Now I've got a bit of a thought experiment for a scenario I've been pondering over, and I was hoping I'd get input from this thread since there's definitely a lot people who know tank mechanics better than I do. So let's say there's an ATL with a slightly more stable and significantly more interventionist and militarized Mexico in the 1930's. With WW2 looming on the horizon (as IOTL, Mexico was a major supporter of the Spanish Republic) and potential conflict brewing in Central or South America, Mexico looks to develop their heretofore neglected armored force. As IOTL, they buy from Marmon-Herrington, first the CTLS (Combat Tank Light Series) tankette in 1936 and later the CTMS (Medium Series) light tank. They might also exceed IOTL and buy the MTLS.
Here's where the thought experiment comes into play. If any of you have heard of these tanks, you've probably also heard they weren't very good. ITTL Mexico buys them anyway because they're still better than no tanks (or leftover Salinas tanks from 1917), and because I'm assuming they've got a great deal with Marmon-Herrington where they can not only buy cheap tanks but a license to produce them at home as well as getting the (probably much more effective) Marmon-Herrington armored cars. IOTL Mexico (and other Latin American countries) did use them into the 1950's, but that probably had a lot to do with seeing no real action.
What I want to know here is how you guys would go about improving these tanks or, better yet, creating a new tank based on the experience from building these. Specifically I'm looking at a medium tank that you could extrapolate from this platform. It doesn't necessarily need to be something that would be mass-produced, just something that would be built by Mexico to, if nothing else, give their industry and engineers more experience a la the Canadian and Australian Ram and Sentinel tanks, although being produced in decent numbers would be a great plus.
Here's where the thought experiment comes into play. If any of you have heard of these tanks, you've probably also heard they weren't very good. ITTL Mexico buys them anyway because they're still better than no tanks (or leftover Salinas tanks from 1917), and because I'm assuming they've got a great deal with Marmon-Herrington where they can not only buy cheap tanks but a license to produce them at home as well as getting the (probably much more effective) Marmon-Herrington armored cars. IOTL Mexico (and other Latin American countries) did use them into the 1950's, but that probably had a lot to do with seeing no real action.
What I want to know here is how you guys would go about improving these tanks or, better yet, creating a new tank based on the experience from building these. Specifically I'm looking at a medium tank that you could extrapolate from this platform. It doesn't necessarily need to be something that would be mass-produced, just something that would be built by Mexico to, if nothing else, give their industry and engineers more experience a la the Canadian and Australian Ram and Sentinel tanks, although being produced in decent numbers would be a great plus.