arrive in force.
Considering that Khosrau was 58 when he was murdered, I don't think he would live much longer than OTL. Knowing him, however, he'd probably still find a way to screw something up before he kicked the bucket.
Should Wikipedia be correct, Kavad may not take the throne ITTL since Khosrow's preferred heir (and thus most likely successor) was Mardanshah. The article doesn't say anything about him though.
As for khavad even if he doesn't get to power he might very well start a civil war due to the rising factionalism of the sassanids generals that could very well happen in the alternative timeline due to khosrow II paranoia