Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes

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Oh, that's even worse than Sykes-Picot...
If you think that's bad, you might not want to read about what his pal Djemal was up to.

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I know I've posted the Jack Sears box before, but here's the ones for Hyale King (Olivia Wilde) and Mario Fowler (Walton Goggins). The three of them are the three most prominent leaders in Xanadu and Barasses during the Range War and beyond, with Sears and King leading the pro-Equalis faction and Fowler leading the pro-settlement Volunteers.

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I'm so close to the end I'm skipping Congressional boxes

The Watson government came in as a sigh of relief to million, ready for a capable set of hands to handle the complicated economics at work. Unfortunately the voters wanted quick and simple solutions and even worse the Government was inclined to do so. "Liquidate, liquidate, liquidate" was the name of the game and it lived up to it. The first major act of the Watson administration was the immediate freezing to all federal aid programs: food, federal pensions, grain support, and various others. The next step was establishing tariffs to quit the inflow of cheap Chinese and British products, and the last step of the first month was instituting the largest income tax cut in American history.

By month two D.C. had to be fortified against the hordes of furious citizens.

The recession had been going slowly and surely downward, but for most Americans it was still ok. Sure things cost a little more and they had to work more, but hey at least we aren't homeless, at least we can buy food right? From the end of the Hunt administration to the 100th day of Watson's unemployment had quintupled from 7.8% to 36.5%, businesses panicked and laid off as many people as quick as possible, millions ran on the banks which caused further panic. Prices for food and drinks had septupled in a span of 1 year, dozens of millions were thrown into poverty as no one could afford to immediately pay off their debts. Strikes and seizures of factories had become a sadly common occurrence, not helped by the government's announcement that they would no longer negotiate with labor unions (as had Bryan, Underwood, Weeks, and Hunt), but instead treat them as "Domestic insurrectionists". Things were so bad that by 1931 the federal government had practically no control over everything west of the Mississippi, or south of D.C., and by then many states were working on their own to handle the national crisis.

Overseas things weren't much better, a primarily American issue had spread like leprosy, and around the world governments were toppled. The German Empire erupted into nearly a dozen factions, many spawning new states or allying with France and Austria. Britain was taken by a Socialist-National-Democratic Labour coalition, the Tsar of Russia abdicated to his brother who in turn died in 5 weeks and was replaced by his ailing wife (who in her old age was tricked into declaring Russia a Republic, something that would be challenged by royalists for the next century). In the east Japan fell to a Communist backed coup, the Ottoman empire underwent a horrific and phyric civil war that would see over 30% of the population exterminated with chemical weapons.

But much of that would happen over the next decade, back in America a diffrent sort of revolution was happening. The republicans were sent to 5th place beneath a bewildering number of parties. Populist, Socialist, Democratic-Socialists, Reform, Social Republicans (who billed themselves as conservative Socialists and swept the Republicans), Freedom, Social Credit, and more. Congress was a mess, with nearly a dozen parties to organize themselves into coherent units. They eventually did, in 2 years time with nothing done. They couldn't even agree on what to do about the redistricting, necessitating for the previous bill to kick in and automatically give each state 1 rep for 200,000 people. By the time Congress figured out who gained how many reps recovery had started, most of the states had to take the drastic action the Republicans wouldn't. And ironically that was their downfall.


The Socialist Party had ended their policy of backing the Populists for President, many were ready to run themselves. Too many. They were split by the Christian-backed "Sewer Socialists" who had dominated the party for a decade, the agrarian Communists, and even western Anarchists. 200 ballots had passed before everyone gave up and left, leaving Norman Thomas as the standard bearer for the mainstream Socialists. North Dakota Governor Lynn Frazier, probably the most left-wing candidate ever to run for President, decided to run on a "Reform" ticket, centered on his successful Communistic attempts back home which was copied throughout the plains. Abolition of banks, government helded land, forcibly distributed wealth, all made people nervous at first, but just glad they wouldn't starve.

Leonard D. Abbott ran as a Social Democrat, advocating the abolition of not just capitalism, but of democracy, America, and basically everything created since the Enlightenment. His only victories were in the west were his supporters snuck popular California governor Upton Sinclairs name on the ballot. He would have done better, but being born in England to an American father meant opponents could not just tar him with accusations of criminality, but sue to get him off the ballot (he won but lost incalculable amounts of support and time). His candidacy was the least remarkable at the time, but his Supreme Court case set an important standard about who is a "Natural Born Citizen", which would be used until even today.

In the South, Georgian governor Thomas Hardwick did something unprecedented for a major political party: he named a black man as his Vice-Presidential pick. Asa Philip Randolph, a Harlem attorney and Populist Party chairman in 1928, was announced on national television to up-roaring applause. Black voters knew of him, Northern voters respected him, and his choice reinvigorated the Populists who many feared would go into the dark. They hoped they could extend Northward and force Congress to elect them when no one had a majority.

The Republicans decided to go the opposite route, dump the President and hope someone else can give them a respectable loss. Calvin Coolidge was chosen, and promptly was hospitalized halfway through campaigning. Quentin Roosevelt acted as the de-facto Presidential candidate from there on in. They one a single state, by about 17% and due to heavy vote splitting.

And finally the man who won, not because of skill, or popularity, or any legitimate reason: Mr. Morris Sheppard of Texas. He won due to one simple reason: The Prohibitionists were the only party not to suffer from an ideological split. 4 Left wing parties (of various shapes and flavors) throughout the US, 1 deeply unpopular and moribund conservative party, represented by their de jure candidate and 1 Party with unbreakable voters. His pick of Nellie Ross (another first for a political party, a female candidate), cemented their hold in the western state.

They won with little more then a quarter of the vote. Congress was about 5/6ths on the left side of the political spectrum. Before even being sworn in impeachment plans were drawn up. The only question was: Who is going to be Speaker, which was code for, who are we going to elect President?

(This is probably the craziest thing I've ever written. I don't know if I like it, or hate it for how off the rails it went)

1890 Lodge Bill Timeline:
1892 Presidential and Congressional elections
1894 Congress/1896 general elections
1898 Congress/1900 general election
1902 Congress/1904 general elections
*John Calhoun Bell biography
1906 Congressional elections
1908 General Elections
1910 Congress/1912 general election
1914 House elections
1916 General Elections
1918 House elections
1920 Presidential Election
1920 House and Senate elections
1922 House elections
1924 General Elections
1926 Congress/1928 General election
*Eugene Debs Biography
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This is so off-the-rails that no-one can see the tracks anymore. And It's beautiful.

I was afraid I had driven the people mad as if I were some kind of Lovecraftian beast. If I ever have to write something like this I may have to bite out my own throat just to stay sane.
If they impeach the president the VP is going to get it, and if there's no VP it would've gone to the President pro tempore at this point in history. The Speaker, I think, would be further down the list. Of course, it's possible that they've reformed that by now.
North Dakota Governor Lynn Frazier, probably the most left-wing candidate ever to run for President, decided to run on a "Reform" ticket, centered on his successful Communistic attempts back home which was copied throughout the plains. Abolition of banks, government helded land, forcibly distributed wealth, all made people nervous at first, but just glad they wouldn't starve.

If they impeach the president the VP is going to get it, and if there's no VP it would've gone to the President pro tempore at this point in history. The Speaker, I think, would be further down the list. Of course, it's possible that they've reformed that by now.

They've drawn up impeachment plans for both, and yes the line of succession has changed.

How does Prohibition get from having a racist right-wing leader to having two Dems on the ticket? I really don't get it.

The same way the Democrats went from Davis to Al Smith in as many years: a certain party wing won out.

Insatiable political lust

If the fed don't do it then I imagine the various state and local governments will try any thing, to various success. Things should be both past the point of no return, and should snap back to normal soon. What do I mean? You'll see.
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