March 12, 1945
On eliminating shortcomings in the organization and control of combat in a battalion, company and platoon.
The practice of recent offensive battles has revealed the following shortcomings in the organization of battle management of rifle units (battalion, company, platoon).
1) Battalion commanders did not always assign specific tasks in offensive battles to company commanders, and the latter to platoon commanders.
2) The battalions did not organize continuous and forward reconnaissance of the opposing enemy, as a result of which the attacking units did not know the location of weapons and the nature of the enemy’s defense.
3) On the battlefield, battalion, company and platoon commanders did not constantly monitor the enemy.
4) Direct fire guns allocated for escort were used ineffectively and acted unpurposefully. The artillery commanders of the rifle regiments did not direct the use of direct fire guns.
5) The commanders of rifle companies and platoons did not organize proper coordination with the attached machine-gun units, as a result of which the powerful fire of heavy machine guns provided little support to the infantry.
6) The starting lines for the attack number of enemy firing points were not suppressed.
There were cases of artillery fire in areas where at that time the combat formations of the advancing units were located, which suffered losses from it (1109th Rifle Regiment of the 330th Rifle Division).
8) Little use was made of night operations by small units, which could yield great results in capturing individual enemy strongholds with methodical machine gun and submachine gun fire.
The night operations that took place were carried out without prior command reconnaissance or advance preparation for them during the day.
9) Individual company and battalion commanders are ignorant about the practice of fighting at night and in forest conditions.
All of the above shortcomings were the result of the fact that the commanders of rifle divisions and regiments did not pay due attention to organizing and managing the battle in such an important link as battalion - company - platoon.
I order:
1) The army commanders take decisive measures to prevent in the future the noted shortcomings in the organization and control of combat in the battalion-company-platoon link.
2) The front artillery commander demands that the army artillery commanders eliminate shortcomings and improve leadership in the use of artillery and the organization of its interaction with rifle units.
3) The order should be conveyed to the commanders and chiefs of staff of formations and units.
4) Report execution by March 17, 1945.