Arabs win

Could the Arabs have won any of the Arab-Israeli wars? How? With what consequences?
tom said:
Could the Arabs have won any of the Arab-Israeli wars?


tom said:

Have Israel attack small neighbour. Say Lebanon. Have them destroy 2 main opponents (say an armed forces of another neighbour and a group). After that have religious group that was opressed by then form their militia (since we are talking religious group have it call, say, Party of God). Make this militia attack Israeli forces. After that one can assume Israelis will withdraw from this country to large extent but keep small portion of it. After this have this group continue attacking Israelis. To make it more interesting have this group fire occasional missile into Israel. After that you need to construct time frame in which Israelis withdraw and this group can claim victory.

This is how I would construct TL. Others might have different ideas.

tom said:
With what consequences?

Well, one can assume this militia would continue to claim Israel occupies small part of Lebanon. One can assume that, emboldened by this vistory, Palestinians would launch another uprising.

But this is irrelevant as IDF is invincible. If you don't believe me ask any Israeli.


I dont know if they could have won a complete victory, at the time Israel had friends in the west. They may have been able to push Israel to a small little slither of land along the coast, around the Tel Aviv area. The best way to accomplish that is stronger Arab Unity.
Yom Kippur War

Heck, the Arabs nearly won the Yom Kippur War in Oct 1973, by establishing such strong AA and AT defences which bled away the IDF's AF and tank and mech forces (the IDF had become so confident of the superiority of their armd forces in deciding victory after 1967 that apparently they formed exclusively tank formations without supporting inf units), and it was only 11th-hr American delivery of reinforcements and a switch in IDF combined arms tactics which swung the tide in their favour. But the Egyptians and Syrians did come pretty damn close to winning in 73...
Stop being Arabs, the ways Israelis stopped being Jews.

Form one country. Set up a reasonable goverment, economic, educational, and tax regime. Build an armaments industry. Build an effective army. Realize that Israel lives on the shittiest piece of land in the Arab world and give it to them in return for their promising not to return to Yemen and Morrocco.