Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes

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I misread "this" as "you" and I had a double take.

If that was the case this would have been my gif

Chief Justice Richard Nixon


Unrelated to this, I cannot believe my wikibox storage thread has over 10,000 views. That's just awesome.
And Nixon as Chief Justice scares me. Particularly since they'd be deciding Roe v. Wade or a similar case.

I like to imagine he turns out to be some kinds of super liberal on social issues, and quite hard on drugs and crime. Mirroring Rockefeller as President. I also like to think he would try to get the Republican nomination while as Chief Justice (like Chase and Douglas), but never could quite do it.
I like to imagine he turns out to be some kinds of super liberal on social issues, and quite hard on drugs and crime. Mirroring Rockefeller as President. I also like to think he would try to get the Republican nomination while as Chief Justice (like Chase and Douglas), but never could quite do it.

His own OTL views on abortion are rather...interesting.

Nixon worried that greater access to abortions would foster “permissiveness,” and said that “it breaks the family.” But he also saw a need for abortion in some cases — like interracial pregnancies, he said.

“There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white,” he told an aide, before adding, “Or a rape.”

But Tricky Dick is smooth and tricky so who knows. But he's wiley enough that it skeeves me out a little.


Here's InfoBox in my series "An American Empire":

The bombing of Derrickson High-School in Barrington, Louisianna is widely seen by many as done for alleged US support for pro-democracy movements and groups within the Allied States. President Obama denied any connection with the bombing, stating that "The Allied States has no interest in any further territorial expansion eastwards and that the AS only wanted good relations with the United States".

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Bracken over Socialism


Prime Ministers of Canada:
Arthur Meighen (Conservative) 1920-1921
William Lyon Mackenzie King (Liberal) 1921-1926
Arthur Meighen (Conservative) 1926
William Lyon Mackenzie King (Liberal) 1926-1930
R.B. Bennett (Conservative) 1930-1935
William Lyon Mackenzie King (Liberal) 1935-1944
John Bracken (Progressive Conservative) 1944-1952
Charles Gavan Power (Liberal) 1952-1962
Paul Martin, Sr. (Liberal) 1962-1967
Davie Fulton (Progressive Conservative) 1967-1978
Erik Nielsen (Progressive Conservative) 1978-1979

Jean Marchand (Liberal) 1979-1980
Erik Nielsen (Progressive Conservative) 1980-1984
Iona Campagnolo (Liberal) 1984-1994

Bracken over Socialism
Canadian federal election, 1944
Canadian federal election, 1946
Canadian federal election, 1951
Canadian federal election, 1952
Progressive Conservative leadership election, 1953
Canadian federal election, 1956
Canadian federal election, 1960
Progressive Conservative leadership election, 1961
Liberal leadership election, 1962
Canadian federal election, 1965
Progressive Conservative leadership election, 1966
Canadian federal election, 1967
Liberal leadership election, 1970
Canadian federal election, 1971
Canadian federal election, 1975
Progressive Conservative leadership election, 1978
Liberal leadership election, 1978
Canadian federal election, 1979
Canadian federal election, 1980
Liberal leadership election, 1981
Canadian federal election, 1984
Progressive Conservative leadership election, 1986
Canadian federal election, 1988
Canadian federal election, 1992
Progressive Conservative leadership election, 1993

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