Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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Every Wikipedia on a war or battle has the belligerents, date, outcome, etc. in an info box on the top-right corner of the page, and most people pages have biography sections. The idea behind this thread is simple: edit the infoboxes so that the outcome of a major conflict is different, as if the infobox is from an alternate world.

To do this, simply click the edit option for the article (or, if it's locked, hit "view source"), change the infobox, hit preview*, and take a screenshot.**

*Make sure you don't save your changes to the article.

**[NOT PRESENT IN THE ORIGINAL: Alternatively, you can copy-paste the infobox into the Sandbox and take a screenshot.]

In some cases, the infobox will be separate from the article (I.E. You will see {{WW2Infobox}}). To access this info box, simply type "Template:kissingheart:Whichever one you're looking for*" into the Wikipedia search bar.

Thread I
Thread II
Thread III
Thread IV
Current Politics Wikiboxes
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Asami: 2077 Lunar federal election (The Eternal New Deal)


(From The Eternal New Deal, my sci-fi universe)

The 2077 Lunar federal election was another mandated sextennial election for the office of Governor-General of Luna, held on September 4, 2077 as mandated by the Basic Law for the Commonwealth of Luna.

The office of Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Luna had been held by Charles Hereford for 12 years prior to the election, and the election field was tight and contentious as a number of candidates bid to become the Governor-General.

The 'Regional Coalition' of Horace Pickering's Lunar National Party and Cyril Walker's Ecoanarchists managed to secure another term of power despite the great showing by the National Socialist Alliance, Android League of Luna, and Worker's Alliance. Pickering's government begins in a very weak manner, as the Congress of Regions has a narrow LNP-EA plurality.

Some of the candidates defeated were Menachem Aalto, former Delegate to the Council of Commonwealths in Washington D.C.; Timur Espinoza, former Governor-General and Android civil rights advocate, and Apolonia Michaud, former President of the Lunar Helium Mining Cooperative; the three of whom made up the 'Erneuerungskoalition', a coalition formed by German settlers and American settlers over a century prior.

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Ecoanarchist? What does that mean?

I mean, I suppose it could be an anarchist who's also an environmentalist, but how can you be an environmentalist on the Moon?
Oh wow, a fifth thread!

I can't guarantee you that It wont befall the fate of the fourth (*sniff* It was so young...) but I can assure you one thing...


...ell, the sudden temperature drops in Gey Ben Hinnom last year can explain a lot of things, but Global Warming being false is not on...



All Derry/Londonderry Municipal Councillors receive collective stroke
Scientists baffled by unexplained occurrence; 4chan edgelords nonetheless make ">literally stroke city" memes.


That's right. All of the 4th-thread era Bizzaropedia posts are officially reconnected by any 5th-thread era posts that may come insofar as they contradict each other.

jonnguy2016: President Joseph Lane
POD: Douglass wins California, Illinois, and Indiana, while Breckenridge wins Oregon, sending the 1860 election to the House. The House also deadlocks along regional and partisan lines, while the Democratic-controlled Senate chooses between the top two candidates for vice president in the Electoral College.
The 2077 Lunar federal election was another mandated sextennial election for the office of Governor-General of Luna, held on September 4, 2077 as mandated by the Basic Law for the Commonwealth of Luna.

The office of Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Luna had been held by Charles Hereford for 12 years prior to the election, and the election field was tight and contentious as a number of candidates bid to become the Governor-General.

The 'Regional Coalition' of Horace Pickering's Lunar National Party and Cyril Walker's Ecoanarchists managed to secure another term of power despite the great showing by the National Socialist Alliance, Android League of Luna, and Worker's Alliance. Pickering's government begins in a very weak manner, as the Congress of Regions has a narrow LNP-EA plurality.

Some of the candidates defeated were Menachem Aalto, former Delegate to the Council of Commonwealths in Washington D.C.; Timur Espinoza, former Governor-General and Android civil rights advocate, and Apolonia Michaud, former President of the Lunar Helium Mining Cooperative; the three of whom made up the 'Erneuerungskoalition', a coalition formed by German settlers and American settlers over a century prior.
I'm confused about why people would run against each other if they were in the same coalition. Surely this would risk splitting the vote and letting the other party win?
Gentleman Biaggi: 2017 Scranton Territorial Gubernatorial Election
Hey, new thread
California series thing
The Scranton Territories have a confusing history. In the 1945 war between New York and California, California captured a few towns in Southern/Middle New York. After California won the war, they were given the counties where the California-captured towns were located in a treaty. This territory became known as the Scranton territory. The Scranton territory currently cannot vote in a national election, but their territory-wide elections can often be interesting.

Governor Joe Biden has had a long political career. During the 1970s he was elected as a member of the now nationally-defunct Unity Party to the nationwide assembly. After the assembly stint Biden became Governor of the Scranton Territory in 1997. He has had a long tenure since then and has managed to keep the Unity Party alive in Scranton.

The 2017 election was a race between Joe Biden's long powerful Unity machine, and Rick Santorum running as a member of the Conservative Solidarity Party the election was expected to be more competitive than elections past, however, Santorum made several gaffes, and his increasingly conservative positions on issues such as abortion and gay marriage earned Biden the endorsement from some more Moderate Conservative Solidarity Part members. After Santorum's gaffes, a bad debate performance, and increasingly conservative positions he had no chance, and Biden won a fifth term in office.
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gap80: Top 15 Posts In Thread IV
A Look Back at AH Wikibox Thread IV
(the Top 15 posts, ranked by number of likes)​

15: wolfram’s 8/31/2017 post on page 414: The 1936 Election from Divided We Stand – 51 likes

14: PachPachis’ 3/4/2017 post on page 210: Saparmyrat Nyyazow (The Truth About It Series) – 52 likes

13 (tie): Archangel Michael’s 4/17/2017 single-sentence reply post on page 303: "KFC commercials have gotten weird" – 54 likes

13 (tie): lord caedus’ 12/31/2016 post on page 67: The Presidential Pet – 54 likes

12: gap80’s 6/14/2017 post on page 352: PAWS: Jimmy Carter Meets the Killer Bunny – 55 likes

11: machinekng’s 8/9/2017 post on page 400: OFS Coalition members update – 57 likes

10: Turquoise Blue’s 3/4/2017 post on page 212: The Future of the Simpsons – 58 likes

9 (tie): Lord Roem’s 7/22/2017 post on page 384: UK National Flag Referendums, 2017 – 59 likes

9 (tie): Sabot Cat’s 12/28/2016 post on page 50: A (Slightly) Different 1968 Presidential Election – 59 likes

8: psephos’ 1/11/2017 post on page 101: A 2016 Based on Breitbart's Deliberate Misinterpretations – 61 likes

7 (tie): LeinadB93’s 4/24/2017 post on page 309: Gibraltar (Hail, Britannia Series) – 64 likes

7 (tie): Meadow’s 3/24/2017 post on page 263: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Buxton Britain) – 64 likes

7 (tie): Reagant’s 12/21/2016 post on page 24: Sanders Realistically Loses to Trump – 64 likes

6: lord caedus’ 12/24/2016 post on page 36: An Electoral College In An Electoral College – 65 likes

5: Indicus’ 7/24/2017 post on page 388: Imperial Federation general election, 1941 – 71 likes

4 (tie): gap80’s 10/31/2017 post on page 447: Confusing Campaigns – 72 likes

4 (tie): PachPachis’ 3/2/2017 post on page 206: Red Directorate (The Truth About It Series) – 72 likes

3: XO Mapping’s 12/30/2016 post on page 61: I'm Still Scared of Trump 2020 – 77 likes

2 (tie): Sabot Cat’s 4/25/2017 post on page 310: Internet General Elections 2008-2016 – 79 likes

2 (tie): Blackenborg’s 1/6/2017 post on page 91: The Devastating Punch We Took – 79 likes

And Post #1: PachPachis’ 3/2/2017 post on page 208: Joseph Stalin (The Truth About It Series) – 81 likes

Note: all like numbers are as of 11/10/2017; if I missed any posts, feel free to add them.
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> new thread
> old thread apparently closed due to discussion about Jontron's political leanings (as well as a page about football stuff)
> which was kinda spurred on by a joke wikibox I posted which featured Danny Sexbang as POTUS
> ...

sorry dudes
> new thread
> old thread apparently closed due to discussion about Jontron's political leanings (as well as a page about football stuff)
> which was kinda spurred on by a joke wikibox I posted which featured Danny Sexbang as POTUS
> ...

sorry dudes
Welcome to the thread killer club desu.
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