America - Albion's Orphan - A history of the conquest of Britain - 1760

Chapter 415


Foreign Minister Woodrow Wilson would give his first speech in office with a call for the world to "outlaw" war by forming a "League of Nations" which would govern international affairs between nations. Initially, there was little interest among the international papers. What reason for such an organization? After all, had not wars been relatively rare in recent years?

The great powers of Europe - France and Russia - had not sought to expand their borders against smaller defenseless powers. America had not sought to invade Tithookeaskoya or California despite the likelihood of victory. China had not sought to conquer southeast Asia (though they did dominate it). The Marathas had not sought to invade the Durrani Empire. The Spanish Empire kept Central and South America peaceful.

Only Western Africa, where the assorted tribes, warlords and petty states fought for control over the pestilential region faced significant unrest.

However, Wilson believed that many past wars could have been easily prevented if a proper system of global oversight and mediation existed. So many lives were lost over petty insults, diplomatic missteps and misunderstandings over the centuries. It was bad enough when lives were lost when nations had a REASON for war, even worse when there was none.


For two long months, the King of Italy would travel the length of Southern Italy in hopes of regaining the affection of the southerners. The Parliament in Rome continued to dither as arguments for invading the threatened seceding territories warred with calls for discourse (and a minority actually seemed happy at the thought of being rid of the southerners).

The initial hope of the King that his actions would spur at least some sort of unity in Rome had faded amid the feuding factions.

At least the "conclave" or whatever the southerners called themselves this week in Naples proved no less contentious. The King would often sit among his subjects as they discussed the future. Giuseppe would be amused at the obvious discomfort of the reactionaries and radicals, the separatists and unificationists.

Among the leading pro-Independence (though not necessarily anti-monarchial) leaders in Naples was Marco de Bonaparte, the descendant of the revered General who fought against the Spanish, would use his influence to protect the King while in Naples. If nothing else, the King's death by violence would put the Neapolitans in a poor light. Bonaparte still hoped for a peaceful compromise and took a leading part of the convention to determine the people's future.


The past decades had seen enormous advancement of the Maratha Empire in technological, financial and other factors. However, the social reforms remained quite far behind.

Village life remained quite the same as a thousand years before. Education remained scarce. Many in the countryside were happy with this state of affairs. Taxes were lower than generations prior on the peasantry and the advent of new industries in the cities allowed the government to leave the country peasants to themselves.

However, this was slowly changing as country peasants started demanding more and more educational opportunities.

In the cities, the University students were agitating for political reform. Studying western technology inevitably led to studying western political science. Most denizens of the Maratha Empire (whether they called themselves "Marathas" or "Indians" or etc) had never experienced any form of democracy and the lure of social equality would swiftly take hold among the Maratha youth.


Like in the Maratha Empire, the Chinese middle and lower classes (with strong support from upper classes as well) desired political reform. By nature a conservative people, the movement towards greater political representation was slow as democracy was regarded as a peculiar Western phenomenon and best left to the barbarians.

Those advocating reform, when not arrested, were often mocked by the officials as being "Christians" or "dogs".

China had been the wealthiest nation on earth for most of the last two thousand years and it seemed ludicrous to advocate change to ape the westerners. The British drug peddlers had been ejected, the Russians cast out of the north, the Marathas had been humbled (well, that was the OFFICAL story of the last war) and local states from Nippon to the Joseon Kingdom to parts further south seemed happy enough to bow to the Dragon.

Why change?

However, the surge in population over the past century would begin to strain the Chinese Empire and many of the same social problems affecting the Marathas and most other modernizing nations would bring structural friction to Chinese society as long-established cultural mores would conflict with modern technology and industry as well as the rapid proliferation of ideas brought about by an increasingly literate society.
Chapter 416


King Giuseppe would look on in amusement as the Neapolitan Conclave went in circles, attempting to find some sort of middle ground between the hardline separatists and the unificationists. Thus far, the Italian Parliament in Rome had somehow talked itself into non-functionality and the various factions were bleating about to the point that actual action seemed as impossible in Rome as Naples.

Giuseppe wondered if many Italians considered this a possibility when the Habsburgs first united the Peninsula under their name. Most probably assumed that democracy would bring MORE stability, not less, than the autocracies of the past.

Tired of putting up with a Parliament (he'd rarely bothered to pay attention to what was happening in Rome over the years), Giuseppe determined to go home. He gave the Neapolitans his "blessing" to "continue their good work" and simply rode out of Naples (the train station in Naples had been shut down but a few towns north, the rails were still moving).


King Arturo of Greece was uncertain of what to do with this American. Woodrow Wilson had arrived unannounced in Athens and requested, via the American embassy, for a short audience with the King. Arturo, like many monarchs of Europe, had already ceded most powers to his government but still retained a great deal of authority as the Head of State and could, therefore, meet with whoever he wanted.

It seemed that the American wanted to discuss the International aspects of the Olympic Committee. Wilson's proposed "League of Nations" was apparently received an indifferent if not scornful reaction in the general international community and Wilson sought to investigate how many of the international institutions in existence like the Olympic Committees, the Maritime general courts and other entities received their support. Arturo saw no point in talking to the man, especially as the Olympics were considered his family's brainchild.

Like the international "Hellenic Prizes" which the King also sponsored with a large endowment to those who furthered the causes of Peace, Science and Medicine, the Olympics were central to both Greece's position in the world (a small, poor country with a long history) and the King's personal popularity at home and abroad.

Wilson seemed the type to seek the accolades of the international community and Greece had an outsized reputation relative to her actual importance in the world.

Arturo, via a translator, talked with the stiff American for hours and even agreed to a follow-up interview the next day. Largely a Constitutional monarch, Arturo didn't have much else to do.

But that didn't mean he believed Wilson's Quixotic quest for some sort of "World Court" to outlaw war would ever go anywhere.

Palestine and Syria

The "Retornados" of Peru would continue to filter into the Holy Lands. Catholics whose Sect called for them to migrate to the Holy Lands would not only enter Palestine (where the Russian King would happily accept any Christians in order to "balance the population") but also Syria as well.

Unlike Palestine, the King of Syria was a Muslim of the Alawite Sect (some Muslims did not consider them Muslim at all). However, as a client King who owed his crown solely to Russian patronage, the King would accept all sorts of migrants from the Near East, Europe and now even the Americas.

Indeed, the greatest threats to his family dynasty had been the Arab Sunni Muslims (about 15% of the population excluding non-Arab Sunnis, mainly Turks and Kurds) and the Druze (about 3%). Bizarrely, the Christians, Jews and other minority groups had been the King's greatest supporters in times of need from within his Kingdom and from without he depended upon the Russians. The Arab Sunnis would managed to offend even their nominal co-religionists with their "Arab supremacy" nonsense. Turks, Kurds, Persians and other Muslims of various stripes would steadfastly support the status quo in which their rights were vigorously protected.

The most recent migrants to Syria were disproportionately Russian, "Retornados", Sunni Turk, Sunni Kurd, Armenian, Georgian and Jewish thus skewing the power once again against the Sunni Arabs. By the second decade of the 20th Century, the nation was over 60% Christian, though with a wide range of faiths even within Christianity.

The rebellions among the Sunni Arabs resulted in over 25,000 deaths of that community and other 50,000 expelled or voluntarily migrated out of Syria, mostly to Mesopotamia or Arabia. Another 10,000 Druze had been killed during one of their revolts, the cause of which remained a mystery.

Now with more and more Christians, non-Sunni Muslims and non-Arab Sunni's entering the country, there seemed to be no likelihood of either the Arabs or the Sunni faith reaching ascendancy. Indeed, the King's latest government had representation in virtually all major communities EXCEPT Sunni Arabs (there were positions held by Turkish, Egyptian and Kurdish Sunnis however).

Improved relations with the Anatolian Kingdom would lead to Turkish fears of repression of their own migrants to Syria and thus that nation would actually JOIN Russia in actively imposing their opinions among the fractious Syrian population.

The King felt his grip on power weakening by the day and feared what would happen if a coup or some sort of international incident threatened Syria's stability. No doubt the nation may prove a powderkeg likely to result in omni-directional ethnic slaughter.

Sunni Arabs - 14%
Sunni Turks, Egyptians and Kurds - 6%
Maronite Christians - 24%
Melkite Christians - 7%
Russian Orthodox - 10%
"Other" Middle Eastern Christians - 8%
Alawites (generally held to be a variety of Shi'a) - 5%
Other Shi'a - 5%
Non-Russian European Christians - 5%
Retornados - 2%
Druze - 3%
Jews - 4%
Coptic Christians - 3%
"Other" - 1%
Alevis - 2%
Ba'hai - 1%