Beware of the Ides of May... Pope John Paul II assassinated

Wednesday May 13th 1981

For most Americans it would seem a normal perfect spring day. Little did they know of the events in Rome that would cause the biggest diplomatic incident since 1945 and the biggest shake up of the Roman Catholic church since Martin Luther. Most Americans would watch their breakfast show whilst in the living room the kids might have watched some cartoons before heading off to school... 7am Eastern Standard Time in New York is 1pm Central European Time. And the wires brought ill news...

Paris, 1:07 pm - "Le Journal de Midi (Antenne 2)

Ladies and gentlemen, this came just off the wires: According to Italian state broadcaster RAI - His holiness Pope John Paul II has been shot on St.Peter's Square. An ambulance has taken the pope to hospital. More news when we get the footage from Rome.

New York, 7:07 am - "CBS Morning News"

From the Eurovision exchange we get the following news. Pope John Paul II has been shot at during an audience on St.Peter's Square. More details as they follow please stay tuned to your CBS Station...

Warsaw, 1:15 pm - Politbureau of the PZPR (Polish United Workers Party)

"Comrade Rakowski, I bring you news from Rome." "From Rome?" Rakowski replied. "Don't tell me that Wojtyła fellow is up to no good again. "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" "Well actually..." Rakowski swore for he knew what would happen if the Stasi or the KGB was behind this. The turmoil in Poland might bring Europe to the brink of war again. "Call the editor in chief of the news! NOW! This Wojtyła must NOT be in the news tonight. Under no circumstance... Give the people a US movie. That will keep them entertained while the pope recovers.....
East Berlin, Ministery of State Security (Ministerium für Staatsschutz) May 13th, 1981

"Genosse Mielke, I can report you that our man has succesfully shot the pope. He did where that Ali Agca fellow failed last year when he tried to stab the pope." "Very well" Erich Mielke said. "Very well indeed, I will report this to Genosse Honecker. He and Breznjev will be very pleased. You might find yourself in Sochi for this. Enjoying the Sun at the Black Sea."
Warsaw - Telewiza Polska (TP) May 13th 1981.

"Tak, towarzyszu Rakowskim, we will not bring news from Rome but remember comrade we only control the media. Many people listen to cardinal Glemp." Everyone in the politburo knew they could not arrest cardinal Glemp. They tried to in 1976 and in 1980 but it caused only more riots and loss of lives would not be accepted by the West and the neighbouring countries. Only the Soviets didn't care but then again Polish lives never mattered in Moscow.

East Berlin - Office of the Presidium der SED, May 13th 1981.

"What luck, that old priest held his audiency at 1:00 pm" Erich Honecker said. "Why Erich?" Karl Eduard von Schnitzler (The chief agitator on East German TV) asked. "Well, they couldn't carry the shooting of the pope in the afternoon edition of the Tagesschau" Honecker said proud. "Well, the afternoon edition is not the best watched edition. Most West-Germans work and they have more radiostations and those stations are also popular here in the GDR" von Schnitzler replied. "And even more you are not doing a bit to prevent people from listening to them. Even your own wife watches Dallas on the ARD each Thursday and why because you ALLOWED the people to do that" "So we can't hide the news about the Pope" - Von Schnitzler was right. In 1973 (the same as in OTL) Honecker allowed the people of the GDR to watch West German TV. It helped people with the idea that the GDR was the better place to live in. It also made US shows quite popular in the GDR. Even worse the "Fernsehen der DDR" was competing with ARD and ZDF. So no propaganda all day but also the occasion US movie or German DEFA movie. The "Fernsehen der DDR" even lured western viewers with sports and erotic shows (again the same as in OTL) Von Schnitzler knew that Honecker sticked to the "Watch what you want" rule because it kept the people quiet. But it gave von Schnitzler more work in commenting West German news.

Rome - RAI Rete 1 "Telegiornale", May 13th 1981 - 1:30pm

The anchor of the "Telegiornale" was almost in tears when he read the sad news that Pope John Paul II was shot. At the time he was blessing a child and luckily the child was not physically hurt. After the dramatic pictures and a live report from the Vatican. Stills were seen of carabinieri controlling motorways and train stations. Hysteria ensued as some local boys from Napoli claimed to see the suspect but they were wrong. The suspect got away and was in disguise en route to Yugoslavia. This horrible attack was mysterious and caused panic and anger all over Italy and eventually all over Europe.

Regensburg, West-Germany, May 13th 1981 - 2:00pm

"Georg, what ever is the matter. You look horrified." Josef Ratzinger the cardinal of Munich had planned on visiting his brother and on the train he spent the time reading and writing. "You must not have heard dear Joseph. They shot the Holy Father and his life is very much in danger." "We must pray that he survives... for our church can't use another conclave and besides if they find out the Stasi or the KGB did this... Think of the effects it will have"
Bonn, West Germany, May 13th 1981 - 2:00pm

In the Kanzleramt everyone was busy with preparing for a big debate in the Bundestag when the phone rang. A wholehearted "Verdammter Scheisse" was heard from the office from Helmut Schmidt. "Don't tell me that Breznev pulled it off!" "Get me Genscher here now! The Poles and every catholic in the Eastern Bloc will be outraged. Ivan is playing with fire"
New York City, NBC News, May 13th 1981 - 8:15am
"Thank you Willard" Jane Pauley, host of the Today Show said. "We head now over to the NBC News Desk for a Breaking News story" Tom Brokaw appeared on screen with a much more grimmer face than a Morning TV show host should have. The news was dire. "Pope John Paul II has passed away. We go now live to the Vatican"

Moscow, The Kremlin, May 13th 1981 - 4:25pm
"Da Towarisch Breznev. The priest has died. Our agent escaped unharmed and is on his way now to Yugoslavia. Once arrived in Yugoslavia our Hungarian comrades will take him to us."
Warsaw, Telewiza Polska, Dziennik Telewizyjny (TV News), May 13th 1981 - 3:00pm

From the Vatican the following. Pope John Paul II has died after an incident happened on St.Peter's Square.The Italian police has suspected a right wing pro-American anarchist of attacking the Pope. Tonight at 7:00 Comrade Jarulzelski will visit cardinal Glemp in Krakow.

Is it finally time for the Cardinal Siri to reach the See of Peter? He is a bit old, being 75, but he is beloved and conservative enough.

Those popcorns are exquisite, by the way.
Paris - 3.15 pm TF1 Actualités May 13th 1981
Pope John Paul II has died after being shot on St.Peters Square. This morning at around 11:00 am, his holiness the Pope held an audience which was aired by the Italian State TV. Here is the shocking footage.
After the attack the killer managed to flee the scene. According to reports from Austria the killer is his way to Yugoslavia. Here now for the latest is Patrick Poivre d'Arvor from Antenne 2. "The streets of Rome and indeed in the whole of Italy are deserted. People are speechless and in deep mourning. In Milan the local channel "Canale 58" (later to become Canale 5 in OTL) claimed the Soviets were behind this attacks because John Paul II was very much against communism. In Florence and Naples the buildings of the PCI (The Italian Communist Party) were attack by angry mobs. The Christian Democratic Party has announced a big anti-Soviet rally in Rome. Meanwhile the Vatican announced a memorial mass tomorrow in St.Peters Basiica. Security will be high only clergy will be allowed in. The mass will be televised on TF1 from 9.25 am.

Trieste - 4.40 pm - The Yugoslavian border May 13th 1981

"A car with Hungarian numberplate is approaching the border fast, Commandante!" "Stop that car, shoot at it when needed it might the pope killer"

10 minutes later two carabinieri lay dead on the ground. The Hungarian car was well on it's way to Belgrade not stopped by the Yugoslavian police.....
At this point in time Solidarity is legal in Poland. They are not going to be happy, this may energize them to some dramatic move.