Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes

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Better start going then.

I won't make any promises.

He lives off the tears and rage of the Prog Cons.

President La Follette, like most Presidents who got re-elected, had a lacklustre second term. La Follette's defined by a protracted economic recession (which destroyed many promises of "no return to boom and bust") and public opinion falling away from isolationism, at least when it involved a belligerent communist state which he couldn't control. This culminated in the resignation of the first Secretary of Defence, Douglas MacArthur, in protest of the president's (lack of) foreign policy. (Robert privately admitted that appointing Douglas was the worst decision he made). His grand governmental reforms ran into the ground in the face of a Democratic House and Senate and there was a backlash against the Unionist faction of the Republicans just generally. La Follette had never seriously considered running for a third term, but it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to. It looked like he would be remembered as a failed reformer and a mediocre commander-in chief.

Until he was found dead in his Milwaukee home in February 1951. Officially the President died of an undetected heart defect but in reality he had shot himself, in a culmination of the anxiety, stress and depression he had suffered from over the past 30 years. The truth about his death was not public knowledge until the 1970s.

Dwight Green, now thrusted into power, was nominated easily and placated the Liberal wing though his choice of New York governor Tom Dewey. The Democrats had been expecting a win (running against La Follette's record) until the President's death and had fielded a balanced ticket which was committed to the welfare state and moderate levels of internationalism. Despite Green's lack of charisma and lack of commitment to Progressivism, he won in a landslide off the back of a sympathy vote.


Swimming against the Stream
US Presidential Elections, 1916 & 1920
US Presidential Election, 1924
US Presidential Election, 1928
US Presidential Election, 1932
US Presidential Election, 1936
US Presidential Election, 1940
US Presidential Election, 1944
US Presidential Election, 1948
The 1906 National Election was important in Nieuwnederlander history because it marked the beginning of the rise of the Rood Party, and the Fall of the Blauw-Oranje Duopoly.

1906 Election.png
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