Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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I looked at the hilary Blanchet infobox and wyoming is a state of Delaware? What? I need a map.

I guess Detroit is the capital? I’m not sure if Mésopotamie is at St. Louis between the Missouri and the Mississippi or closer to Cairo between Ohio and the Mississippi

Awesome, I want more
My guess:

OTL, Scranton, PA is in the Wyoming Valley.

TTL, Scranton is in the [sub-division] of Wyoming in the country (?) of Delaware, which must include at least some of OTL Pennsylvania.

You're right, Scranton is part of the Delawarean state of Wyoming, Delaware contains most of OTL Pennsylvania, West Virgina's Panhandle, Delaware, New York and New Jersey and is divided into several different states.

Détroit is indeed the capital, it was chosen in 1842 upon the unification of Canada.

Mésopotamie is located between the Missouri and Mississippi in OTL Southern Minnesota and Eastern South Dakota.

Feel free to ask more questions, it helps me develop the world.
I was looking through old infobox files and was reminded of one I made about John W. Leedy— which, geez, was three years ago. The concept is still one of my favourites, but the execution is not my best work. A particularly irksome aspect, to me, is that it used a picture from much earlier in his life (and career)— though this was out of necessity, because I couldn't find a more contemporary photo, but it still grated. So I decided to dig a bit deeper and see if I could find anything. Lo and behold— I did! As a result, I decided to remake the thing— and along the way corrected some errors, changed some of the lazy alt-history, and drafted a better write-up with more context. So here it is: a remastered infobox.

… John W. Leedy displayed little interest in politics until the founding of the Populist Party. He joined the new party upon its founding in 1890, and in 1892 he was elected to the Kansas State Senate under its banner. In 1896 he emerged as the Populist candidate for governor, and defeated the incumbent, Republican Edmund N. Morrill, in the election. …

… Denied renomination by his party, Leedy turned his interest in mining operations in Galena, before decamping to Valdez, Alaska in 1901. There, his mining experience proved fortuitous, as he discovered a gold mine and became very wealthy. Leedy also took the opportunity to change careers and practiced law (despite not having formal legal training), and later served as mayor for two years. In 1908 he left Valdez for Whitecourt, Alberta, where he returned to farming, and eventually became a naturalized Canadian.

Leedy became a prosperous farmer and soon joined the United Farmers of Alberta. At this point, the UFA was a non-partisan lobbying organization, but some members— including Leedy— began to advocate for direct action. To that end, Leedy was one of the founding members of the Alberta Non-Partisan League, a political party that pledged to represent and promote farmers in the political arena. In the 1917 provincial election, Leedy stood as its candidate in the constituency of Gleichen, and was successfully elected alongside two other members.[1]

The NPL's victories frightened the UFA, who worried that the NPL would eclipse them as the main voice for farmers; as a result, the UFA announced its own entry into politics. The NPL dutifully folded itself into the new UFA party, with its groundwork and organization providing the backbone of the party. Many former NPLers, including Leedy, became prominent and influential in the new UFA.[2] …

… The 1921 election saw the UFA sweep into power, winning 38 of 61 seats. This was a shock not just to observers but to the UFA themselves, who had not expected to win more than 20 seats and thus had not yet designated a political leader— raising the question who would become premier. The obvious answer was UFA president Henry Wise Wood; however, Wood turned the position down, saying he had no interest in the minutiae of government or crafting policy— he did not run for a seat in the election— and that he felt he would be best suited to managing the farmer movement more broadly.[3] The next in line would be the UFA's vice president, Percival Baker, who had run for a seat; but Baker, hospitalized after a farm accident three weeks prior, died from his injuries a day after the election.[4] Wood wanted John Brownlee, the UFA's solicitor, for the position; but Brownlee, too, declined, reasoning that it would be seen as a betrayal of the movement for its government to be headed by an urban lawyer.[5] The interim vice president, Herbert Greenfield, also displayed no interest in the role.[6]

With the UFA executive ruling themselves out, the UFA caucus began to look within. As nearly the entire caucus was freshly elected, the only MLAs under serious consideration were the two with previous experience: George Hoadley and John Leedy. Hoadley had the most legislative experience, having sat in the legislature since 1909; however, since Hoadley was previously a Conservative (and had only joined the UFA in 1920), he was seen as too close to the "party politics" the UFA had campaigned against and thus was unacceptable.[7] The MLAs instead turned to Leedy, whose politics were more in-line with the UFA's aspirations, and with the hope that his experience in Kansas would give the government the guidance it needed.[8] Leedy accepted, although due to his age he pledged to step down before the end of the term. He was sworn into office on August 13, 1921. …


[1] The POD. IOTL, Leedy placed a distant third; ITTL, a more successful campaign allows him to to harness the farmer demographic and ride them to victory. This is sort of a handwave, but since Gleichen went for the UFA in a landslide in 1921, and the 1917 election already saw two NPL candidates win IOTL, I do not think it is unreasonable to have Leedy follow their lead and tap into that emerging force a little ahead of schedule.
[2] The NPL-UFA merger is OTL. Leedy joining the UFA party is also OTL, though his becoming an influential member is a ripple from his earlier success ITTL.
[3] This is OTL. Wood remained an influential figure on the sidelines but never entered elected politics.
[4] This is OTL.
[5] This is OTL. Brownlee did agree to join cabinet, however, and served as Attorney General and Minister of Justice. He did later become UFA premier, but only after it was clear that the caucus approved of him.
[6] Greenfield's lack of interest is OTL. He wasn't not approached or considered at this point IOTL, as far as I know, but I've mentioned it to for the sake of the story, such as it were.
[7] This is OTL. Hoadley led the Conservative Party from 1917 to 1920, when he was ousted from caucus— and subsequently crossed to the UFA. Though he was deemed unacceptable as a UFA leader, he did serve as a cabinet minister in the UFA government.
[8] Of course, Leedy wasn't here IOTL. At this point, the UFA didn't appear to have anyone willing to take the job, and speculation arose that the Liberal premier, Charles Stewart, would simply stay in office heading a UFA cabinet (not as ridiculous as it sounds— Stewart was a member of the UFA in its history as a lobbying organization)— though Stewart publicly rejected such a situation and nothing came of it. Finally, the UFA caucus selected Herbert Greenfield, who had no interest in the job (interim vice president, remember, and didn't run in the election) but accepted because literally nobody else acceptable would. (Incidentally, Greenfield had a miserable time in politics, and when his party ousted him, he was relieved to be done with it.)

Richard Follicle Beard was the Most Enlightened Hairy One of Beardistan for over thirty years. Born to a mining family within rural confederate Virginia, at the age of 15 he would be kicked out of his protestant boarding school of St. Vincennes for promoting radicalism and satanist atheism. He would jump from town to town as a vagabond on local railways, getting work on the construction of more track or the maintenance for some large company's cars in exchange for a wage that enabled him to continue self studying in purchasing both a communist manifesto and the bible. It was during this time that he began to grow facial hair, sparking an idea in his head that would shape the course of his life.

In 1940, he published his political manifesto called On the Politics of Facial Hair and proposals for a new political movement. He would link Karl Marx's facial hair with a divine right of the common people to encourage a new political party filled with bearded men, idealizing politicians with beards as "decent, hardworking and honest.", while slamming contemporary critics as "the worst clean shaven infidels".

He soon got involved in the democratic party of West Virginia, registering with the party and voting for "Loving Leader" Al Capone during the Confederate Presidential Election of 1944. Beard would be inspired by the absolute control that Capone influenced on many parts of government, delivering a fiery eulogy at Capone's funeral in 1950 that would attract the attention of West Virginian democratic party bosses. After a short meeting with them, Beard agreed to become the democratic nominee for governor, essential winning by default thanks to the Democratic Party's lock on West Virginian politics at the time.

As Governor of West Virginia, he would attempt to promote social and economic reforms such as state run day cares, which he had assured the people was not a form of radicalism. However, he would be frustrated by his former political kingmakers in Charleston who would frustrate and blunt his more radical plans for government run programs in place of the free market. Despite this tugging of his collar, Beard would remain optimistic in his second term with a victory percentage of 125%.

When the confederate government had heard about this impossible percentage, they sent some investigators to open the Sanders Commission, named after Kentucky senator Harland Sanders who was a close adviser to Beard, resulting in the mishandling of the investigation from the moment it started and a full exoneration to his tight political ally of Beard.

After two terms as governor of the state, he then collected the needed money for a senate run in 1960 against the republican incumbent Cecil H. Underwood, who was easily defeated by 75% to 24% (1% other). After the election of confederate President Martin Luther King Jr, Beard would alienate his political friends by being the first to congratulate MLK on his victory. Despite the small snafu, his voting record showed a bellicose stance on foreign policy, urging the atomic bombing of Deseret.

He would secretly be part of a senate commission which would funnel money towards the Barry Goldwater Nuclear Rebels group, even giving the rebels access to a confederate jet powered B-29 WWII era nuclear bomber. After a devastating atomic bombing of Saint George, the Mormons would reply with the glassing of Phoenix, resulting in the crushing of the rebellion with devastating force and a disappointment in Beard's political career as a lawmaker.

By the end of the 1960s, the situation within West Virginia had reached a flash point, with large food riots thanks to poor harvest and a strong protectionist policy against the import of food from abroad let to the firey speeches that Beard gave propelling him into the center of the Beard Revolution, which toppled the confederate state governments of Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Tennessee.
On July 1st,1970 A large mob of protestors would surround the Confederate governor's mansion in Richmond, begining the Fallwell Hostage crisis, in which governor Jerry Fallwell and 50 government employees would be held hostage for over an entire year until the election of Hardliner Confederate President Jimmy "The Hawk" Carter, who sent in cruise missiles to the building before realizing the strike might kill their hostage. Despite the missiles slamming into the building, forewarning by confederate prisoners held in the basement of Fallwell's home enabled him to escape before the missile hit.

Carter would declare victory before ordering the army to move in to re-secure the rebellious territories. In a year long revolution, the Beard forces would be able to repel the larger confederate ones thanks to poor command structure of the southern forces compared to their fully hairy counterparts. By 1971, the Confederate people no longer had a stomach for a long, drawn out conflict, and so they withdrew from the newly declared country of Beardistan, with Richard Follicle Beard acting as the Most Enlightened Hairy One after a five year long power struggle with moderate beard communists and a large scale purge of his political enemies.

In terms of foreign policy, he would align himself closely with the Soviet Union against the theodemocratic Deseret during the Really Cold War (1945-2000). Despite the Soviets granting them several of their older nuclear weapons, Beard would stun the world by rejecting the nuclear weapons and completely disarming the sluggish moving nuclear facilities in Norfolk, winning the Nobel peace prize in 1975.

In the 1980s, the Country would find large oil deposits near the Atlantic waters, opening the waters for state run oil companies to monopolize the large black gold which was shipped off to the oil hungry soviets. The Country would enter somewhat of a golden age in a technological and cultural boom throughout the 80s until the early 2000s, with the sputtering out of the soviet union and a detente with a focus against the Austro-Hungarians under Baron von Goldwasser.

During the 2000s, Beard's heath would clearly be seen in decline, with various factions within Beardistan eargely awaiting the order to overthrow the government. Despite an attempted coup by Honored Teacher and Master of the Cult of Scruffiness Jeremy Corbyn in 2004, the country would remain stable until the Shaving Spring, a wave of anti-beard protests throughout 2008, being cracked down on hard by the military theocratic communist regime harshly.

Clearly seeing his time on the earth fading, Beard would gather together the political officials in 2009 with the Doorman Proclamation, which indicated Bob Wise as his successor, who immediately began to purge possible rivals to the reigns of power. In 2016, at the age of ninety one years old, Richard Follicle Beard would pass away due to liver failure after a pre-breakfast swim. In his will, he had left everything to his beard, which was shaven off and declared the honorary "Eternal Beard-President" a day after his death.

Colossus Must Fall // Act ? - Preview

State of Sicily

Sicily was admitted into the United States in 1982, two years after the Southern Italian Association Referendums concluded. While the rest of Southern Italy would formally enter into a compact of free association, ending the administration of the American Military Government of the Occupied Territories (AMGOT), the people of Sicily voted in favor of statehood. The result was marred by controversy. All residents were entitled to vote in the referendum, including stationed American servicemen and AMGOT land grant recipients. The Cosa Nostra was more than willing to put their finger in the scales, in the name of access to American markets and graft. And of course, AMGOT had no desire to leave Europe, believing that the American military would forever need a fortress state to contain the Soviet Union and its allies. With that in mind, the referendum passed with 52% of the tabulated vote, a mocking reprise of the Republican referendum decades before. Washington D.C. happily welcomed the new territory into the greater United States.

While statehood was supposed to resolve the Representation Crisis and put an end to the Rainy Years in Sicily, this monumental change in governance was surprisingly slow to affect the lives of ordinary Sicilians. The military-industrial complex and the Cosa Nostra maintained their grip on the island, making sure that every federal dollar from across the Atlantic passed through the right hands and into the correct pocket. While the Sicilian language and culture were promoted, they were only promoted in favor of regional Italian, and American culture became even more overbearing. The Rainy Years continued, with paramilitary violence between settler militias, mafia thugs and nationalist guerrillas continuing unabated through the decade. While anti-corruption and anti-mafia activists would do their best to expose and fight the power structures on the island, Sicily remained a "den of vipers," and would continue to struggle economically.

That was the 1980s. In the present day, these issues have come to a head. For the first time in decades, the corrupt establishment was finally shaken to its roots. The regionalist Trinacria movement swept into power in the 2015 elections, with a promise of an end to business as usual. The key issue of the current crisis is the popular proposal for Sicily to enter the Italian Union. This move would allow Sicily to engage in an expansive cultural and economic exchange with its neighbors, far greater than currently allowed behind American trade barriers. This idea was struck down by the U.S. Supreme court when it was first passed by a referendum, as the ability to conduct diplomacy is reserved to the federal government. Thus, the Trinacria movement came to power with a demand for a special status for Sicily. To be able to meet its neighbors as equals, without having to go through the faraway capitol. While only a minority of Sicilians are currently interested in independence, many Sicillians see the benefits of Italian re-integration. This desire to "have it both ways" may prove dubious, as the administration in Washington, has little interest in extending special privileges to the extra-continental states and territories. The mafia, both in Sicily and the continent, are willing to put pressure on the federal government, as such structural changes could disrupt the status quo and their power in general.


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Tell me more, tell me more

I do see Newfoundland and Greenland

I want to try to tell a more linear story this time, so I'm not going to give all too much away. Note that this is a preview, and elements are subject to change.

But I will tell you that there is another territory on that map that I colored in for the U.S. but you can't see due to the resolution.
I'm also noticing some things about Europe. A few extra states on the French-German border, then Savoy and a separate South Italy.

I'm sure everything about this is fine.

1860. The Columbians didn't know, but that year was going to be the most decisive in the short life of the United States of Columbia, the country was politically divided as the Coronelism stagnated the 1850s.
Bélanger's administration consolidated Coronelism in the country, his term oversaw the major Federalist scandals that brought the end to the party, thereby putting the states rights over a stake.
The failure of Bélanger's presidency (1852-1856) ended the Federalist Party, strengthened Coronelism with alliances between the so-called Coronéis and Federalist politicians, worsened the economic situation of the country, submerged in debts since the Aztlanian-Columbian War and consolidated the New Democratic Party who quickly filled the former Federalist areas.
In 1856, the New Democratic Party won the presidential election with Flávio Bouchamp, Senator from Nova Bretanha becoming the president and Carlos Savatier, Governor of Upper Louisiana becoming the president, Flávio's cabinet was from members of his party and military officers, one of his first declared objectives was to rebuild the economy and destroy the political machines of the Coronéis.
His attempts to combat the Coronéis resulted in guerillas in the countryside, strikes from the workers and the farmers' standstill of 1857, soon the Famine of 1858 hit the country and Flávio negotiated with the Coronéis.
The failures of Flávio to counter the Coronéis created a considerable opposition against his mandate, with Bento Gonçalves Félix founding the New National Order Party in 1858 and his speech Calling Order being a boost to his party, soon the Liberty Party rose to popularity with the NNOP.
The outcomes of the Félix administration had severe impacts on the New Democratic Party who saw it's national hegemony lost and the reconsolidation of the Constitutionalist Party under Guilherme Fillipo, while the economic situation was being fixed by Joaquim de Vinhedo, Bouchamp's minister of finances, his death saw the unbalance of the economy in the following months, ignored by Bouchamp's administration.
In the begin of 1860, the upcoming election brought themes as the economic situation, the two former administrations who broke the country, the politically divided country, ethnic conflicts between Aztlanians and Columbians, pro-abolitionists movements led by the Liberty Party and the New Democrats, slaves rebellions, border conflicts with the French, the rising Louisianian nationalism following Bouchamp's Louisianian Bill who replaced Souza's Louisianian Bill and the crescent Columbian nationalism, meanwhile the Liberty Party and the Constitutionalist Party fight to see who will reign over Columbia with the inevitable fall of the New Democrats.

1860 elections reboot.png

The 1860 election was a frauded one, with the Liberty Party winning over the other parties with Eduardo Thompson being the president thanks to political compromises made with the wealthy to ensure the continuation of slavery, false promises to the Coronéis and the popularity of the party in the Northeast who filled the New Democratic absence after Bouchamp. The result of the election was contested by Félix on December 22, 1860, having the Christmas March as his immediate answer where 60,000 volunteers marched with him on Novo Porto, leaving the largest city of Columbia in a state of emergency, after Félix, the Senate and the House of Deputies, dominated by the Constitutionalists declared Guilherme Fillipo president. On January 13th, during Eduardo's inauguration was held in Porto Velho as Petrópolis, the capital of Columbia was taken by Félix forces who declared him the president. In the meantime, Flávio Bouchamp and his supporters fled to Britain, to worse the situations, Thompson rejected negotiating with Félix and Fillipo.
The outcome of the entire situation proved to be a disaster, soon Guilherme Fillipo reunited with his supporters in Valentina as Thompson demanded them to respect the Columbian will by recognizing he as the president while he was moving to deal with the Coronéis personally leading the troops who were loyal to Eduardo. In the meantime, João de Barros, Governor of Lower Louisiana requested aid to the three self-declared presidents as a massive Louisianian was near to ignite, supported by the French.

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An expanded and improved wiki page for the 2018 German general election. No big details changed, but hopefully this gives a more in-depth look at German politics. Also, pretty charts and stuff.

Region flags aren't canon for now, they were just what the flag templates gave me. I'll have to make them sometime.
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I've decided to take a look at some other areas in North America, here is His Majesty Enrique III of Florida

Enrique III is the current monarch of the Kingdom of Florida, the third monarch to bare the name Enrique and the fifth to reign since the establishment of the Floridian Monarchy in 1882 following the Floridian Revolution. Enrique III became king following the expected death of his father from Lung Cancer, and was enthroned later that day. Enrique is married to Francisca Beaulieu, an actress of French descent, they have one child, Felipe. His Italian appearance, largely thanks to his mother, has earned him the nickname "El Italiano" among his subjects. Like all Floridian Kings following the re-establishment of the Spanish monarchy, Enrique holds the title of Duke of Seville.

Vive le Canada
Aimée Klobuchar
Michel Penin, Jean-Luc Melenchon, Gabriel Perot
Jean-Luc Kasich
Hillary Blanchet


This is memery for the most part, based on the idea that Joseph Smith's enemies called him a "second Mohammad". The premise is: what if he went "okay then I'll just combine my church with Islam"?

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