An Unexpected Prince

Think he'd be Earl of Kendal no? Unless the whole heir to the Dukedom taking the subsidary title was only for non royals?
By the time of Anne OTL the order was non-decided, thus Duke of Gloucester creation. Though he may be created Duke of Kendal - both keeping consistency with father's subsidiary titles and in imitation of French order with Duke of Chartres as heir apparent of Duke of Orleans.


By the time of Anne OTL the order was non-decided, thus Duke of Gloucester creation. Though he may be created Duke of Kendal - both keeping consistency with father's subsidiary titles and in imitation of French order with Duke of Chartres as heir apparent of Duke of Orleans.

Oh I like that :)
Though both Anne's brothers styled this died in childhood, so formal creation would be at 10th birthday or some such. Anne was rather superstitious person in OTL and would not like to damn her own son with bad omens associated with this particular style (the same reason French court phased out Duc de Valois use).


Though both Anne's brothers styled this died in childhood, so formal creation would be at 10th birthday or some such. Anne was rather superstitious person in OTL and would not like to damn her own son with bad omens associated with this particular style (the same reason French court phased out Duc de Valois use).

Makes sense to me. I can see them also being somewhat concerned over the boy's asthma
To Anne it would be obvious that the royal nephew (aka her son) should be styled "Duke of X" in his own right regardless of his father's title, as her short-lived brothers were. Though what X would be in question. Not using Kendal whatsoever to avoid confusion with George's subsidiary style and bad omen may be reasonable, though OTL Gloucester may also not be used. Cambridge maybe (at least the Cambridge-styled siblings of Anne lived longer than ones styled Kendal)?


To Anne it would be obvious that the royal nephew (aka her son) should be styled "Duke of X" in his own right regardless of his father's title, as her short-lived brothers were. Though what X would be in question. Not using Kendal whatsoever to avoid confusion with George's subsidiary style and bad omen may be reasonable, though OTL Gloucester may also not be used. Cambridge maybe (at least the Cambridge-styled siblings of Anne lived longer than ones styled Kendal)?
Duke of Cambridge could work I think
Chapter 32: Churchill's Defining Hour


Chapter 32: Churchill’s Defining Hour

March, 1692

After months of doing exercises in the Netherlands and listening to the Dutch moan and complain about them, it felt good to be away. John would not lie to himself, he wanted something to happen. He was a soldier, this sitting around and waiting was not for him. He had earned a Lordship through his exploits in war, and he wanted to show he could do so again. They’d marched with permission to the border, where they had been ordered to wait for Queen Maria Antonia of Spain and her children. From there well, from there who knew what would happen.

There was a mood of tension around the camp, it had been a month since the Queen had supposed to arrive and still nothing. John looked at the men around him, all senior commanders in the English and Scottish army, part of the five regiments sent out with him. None seemed happy about this. “Where is she?” John asked.

Henry Mordaunt, 2nd Earl of Peterborough and the most experienced of them all said. “Reports say she is travelling northwards from Vienna and then toward Cleve and from there riding further northward.”

John looked at the man and wondered not for the first time whether his mind was going. “I know that my lord. I asked where is she now.”

“As to that, I could not say.” Henry replied bashfully.

“Where are the French right now?” John asked. He needed to know that before he could plan anything else.

“They are still pushing through on the Rhine, my lord.” Sir John Fenwick of the Regiment of King’s Foot said. “However, we’ve received word that a regiment or two under some French commander known as Catinat might be making its way northwards.”

“To engage with the Queen’s party or to enter the Spanish Netherlands?” John asked. If it was the former there would be outright war, if it were the latter, there would be outright war.

“We are not sure, my lord.” Fenwick replied.

“Well find out will you. I cannot operate on half known information.” John commanded. His patience was beginning to wear thin slightly with Fenwick. The man was obstinate and constantly saying things that made John doubt his sincerity. He would need to write to the Princess about this.

“Yes, my lord.” Fenwick said.

“What will we do once the Queen gets here, my lord?” George Hamilton asked. Hamilton was someone John respected, he had sense and his military brain had shone through during the exercises. “I know that we are going to escort her to Brussels, but what do we do during the course of the journey?”

John knew what Hamilton was asking. “We will ensure that she is provided for, and we will show her that England holds true to its alliance with Spain. And if needs be we will defend her from the French.” He hoped that last one would not be needed. No doubt if the French tried anything they would hide it behind bandits or paid mercenaries.

There was a brief silence, and then Henry Mordaunt spoke. “We had best be prepared for something more than a minor skirmish. I do not think the French will allow the Queen of Spain out of their hands. She might be married and such a thing might be an act of war, but the French are grasping. They need something to validate the war they are currently holding.”

John looked at Mordaunt. He knew the man was experienced, he also knew the man was not as sharp as he had used to be. Carefully, he asked. “What do you think they will do?”

“I think there are two things that will happen.” Mordaunt responded. “One is they will send a small host northwards, towards us, to force us to engage, they will then send a much larger force after the Queen of Spain. They will capture her and force her to sign a treaty with them. In that treaty they will humiliate Spain and the Empire.”

John looked at Mordaunt and asked. “Why? Such a thing would bring England and the Dutch in, it would be foolish.”

Mordaunt laughed. “King Louis is an old man, but he wants Spain, he has always wanted it. He wants it for its empire and for the silver mines and the prestige. He will do whatever it takes to get it.”

“SO, what do you suggest we do?” John asked.

“Write to the regency council and ask for more men. Ask for the army to be deployed and prepare for war.” Mordaunt replied.

Before John could say anything, a messenger walked into the tent and handed him a letter. John opened it and read it out loud. “Dear Lord Churchill, my commanders report that a French host is moving in on your position. They have received intelligence it seems that the Queen of Spain is heading in your direction. Prepare for a fight.” He put the letter down and swore.
Chapter 33: Schemes


Chapter 33: Schemes

April, 1692

Her son slept soundly next to her, whilst her daughter rested in her arms. Being a mother was perhaps the best thing that had happened to her. It had given her a new perspective on life and removed much of the selfishness she had felt before. Instead of wanting something just for herself, she now wanted something that would improve the lot of her family. Leopold Maximilian, her son and heir was a kind child who asked all sorts of questions and her daughter Maria Margaret had started speaking and tottering around, much to delight of those around her. Yes, Maria Antonia knew why she was doing this and what she hoped to achieve. That they were away from her father was a boon as well, the Emperor had become more and more erratic as his war with the French had gone on and it scared her.

A man stopped by the carriage window. “Your Majesty.” The man said.

“Philip.” Maria greeted smiling, out of all her step-mother’s relatives, Philip was the one she liked the most.

“I hope everything is to your liking so far? We are not going to quickly or slowly for you?” Philip asked.

“Not at all, everything is just right, thank you.” Maria replied. She wondered how Philip was coping with being asked to do this. He was a soldier she knew, but he had been summoned from the war with the Turks to escort her to her destination, it must be frustrating.

“Good to hear, Your Majesty.” Philip said.

“And you, Philip? Are you well?” Maria Antonia asked.

“As well as can be, Your Majesty. I have my health and a good horse. I don’t need much else.” Philip said.

Maria wanted to role her eyes, Philip had always been like this, he’d play off some concern with a joke or a well meaning comment. They both knew that was not what she meant, or rather it was, but not in the manner that he had replied. “Truly?” She whispered.

Philip’s face hardened and then softened. “Truly, Your Majesty. All that business in Bavaria was nothing more than a distraction.”

Maria Antonia raised an eyebrow. She couldn’t understand men, and how they were so easily able to dismiss those they had trysts with. She would never be able to do that. “Really? It didn’t seem like it.”

Something shifted across Philip’s face. “Your Majesty, it was a simple mistake, it won’t happen again.”

Maria got the sense that the man didn’t want to speak further on it, and she had enough tact to know not to pursue it further, therefore she asked. “What other news is there? I’ve not been told anything for days now.”

Philip’s face softened. “The French fell for the bit of misinformation that the Emperor sent with our spies, they’re not marching on the English regiments, believing that they hold Your Majesty’s person.”

Maria whistled. “Do the English know this?” She did not think that the English would appreciate what her father had done, she knew she definitely would not.

Philip shifted slightly. “The Emperor mentioned something about delaying a mention of it to ensure that they did exactly what he wanted them to.”

Maria huffed. “He is going to cost us our allies by doing this.” She knew she should write to the English, but by now it was too late. Likely there had been some skirmish and then there would be war. “So, what does he hope will happen from there?”

“That they will be so outraged by this unprovoked attack from the French that they will have no choice but to enter the fighting.” Philip said.

“And if they find out that my father ensured this would happen?” Maria Antonia asked, she had never met the English regent but from what she had heard the lady was not a fool.

“The Emperor is hoping they will not.” Philip said.

Maria Antonia snorted. “I see.” She paused the carriage continued to move as did Philip, she could tell they were getting closer to the town where they were supposed to be, due to the sounds of a forge and something else. “What of my husband?” She asked. It was strange she and Jakub had been married for two years, but for half of that time he had been gone, fighting at the front in the Rhine. He wrote to her and she him, and she was beginning to feel something for him, strange though it was.

“His Royal Highness is well. His last report stated that he hopes to be able to venture to Spain with the regiment under his own command before the year is out. He also wrote that his own father has finally convinced the Polish estates to get involved and that an army is marching to the Rhine.” Philip said.

Maria nodded, she wanted to ask if he had asked for her, but also didn’t want to make things awkward between her and Philip, they had once courted after all. “That is good.”

The procession stopped, and Philip excused himself, he returned a few moments later and said. “We are here, Your Majesty.”

Maria poked her head out of the window and gasped. “It’s magnificent.” And it truly was, the Hague stood before them, like some sort of towering beast, welcoming them for sanctuary for now.
Aw! Jakub and Maria are so cute! Also the Sobieski's are some of my favourite Polish monarchs so I hope everything works out for them.
Chapter 34: Godolphin's Web



Chapter 34: Godolphin’s Web

June, 1692

With the death of George Jeffreys, Lord Jeffreys earlier in the year from some sort of issue with his kidneys, the government-mainly Princess Anne and Sidney himself- had cast around for another lawyer to raise to the lord of Lord Chancellor and thus Lord Speaker of the House of Lords. They had found their man, not in Sir Thomas who had asked to remain as Attorney General, but instead in William Cowper, an MP who had defended the government line many times in court and elsewhere especially Parliament. He had been raised to the peerage as Baron Cowper and put into the Lords and the Chancellorship. Today Sidney knew, would be the day they saw whether he had been the right investment.

Cowper called for order and then said. “Today’s business, my lords, is to discuss the recent events in Europe, particularly as concerns the Spanish Netherlands. To present the government’s argument is the Viscount Godolphin.”

There were cheers as Sidney got up. He moved to the speaker’s box and said. “Thank you, my lord speaker. My lords, two months ago there was an attack on the regiments led by Lord Churchill by French forces under the command of one Marshal Catinat.” There were boos then. “Thankfully, Lord Churchill had the wits about him to defeat the forces opposing him and to retreat into Dutch territory. We have subsequently sent a query to the French government in Versailles asking about this, and have been told that it was an accident. Marshal Catinat has been disciplined and the French King has apologised.” There were cheers at that. Sidney went to continue, but before he could, Charles Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury stood up.

“Point of query, my lord speaker?” Shrewsbury asked.

“Granted.” Cowper said.

Sidney wondered what Shrewsbury would say, he then remembered the evidence they had found, or rather the evidence that Sir Thomas and Lord Jeffreys had found before the latter’s death and he smiled to himself content in the knowledge of what he would bring before the house. Shrewsbury nodded his thanks. “My lords, if the lord opposite says that the government of the King has sought a reason from the French King and he says that it was a mistake, do they really expect us to believe that they are going to accept the French King’s apology as genuine?” there were murmurs of approval from Shrewsbury’s side. “After all, this is the same French King who once tried to get our King’s beloved uncle to convert to Catholicism in return for subsidies. This is the same King who promised to respect the division of Spain to someone not of his wife’s line, and then started this war currently ravaging Europe.” More cheers. “If the lord before me says he believes the French King, then he is a fool.”

There were loud cheers at that before order was restored. “Viscount Godolphin.” Cowper said.

Sidney moved to the speaker’s box. “Thank you my lord speaker. To answer the honourable lord’s claims, I do not for one moment believe that the French King is telling the truth. Indeed, we have received confirmation from our spies in Versailles, that this attack was deliberate. That they were under the impression we were going to have the Spanish Queen in our possession.”

Shrewsbury rose and immediately said. “So, then, this is an act of war!”

“If one were to view from it a binary point of view, yes, indeed, it is an act of war.” Sidney said.

“What is this nonsense that the honourable lord speaks of? There is no different point of view here. By attacking our regiment deliberately, the French King has declared war on us. That must be obvious to the lord.” Shrewsbury said.

“The lord is surely confused. The French King has publicly stated it was a mistake and has removed the offending commander. If we were to declare war on him now, we would be the guilty party. By accepting his apology false as it is, we come out looking better, and when the King of France learns of what we are doing next, he will push himself into a further corner.” Sidney said.

“And what further business is this?” Shrewsbury demanded.

Sidney did not immediately reply, he knew that things would get quite heated, he wanted to get the statement just right. “Under agreement with His Majesty’s regency council and the Her Majesty the Queen of Spain and the Dutch Republic, we shall be providing three ships from His Majesty’s Navy to escort the Queen of Spain from the Hague to Cadiz. They shall be under the command of Vice Admiral the Duke of Grafton.”

With that statement, Sidney knew he had gotten Shrewsbury in a pickle. What line of attack would the man go for now? “And by doing this you are actively challenging the King of France, and putting at risk the lives of not only our own sailors, but the Queen of Spain herself.” Shrewsbury turned to the Lord Speaker. “My lord speaker, my lords, I vote that by doing this the right honourable lord is in contempt of the Crown and move to bring a vote of impeachment against him.”

Sidney was momentarily surprised by this, he had thought Shrewsbury would go another way, but he kept his expression blank and waited. Cowper looked at Shrewsbury. “And what reasoning do you bring for this most serious of accusations?”

“Firstly we have reason to believe that he was the one who instigated the creation of the Police Regiments without approval of this Parliament as the Case of Proclamations from 1611 specifically states is necessary. Secondly by encouraging the Regency Council to allow for ships from His Majesty’s Royal Navy to help transport a sovereign whose Kingdom is at war with France, he places our sailors in grave danger. He also risks provoking another war. It is the height of irresponsibility.” Shrewsbury said.

Excellent, you fool Talbot, I’ve got you now. Sidney thought to himself. Cowper looked at him. “Do you have a response, Viscount Godolphin?”

“I do, my lord speaker.” Sidney said. He produced the document. “I hold in my hands evidence that the honourable lord Shrewsbury attempted to produce a forged letter and other such papers that he would use to accuse Her Highness the Duchess of Cumberland and the King’s own sister, of treason.”

There was a loud shout at that, from both sides of the House, the Princess was very popular. “May we see this evidence?” Cowper asked.

Sidney handed the documents in question to the Lord Chancellor’s aids, they handed it to Cowper who read it. Sidney remained silent, his heart hammering, eventually Cowper spoke. “What do you propose to do now?”

“I propose that this House open an investigation into the Earl of Shrewsbury and any associates of his such as the Earl of Devonshire, for treason of the highest sort against the King.” Sidney said. He watched Shrewsbury’s face whiten when the documents were put before him.

“Do you disagree with this assertion for a vote?” Cowper asked him.

Shrewsbury could not deny it in good faith, Sidney knew, therefore, when he reluctantly said. “I do not, my lord speaker.” Sidney knew he had won.


So was flicking through my notes earlier, Marie Louise of Orleans is srill alive and well, so who’s make a good second husband for her?
So was flicking through my notes earlier, Marie Louise of Orleans is srill alive and well, so who’s make a good second husband for her?
Maybe she and Dauphin of France can finally get together (they liked each other very much as children, and Dauphin is recently widowed)?


Maybe she and Dauphin of France can finally get together (they liked each other very much as children, and Dauphin is recently widowed)?
Oh that could be good, would that be a more likelt marriage than her marrying the duke or Modena?
Oh that could be good, would that be a more likelt marriage than her marrying the duke or Modena?
She'll likely be more picky about Duke of Modena status than Anna Maria Louisa de'Medici; Francesco also didn't want a French wife OTL.
With connections at Spanish court Dowager Queen of Spain is also more useful at Versailles than at relatively minor Italian duchy.


She'll likely be more picky about Duke of Modena status than Anna Maria Louisa de'Medici; Francesco also didn't want a French wife OTL.
With connections at Spanish court Dowager Queen of Spain is also more useful at Versailles than at relatively minor Italian duchy.
This is very true seeing her and Louis married to one another would be good as well, and perhaps them having one or two kids as well?
This is very true seeing her and Louis married to one another would be good as well, and perhaps them having one or two kids as well?
Agree to this development of events.
I think that having the Dauphin married to Dowager Queen of Spain would in Louis' eyes help to advance Naples claims of a French prince.
Agree to this development of events.
I think that having the Dauphin married to Dowager Queen of Spain would in Louis' eyes help to advance Naples claims of a French prince.
That will not help at all as she is a French princess by birth with only a Spanish grandmother...
But Marie Louise as Dauphine can give reasons for French interference in England as she is actually pretty high in that line of succession:
King James III; Mary, Princess of Orange; Anne, Duchess of Cumberland; Anne’s son; William, prince of Orange; Marie Louise d’Orleans, Dowager Queen of Spain; Anne Marie d’Orleans, Duchess of Savoy....


That will not help at all as she is a French princess by birth with only a Spanish grandmother...
But Marie Louise as Dauphine can give reasons for French interference in England as she is actually pretty high in that line of succession:
King James III; Mary, Princess of Orange; Anne, Duchess of Cumberland; Anne’s son; William, prince of Orange; Marie Louise d’Orleans, Dowager Queen of Spain; Anne Marie d’Orleans, Duchess of Savoy....
Interference in what way though?
Interference in what way though?
Pressure and well you know... James III and Anne’s son are still in their cradle and can always die so Marie Louise’s full french child has a good shot to the crown... Just a little less obvious and dangerous of the game who Louis played with OTL with his grandson/grandnephew in place of OTL James II and James III
Given that Princess of Orange is sterile, then yes, Louis XIV would like any issue of Dowager Queen of Spain being born French princes/princesses.