America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

Mo Udall Presidency- Introduction
"Two very charismatic and confident figures representing their beliefs... really shows the comparison of the parties..."

"The election that will define a generation and beyond..."

"And to think they said he was too funny to be president..."

America's Funniest President: A Mo Udall Presidency

America's Funniest President Cover.png

Original Image

The American presidential election of 1980 would be remembered as a hallmark occasion and for some political historians, the mark of a new age. The Baby-Boomer generation, now having reached adulthood and the oldest starting families of their own, were becoming the predominant voter demographic. It would be they who would help decide the values that was to come and in turn, they would have their values influenced by the president they would choose to lead them in the 1980s and beyond.

Mo Udall initially was unsure of running for president over in 1980. 1976 saw him lose to Jimmy Carter in the primaries for the Democrats though in retrospect, some would see that as a blessing in disguise given what would occur. However, by 1980, the more left-leaning wing needed a champion to go and run for the progressive values that were held and maintain by those like FDR and JFK beforehand, especially with the actions and influence of President Udall's predecessor had done. The field was filled with competent candidates, but would any of them have the same level of magnetism as Udall would? It was only from the convincing of Ted Kennedy would Udall throw his hat in the ring and through some luck and skill, would rise up to the top, the Democrats united to take back the White House after 12 long years.

Alot has changed since 1976 when Mo Udall first ran in the primary and it was between 1976-1980 where so much of the events that would lay for the foundation of what was to come that some historians discussing contemporary history see 1976 as a more accurate starting point for the changes of the United States and the world, at least in terms of being a prologue.
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Yes... it's finally here. I am excited and a bit scared, but I can do this. This has been my next big project here. I would love to thank alot of people who helped inspiration for this, especially @KingSweden24's Bicentennial Man, @Yes's McGoverning and @PickledFish's Fighting For Your Future for inspiration! Also would like to give some thanks to others for other inspiration like pop culture, such as @Geekhis Khan and @Pyro for this.

Been working on this for a while and not sure how well it will do compared to my first, but well, I'm gonna try. Try and come up with a better world. Would appreciate any and all helpful input and so on for this one. Gonna be one heck of a ride.
PROLOGUE I: Ronald Reagan the 39th President
PROLOGUE I: Ronald Reagan the 39th President


1976 Republican National Convention; President Gerald Ford conceding over to challenger Ronald Reagan
1976 was a tough time for the Republican Party. Watergate loomed over the election, not just for the primaries, but also for the general election. Years earlier, Richard Nixon had resigned with the looming possibility of impeachment hanging so close above his head like the blade of a guillotine. As such, President Gerald Ford was entering with that on his heels, but also the economy suffering from stagflation and the rough times courtesy of the 1973 Oil Crisis. Unsurprisingly, many predicted the the Republican Party would have a difficult time being able to maintain the White House, especially with everything that Gerald Ford had to face. Additionally, not everything was well within the party itself.

Conservative opposition to Ford within the Republican Party began to surface back in December 1974, following his appointment of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller as vice president. His choice for the more liberal Nelson Rockefeller as his choice soured alot of people and began the rise for Ronald Reagan as a serious contender. Foreign policy also caused these gaps to widened considerably, especially with actions like the evacuation of Saigon and the refusal to meet with Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Unsurprisingly, when election season would finally come, Ronald Reagan would throw his hat into the ring, challenging the incumbent and the current President himself. Some saw this not just as a battle for the White House, but also for the soul of the Republican party at the time.

However, even with Reagan's rising popularity, it was a very tense race and evenly divided.

Iowa and New Hampshire, the first contests, were intensely close, but would be won by Reagan, albeit by thin margins. Then followed a string of victories over for Ford though afterwards came a string of victories for Reagan as well thanks to Jesse Helms' organization coming in to help Reagan out to maintain steam when it came to campaigning, especially with the first two victories. Other close races that would eventually go to Reagan would be Kentucky, Tennessee and even Oregon. This was not even including some of the other races that would be going on. However, the extra victories that came with Reagan's steam would skew fence sitters to lean more toward Reagan and Ford would begin feeling the pressure.

Even if he did secure a victory, it would be so close that it could potentially cost the Republicans the general election because it would show the lack of strength over regarding the unity of the Republican party. With the reputation of what Nixon had left behind, something needed to be done. And so, talks were had between him, advisers and those of Reagan. Eventually, the RNC would become quite the surprise as Gerald Ford would concede to Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan would become the Republican candidate for the White House.

Ford's reasons varied regarding wanting to maintain party unity, a fear of losing to the Democrats, some sort of deal or just flat-out fatigue from what he endured. Regardless, it was not his problem anymore. It was now Reagan's to deal with. Ronald Reagan, with the relative full support of the party, would begin using out his Hollywood style charisma to win over voters and reassure them of the bright tomorrow that awaited them. As a way to further show their new stance, he would choose Elliot Lee Richardson himself as his running mate, an offer that he would eventually accept. It was speculated that Ford not only requested this of Reagan, but that Ford played a part in having Richardson accept the position.

As such, in 1976, Ronald Reagan and Elliot Richardson would face off against Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale for the US presidency. Despite Carter's initial approval ratings and focus on Reagan as a radical, Reagan was able to use his charm to counteract against Carter and exploit the Georgian politician's gaffes in the presidential debates. Additionally, Reagan leaned on Richardson as a counter-balance and to those who did know Reagan, was a bit more toned down regarding some of his policies. Some believed that this was because even if Reagan would win, the Democrats would likely maintain hold of the House and Senate and thus, force Reagan to the compromising table, especially with inheriting a rather finicky situation.

Election Day 1976 would see Reagan/Richardson win the electoral vote and the popular vote by a fair bit against Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. Just as predicted though, the Democrats maintained their hold on the House and Senate and their loss seemed to strengthened their conviction and resistance. Additionally, it also began causing the search for a potential candidate to lead the party after this loss, especially regarding the future of policy. All people knew was that the Republicans would be approaching have the White House for 12 years now... the entirety of the 1970s, defined by them.

PROLOGUE II: The Reagan Administration- Chaos and Condors
PROLOGUE II: The Reagan Administration- Chaos and Condors


Ronald Reagan, 39th President of the United States, 1976
Ronald Reagan was sworn as the 39th President of the United States over in the early months of 1977. Despite his victory over Ford and Carter, his road ahead wasn't easy and even he knew it. After all, the primary between him and Ford was close and he likely would've lost had it not been for his early close victories giving him the momentum to keep going along with the help of Jesse Helms and others. Even then, it was Ford conceding that gave him victory rather than getting more of the numbers. Despite that, he found himself now in the White House with the whole world watching. After the troublesome years of the Nixonites, the hope laid with Reagan.

The early months of the Reagan adminsitration was unsurprisingly slow and sluggish. The more moderate wing of the Republicans may have been dealt a bad blow with Ford's concession, but not all of them would be willing to just go along with Reagan so easily. However, the true difficulty laid with the Democrats, who controlled the House and Senate and wary of what a Reagan presiedency would do, were going to give whatever they had to force down to something manageable. The desire for such large tax cuts in the hopes of stimulating the economy were not met with the best reception and others feared that it would do little to solve the issues with "stagflation". Would people even be willing to go for the large taxcuts, especially with a new economical policy that even several of his own side were unsure of.

Despite that, he still did well with appoval ratings for the most part. However, then came his first real issue... and first major mistake. Panama and the Canal that have been a source of tension between the United States and Panama.

Panama would experience a change in government following a 1968 military coup. The new government was consolidated under Omar Torrijos, who went forward to reject the 1967 treaty regarding the In response to a lack of progress of negotiations with the Nixon administration years ago, the Torrijos government succeeded in holding a March 1973 United Nations Security Council session in Panama City, where it attracted considerable international support for its cause. While Carter had been sympathetic to the cause back when he ran, Reagan was not and he had the support of the various hardliners within his party regarding the Panama Canal. To them, the idea of letting go of the Panama Canal and giving it to Panama would be see as the surrender of a strategic American asset to what they characterized as a hostile government. In fact, it was infamously stated by Senator Strom Thurmond in a speech regarding the discussion of the canal: "The canal is ours, we bought and we paid for it and we should keep it."

Unsurprisingly, this turned out to be prime fodder for the newsmedia and for the Democrats to use against the Republicans. Viewed as a classic example of American gunboat diplomacy, the question of the Canal would begin growing, especially as Torrijos would begin pushing for renegotiations, especially through the United Nations. It provided growing sympathy over to Panama in trying to secure a fair piece of infrastructure on their land while the US, under the shadow of what happened with Nixon, was painted somewhat as the antagonizer. It also began reflecting the ugly influence that the Americans had over in Central America, at least going back as far back as Nixon. Gradually, more and more Americans grew intrigued by it though sides haven't been formed yet over what happened.

A gloomy shadow was being cast over this. Reagan doubled down on it, unmoved by Torrijos' words or actions or even that of his colleagues to at least try and make better arrangmenets on the matter. In fact, Reagan began accusing Torrijo of being a full-blown communist and being aligned with them, despite no real evidence to it. While the hardliners applauded Reagan standing up to Torrijo, others were noting the ridiculous of Reagan's actions since he was not even given a chance for negotiations as of yet and instead concerned that his actions would actually push Torrijo into actually joining the Communists, something which was growing likely given the warmer receptions given by Castro and other movements with Central America that was growing more and more hostile to the American presence, especially through the infamous Operation Condor of the CIA... it seemed like things would be increasing in tension...

Unsurprisingly... something had to give...

Torrijo and his men had a plan developed in the event that the treaty calls and discussions broke down and while the idea of aligning with the Cubans and so on was pretty risky, they were running out of options. However, they still maintained ties and Castro asked if Torrijo needed anything... Torrijo couldn't help but see what sort of explosives could be gotten. No more was said and bit by bit, a growing number of explosives would find themselves smuggled over into Panama through Cuba and they were enough to pack a bit of a punch to say the least.

Torrijos would try one final time to establish a form of fairer treaty that would give the Canal back over to Panama...

PROLOGUE III: The Reagan Administration- Foreign Fires & Fury
PROLOGUE III: The Reagan Administration- Foreign Fires & Fury


Omar Efraín Torrijos Herrera, Maximum Leader of Panama
Huele a quemado...

Torrijos' final arrangement for a deal with the Reagan Administration had fallen on deaf ears. Over the course of 1977, there were fewer and fewer routes taken and there was a growing sympathy toward him from the rest of Central America. For the past several years, the growing leftist sentments in Central America have been growing quashed by the actions of the American CIA and their reactionary autocratic associates, all in the name of "anti-communism", in maintaining the dominance of American hegemony over in that hemisphere. Unsurprisingly, there was a growing amount of resentment and frustration in that regard. As such, Panama was leaning further and further to their most radical option.

If they cannot have the canal... neither will the Americans.

This plan had been in the preparations for months for this contingency. Ordinary means and appealing to the international court had not functioned and the hope for sympathetic American leadership had gone out when seeing who Reagan was and the likelihood of his victory. Nonetheless, trying to appear as the rational one was an option. Now they had no real choice. As Reagan boxed them more with the accusations of being in bed with the communists... well, why not? Castro and those like-minded were willing to aid them and all he asked for was powerful explosives.

Over on before New Years Eve of 1977, a popular radio personality would have delivered what sounded like his ordinary address that night on Panamanian radio. However, in truth, the address contained a coded message to the trained commandos and sleeper agents around the Canal Zone embedded around the country, who would have launched attacks on the gates and dams that regulate water levels in the canal, as well as the locomotives that pull ships. Powerful explosives were to be used to damage the gates and dams that regulated it. Recently, beyond increase the scope of the explosion, moreplants were added in the area for the purpose of surveilance, but also a form of damage control. In a moment of pragmatism, it was decided to try and minimize casualities, with the ideal solution being that without any dead Americans, it would be less fuel for the government to use on the citizens.

By the time the sun rose the next morning, millions of dollars in goods would have been stranded on the Atlantic and Pacific sides of the canal. The gates have been pretty damages and the smell of burning was in the air. Reagan would wake up to the news of the damage of the Canal... of it being inoperable and of the economy feeling the massive shockwaves of trade impedement. Within hours, forces would be mobilized against Torrijos and his forces, who would flee to the jungles.

War had broken out. However, not just for Panama, but for the various Central American powers as well... the explosion of the Canal was first of many... what followed was what was described as a growing wildfire of rage and rebellion against American imperialism. The rise of rebels against the Somoza dynasty in Nicaragua... the roaring rage within El Salvador and Honduras... and even spreading starting down to some of the juntas... the people were become angry and tired of being the Americans' punching bags.

President Reagan addressed the people in the news of an attack of canal with unknown casualities (later revealed that by some miracle, Torrijos manage to avoid his plan without American murders in the attack) and the rally around the flag effect began spreading. Despite the spike in popularity though, this would be a very short-lived victory for the Reaganites. The brutal blow to the Canal, while not taking too long to heal, made the unstable economy even worse and with the price of oil, even more unstable and out of control. The rammifications this would have down the line would grow beyond what anyone would've seen.

Beyond that, Castro and his allies watched with intrigue as the belligerent Americans reaped what they sowed though also were cautious not to fan the flames too much, lest they spiral out of control. They were content to help supply rebels and disrupt the Americans' puppet strings. Europe was not as badly affected by the debacle though the sight of what had happened began causing a reflection for some people. Reagan, who was riding high, now would begin dealing with a large and unstable shift regarding his electability, and for many politicians, this caused them to begin stewing in doubt. To not get too stuck on their laurels and to maintain vigilance over themselves. Even the USSR themselves would continue to learn from the American mistakes regarding the interfering in foreign affairs, especially after Vietnam... what if they needed to get involved...? It was a question that would lead to the Soviets beginning to revise their own strategies...

Meanwhile, the GOP became more divided within the staff itself. The more dogmatic high on outrage and clashing heads against their more moderate and pragmatic co-workers, lambasting them for their foolhardiness and short-sightedness. Meanwhile for the Democrats, there was a mild sense of schadenfreude over seeing the GOP beginning to catch fire for this and while maintaining strong unity in their resistance and for future plans, the approach for how was in the works. It was becoming more and more clear that the economy would be the key for them... and for the remaining progressives, this would be their main way for their goals.

As soldiers were being sent to secure the area and to overthrow Torrijos, the cracks were beginning to form. Inflation would get worse, supply lines interfered... no amount of jingoism could stand against the sagging economy... and the American people were not drunk enough on patriotism to keep it going...

Sooner or later... the hangover would eventually arrive...
Richardson as Reagan’s VP is an interesting choice!

Yeah! I looked through the list of some presidential candidates and I figure him being chosen as Reagan's VP would be as a wa to mitigate the tensions with Nixon. Now the poor guy is along with the ride with Reagan...
PROLOGUE IV: The Reagan Administration- Middle East Madness
PROLOGUE IV: The Reagan Administration- Middle East Madness


Ruhollah Khomeini (1900 - 1978)

Foreign policy usually doesn't overshadow domestic policy. While maintaining cordial relations is important, the common voter cares often more about the problems at home and how it affects them. However, foreign policy dictates domestic policy as well, especially in a time of increasing inter-connectivity between the various peoples of the world and their economy. The disruption of the supply chains and the web of economic actvitiy was an unpleasant surprise for the Americans and with the midterms coming up, the Reagan administration knew that they would be in deep trouble while the Democrats salivated at the opportunity, especially the progressive wing, who saw the chance to grow their numbers for future endeavors to push for reforms.

As such, the Reagan Administration began searching for any means of easy victories or potential other problems within the world that they could try and turn attention to, just enough for the heat to die down or search for future problems that would cause them a sense of strife. Unsurprisingly, it did not take long for their eyes to return to the Middle East. While aligned with the Americans, there was a growing number of people within the Middle East nations that did not take too kindly to having their own governments be extension of foreign powers dictating them, especially with the growing clash of Euro-American liberal values against the religious conservative ones associated with tradition back home. However, their prominence because of their rich supplies in oil meant that they now possessed alot more strategic importance now than ever before... least to the Americans and Europeans. As such, keeping friendly leaderships was important though for many, it was just a different and more subtle form of imperialism.

Iran was one such area. A monarchy of prestige, it had been tossed around for centuries and having been subjected at the jackboot of the British. Matters worsened with the Shah's power growing as a result of the Americans and English's collaboration in the coup against Mossadegh back in the 1950s. As such, the current Shah was quite friendly to the goals of the West though struggling against the growing discontent back at home, especially with the clergyfolk becoming angry at the reforms he was enforcing upon them. Certain figures grew popular from fanning the flames of violence and contempt, with ambitions of their own. One of those was none other than the prominent religious icon in Ruhollah Khomeini, in exile in a city of Iraq for most of his time. For some, there was a great risk in him coming back to Iran and helping to lead a revolution over against the Shah, a goal that would be deemed counterproductive to the goals of various powers of the time.

At least, it would've been... had it not been for his death. On an early morning over in Najaf, Iraq, there would be the news of a terrible car crash. It would be revealed by the autopsy that the driver suffered from a heart attack and thus, the car went out of control late of night, careening over and having a violent crash, finishing off the driver and killing the passenger inside. That passenger would be none other than Ruhollah Khomeini, dead from the blunt truama and the bleeding at the age of 78. Unsurprisingly, his death would cause quite the mourning over in Iran of such a grandiose leader though others were a bit more relieved, either so they could try filling in the void or that he was absent. The Shah himself put on the effort of platitudes for the man though it was rather quiet. Then again, it was to be expected. Ever since spring, the Shah had made greater absences and the rumors trickled out that he was suffering from a severe illness. Said rumors were correct, as the Shah was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia back in 1974 and worsened over time. In fact, one of his final appearances was a memorial service for Khomeini, which helped ease his image for a bit.

With the Shah's health in decline, it seemed like there wasn't much left of the passive and indecisive shell that was Pahlavi. All but a secret. Months prior, he was in contact with the American President Ronald Reagan, discussing the various matters and one of them had come up on dealing with certain troublemakers, like Khomeini. As Reagan had put it to the Shah, he was not to be let into Iran and destabilize it... no matter what. The Shah, feeling cornered, would end up making a decision. He knew where Khomeini had been and that he needed to be disposed of. While there was a chance for martyrdom, that would only be if matters looked suspicious. It had to look like an accident... And so he sent a message over to the leader of Iraq, the Baathist known as Saddam Hussein. While Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr was still the president, his declining health meant Saddam would become de-facto strongman and ruler of the place. As such, it was he who the Shah contacted him. An unknown exchange occurred, but Saddam could see the writing of the wall and decided it would be a good option. As such, it was simply a matter of finding the right person and arranging the right circumstances for an accident... one that few people would ever know about and one of them was at death's driveway...

As 1978 continued on for the midterms, Reagan saw the news regarding the car crash for Khomeini and felt a bit of relief. Even with the news of worsening of the Shah's health, he hoped that it would not be enough to cause Iran to become unstable. After all, they were already dealing with enough trouble entering the midterms. That being said, Reagan became more familiar with the rise of religious reactionaries and noted that they would become a more immediate threat to American security if left unchecked. He should keep an eye out on the Middle East more.
Thank you for the kind words! Will watch this. :)
Thank you very much for walking. I know the prologue is a bit compressed, but admittingly, I am excited to get to the stuff with Udall. Will be happy to answer questions best I can though I am not really sure of stuff like the House, Senate and so on.
Thank you very much for walking. I know the prologue is a bit compressed, but admittingly, I am excited to get to the stuff with Udall. Will be happy to answer questions best I can though I am not really sure of stuff like the House, Senate and so on.
Good idea but making your prologue a bit compressed. My TL will slow down once it gets to the more Mondale heavy stuff, so I totally get where you're coming from.


Also, was surprised that Oman Torrijos looks kinda like George Clooney... like... it's not just, me right?
He does, and if you told me that they were brothers, I would believe it.

Also, I would be like "definitely an ugly brother and a pretty brother thing going on there."
PROLOGUE V: The Reagan Administration- 1978 Midterms and Beyond
PROLOGUE V: The Reagan Administration- 1978 Midterms and Beyond


President Ronald Reagan giving radio speech, 1978
The 1978 midterms were expected to be brutal for the Republicans. While many had initially supported Reagan's domineering stance over regarding the Panama Canal and there was outrage over regarding its damage, Reagan's inabilty to handle the economic crisis would end up shifting the blame moreso to him. Pundits had debated if the entire ordeal could have been avoided and it was noted how Reagan did not even make attempts to try and negotiate the treaty. Others noted that the blame did not fall on the President himself, but also on the various members within the party, the formerly growing "neoconservative" bloc. After all, as the President's advisors, they would be the ones he would look to regarding the discussion over the correct course of action. As such, they were held equally responsible if perhaps even moreso because they were supposed to know better.

The Republicans seem to be pretty sternly aware of their impending losses and were trying to best to reinforce the places they could and trying to find coordination. However, cracks were forming wider within the party, between the neoconservatives or Reagan Republicans who have been stumbling and the Rockefeller Republicans who saw as this as their chance to try to regain some lost ground, with the various Nixonites caught in the middle with it all. This did not help their image. The Democrats meanwhile were gradually shifting to the left, clamoring for the need of greater reforms and stand against Reagans' stance on government welfare and so on. The spirit of those like FDR, JFK and LBJ left a legacy or progressive actions that they needed to fill and even the more moderate of the Dems found themselves pushed to supporting some more radical policies.

When Election season came over, the losses came over as expected. Regarding the Senate, Texas and Virginia would see what was suspected to be close races become victories for the Democrats, unseating John Tower for Bob Krueger and Richard D. Obenshain, for Andrew P. Miller. The big surprise meanwhile was the very close race between the infamous Strom Thurmond and his Democrat challenger in Charles D. Ravenel. Many have noted his speech over regarding the Panama Canal and despite Ravenel's own snafus hurting him, Strum took a big hit, to where it looked like it would go either way. Despite that, Thurmond would maintain his seat if barely, with around a 2% margin. The House did not see many upsets though the close races favored the Democrats more unsurprisingly. However, many suspected that it would not be until 1980 that there would be further major upsets going on.

Domestically, Reagan was not able to achieve as much. He was forced to meet the Democrats in the middle for the tax cuts he wanted, and even then, this was only due to the mroe moderate ones, which had been capable enough to ensure it was nothing ridiculous nor over the top. There was a low sense of morale over within the White House as some have compaed to how aloof Reagan could be regarding the staff, perpetuating a sense of gloom within the area. The after-effects of what happened in Panama had been unsurprising to say the least. It would take months to repair the Canal and it would take three years for the Canal to be filled up properly regarding the artificial lake. Meanwhile, there was guerilla warfare down in Panama to deal with along with in places like Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras dealing with their own increased uprisings or tensions was making plans there difficult to say the least. And most of all, there was the rammifications this had from friend and foe of the United States.

UK Prime Minister Leonard James Callaghan, who had gotten along somewhat all right with President Reagan and was in communication him throughout the situation. The ordeal caused him to reflect on his own situaiton and the concerns over how the potential economic troubles may threaten his administration along with the general feeling. He would decide to call a snap election as soon as he could within 1978 in the hopes of turning his minority around and try to regain and keep the confidence of the people. Despite the concerns over how well he would, his Labor party would manage to secure victory over the Tories being led by Margaret Thatcher, to whom some blamed for the Tories' loss, especially due to the comparisons to Reagan. While other concerns such as with the economy were discussed, the focus of Reagan's Reckoning of Panama as it would be named served as something as good point to blame outside problems, at least for the time being. As such, the Labor Party, possessing a small majority within Parliament would focus on trying to deal with inflation and some of the potential growing problems with unions.

Another example was the 1978 Afghan Saur Standoff, one where the Republic of Afghanistan would see tensions between the so-called Daoud Republic and the rising People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) regarding some of the actions that had been going on. It was rumored even that the PDPA would attempt a coup. However, around a bit earlier, the Soviets had noted their stance on maintaining their safety and their stability, with the tone that they would not wish to repeat the Americans' mistakes of getting involved into "unnecessary conflicts." For the PDPA though, the underlying message was simple:

Do not get us (USSR) into a potential mess like what happened with the Americans. We won't help you if you act reckless.

As such, the PDPA were forced to a more... diplomatic approach in getting what they wanted. After an intense stand-off and a period of occupation, a sort of compromise was made. Ultimately, the Republic of Afghanistan was forced to make concessions to the PDPA, one of which was the transition into a semi-presidential system, specifically resembling the
premier-presidential system like in Egypt. While Mohammed Daoud Khan remained president, within the newly-established parliament of the Republic of Afghanistan, the PDPA would secure a dominant amount of seats (though Daoud's own National Revolutionary Party still held some ground) and for the premier, would choose Hafizullah Amin as premier within this new government, working alongside Daoud in the continued modernization of the state. The Soviets were happy as while the PDPA would have a large amount of control in Afghanistan, no blood was shed and no accusations could be held in, allowing things to be kept relatively calm. Despite this, Amin and the PDPA would follow the preestablished notion of bi-tarafi for the nation and so while informally more with the Soviets, the nation remained non-aligned officially and thus would continue to do so.
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Interesting twists and turns right out of the gate! Khomeini whacked. Panama Canal bombed. Afghanistan War avoided for the moment...glad to see someone in the world capable of learning from the geopolitical mistakes of others even if only in ATLs. Glad to have been at least somewhat of an inspiration to launch this and curious to see where it goes.

PS: Coincidentally, Mo Udall just got a quote in today's post on my TL. Seriously just random coincidence, but interesting none the less.
Interesting twists and turns right out of the gate! Khomeini whacked. Panama Canal bombed. Afghanistan War avoided for the moment...glad to see someone in the world capable of learning from the geopolitical mistakes of others even if only in ATLs. Glad to have been at least somewhat of an inspiration to launch this and curious to see where it goes.

PS: Coincidentally, Mo Udall just got a quote in today's post on my TL. Seriously just random coincidence, but interesting none the less.

Yeah... whenever you make a mistake, especially as someone important, your friends and foes will note it to try not to repeat it. Sometimes it's in becoming concerned and going forth to try and ensure something of a good outcome rather than leave it to chance.... other times, it's making sure not to get invovled in things that would become a colossal unpopular quagmire.

Reagan will Reagan after all. His more belligerent attitude would mean he’d probably screw up Panama, especially given the preexisting plan they had in OTL. I’d also figured he could pressure the Shah into doing something to deal with Khomeini once for all, and he’s still in Iraq so...
The ‘78 Virginia race should be Miller beating Obenshain, given his plane crash death OTL unlikely a couple years after the POD. Also sets up Warner to say of course he would have won lol

Edit: I remain firmly convinced that 1980 Udall’s Parkinson’s makes it a step too far. But I love Mo so go Mo!
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