Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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The Dixie Games: Fall of the Leviathan
(A Presidential list for this timeline can be found here.)

"Robert Johnson's Rebellion (1934-1940) was the largest slave uprising in American history. The uprising was instigated by a series of catastrophes which precipitated a drop in the standard of living of enslaved labor. The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 destroyed millions of acres of plantation land and killed an estimated five thousand slaves when Confederate authorities failed to alert Negro residents of the Mississippi River Delta of the oncoming flood. Hundreds of thousands of slaves were dislocated following the flood. Following the flood, slaves revolted against the Confederate government in the Jackson Uprising of 1928, this uprising was quickly suppressed. After the Panic of 1930, the price of slaves plummeted across the Confederacy. Numerous plantations went bankrupt, and hundreds of thousands of slaves were repossessed by banks. Malnutrition and disease became rampant among the Confederacy's Negro population. The rate of runaway slaves increased. With millions of slaves idle and underfed, the Confederate government decided to cull the Negro population. The urgency of the Negro Question increased following the Memphis Rebellion of 1930. In 1932, President Coleman Blease signed into law the Negro Population Control Act. The act provided for the mass sterilization of slaves and the slaughter of surplus labor. The Confederate government began herding idle slaves into concentration camps. In 1934, slaves at the Humphreys Detainment Center led by Robert Johnson rioted and killed their slave overseers. Following the Humphreys Riot, slaves across the Mississippi River Delta revolted, and eventually the slave army came to control large swathes of the state. Robert Johnson declared the Mississippi River Delta to be independent of the Confederacy, and declared the American Negro Republic. The rebellion in Mississippi spread across the entire Confederacy. Slaves established territorial control over parts of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Cuba, and Saint-Dominigue. The Confederate Army attempted to challenge the slave armies in the open field, where the Confederacy had military superiority. The slaves avoided direct confrontation with the Confederate Army, instead launching a campaign of guerrilla warfare. The American Negro Republic as such was never able to form a standing government, and became a loose alliance of rebels. Scattered communities of maroons thus resisted the Confederate Army for years. Robert Johnson, who had declared himself the President of the American Negro Republic, was killed by the Confederate Air Force in 1936. By 1937, the Confederate Armed Forces had defeated the majority of the rebels, who were either killed or forced back into slavery. Former rebels were mutilated or castrated as punishment. Cuban and Haitian maroons continued to resist the Confederate government until 1940."

-BiblioTechnica, The Digital Encyclopedia

" We have taught the nigra race a lesson, for sure. But the nigras are a slow-witted folk who are such a primitive and mentally deficient people I fear this lesson we have taught them will soon be forgotten. I beat my slaves regularly so that they remember that whites are their natural betters. But while individual slaves may be reminded of their place, I fear our policies regarding the negro race as a whole have been haphazard and inadequate. The Negro Population Control Act was the first step towards building a cohesive national policy of racial control, but it was a short-term solution to an immediate crisis. There are some who say that the NPCA originated the rebellion- well I say that those people are fools! Without the NPCA, violent anarchy would have conquered the whole country. Prior to the NPCA, eugenic policy was left in the hands of the state governments. The national agencies established under the NPCA will soon be transferred to our new Department of Eugenics. The Department of Eugenics shall provide for the regulation of both the white and negro race, and guard against the possibility of miscegenation. However, we must introduce other provisions to ensure permanent white dominance. The national consensus has long been that Negroes are a docile people, as such the Confederacy underestimated the possibility of a revolution. We must not make this mistake again. It is true that the Negro is not industrious and is incapable of production without direction, but we mustn't mistake shiftlessness for docility. The negroes are a race of beasts- even when tamed, they are still dangerous. We must remind future generations of slaves of their natural place, that white supremacy is the law of nature. It seems that the process of slave revolt is cyclical- after a few decades, the Negros forget the lessons we taught them before, and again endanger our national peace. We need a more frequent reminder to the negro race that their permanent slavery must not be challenged. I suggest an annual reminder so that the Nigras will never forget the lesson. The Romans at the height of their greatness hosted games in which their slaves fought as gladiators. I think a policy based on the Roman idea of panem et circenses should be revived for the modern age. I do not seek to create a permanent gladiator class- the negro lacks the finesse and martial ability to match the gladiators of old, and such gladiators could follow the path of Spartacus. What I propose is a random selection of tributes, chosen by lottery from the Negro Youth. Every state shall provide a certain number of tributes to participate in these games, and they shall duel to the death before the eyes of the nation. Now Negros have been banned from watching motion pictures, but I propose that slaves be given limited access to picture screenings for educational purposes. These games shall be publicly screened across the nation every year, and viewing will be made mandatory for all slaves. Owners will be compensated for property damage, and will earn money based on the performance of their livestock in the games- like in a county fair. These games shall serve not just as a reminder to the negro of their place in the world, but a reminder to the lesser elements of the white race not to tamper with radicalism..."

- President Eugene Talmadge, speaking before the Confederate Congress in 1940

"We are reporting an upset in the special election for Kentucky's 12th Congressional District! Ambrose Payton Scott III, who was running to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his father, has been defeated by radical abolitionist Katniss Lawrence! An outright abolitionist will be seated in the Confederate Congress for the first time in decades!"
- Caesar Flickerman, reporting for ABN News

"I never wanted to be a politician, I never wanted to be in the spotlight- I was just a girl from Indian Hills. I volunteered to participate in the Anglo-Israeli division of the Dixie Games because my sister Prim had cancer and my family couldn't afford to pay for her treatment. I was always talented at archery, but I never wanted to kill anyone- I was left no choice. Those who died at my hands were just and scared and desperate as I was- and we died for the entertainment of the corrupt plutocrats who ran this country. What I learned in the fights in Atlanta is that politics cannot be escaped. You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you. They tell us that the Confederacy was founded on the notion of freedom for the white man. The Talmadges promised the back country folk to deliver prosperity for the common man and end the reign of the Old Southern families. This false populism has transformed this country into a new oligarchy, a thousand times more corrupt than the plantation elites of old. They tell us that the negro is the foe of the common man, but is not the coal miner and the waitress and the county farmer and the hill folk not nearly as degraded and disregarded as the slave? Our true enemy is the capitalist class, and the slave and the white workingman should be brothers, not enemies. Justice for the workingman cannot truly be delivered without justice for the negro, for a slave society degrades even the freemen who live in it. The ruling class perpetuates the false gospel of eugenics and race science to keep the working class apart, but we know this ancient dogma to proven false by modern science, a reality our government ignores for it undermines the legitimacy of their rule. We have been trained by the government to hate the negro, but in truth the slaveocrats and oligarchs are the true enemy of the Confederate people- the working class is denied health care, education, a living wage- we are wage slaves to the capitalist class. Dignity and equality for the ordinary person cannot be achieved as long as slavery exists- we must deliver freedom for both negros and Anglo-Israelis. The real enemy sits in Richmond, a bloated and vile tyrant who does not bother to hide his disdain for the Confederate people. The Nationalist Party, in its’ obsession with the Negro, has delivered a dictatorship more brutal than the Conservatives of Old, this dictatorship in the hands of a wicked cynic who cares only for his self enrichment, betraying our country so that foreign powers may line his pockets. This Machiavellian Beast, this ever consuming soulless leviathan thinks it is so powerful it will never be held into account. But our victory against his lackey here shows his power and the power of the Snow-Whites is not invulnerable. The working class is awakening- Solidarity Forever!- and the Slave Power is ripe for destruction. Our revolution, a revolution of all peoples, has won its’ first victory and shall soon sweep the nation. President McConnell- we’re coming for you!”
- Katniss Lawrence delivering her victory speech

“The girl on fire? That dress don’t look like a girl who struggles.”
- Eddie Scary

“I have obtained LURID footage of that Nigra loving abolitionist, that clueless nitwit dancing to JUNGLE MUSIC before the advent of the Dixie Games. This communist dupe is a tool of foreign powers intending for the Confederacy to catch fire and burn to the ground. We must adhere to the warnings of Quintilianus!”
- AnonymousQ1861

“I’m a mulatto born a slave. Here’s why the election of an abolitionist to Congress scares me.”
- Headline of an article published in the Jeffersonian by a “Personal Retainer of Ben Domenech”

“My dear departed father, who so recently joined the founders of this nation in Heaven, did not spend six years a captive to the dirty Mestizo insurgents in the Yucatan so that this cruel caricature of confederate womanhood would disgrace the same halls once populated by heroes like Yancey and Blease. This foul upstart, flaunting her sinful ways, threatens to defile the sanctity of all Confederate womanhood! By Heavens, is this creature truly a woman? What foul perversions doth this Melungeon have in her bloodline? The advocates for the negro do themselves no favour in embracing this violent ill tempered radical. Respectable Confederate woman such as myself may be inclined to support the social betterment of the negro and suffrage for white women of the lesser breeds, but not such a cruel a wickedness as abolitonism! Where would a girl like me be devoid of her faithful servants? The very thought makes me weep!”
- Meghan Domenech

“I had my eye put out by wild Indios in the Empire of Brazil, a sacrifice I gave gladly to ensure the dominion of our race. Now this hillbilly halfbreed, the heir of John Brown and Robert Johnson, seek to commit treason and put out the eyes of all white men. I will not continence this evil, I shall set my Watchful Eye upon this creature when she arrives as my colleague in Congress. We men of the Watchful Eye shall prepare for the second coming of Robert Johnson.”
- Texas Representative Romulus Crenshaw





-The Manchester Guardian

“We will crush the revolt instigated by that mongrel creole girl from the Kentucky back hills. Understand that abolitionism is a tool of Jewish-Khazar Marxism, and will thus lead to the undoing of Christendom and civilization itself. If the Children of Ham are allowed to undo the dominion of the Anglo-Israeli race, we shall be destroyed. Untold depredations will be visited upon our women and this nation will fall into a permanent ruin. The elements of the Anglo-Israeli race who have aligned with the Children of Ham must know they are signing their own death warrant. It would appear that the Dixie Games, while an effective means of social control, have failed to prevent the inevitable war between the races loyal to God and those loyal to Satan. The heroes of the Itinerants Custom Enforcement and the Department of Eugenics must not be left alone to deal with the hordes of the neo-maroons. The honorable Secretary Sessions must be supplemented in his efforts by military force. It is time for our well-regulated militias to fulfill their purpose and aid the Confederate Army in permanently culling the Negro population. We must make an example of this Indian Hills whore and whip the white underclass so thoroughly so that even the idea of rebellion is unthinkable. We will bring an end to hope.”
-President Mitch McConnell

“Stand with the Mockingjay! Stand against McConnell the Leviathan! Robert Johnson lies a mouldering in the Grave, but his soul is marching on!”
- Katniss Lawrence at the Battle of Memphis

“Should our glorious President, blessed by Christ himself, fall at the hands of the rebellion and our beloved Richmond be torn asunder by these low jungle beasts, preparations have been made to ensure the survival of the Confederacy. The Yankees, yellow-bellied as they are, cannot be relied upon to uphold the terms of the League, and it seems they may return to the godless socialism we liberated them from in the upcoming presidential election. Domenech has made preparations for an exile government in Havana- our Navy should be able to hold the Caribbean for we have been relentless in massacring the rebels in Saint-Dominique. Domenech cannot guarantee the security of those who remain on the mainland. Men of the Watchful Eye, we must adapt the tactics of the Maroons and prepare for a guerilla insurgency. You may be familiar with the supposed prophet Quintilianus- he has risen from the shadow to restore light to our nation. We have been ordered to join forces with his Seventh Cavalry so that the Confederacy may be restored. We shall disguise ourselves with hoods so that we may operate in secrecy. We must take an oath to the cause of Quintilianus, and adapt the mark of Q.”
- “Captain” Romulus Crenshaw

“Should our glorious President, blessed by Christ himself, fall at the hands of the rebellion and our beloved Richmond be torn asunder by these low jungle beasts, preparations have been made to ensure the survival of the Confederacy. The Yankees, yellow-bellied as they are, cannot be relied upon to uphold the terms of the League, and it seems they may return to the godless socialism we liberated them from in the upcoming presidential election. Domenech has made preparations for an exile government in Havana- our Navy should be able to hold the Caribbean for we have been relentless in massacring the rebels in Saint-Dominique. Domenech cannot guarantee the security of those who remain on the mainland. Men of the Watchful Eye, we must adapt the tactics of the Maroons and prepare for a guerilla insurgency. You may be familiar with the supposed prophet Quintilianus- he has risen from the shadow to restore light to our nation. We have been ordered to join forces with his Seventh Cavalry so that the Confederacy may be restored. We shall disguise ourselves with hoods so that we may operate in secrecy. We must take an oath to the cause of Quintilianus, and adapt the mark of Q.”
- “Captain” Romulus Crenshaw

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Dammit John Titor you fucked up the timeline again.

At this point I’m wondering if in the Fictional History Damien Thorn was posting Q drops against the Hale administration to bolster Scudder.

The Mill Valley murders was the work of an unknown serial killer, who operated between Halloween and Election Day of 1968, with 5 known victims, one of which survived.

All of the murders occurred in or outside the small town of Mill Valley, Pennsylvania, which combined with the short duration of murders, has caused police to suspect that the killer had committed multiple other murders outside of the Mill Valley area.

The first disappearance occurred on Halloween in 1968, the victim being 23 year-old Tommy Milner. He was last seen outside an abandoned house that originally belonged to the wealthy Bellows family, but not before vandalizing 19 year-old Ramon Morales' car. His clothes were found the following night on a scarecrow in a nearby cornfield.

The following night, 18 year-old August "Auggie" Hilderbrandt disappeared from his house. An investigation showed a pot filled with stew spilled all over the floor in the kitchen, and claw marks going from the foot of August's bed to the wall.

Then, on November 6, there were as a disappearance and a murder. 17 year-old Charles "Chuck" Steinburg disappeared shortly after entering the local clinic, which was closed at the time. About 3 hours later, 52 year-old and chief of police Glen Turner was found dead from a severe neck injury. Witness Stella Nicholls. who had been arrested for trespassing with 3rd victim Charles Steinburg, reported a large contorted figure entering the room and killing Turner, attacking Morales, then disappearing.

Morales was considered a main suspect, but was killed overseas in Vietnam before he could be extradited for his involvement in the murders. There is still lengthy debate about whether Morales was guilty or innocent in the murders.

(By the way, this is based off of the movie Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. The part about Morales dying in the Vietnam War and Turner's first name were done by me.)
(Sort of a spiritual successor to this wikibox, having come up with the ideas for both at around the same time, and I wasn't sure whether to make it an outright sequel or not, so I just made one where it is, and one where it isn't)

In the end, the troops went north and went home. The assassination plot which killed the Presidential savior of the Republic as well as the Vice President, and the attempts on the Secretary of State and Senate President Pro Tempore which failed but left both men severely wounded, did indeed turn public opinion strongly away from the more moderate plans of Reconstruction and towards the Radical Republican Reconstruction policies. And, credit where it's due, the Radical Republicans did make some substantial accomplishments and improvements in the south for both freedmen and poor whites. But the northern outrage gradually subsided over the years, replaced by indifference to the southern cause and an impatience to ending the Federal Expenditures on holding down and reforming the south, while white anger and resentment in the south remained a strong force. In the end, a deal was made: despite the pleas of the Radical/'Black and Tans' faction, Radical Reconstruction by the Federal Government would be ended, and the troops withdrawn, with white supremacist rule sweeping across most southern states after the 'Redeemers' took control. Even the political guarantees to the black-majority states were largely ignored, with former Civil War colored troops and other postwar black militias ultimately bearing most of the burden in defending Mississippi, South Carolina, and Louisiana against Redeemers.

The "Unredeemed Three" would remain a strong base of support for Radical Republicanism even as the national party drifted towards more conservative stances. The national Republican Party would sometimes find itself in an awkward position and attacked over its association with the Unredeemed Three, though the national party pointed out to critics that while the Radical Republicans in the Three certainly implemented some 'peculiar' politics at the state level (with statist policy like land redistribution causing particular controversy), they kept those politics to the state level, with Federal representation from the states largely just made themselves reliable rank-and-file votes for key national Republican policies.
Republicans sighed in relief after the 1912 convention. Though they started off with good relations, Roosevelt had come to loathe Taft over the coarse of Taft's Presidency, considering him to have betrayed the progressive ideals he stood for, prompting Roosevelt to challenge Taft at the convention to try and take back the party for his own for a historic third run after two terms as President. The convention ended up a close-run affair, with tempers high on both sides, and a party split a possibility regardless of who won. But Taft stood down, and the conservative wing of the party grumbled but was mollified somewhat by the choice of Lodge for the VP candidacy as well as a compromise platform to campaign on. Relations in the party were still awkward with some unhappy feelings all around, but Republicans nonetheless looked ready to present a unified opposition to Woodrow Wilson.

It was then that the Radical Republican wing of the party decided to flex its muscles. That wing, especially in the south, had become seen less as the "Black and Tan" faction and more as the "Black and Red" faction, as it shifted away from general agrarian populism and adopted progressive and socialist stances on issues like women's suffrage and labor issues. But the catalyst for the split was over another issue - the matter of pensions for the thousands of southern black militia soldiers who served as auxiliaries in the Spanish American War. Such had been promised at the onset of the war, when the militias were federalized, but Roosevelt's 1904 executive order establishing pensions for veterans over the age of 60 was not applied to such militias. The national party insisted they would get around to the issue, but foot-dragging on the issue had caused simmering discontent among the Radical wing, and when attempts to force the issue in 1912 were met with nothing but a flat refusal and anger from the national party over the Radicals breaking from their traditional stance of shutting up and doing what they were told when it came to federal-level politics, the decision was made to split.

At first, the Radical Republicans didn't intend to make more than a largely symbolic run in the three unredeemed southern states, allowing the first electoral votes to be won by a black candidate and potentially extracting concessions from Roosevelt if the electoral college was close enough that they were the deciding factor. But then along came a proposal from the Socialist Party - to take inspiration from Bryan's 1896 Democratic-Populist fusion candidacy, and run as an alliance, with Socialist candidate Debs at the top of the ticket and the Radical Republicans free to choose whoever they wanted for a running-mate. The idea wasn't poorly received by either side-the Radical Republicans had been shifting towards socialistic stances, so it wasn't a bad political match, and the Radical Republicans offered a useful political organization that dominated three states and had experience with governing (this and their state level implementation of various sewer socialist reforms helped give the ticket more political respectability and assuage the fears of people on the fence), which was able to effectively synergize and work with the smaller but more nationally-reaching socialist political organization to expand appeal. So the decision, and alliance, was made. The Debs/Wells ticket failed to win any states outside the south, but did manage to achieve second place in various states and even come close to taking some states outside the south, while achieving a solid third place just 7% behind the winner with the popular vote. Despite Roosevelt at the top of the ticket of the GOP, concessions made in the convention to the conservatives and various minor conflicts within the party during the campaign helped the Debs/Alliance poach progressives from the GOP, and the alliance also performed quite strongly among recent immigrants, western farmers, and northern industrial labor. But this also allowed Wilson to narrowly squeeze through in New York and New Jersey, and thus win the election, only the second Democrat to win the Presidency since the Civil War
1912 fin 1.png

Woodrow Wilson went on to segregate the white house and federal workforce. The common National Republican narrative, exemplified by Roosevelt's comments that blacks "brought that on themselves" for splitting and abandoning party loyalty, drove a further wedge between the National Republicans and the Radical Republicans, who instead opted to continue to build their alliance with the Socialist Party

And below is a version of this that serves as a direct sequel to the "Fremont the northern whig wins in 1860" wikibox . Presumably, despite being rather more radical than the OTL GOP in 1860, those whigs still get tired of enforcing reconstruction and take a turn towards conservatism for some decades. The overton window in the below wikibox is probably a bit more towards progressivism than in the above one (Edit: wait dammit West Virginia should probably be part of Virginia in the one below. Oh well, whatever, maybe I'll fix it later. or not...)
1912 fin 2.png
And then some nitty-gritty stuff...

A bit of thought and math went into the numbers for the vote as well as the states won. I started with combining the GOP and Progressive vote totals from OTL, and then taking 15% from that total and also 2.5% from the Democrats and giving that to the Debs/Wells Ticket. This is, btw, why Roosevelt does much better nationally but still fails to win California and South Dakota, both of which he won in OTL - because Taft wasn't actually on the ballot in the first place OTL, so it is essentially just a 15% reduction in Roosevelt's vote, unlike in every other state where he gains.

With just those numbers, the Dems got 39.3% of the vote, the GOP got 35.6%, and the Socialist-Radical Republican ticket got 23.5%. I almost just left it at that, but I figured I'd do out the math for the southern three states, especially since the absence of Jim Crow and them being early adopters of women's suffrage could dramatically increase turnout there. And it did - I compared the total number of voters in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho (early adopters of women's suffrage OTL, which had it in place for around a decade or more by 1912) to the populations of those states, to determine the approximate proportion of voters to total population, so I could use that proportion to figure out the new total of voters from those three southern states. It turns out that the number of voters in those western states was around a third of the total population of those states. Applying that proportion to the three southern states added a whopping 1.5 million voters, which increased the total number of voters to 110% of OTL 1912 totals, while increasing the total number of voters in the three southern states from between something like 500% to 1000%. And then from there I simply gave the Debs-Wells ticket 70% in those states, while giving Roosevelt 20% and Wilson 7.5%, leaving the rest to third parties or whatever. Which led to the Debs-Wells ticket getting rather more than I had originally figured, turning the popular vote at least into a rather more three-way thing. And that's that

Of course it is likely that under either POD, with the Lincoln assassination one or the pre-Civil War one where the Whigs survive, that this all would be butterflied away, and also I kind of started with a broad but somewhat vague idea, so the whole scenario with the "avoidance of the Taft/Roosevelt split, but the GOP still splits with the radicals and the radicals/socialists are able to do this well" thing may seem a bit contrived , or at least I started feeling that way about halfway through this writeup, but whatever

And a bigger version of the map in the wikibox is here
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(Sort of a spiritual successor to this wikibox, having come up with the ideas for both at around the same time, and I wasn't sure whether to make it an outright sequel or not, so I just made one where it is, and one where it isn't)

I like it. How does Wilson perform in Virginia in the Whig Fremont version of the wikibox?

The common National Republican narrative, exemplified by Roosevelt's comments that blacks "brought that on themselves" for splitting and abandoning party loyalty, drove a further wedge between the National Republicans and the Radical Republicans, who instead opted to continue to build their alliance with the Socialist Party

Also, given Roosevelt's hatred of "hyphenated Americans", it does seem that he would make such comments out of anger, at least.
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this happens when I get sidetracked from my TLs: Polish Colonial semi-ASB series pt. 1
part 2 >>
Maritime and Colonial League (pol.: Liga Morska i Kolonialna) was Polish social organisation formed as Maritime and River League (Liga Morska i Rzeczna), purpose of which was at first educating Polish society about maritime issues. However in 1930s it evolved into organisation advocating and later administering Polish overseas colonies and protectorates.

In 1930s Republic of Liberia found itself in sights of League of Nations and international community, because of accusations of mistreatment and even outright enslaving of indegeneous population. Poland became interested in the country at time and was entrusted by League of Nations with reporting on situation in Black Republic. In 1933 unofficial representative of the Republic visited Poland to talk with Polish government. Liberians asked the Maritime and Colonial League for help in promoting economic links between the countries. In resulting talks with Polish government, League was entrusted with contacts and agreements with Liberia. In result of that, in 1934 country was visited by Polish delegation, headed by explorer and writer Janusz Makarczyk. Visit resulted in signing bilateral "Treaty of Friendship", on 28 April, which favored Polish side and had semi-colonial character. It included among other points, agreement about Liberia sending several men to Poland in order to educate them as potential colonial elite. Poland obtained the status of the "most privileged state" and facilitated access to farmland and raw materials in Liberia. According to one of Makarczyk's later accounts, the treaty was also supposed to include a secret clause that allowed the League to recruit up to 100,000 Liberians to the Polish Army in case of war.

In 1938, Liberia officialy became League of Nations Protectorate of Poland. General Mariusz Zaruski became it's first Commisioner, until his death in 1943 when he was replaced by Janusz Makarczyk. During Allied-German War in early 1940s, Regiments of Maritime and Colonial League, made up of black volunteers from Liberia fought on Polish side against German invasion. They numbered up to 4,500 men and were part of Land Coastal Defence. After the War, protectorate ended in 1948, however Maritime and Colonial League did not end its operations, and administering the Protectorate gave them experience needed to effectively rule over new spoils given to Poles by France and Britain who prefered to let them deal with rising racial tensions on southern continent.
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2018 Quebec Election Wiki.png
2018 Republic of Quebec General Election
On June 12, 2018, the Republic of Quebec, which gained independence from the Commonwealth of America in 1976, held elections for all 126 members of its National Assembly. The incumbent minority Parti Démocratique Progressiste (PPD) government led by Prime Minister Tom Mulcair lost their position as the largest party in the National Assembly to Maxime Bernier's Ralliement National (RN) who secured a majority in the assembly.

The RN was able to succeed due to a united right-wing after the collapse of the center-right Parti Républicain (PR). The competition between the RN and the PR continued over the last 20 years allowing the PPD and the center-left Parti Québécois (PQ) to be the two largest parties in the country from 1999 to 2018. The collapse of the PR and the PPD allowed the RN to achieve a majority in the Assembly despite only getting 36% of the vote.

The incumbent PPD government, after 2 consecutive minority governments from the 2013 and 2009 elections, saw their support collapse by 10% and lost nearly 2/3 of their seats in the Assembly. The PQ led by Michael Michaud remained the official opposition in the assembly, and only gained 2 seats despite seeing their vote share rising by nearly 10%.

2018 Quebec Parties.png


*I used the Quebec Assembly map from wikipedia and just added Labrador.*
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History of the Republic of Lusafrica

On 15 October 2019, presidential elections were held in the Republic of Lusafrica. Incumbent Prime Minister António Couto of the Democratic Union Party (UD) won a controversial victory against Carlos Cardoso, candidate for the Social Democratic Party (SD).

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Despite accounting for over 86% of the population, black Lusafricans are inelegible to vote. Only the minuscule yet economically and politically dominant white, mostly Portuguese population can cast a ballot and run for office. The outbreak of the Mozambican War of Independence (1967-1971) triggered a series of complex geopolitical mechanisms which profoundly altered the structure of power in Africa and abroad. The communist Mozambican People's Liberation Front (FRELIPOM), commanded by Samora Machel, had dismantled opposing revolutionary groups in Portuguese East Africa, and was quickly scoring victories against an overstretched and underprepared Portuguese army. On March 26 1971, FRELIPOM succeeded in breaching the capital of Lourenço Marques (later renamed "Maputo"), seizing the city. That same day, Machel declared the establishment of the "People's Republic of Mozambique". The remnants of the Portuguese defense force, led by Kaúlza de Arriaga, retreated to the less populated north, holding on to the port city of Beira and the northernmost provinces.


Kaúlza de Arriaga.

Just two days after the Battle of Maputo, a multinational coalition composed of South African, Rhodesian, Swahilian, and Zambezian troops launched an invasion of Mozambique in what became "Operation White Storm". Machel was quickly expelled from Maputo, and he retreated to the countryside, where he directed FRELIPOM's guerrilla movement, a period known as the Mozambican Bush War (1971-1978). Over 400,000 Mozambicans will perish in the conflict, including 31,600 of Portuguese descent, plus 17,200 coalition soldiers. Initially, Machel held the upper hand, successfully overtaking large swathes of the countryside and seriously disrupting coalition supply routes throughout 1972 and 1973. In May 1975, he suffered an appalling defeat in the Battle of Beira, in which virtually his entire fighting force was wiped out. FRELIPOM stagnated from there, slowly ceding ground to continued coalition attacks. This was greatly exacerbated by the rise and aggressive expansionism of de Arriaga's Army of Portuguese Freedom (ELP), a pro-Lisbon, pro-coalition guerrilla which successfully severed the backbone of Machel's armed movement by robbing its access to the Zambezi River.


FRELIPOM troops shortly before the Battle of Beira.

On September 21 1977, Portugal launched Operation Tagus, aimed at definitively destroying FRELIPOM and provide the Portuguese with an advantageous position in future peace negotiations. 28,000 soldiers were placed in Mozambique at a great expense for the Portuguese state; they assisted in anti-insurgency operations and spearheaded the final assault into Tete Province, culminating with the capture and execution of Machel himself on January 13 1978. With their leader dead, FRELIPOM disintegrated.

The Treaty of Cape Town partitioned the former Mozambican republic among the victors of the war. South Africa was granted Maputo as well as its adjacent provinces. Rhodesia gained access to the sea through Manica and Sofala Provinces, as did Zambezia through its acquisition of the eponymous Province. The remaining territories were ceded back to Portugal, which readily resumed its colonial overlordship over the recaptured yet greatly reduced Portuguese East Africa. This did not last long: de Arriaga and ELP demanded freedom from direct rule, arguing that laws made in Lisbon were ill-suited for Mozambique. Threatening to resume his offensive, de Arriaga was given the title of President of the Republic of Lusafrica on 8 February 1979. He would retain power until his passing from natural causes in 2004.

De Arriaga's regime was characterized by strong relations with Portugal and the white republics of southern Africa. He followed the classic model of institutional segregation, encouraging white immigration into Lusafrica and expanding trade with its neighbors. He also eliminated political opposition, making the Lusafrican Freedom Party (PLL), the political successor of ELP, the only legal party in Lusafrica. He ran unopposed in rigged elections throughout his presidency, although support for him remained high among the white elite.

Upon de Arriaga's death, massive pro-democracy protests from whites and blacks alike rocked Lusafrica. De Arraiaga's death had come as a surprise; he had not chosen a successor. Pressured by civic activism and the underground Social Democratic Party, free elections were held that year. The winner was clear: anti-PLL agitator and SD member Otelo Saraiva won an outstanding 96% majority. He would never reach office: that same July, the military and PLL elite launched a reactionary coup that overthrew Saraiva and installed the Minister of Foreign Relations, Teresa Simões-Ferreira, as interim President of Lusafrica. In 2005, the PLL was dismantled in favor of the reorganized UD, and a new Constitution was created. This did not ease Lusafrica's rampant corruption and authoritarianism; in the contrary, it codified these practices in written law and institutionalized them. Although the SD was legalized, Otelo Saraiva was expelled from the country and he was forced to seek exile in Abyssinia. His second-in-command, Carlos Cardoso, took his place.


Teresa Simões-Ferreira


Otelo Saraiva
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Questions are always welcome.

What's the POD exactly? How did the Carnation Revolution get butterflied, and how is it possibble that no similar coups have happened given the circunstances?

Also, given that FRELIMO started their insurgency from Tanzania and advanced continuously from the north to the south, if they have captured Lourenço Marques by 1971 (btw, how did they do that?), would it really be possible for the Portuguese forces to retreat northwards towards Beira? Wouldn't there be tons of FRELIMO forces in the way? Wouldn't it have made more sense to retreat southwards (into South Africa) instead and launch a counter-attack from there?

How did hardline Portuguese nationalist and Salazar-fanatic Kaúzula de Arriaga end up as white secessionist? How did Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho end up in Mozambique? How did Mia Couto go from FRELIMO member to white supremacist?
I like it. How does Wilson perform in Virginia in the Whig Fremont version of the wikibox?

Also, given Roosevelt's hatred of "hyphenated Americans", it does seem that he would make such comments out of anger, at least.

Good question about Virginia. Actually Virginia's politics in this scenario could be interesting. OTL Wilson got 65% of the vote in VA while Roosevelt and Taft combined just got around 30%. But here, Virginia was a free state that didn't secede, so the politics would not be so Democratic-dominated like the Jim Crow/Redeemer states. At the same time, it would have by far the largest black population any free state from the 1830s going forward, and when the initial vague plans of recolonization of freed slaves just never happen due to inertia, it could lead to some amount of racial resentment and unhappiness with Whigs. I sort of pictured it being split kind of close three ways between the Whigs, Democrats, and Unionists in 1860. As for how it would be politically in the early 1900s, I'm tentatively imagining it as something like the states of the upper south, Indiana, and such, plus how New Jersey, Connecticut and New York were a little earlier, pretty commonly somewhat close states, maybe with a bit of a Democratic lean but also perhaps Debs plus Roosevelt combined managed to get more votes than Wilson in this election, and definitely not the absolute safe D state of OTL at the time
What's the POD exactly? How did the Carnation Revolution get butterflied, and how is it possibble that no similar coups have happened given the circunstances?

Also, given that FRELIMO started their insurgency from Tanzania and advanced continuously from the north to the south, if they have captured Lourenço Marques by 1971 (btw, how did they do that?), would it really be possible for the Portuguese forces to retreat northwards towards Beira? Wouldn't there be tons of FRELIMO forces in the way? Wouldn't it have made more sense to retreat southwards (into South Africa) instead and launch a counter-attack from there?

How did hardline Portuguese nationalist and Salazar-fanatic Kaúzula de Arriaga end up as white secessionist? How did Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho end up in Mozambique? How did Mia Couto go from FRELIMO member to white supremacist?
The POD's basically an expansionist Confederacy which gobbles up large parts of Africa to keep the slave trade alive. This leads to a bigger white presence in the continent, particularly in the south and east. Starting with South Africa in the 1910's, these former colonies broke off and formed a close club of white-supremacist nations with strong hate towards communism and black African nationalism. Given the long stretch of time, there's no FRELIMO, although Machel's still around to cause trouble.

Also, no Tanzania as we know it: the territory's split between Swahilia (former CSA colony), Tanganyika (British) and Kenia (also CSA), although only Swahilia is independent. As for the whole "no Carnation Revolution", a Central victory in WWI leaves a power struggle between Britain and Germany, so Britain made sure Portugal stayed commie-free. De Arriaga is sent by the Portuguese to quiet down Machel's insurgency but decides to stay around and do his own thing, becoming permeated by the white nationalist rhetoric of the White Storm coalition. Also, Saraiva was born in Mozambique OTL, so that's convenient. Couto's a bit trickier, but I envision him being drafted in the war and joining de Arriaga's militias during the 70's, becoming a staunch supporter of his ideas.
Polish Colonial series pt.2
<< part 1 - part 3 >>

Cameroon was a French Colony since the Great War, after which it was taken away from Germany, becoming officialy a League of Nations Mandate of France. However when racial tensions started brewing, French government started looking for a way to get rid of the problem. Polish Maritime and Colonial League, bolstered by their venture as protectors of Liberia, seemed like a great candidate for new overlords. As such, on 7 July 1953 Polish and French governemts signed agreement transferring Cameroon to Poland. Colony officially became known as Protectorate of Cameroon (pol.: Protektorat Kamerunu). Despite the name, new "protectors" quickly disillusioned their colonial subjects about status of native populace. Country was ruled by white minority made up of Poles and some former French officials, enjoying great relations with similiar countries like South Africa, Rhodesia or Portugese colonies and even Liberia, who kept warm relationship with Poland after peaceful transfer of power. Poles exploited national resources of Kamerun and imported to Europe exotic African products.
Result of such treatment was rise of African nationalist movements, demanding independence and removal of Poles from the country. Despite Polish elite trying to get rid of guerillas by arresting their leaders, campaign known as Cameroon Independence War or as Cameroon War in Poland (pol.: Wojna o Kamerun) continued. Due to continuing resistance, and slow downfall of other white regimes, after 23 years from establishment of the Protectorate, in 1976 Poles started negotiations with African independence movements ultimately resulting in Independence of Cameroon on 1st October.
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The 2077 Dodge Hellcat Police Interceptor is the most common police interceptor in use across North America, in with numerous police agencies across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, with more limited numbers in use with other law enforcement organizations worldwide as both a marked and unmarked patrol car.

During WWIII, Chrysler and other American auto manufacturers retooled their factories for the war effort. The 2077 Hellcat was one of the first production cars to come onto the market after the 2076 June Ceasefire. The civilian Hellcat, while similarly aesthetically to its LEO counterpart, is like most other modern vehicles powered by an electric engine.

However, from its conception the Hellcat was intended to come in a police package, meeting the high demand among various agencies for a more capable pursuit vehicle in the troubled post-War era. The police package of the Hellcat is powered by gasoline, making it one of a limited number of vehicles in production designed as such. Additionally, the police package features an integrated armor kit, upgraded heavy-duty brakes, an upgraded electronic stability program, police-tuned steering, a sophisticated comms suite, an upgraded counter-hacking suite, and an electronic warfare suite. Its dashboard and center console are designed to integrate computers and controls for lights and sirens. The police Hellcat is also notable faster and more powerful than its civilian counterpart, and most other civilian vehicles on the market.

The California Highway Patrol is the largest individual customer besides the US federal government, having a fleet numbering 1,148. An initial order of 750 was placed and delivered in 2077, with a follow-up order delivered in 2079, and several more planned to replace the rest of CHP’s interceptor fleet.


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Melanie Sanchez
Multinational Force - Soviet Far East
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