Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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I had free time on my hands, so I came up with this. If there's any questions about the numerous events that happened, the various leaders or why certain things are as such, feel free to ask.
What did Bachus do to cause so many deaths, a famine(?), and the need for "De-Bachusisation" during Palin's term? Was he far-left or far-right in allegiance, or neither? "Forced Centralisation of the economy" reminds me of the far-left or far-right, but "Grand Tent Coalition" sounds rather non-partisan/non-ideological...

Or was forced centralisation considered necessary due to events, e.g., in the Taylor term (for example because of the "Internet Fright" or the Thanksgiving Incident)?
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What did Bachus do to cause so many deaths, a famine(?), and the need for "De-Bachusisation" during Palin's term? Was he far-left or far-right in allegiance, or neither - "Forced Centralisation of the economy" reminds me of communists or far-righters, but "Grand Tent Coalition" sounds rather non-partisan/non-ideological?
In order to maintain political power after the caretaker government of Taylor until new elections were called normally, a second generally unstable coalition of multiple political parties was formulated under the second "Grand Tent Coalition." These included giving into demands from the far right political parties that had gained seats to begin war posturing against the British within Canada. The most controversial of these plans was a nuclear strike on the second largest city within the United States that was blamed on the British as to commence another war against them.

He eventually came to rotate himself with the economic policies of the far left communist groups which had yanked several precariously safe southern seats, and heavily adopted government involvement within the economy of the country. These policies would include mandatory weapon and steel making for the planned war effort against the british, bind the people within a blind rage towards a foreign enemy to forget about domestic issues. The forced collectivization policies was coupled with a plan to dam up the great lakes and the Mississippi river to provide millions of people with hydroelectric power. These latter plans that were poorly executed resulted in the breaking of several dams and mass floods throughout the southern united states in 2005, coupled with massive hurricanes which already stretched the local infrastructure thin.

Political and military purges were necessary for him to preserve his standing as President-Minister, with frequent cabinet executions and firings. Some of the more devout followers of Bachus within the roles of governors even took to committing war crimes against their own people, starting and privately funding a massive insurrection within states that only served as further justification for martial law and even more brutal crackdowns on civil liberties.

In short, He would adopt far right, militaristic jingoism as a foreign policy while fitting his style of domestic policies towards the far left in an attempt to appease both sides and for him to keep his job.
As for the name of "Grand Tent", It mostly is an attempt to over promote it's standing and status as one of compromise and mutual friendship between the several dozen political parties of far left and far right which formulated together for such a coalition government. However, I may add that the nominally nationalist center left CWP was not a part of the Grand Tent and sat as it's official opposition throughout the 2nd Grand Tent's shaky existence.

The Thanksgiving incident was an attempted military coup by far right leaning military members and senior politicians,serving only to further destabilize the government and political divide the nation, as the far left union members would be the ones that fortified government buildings and thwarted the coup attempt.
Centralization was seen by the far left members to further consolidate power in order to prevent a small right wing governor from seceding from the country and starting a civil war over political divides.
Internet Fright was essentially a version of Y2K that mostly was mass hysteria over a small problem that only had minute effects such as at soccer game jumbo trons saying 1900 rather than 2000.
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The most controversial of these plans was a nuclear strike on the second largest city within the United States that was blamed on the British as to commence another war against them.

So the plan was to glass the second largest city (what would that be? L.A.? Seattle?) in a false-flag attack and blame that on the UK?

Some of the more devout followers of Bachus within the roles of governors even took to committing war crimes against their own people, starting and privately funding a massive insurrection within states that only served as further justification for martial law and even more brutal crackdowns on civil liberties.

So the governor of a state who was fervently loyal to Bachus would fund an insurrection in his own state, against his own people? What would the insurrectionists claim to desire? Secession?
And then, Bachus had a justification to declare martial law? Did I understand this correctly?
The Thanksgiving incident was an attempted military coup by far right leaning military members and senior politicians,serving only to further destabilize the government and political divide the nation, as the far left union members would be the ones that fortified government buildings and thwarted the coup attempt.
Centralization was seen by the far left members to further consolidate power in order to prevent a small right wing governor from seceding from the country and starting a civil war over political divides.
Internet Fright was essentially a version of Y2K that mostly was mass hysteria over a small problem that only had minute effects such as at soccer game jumbo trons saying 1900 rather than 2000.

What on earth took this nation to such extremes that it is basically on the brink of civil war/susceptible to dictators and maniacs like Bachus? What is the territory of this USA?
Also, which state(s) could have seceded during the Thanksgiving Incident?
So the plan was to glass the second largest city (what would that be? L.A.? Seattle?) in a false-flag attack and blame that on the UK?

So the governor of a state who was fervently loyal to Bachus would fund an insurrection in his own state, against his own people? What would the insurrectionists claim to desire? Secession?
And then, Bachus had a justification to declare martial law? Did I understand this correctly?
Yes, the plan was to nuke Richmond in a false flag attack and provide a suitable caucs beli for military conflict against the british.
Yes, the governor of a radically loyal state to Bachus would fund an insurrection with help from intelligence services, ideally suited for politically opposite members in one or two regions, various meetings would be made with agents infiltrating their meetings of citizens with greivances against the government and to radicalize them, often exterminating and purging the peace wings of such factions as to radicalize the rest into open military confrontation. These governors would then hire terrorists and hitmen to blow up some government building, pin the blame on the insurrectionist forces and begin to "restore order" within the country.
What on earth took this nation to such extremes that it is basically on the brink of civil war/susceptible to dictators and maniacs like Bachus? What is the territory of this USA?
Also, which state(s) could have seceded during the Thanksgiving Incident?
The Territory of the United States in this is all of IRL USA, Mexico and Central America.
The states that would have seceded would have been the Mexican territories with little in overall heritage and connection to their northern neighbor.

During the chaos of the Thanksgiving Incident, the state of George (South Carolina and Georgia combined), the state of Superior, several Mexican states, California, Utah and South Texas all broke off to declare their allegiance to the far left government instead of the far right government. When the far right coup failed, those that supported the far right, which included New York, Florida, Cherokee and Indian Territories all banded together mostly with lots of court battles via the legal route to press on their right to leave the government, which failed.
- A Perfect Democracy -
The World That Huey Made

Billy Graham


William Franklin "Billy" Graham, Jr. was an American evangelist and statesman who served as the 37th President of the United States from 1965 to 1973. Graham was born on November 7, 1918 in Charlotte, North Carolina to a devout Presbyterian and staunchly Democratic household. He describes his conversion experience as being 1934 during a revival led by the controversial Mordecai Ham. Shortly thereafter, he felt called to the ministry, and engaged in several small-scale revivals. At the same time, he developed a keen interest in politics, and was greatly inspired by then Senator Huey Long, who was gearing up to run for President again in 1940. Graham attended Louisiana State University in part to get closer to Long and the head of the Share Our Wealth Society, the Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith. Soon, Graham returned to North Carolina to spearhead the growth of the Share Our Wealth Society in the Tar heel State as well as campaign for the Kingfish's presidential bid. Graham's natural speaking ability dazzled audiences, and helped mobilize voters not only in North Carolina but even in potential swing states such as Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

Throughout the presidencies of Long and Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., Long continued to work within the Share Our Wealth Society, even securing the position of North Carolina State Chair. It was at this time a growing rift emerged between Graham and Smith, moreover on the issue of race. When the Share Our Wealth Society was founded in 1934, they boasted a number of black chapters, and the Long administration's policies disproportionately benefited blacks. While Long did much to emphasize the latter half of "separate but equal," he did not have the political will to challenge Jim Crow. Towards the end of the Long administration, Smith, now Director of the Bureau for Wealth and Public Equity, still sought to preference whites when it came to certain welfare programs such as housing and electrification. Graham called for the equitable treatment of blacks, and even called for the expansion of the franchise to them. Such a move was risky in North Carolina, where he had his power base. Friction soon rose between the two, and Smith sought to expel Graham from SOW. Before he could do so, he was assassinated in June of 1953 by one deranged ex-member who had accused Smith of being a sellout to Jewish bankers. Graham soon seized on the opportunity. Aided by allies in the Midwest and Northeast, Graham was elected head of the Share Our Wealth Society later that year.

It was not long after that Graham began to test his political mettle. Despite having run on a fairly liberal platform on the issue of race, Graham handily won a seat in the United States Senate. While in the Senate, Graham, along with ally Claude Pepper, often served as the "conscience" of the Senate, and challenged the more moderate Kennedy from the Left. On economics, Graham was unsurprisingly a strict Longist, being the head of the SOW. On social issues, Graham argued for greater improvement for the conditions of poor blacks and funding for the establishment of new black housing settlements and towns, stopping short of full integration. Nevertheless, he proved to be a sharp critic to Kennedy, who later grew to despise him, saying, "I'd rather have that hillbilly outside the tent than in it."

By the end of the 1950's, however, President Kennedy's popularity had faded as the public following a sluggish economy and a yearning for change. Harold Stassen of the Constitutional Alliance, an opposition party formed from the remnants of the deceased Republican Party and anti-Long Democrats, succeeded in beating the Democratic nominee Estes Kefauver, becoming the first non-Democratic president in twenty years. However, Stassen soon found governing difficult, as Constitutionalist congressmen quickly squandered the party's brief majority due to a lack of a coherent vision outside of opposition to Longism. Stassen himself had been a more liberal member of the new party, but most of the congressional base was to his right. In 1962, the Democrats handily retook both chambers of Congress, thwarting any more of Stassen's attempts to get any legislation passed. Seeing the opportunity, Graham announced his bid for the presidency in 1963. Many thought that Long's son Russell Long would make a bid, but a bad car accident put his future aspirations on hold. With minimal opposition, Graham sailed to the nomination in 1964, and handily defeated Stassen later that year.

As president, Graham sought to expand the welfare system, including the giving of maternity packages to expectant families that became known as Billy Boxes. He also saw the construction of new and improved black settlements. His attempts to expand the franchise to blacks met stiff resistance, however, and would not be achieved for another decade. On foreign policy, Graham was far more traveled than past presidents, touring Europe and South America. Much like his hero Huey, he touted American successes in wealth redistribution as being the direct result of adopting the policies of the Bible, which, arguably, he took more seriously than Huey. Historians have since argued that the steps towards interacting with the outside world was let led to the United States taking a far more active policy during the presidency of his successors.

Graham was succeeded in office by Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., who later went on to lose in a landslide to Governor Jimmy Stewart of California in the following cycle. After his presidency, he returned to preaching, and generally kept out of politics. He would die quietly in bed while visiting a friend in December of 1999. Graham's fairly uneventful presidency has ranked him in the middle of most presidential historians' lists of presidents, usually receiving high marks for his efforts in expanding the welfare state and greater black equality.
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In the spirit of some of the recently-made wiki entries, here's one version for the Braganzas' "Lusitanian Brigandine Throne" from the RDNA-verse. Or rather, what became of it, as it also includes the military dictatorship that nominally rules in the Throne's stead. Similarly to the Portuguese Brazil map, however, it also highlights both the country being a murkier, less successful mirror of New Austria and the less romanticized aspects of the Free World's efforts to fend off Collectivism. The DeviantArt version can be found here.

At any rate, hope you enjoy!


On the Lusitanian Brigandine Throne

...Brazil's ascension as a Co-Kingdom in 1825 would spur a period of expansion and development. More immigrants and settlers, including those from outside Portugal, flocked in with new industries and technologies, while further contributing to the nascent Brazilian national consciousness. Within a generation, the realm came to be more than firm enough to challenge the states that emerged from the wars of independence against Spain, rivaling the republican upstarts of what is now Gran Patagonia. It wasn't long, however, before this rise fostered a growing sense of Lusophone solidarity and loyalty. By the dawn of the 20th Century, Brazil and Portugal increasingly saw each other as equals more than anything else. From what's known, there were even plans to formalize a genuine union between the two, which had started with the Common Settlement of 1887, that would have solidified the ruling Braganzas' peaceful hegemony with popular acclaim.

The Terror brought such dreams to a halt. Despite the valiant efforts by the Portuguese, by 1925 what remained of the Kingdom's territories were handed over to Brazil, as the old homeland crumbled before the Collectivists. Amidst the chaos, the heir-apparent Prince Afonso assumed control in São Paulo in 1926, his quick actions decisive in helping preserve the realm in the face of seeming destruction. When it became evident, however, that Portugal itself was beyond saving, he reluctantly oversaw the formal Reconsolidation in 1928 and was crowned King Afonso VII. His reign saw his country through the next few decades as one of the most dominant of the Free Nations. Though gradually, conditions were unraveling.

While his efforts to ensure both Portuguese Brazil's survival and that of the Lusitanian Brigandine Throne were initially successful, these would have unintended consequences. Even with New Austrian support, the Brazilians found themselves harder pressed by the 1950s to sustain efforts to directly contain the Collectivist Internationale's machinations along its extensive borders. This wasn't helped by the growing economic and political clout of its long-time rival Gran Patagonia, especially as it became more successful in promoting republicanism as an alternative. Meanwhile, the special mandates given to the Forças Armadas Brasileiras (originally meant to help quell Collectivist influence) over time allowed it to establish "Military Districts" and gain greater say in political affairs. While the monarchy and civil government tried to maintain a balance, which for a time work, it fell apart during the Belem Incident of 1992.

In a heinous bombing instigated by Collectivist sleeper agents, King Pedro V, along with immediate members of the royal family and hundreds of bystanders, was killed while on a landmark tour across the realm. While the fractured nobility and what remained of the Braganza line bickered over the line of succession, however, military elements led by General Fernando Silva e Oliveira (himself a descendant of a family of military commanders) invoked "emergency powers" and, as the first Regent-President, formed what would become the Junta. It wouldn't be until 2017 that some of the excesses, including the suspension of elections and curtailment of many political freedoms, were lifted.

Time will tell, however, if this storied country could truly regain its place in the Free World.

- Snippet from “Atlas Sans Frontieres: The Gaspereau-Thomson Guide to the New World.” Loyalist Canada. 2023.


For added reference, the images for the Braganzas shown are derived from actual members of both the Portuguese and Brazilian branches of the line. While the the pictures used for the "Regent-Presidents" are nods to Brazil's military coups in the mid-20th Century and Cold War.


2018 Louisiana State Legislature Elections

In 2018, the Parti La Louisiane kept their status as the largest party in both chambers of the Louisiana state Legislature. In the Senate, which has 6-year terms, the PLL kept their majority as Senate president pro tem Eric LaFleur was elected governor to replace Governor Mitch Landrieu, who was elected president the same year. In the House, which has 3-year terms, the PLL lost the absolute majority they gained in the 2015 mid-terms to the rising Unionists largely on the coattails of Landrieu's large win in the state. In both elections, the PLL still struggled to gain ground in the mostly Anglo North Louisiana, the largely African New Orleans (despite being mostly francophone as well), and the very conservative New Orleans suburbs.

Senate Elections

Senate by Party

House Elections

House by Party

Osama bin Laden was the son of someone who created a very wealthy architecture business, so what if bin Laden decided not to become a terrorist and instead pursue a career in business? (Infobox is not meant the be realistic, insinuating that people of one political ideology are terrorists, etc., just a fun little thought experiment about how people's small changes can result in different timelines).
2017 French Presidential Election

In 2017, incumbent president Ségolène Royal of the Socialist Party was reelected to a second 5-year term against Jean-François Copé. Royal was first elected in 2012 when she defeated incumbent CNIP president Alain Juppé.
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- A Perfect Democracy -
The World That Huey Made

The Ronald Reagan Show


The Ronald Reagan Show is an American situation comedy that aired on PBS from October 3, 1960 to April 1, 1968 with a total of 249 half-hour episodes spanning over eight seasons. The show starred Ronald Reagan as Dutch Reynolds, the widower mayor of Rockville, a fictional version of Dixon, Illinois. Other characters include Joe Grumby, the inept, but well-meaning sheriff played by Alan Hale, Jr.; Mrs. McGruder, Reynolds' grouchy housekeeper with a heart of gold played by Ellen Corby; his precocious young Billy, played by Bobby Buntrock; and his steady girlfriend and eventual wife the school the school teacher Annie Jenson, played by Susan Oliver. Eccentric townspeople round out the cast.

The show has maintained a remarkable amount of popularity, even after its initial run. Many have attributed its longevity to its seeming timeless quality, having few contemporary references and making strong appeals to the American agrarian ideal.

The Ronald Reagan Show came at a time when both its star and network had reached a low point. In the 1930's and 40's, Reagan enjoyed moderate success as a matinee star, but by the 1950's, he had difficulty landing meatier roles. At the same time, the Public Broadcasting System or PBS was struggling in competing with CBS, NBC, and MBS in terms of ratings after establishing its television network in the mid-1950's. The network was established towards the end of the Long administration ostensibly as a "neutral" information source following his long-running conflict with the national press. While its radio arm was moderately successful, its television network had struggled to produce popular or compelling content. Reagan, an ardent Democrat and one time president of the Screen Actors Guild, was offered to play the role in what was meant to be a new block of programming as a "soft reboot" as a means of saving a largely Democratic project. The show turned out to be a massive success, not only commercially but culturally. Today, Dixon, Illinois hosts the "Rockville Days" Festival celebrating the beloved show.
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