An unusual US Civil War 'What If'...

Outcome of the Civil War Could Have Been Different

Prior to the construction of the Erie Canal there were only a few settlers in the Mid West. For the most part they were southerners who had made the long and arduous trip up the Mississippi, Missouri and other mid-American rivers. After the canal brought Yorkers and Yankees west, they became the dominant political and cultural influence in the region. This influence was a key factor when the states in the region supported the north during the Civil War. Some historians believe if it weren't for the Erie Canal there wouldn't have been a Civil War or if there was, the outcome would have been much different.


Thoughts ??
Eventualy overcrowding and of course the call of gold would bring folks out west. Ten the railroads of course. Even back in the days before independance people were constantly trying to get to the west. In fact, Britain trying to prohibit it was one of the causes of the American Revolution.

Even with the west out of the picture, the north would still be more industrialised, and have a greater population. Anyway, no matter what, there would be a rise in population in the northwest (and of course in the southern land around the gulf)