Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes

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The Eiserne Lady!

Eiserne Lady.PNG
An alternate timeline where the United States doesn't have a duel party system and instead have a coalition. They also took a more Roman approach to naming their government.
Interesting, though it'd have to be pretty different for the Communists to be doing so well, methinks.
Interesting, though it'd have to be pretty different for the Communists to be doing so well, methinks.

Yeaaaah... I didn't mean so many in there... (Oops)
But yeah, the United States wasn't as defensive against communists in TTL. They are more welcoming of other political parties as well. This way, it's not "your team vs my team" as much as it is in OTL.

Total of all Parties in Congress
Democrats: 221
Republicans: 251
Communists: 27
Green: 14
Libertarian: 11
Constitution: 6
Yeaaaah... I didn't mean so many in there... (Oops)
But yeah, the United States wasn't as defensive against communists in TTL. They are more welcoming of other political parties as well. This way, it's not "your team vs my team" as much as it is in OTL.

Total of all Parties in Congress
Democrats: 221
Republicans: 251
Communists: 27
Green: 14
Libertarian: 11
Constitution: 6

Where's the Socialists?
Where's the Socialists?

The Socialists probably have more of the state level electoral positions. (Governors for example)

spookyscaryskeletons said:
Why does there need to be Socialists? What about the Communists?

Again, I accidentally put too many in there...

I doubt that there be any elected Communist or Socialist?
Meh, alternate timeline, alternate people in positions of power.
Ontario in the EOU-verse. The Kennedy government's highly unpopular environmental and tax policies return the Tories, led by veteran Harris minister Diane Finley, to government after a single term in opposition. Progressive anger at Kennedy and enthusiasm for NDP leader Paul Dewar lead the NDP to their best result since the Lewis government.

South Africa - Yugoslavia, BUT WORSE!
Mosley - Franco, BUT WORSE
What next?

Well, I have plenty of reason that is that.

and Mosley is worse mainly in the fact that unlike Franco, he basically led a Superpower, and helped keep Fascism (his brand of it anyway), viable to the modern day, allowing the Modern World of the Second Cold War to exist.
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