Best and or most underused pods pre 1900?

A higher population in the Pacific Northwest based on fishing in the 3rd or so millennium BCE could lead to further development of NW trade routes and as such earlier contact with the southern cultures and peoples (better trade with California and eventually mesoamerica by proxy) and, perhaps more dramatically, better more sustained contact with Northeast Asia than irl.

A pod involving paleo-Eskimo migration might work?
Queen Elizabeth I got married with Robert Dudley (this is pretty difficult to do since you will have to butterfly away the unhappy memories with Henry VIII's wives).

The Darien scheme succeeded and Scotland successfully colonized the Gulf of Darien.

The 1707 Act of Union failed miserably and the United Kingdom as we know it today would be butterflied.
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Alternate Irish and Scottish diasporic populations. Imagine a South Africa which receives 100,000 Irishmen. Or a Singapore which has a large population of Highland Scotts.
Some suggestions for rare scenarios and pods.
  • Afroasiatic migration into Southern Africa instead of a Bantu one. Atleast along the eastern coast from Somalia and south toward South Africa. The Congo and south-central Africa is less likely to be settled by Afroasiatic speakers.
  • No Hunnic migration into the Pontic-Caspian steppe, and/or failed Hunnic migration into the Pontic-Caspian steppe.
  • Harald Hardrada does not become king of Norway.
Avoid the Mongols moving towards Europe. As a result Kievan Rus survives. This could have an interesting effect on later development in Russia.
The Darien scheme succeeded and Scotland successfully colonized the Gulf of Darien.

- Selim III acts against the Janissaries in 1807

- Peter III secures his throne from Catherine

- Las Navas de Tolosa avoided or won by the Moors

- Vienna won by the Ottomans

- Ismail killed in Chaldiran
A surviving Jewish Himyar unites Arabia and forms a trade empire from Zanzibar to the Moluccas.

Protestant Poland (or Catholic Sweden) results in the Vasas forming a PU over both

Incan Empire resists the Conquistadors.

Russia takes advantage of the Continental System to industrialize without Britiah competition.

Better Roman governance of Judaea averts the Great Revolt.
  • In 1861, soon-to-be Kaiser Wilhelm I was almost assassinated.
  • Literally anything to do with the Seven Years' War.
Prussia is utterly destroyed and dismantled, prompting much of its officer class and soldiery to resettle in British North America, which includes New France due to British victory there.