Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

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Welcome back to "Giving Failed TV Series Slightly Better Outcomes". This week: what if the US version of Red Dwarf actually took off...then promptly crashed.

Althistory - Red Dwarf USA (fix).png

Heat Vision and Jack
The Cape
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An idea I’m playing with involving a post-Communist Britain. Broadly, the infobox is set after a Scottish Nationalist reformer (Douglas Robertson) takes control of the Scottish SR and declares UDI in 1988 (hence the party name).

The Parties:

The Scotland ‘88 Movement is a broad Scottish Nationalist political party that supports social and economic liberalism. The Party draws its political roots from the Scottish Resistance Movement, which operated in the highlands from the 1960s onwards, as well as nationalist social democrats and communists.

The Scottish Communist Party, led by hardliner John Lindsay, had ruled Scotland since 1919. However, the Party was split between nationalists, and the so-called ‘centralists’, who supported the rule of the main party in London.

Would love to get some thoughts on how people feel about inventing figures, I’m never really played around with it before.
I've got my Ivo Hugh infobox completed a couple of days ago and I will add it to this thread tomorrow.

Duke, Bertram and a infobox or two about their basis class should be added within a day or two afterwards.
Based on the rumors that RFK and Jackie Kennedy had an affair, this was also based on my old post where Marilyn Monroe married JFK and became the First Lady
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I'm on a roll/I can't stop. I present to you the list of General Secretaries and Supreme Directors respectively of my TL's United Provinces. EDIT: Just noticed an error in the first one, I'll fix it soon enough.


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The next Thomas infobox I have in store for you all is the Skarloey Railway's newest (as well as the first one directly built by the railway) steam locomotive, Ivo Hugh.

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)

Thomas infoboxes:
North Western Railway

NWR #1 Thomas

Skarloey Railway
SKR #1 Skarloey
SKR #2 Rheneas
SKR #3/Former MSR #3 Sir Handel (formerly Falcon)
SKR #4/Former MSR #4 Peter Sam (formerly Stuart)
SKR #5 Rusty
SKR #6 Duncan
SKR #7 Ivo Hugh (you are here)

Other things
Fletcher, Jennings and Co.
The Island of Sodor
British Warning Signs, including Sodor


Ivo Hugh is a narrow gauge steam locomotive that works on and was constructed by the Skarloey Railway on the Island of Sodor. He is named after Mr. Ivo Hugh (born 1921), a former foreman and former Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Skarloey Railway, who worked on the railway for 51 years from 1940 until his retirement in 1991. Ivo Hugh is also a sibling locomotive to the Talyllyn Railway #7 Tom Rolt.

Ivo Hugh is a powerful 0-4-2 tank engine who was built in 1996 and has done sterling work for the Skarloey Railway ever since. The heavier construction work was done at the North Western Railway's Crovan's Gate Works, but he was actually constructed by the Skarloey Railway's own engineering department, led by David Hugh II (born 1950) (the son of Ivo) . His similarity to the Talyllyn Railway's Tom Rolt is explained by the fact that much experience was passed on by that railway in the light of experience with its own engine, and the co-operation saved much heart searching at Crovan's Gate.

Ivo Hugh is named in honor of the former Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Railway, Mr. Ivo Hugh, who christened the new locomotive, a ceremony which was attended by all the engines (see sources below). Ivo Hugh is unique in the Skarloey railway's roster due to him being a side-tank engine, and he is strong enough to handle the heaviest work.

As of 2020, Ivo Hugh is still in service on the Skarloey Railway, often taking passengers to tourist points on the line and working at the Slate Quarries.


Ivo Hugh with his namesake, former foreman and former Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Railway Mr. Ivo Hugh at his naming ceremony in 1996.

Ivo Hugh only appears in The Railway Series Book 40: New Little Engine (1996). He was mentioned but not named in the second story Sir Handel's Plan and final appeared and was named in the fourth and final story I Name This Engine...

Ivo Hugh was also mentioned in Sodor: Reading Between the Lines (2005) . It states that even though he only appeared in a Christopher Awdry book, he was actually created by the Rev. W. Awdry before his death, who "never had time to write the story".
For nearly half a century, America labored under the Iron Boot of the Marx Brothers. Although they had no relation to the founder of Communism, they still defined the ideology like no one else. The brothers who had changed their first names to avoid detection by the pre-Revolution police, ended they chaos of the early post-revolution era, and imposed their brutal vision. Even decades after their deaths, Marxism-Marxism remains a global force to be reckoned with...

Groucho Marx was the unofficial leader of the band of revolutionary brothers, and official leader of the USSA. His sharp wit and occasional temper made him unpopular with many contemporaries. But his political skills were not to be underestimated, and his dual appointments as national Premier and Party Chairman made him the most powerful leader since the Revolution, at least on paper. His trademark glasses, nose, mustache, and cigar became focal points of his powerful cult of personality and remain popular t-shirt topics for left wing students. By the end of his reign, however, he was largely a puppet of a younger generation of leaders. Still the fact that he retained power at all, despite his declining health, is a testament to his ability and the fear he wrought...


“Chico” was often the face of the regime to outside powers. He became especially prominent during the Second Great War, as the face of the allied cause against Germany and Great Britain. His diplomatic skill was crucial Monroe gaining international recognition of the USSA during the 1930s, as well as ensuring internal support for his own family’s rise to power...


The usually stoic Harpo Marx was in fact the first to achieve high office, and he used his new position to immediately help propel Groucho’s removal of the incumbent regime. As Minister for State Security he headed the dreaded Secret Police, which were used to violently hunt down opposition, both from inside and outside the party. Harpo was the most involved with theshow trial, and execution of Larry Fine, Moe Howard, and Curly Howard. Prisoners report that Harpo would remain silent during torture sessions, instead playing the Harp or honking a Horn. This made things worse. Harpo’s death in 1964 is generally cited as the point when Groucho’s previously unquestioned support began to slip...


As People’s Minister for Agricultural Production, Zeppo Marx took a lower profile than his brothers. Indeed it was not until about a year into the Marx’s reign that he formally entered Government. Nonetheless he was an effective administrator and helped keep his brothers in accord. His Agricultural Policies helped solve the issues raised by the early USSA, although he used brutality to do so. Iowans will remember the Des Moines Massacre. Zeppo is also remembered as being the man who helped craft much of what is now Marxist-Marxism. He also lasted the longest, and remained far more active his later years. It was not until his deathbed that he was forced out of office.

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