Anne of Foix-Candale lives longer

Anne de Foix, wife of Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary, died in 1506 after giving birth prematurely to her only son Louis (who as result was retarded). Doctors, who ordered bloodletting to reduce fever also greatly contributed to her death. Say that ATL Louis is born normally and Anne survives childbirth and have few more kids wit Vladislaus. What would be results? Hungarian-Bohemian succession would look more secure, thus relations between Vladislaus and Zapolyas (who were leaders of anti-Habsburg party) should improve if likehood of Habsburg getting Hungarian throne is decreased. For Habsburgs OTOH deal with Jagiellons like the one made in OTL in Vienna in 1515 makes little sense, although I'm not sure if they would attempt again to take Hungary by force like in 1490.
Would Vladislaus still be able to crown his son during his lifetime (and Vladislaus is likely to live few years longer-hevwas depressed after death of Anne IOTL) like IOTL if said son has brothers? And would he split Bohemian and Hungarian thrones or is oldest one going to get everything?
Two kids during 4 years of marriage is not that bad result. Vladislaus never was with another woman after Anne (and before Anne) so we can't be sure about this.

Fair point. Would anyone agree to the splitting of the Hungarian and Bohemian crowns? I could see the Bohemian estates being in favour of this move, but at the same time, what the king wants and what the estates want aren't necessarily the same thing.
Fair point. Would anyone agree to the splitting of the Hungarian and Bohemian crowns? I could see the Bohemian estates being in favour of this move, but at the same time, what the king wants and what the estates want aren't necessarily the same thing.
Hungarians expected (falsely) that Czechs would help them against Ottomans, so they may be more likely to want union to continue (especially taking into account that pesonal union was easiest way to solve Czech-Hungarian conflict over Silesia, Moravia and Lusatia). Hard to predict.
Possibly Charles V is less willing to ceede Austrian lands to Ferdinand, with smaller likehood of inheriting Bohemia and Hungary by him. Although Vladislaus as King of Bohemia is one of electors, so some deal sealed with marriage, similar to OTL First Congress of Vienna from 1515 would still happen. Better to have at least Czech vote in Imperial election if Czech and Hungarian thrones are outsider reach.
Possibly Charles V is less willing to ceede Austrian lands to Ferdinand, with smaller likehood of inheriting Bohemia and Hungary by him. Although Vladislaus as King of Bohemia is one of electors, so some deal sealed with marriage, similar to OTL First Congress of Vienna from 1515 would still happen. Better to have at least Czech vote in Imperial election if Czech and Hungarian thrones are outsider reach.
Well the point of said cession was giving to Ferdinand enough lands to make him a suitable match for princess Anna (and the wedding of Anna to either Karl or Ferdinand was established before the birth of any of her brothers) as Karl was unwilling to marry her