So I have participated in this year's MUN of my school and the committee I have joined is European Conglomerate. The committee is set during World War 1. The committee does not follow the actual timeline or war. Till now a lot has happened and one of the current update is:
150k Ottoman troops storm the Middle East in an attempt to recover their losses in Saudi
Arabia. Egyptian, Ethiopian, Ottoman and Nejd forces face off in the battle of Mecca, where
they risk the destruction of the holy land.

Considering that the Ottoman Empire was an Islamic state isn't it a reckless act to destroy one of the most important and holy Islamic site, Mecca, for their own purposes.

I am the delegate of Ethiopia, if you were in my place what would you say as your stance or to the Ottoman Empire and what would you do?
Neutrality is the best option, you are a Christian nation, second oldest in the world. Your best bet would to stay out of it and let what happens happen. Plus they would not appreciate a Christian telling them what to do in their holy land. If you cannot try to negotiate a no fight zone around the city, in the end they may like you more that way.
Neutrality is the best option, you are a Christian nation, second oldest in the world. Your best bet would to stay out of it and let what happens happen. Plus they would not appreciate a Christian telling them what to do in their holy land. If you cannot try to negotiate a no fight zone around the city, in the end they may like you more that way.
actually, due to some actions taken by Ethiopia against the Ottoman Empire to free the state of Nejd (which was under the Ottomans in this committee) this conflict has arised. And the update mentions that Ethiopian forces are already in Mecca fighting this battle.
actually, due to some actions taken by Ethiopia against the Ottoman Empire to free the state of Nejd (which was under the Ottomans in this committee) this conflict has arised. And the update mentions that Ethiopian forces are already in Mecca fighting this battle.
I wish you good luck then, try to avoid the sacred sites if you can
Can I try to encourage the Ottoman states to start an Islamic revolt against this action of Ottoman
Probably, honestly you are in a no win situation, pull out if you can and let the Muslims handle it. If Muslims do the damage the fallout will be much less than it would be to you
In that position i would just pray to god that Svetozar boroevich crushes Italy so bad that they will never be able to try colonising me :)
Oshit, you know in Islam, the Kaaba would be destroyed by the Abyssinians... If the Ottoman and Nejd delegates know about this fact, then it may turn hairy.