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The End of History
Fukuyama last.png

Francis Fukuyama
is an American political scientist and politician who is best known for his role as the 43rd and final President of the United States. Fukuyama was born to Japanese parents in Chicago, Illinois and studied at various prestigious universities amidst the turmoil of the Cold War. Fukuyama gravitated to the so-called 'neoconservative' movement during his time in college-that is he supported both conservative stances on economics and foreign policy, but moderation on social issues and the restoration of democratic government rather than the 'emergency rule' by generals that had persisted since the 1958 coup against President Stevenson. The neoconservatives, framing themselves as a 'loyal opposition' as opposed to the 'traitors' that left-wing anti-government groups were labeled as, were the most successful pressure group against the Walker and LeMay administrations. Ultimately, the triumph of Alexander Haig in the contest to succeed LeMay paved the way for the partial restoration of democracy. Fukuyama would be among the neoconservatives who formed the American Liberty Party which contested the 1984 presidential elections. However, the ALP nominee Donald Rumsfeld was defeated by the National Front candidate Larry MacDonald.

However, MacDonald's incompetence would allow for the ALP to regain ground and triumph in 1988 under the leadership of George HW Bush, who made Fukuyama his Secretary of State. However, by the time Bush took office, it was becoming increasingly clear the American political system was not doing so well. Despite being illegal, labor strikes, civil rights protests and other acts of resistance to the American government were becoming increasingly common. Drug use and crime rates were both skyrocketing as Bush entered the Oval Office. Meanwhile, living standards in the Soviet Union and its allies across Eurasia were visibly improving and Soviet prestige was overtaking America's as the USSR landed on Mars in 1991. Socialist revolts in Latin America were gaining traction and threatening to oust US-aligned governments in the region. The US allies of South Africa and Rhodesia outright saw their governments collapse amidst revolt. Within the American government, there was considerable debate about what to do about this issue. The National Front and the right wing of the ALP favored harsh measures to crack down on domestic unrest and tackling major social problems via increased militarization of society. They blamed the ills afflicting America on communist subversion and felt strong enough measures could reverse American decline.

On the other hand, Fukuyama and fellow 'compassionate conservatives' had a different solution. They traced the issues of American decline back to the insistence on pure capitalism and the erosion of the New Deal that had been implemented under Franklin Roosevelt, as well as some of the earlier progressive reforms of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Furthermore, Fukuyama and his allies argued, the suppression of leftist, libertarian and anti-racist groups in America had not in fact dealt with the increase in anti-government sentiment, but actually served to increase it and make it more violent. The compassionate conservatives thus held that major political and economic reforms would be needed to ensure America's revival and the restoration of prosperity. The clash between these 2 visions would be seen during the ALP primaries of 1996, where Fukuyama faced off against the right-ALP candidates Wesley Clark, Antonin Scalia and John Tower. Despite fierce attacks (including some race-baiting towards Fukuyama), he managed to triumph in the primary and secured the endorsement of Bush in the general election, where Fukuyama managed to dispatch the National Front ticket of Pat Buchanan and Evan Mecham. Fukuyama, upon taking office, famously declared that 'America is at a crossroads' and that it had to choose the right road to secure its long-term future.

Fukuyama's reforms began almost immediately. He began with a series of over 4 dozen pardons for high-profile political prisoners, including major enemies of the US government such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Harold Stassen, Ted Kennedy and Noam Chomsky. He next unveiled his 'Contract With America,' a series of major economic reforms that sought to place limits on the size of major corporations and limit their influence, restored the right of labor unions to organize and be recognized by the government and brought back governmental pension programs that had been abolished during the Walker years. He additionally took things a step further by implementing a government-backed healthcare program and implementing civil rights programs. In 1998, Fukuyama shocked observers by declaring that 8 banned political parties would have their bans lifted and be permitted to run in elections in that midterm cycle so long as all candidates signed a statement renouncing violence and affirming the legitimacy of the American federal government. Fukuyama's reforms were criticized by his right-wing opponents and the rightmost wing of the ALP would defect en masse to the National Front shortly before the midterms. However, Fukuyama's reforms were extraordinarily popular with American youth and the public as a whole. Fukuyama's foreign policy was likewise rather popular and he sought to pursue negotiation and nuclear disarmament with the Soviet Union and China.

By the early 2000's, it seemed that Fukuyama had succeeded in his reform efforts and secured America's continued existence. However, a series of events from 2001 to 2003 would ultimately cause things to unravel. First was the 2001 May Day protests organized by American leftist groups. While Fukuyama supported the rights of these groups to assemble, in over a dozen states the National Guard cracked down on the protests, killing 38 and injuring over a hundred. Fukuyama's efforts to balance the demand for justice from the public and the reluctance of even those within his government to punish the perpetrators. Ultimately, only one governor (David Duke of Louisiana) was forced to leave office and sentenced to 10 years in prison. The next controversy to erupt came when the Mexican guerilla leader Rafael Sebastian Guillien Vincente (commonly known as Subcommandante Marcos) seized control of Mexico City with his forces. Members of the American government demanded Fukuyama send troops to restore the US-aligned regime of Francisco Labastida, but much of the public opposed an American intervention in Mexico. Fukuyama ultimately elected not to deploy troops. This caused major discontent among hardliners and in early 2002 a group of three generals (Michael Flynn, David Petraeus and Robert Gates) organized a coup against Fukuyama. The coup initially successfully trapped Fukuyama within his New York residence while Flynn declared himself acting president. However, before the military's hold on power could be solidified and Fukuyama disposed of, mass protests erupted across the nation.

These protesters were a varied lot-compassionate conservatives and communists, liberals and Luddites, members of all races and religions. What united them was the simple demand of 'Free Fukuyama!' Efforts by state governments to crush them failed as elements of the police and armed forces defected. The period (later dubbed the 'Messy March' by historians) ultimately would see General James Mattis lead a group of Fukuyama loyalist forces on the White House, capturing Flynn after a brief exchange of gunfire. The troops holding Fukuyama under house arrest were compelled to release the president and Fukuyama returned to power. However, he would face the fact much of his power had been shaken as a result of this attempted coup. Fukuyama's return to power was characterized by an initial optimism, but that would be crushed by the final blow: a pandemic. The plague, dubbed the swine flu despite technically not being an influenze strain, emerged in the American southwest before spreading thanks in large part due to the state government of Arizona's failure to notice it until it was too late. By the time the outbreak was noticed, it was a national crisis. Fukuyama initially attempted to coordinate a national quarantine, but ultimately the bulk of the pandemic response would be left up to the individual states thanks to the increasing paranoia of Fukuyama causing mass inefficiency at a federal level. Various states formed regional pacts to combat the virus and much of the country began to complain the national government had failed to handle the outbreak. Ultimately, the outbreak would burn itself out by the beginning of 2003, but by this point Fukuyama's reputation was in tatters and political radicalism was on the rise.

Fukuyama ultimately did realize this. He moved his State of the Union address ahead to late January to address the situation During that address, Fukuyama declared that the US as it had existed had de facto become a failed state. As a result, he was going to sign an executive order abolishing the totality of the federal government, with each interstate bloc becoming (at least temporarily) their own country, free to pursue their own destiny. Fukuyama's order went into effect on February 3rd, which is the day he officially ceased to be the president. However, Fukuyama remained in Washington DC and the White House for several months afterwards, helping negotiate what was to become of American governmental infrastructure, military equipment, former US currency and the national debt. The process of devolving power and managing disputes as some states sought to separate from the blocs they had formed the previous year took 5 years, at which point the post-US North America had finally taken shape. Fukuyama would, after this, become a college professor, something he had said was what he had previously hoped to become before entering politics. As an academic post-politics, Fukuyama notably contributed the 'end of history' hypothesis, citing that given most US successor states have adopted some form of socialism and the ongoing crisis of climate change generally being blamed on capitalist modes of production, the triumph of socialism over the world is now almost inevitable.
For @AP246's timeline Thousand Week Reich

Something I made for the TWR-verse, a hybird sport of rugby football and gridiron football. Originally it was a hybrid sport for Allied soldiers familiar with their own football code to play together like the real life AUSTUS, but unlilke its real life counterpart it has expanded into a widely played sport among the member states of the Toronto Accord.

Aethernauts - The Thrid War of the Canadas

The beginnings of the Third War of the Canadas were fairly typical by the standard of the ever ongoing conflict between The Commonwealth and the American Empire: The Empire, wracked by scandal, turned to the old standby of waging war on it s long term rival to distract the public with battle and glory. However, the Third War of the Canadas would turn out to be so much more than just a “simple” war of “bread and Circuses”; coming at a crucial moment in the ongoing aetherial Scramble, the war would spread far from its terrestrial bounds, spreading into the stars itself, the deciding battle ultimately occurring far from the lands in question. The war would see the introduction of maturation of several new weapons, the development of new styles of warfare, and saw rapid growth in aetherial military power; most importantly, it revealed just how intertwined the world was becoming, as what should have been an isolated conflict between two powers almost triggered a global conflagration.

The lead up to Third War began in 1878, as the Empire was wracked by several scandals: The Bouchard-Daft Affair had just recently resulted in the resignation of Minister of Electricity, the Palensave Scandal had brought negative press to the ongoing Social Fitness Program, a series of crashes had brought the nations rail network into crisis, and there was in general doubt about the success of the Imperial Scientific Society; support for the Crockett Government was increasingly shaky, and even the popularity of Emperor Richard IV was suffering leading to rumours that the Stuart-Calvets may have been preparing to challenge for the throne. On top of all this, the “Great Celestial Expansion” had wracked up great debt, as the cost of the massive colonisation of Ganymede and Callisto quickly outstripped any of the meagre returns coming from the colonies.

Surrounded on all side by forces of instability, Richard IV and Prime Minister Crockett turned to a tired and true method: War. Their target was what was left of the Commonwealth Canadian Territories; in the wake of the Second War of the Canadas, the Commonwealth had peen pushed to the west of the Northern Rockies, occupying a strip on Pacific coast running between Russian Alyáska in the north and Japanese America in the south; the former territories west of the Rockies had been transformed into the Saskatchewan Protectorate, a nominally “independent” buffer state that was an imperial vassal in everything but name. Imperial business interests, who had near free reign in the protectorate an had been mercilessly exploiting its resources, had been pushing for years to drive the Commonwealth into the sea, while the Imperial Group, an prominent grouping of lectures and teachers from the Avalon Imperial War College, had been promoting the conquest of Commonwealth Canada as to completely surround Japanese America and another step closer to complete hegemony over the entirety of North America. The target seemed simple, offered new sources of resources and markets, served to further long term Imperial goals, would give the public something to cheer about and would be another blow to their long time enemy: in other words, it was perfect. Richard IV signed the order,and a quiet buildup of troops began immediately.

Unfortunately for the empire, after two hundred years of such events the Commonwealth was well aware of the signs; it was obvious the Empire would attack, and Canada seemed the perfect target. The Commonwealth Military began quiet perpetration immediately: Mountain passes were mined, new fortifications dug in, while additional troops and weapons were brought up from Australia. As well, Lord Protector Junius Duffery ordered Admiral of the Aether Hunter Marsden to draw up plans to wage wholesale war on the Empires atherial holdings; at the time, a campaign of such magnitude had never been attempted, but Marsden, at the helm of the largest fleet of atherial warcraft in history, felt confident in the ability of his forces. In the meantime, Prime Minister Roscoe Armstrong reached out to several potential allies, most successfully with the native Free Nations, a resistance group that had been operating in the Saskatchewan Protectorate, as well as planning a series of economic actions that could have had the potential to severely cripple the Empires economy.

War came, as predicted, the next year, as the Empire, supported by its “allies” the British Free State, the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of Ireland, marched troops across the Rockies, while a fleet of ships sortied from Northern California. The land campaign had a varying amount of success: Imperial mountain units managed to force some of the passes in the south, with great casualties, while strikes further north were repelled. Limited to just a few passes through the mountains, the Imperial advanced slowed as supply lines were stretched, although they were still able to take the city of Port Fairfax; the naval campaign fared better, with the Imperial Pacific Fleet destroying the Commonwealth Canadian Squadron in detail.

The Commonwealths response was immediate, but not as expected: on the 23rd of July, a flight of Imperial registered Treasure Shells carrying precious metals from Ganymede were overtaken by a Commonwealth Atherial Navy bombnaught in deep ather between Mars and Jupiter and captured complete; on the same day, two more outbound Treasure Shells and an Imperial Navy cutter were intercepted and destroyed in orbit around the moon. The Commonwealths atherial campaign had begun.

The initial attacks were a surprise to Imperial High Command, who had expected a greater response from terrestrial forces, but were regarded as aside show to the main conflict on Earth; however, while the empire continued to win slow victories on the Earth, their losses in the aether rapidly grew. The battle on Earth was not going as easy as expected either: the Commonwealth had introduced several weapons they had developed for combat in the colonies, including armoured “Crawlers” that had originally been designed for service on Mars; the Crawlers, armed with cannons and machine guns, contributed significantly to the Commonwealth victory in the Battle of Jervis.

By the end of 1879, the Commonwealth moved from simple commerce raiding to active attacks on American colonial holdings; Commonwealth Colonial Service troops launched attacks on American water mines on the Northern Martian Ice Cap, while Commonwealth marines seized the American controlled minor world of New Scilly, itself a world sized of the Five Italies in a Imperial punitive campaign six years previously. The loses occurred by the Empire in the Atherial Front were increasingly disproportionate compared to the Commonwealth,and caused great argument in the war council: the Army argued that the aetherial battles were a side show, and that the Empire could achieve victory purely on Earth, while the Navy and Science board counted that the loss of the colonies would massively outstrip any gain made from conquering Canada. Eventually it was the Emperors intervention that altered the focus of the Imperial campaign from conquest of Canada to defence of the colonies; the massive colonisation project had been Richards brainchild, and were the cornerstone of his legacy,a swell as being important to the Imperial Scientific Society.

Unfortunately for the Empire, this shift in focus did little to alleviate their losses in the aether: while the Empire had focused almost exclusively on colonisation efforts, seizing huge tracts of the other worlds, the Commonwealth had focused on the development of its Aetherial Navy, seeing control of the ather as analogous as control of the seas. The Commonwealth Aetherial Navy outnumbered the Imperial Navy three to one in bombnaughts and close to five to one in cutters and other small craft; as well, the Atherial Navy's bombnaughts included 500 inch vessels such as the Voyager class, while the Imperial navy as limited to 300 inch craft capable of being lofted by civil stage-cannons. The massive disparity in forces caused great embarrassment to the Imperial Navy, who embarked on a crash program to develop and build a 500 inch stage-cannon in Panama to loft equivalent ships.

With the focus off the ground campaign, the battle on the coast slowed, while a new battle developed in the Saskatchewan Protectorate, as the Free Nation sparked native uprisings across the region. These uprisings threatened the Imperial supply lines, forcing them to pull back troops to police the territory. With their main supply lines threatened, the Empire attempted to negotiate with the Japanese Empire to utilise the rail lines running through Japanese America; when the Japanese refused, preferring to maintain their neutrality, an Imperial force, made up mostly of Irish and British regiments, attempted to seize the northernmost line to run supplied through to Port Fairfax; to this day, it is not know if the attack had been per-mediated, was conducted on the local units own volition, or was simply a mistake, but the results were all the same: Japan immediately declared war on the Empire, allying with the Commonwealth.

While the front on earth was expanding, the battle in the aether was starting to even out: the Imperial Navys crash construction program had seen a dozen new bombnaughts launched; while still on 300 inch, they served to even the numbers with the Commonwealth. Battles raged across the Jupiter system, both in the aether, as well as on the Jovian worlds. The Empire contracted the support of the Ghealach Brotherhood, a militant group of Martian Irish who had long been a thorn in the Commonwealths side, and set them to launching attacks throughout the red planet; at the same time, the Commonwealth made contact with the Free Sons of Ganymede, a rebel army made up of convict colonists, and instigated a rebellion in three of the Ganymede colonies. The rapid growth, the constant fighting in the colonies and the ongoing threat of Commonwealth commerce raiders had put a great strain on the Imperial economy, with collapse only being put off by continuous emergency measures.

While it appeared the Empire had been getting all the bad luck in the conflict, The Commonwealth was suffering too: while better prepared for an aetherial war, it still put a strain n it economy, while all the focus of effort left the door open to other forces to take advantage, first and foremost being the French and Austrians, who challenged to Glass Tax on Mars and attempted to tear down the customs line. The Ottomans and Brazil both took an opportunity to seize control of several minor worlds,as well as claim several Venusian floating islands, while Prussia actively countered Commonwealth attempts to completely control the Martian Ice Pack; this conflict would eventually lead to Prussia declaring war on The Commonwealth, allying with the Empire, which resulted in the Union of Germanic Kingdoms, concerned with Prussian aggression, allying with the Commonwealth; this would result in Prussia launching an attack on German holdings over Venus, which would inadvertently draw in the Spanish Republic, which sided in The Commonwealth, which resulted in the Empire launching an invasion of the Republic of the Floridas, a Spanish ally. After all this, the Korean Empire, sensing chance to strike while its greatest enemy, the Japanese,were distracted, also allied with the Empire, launching attacks on the Home Islands as well as against Japanese holdings on Mercury. Half the world was now at war.

By 1881 exhaustion was starting to show: the aether had been stalemated, the Commonwealths superior ships being counted by the Empires superior industrial capability, while the ground war, almost forgotten, had ground to a halt, the one new change when an attempt to flank the Commonwealth forces Fromm the north resulted in an Imperial force accidental attacking a Russian village, drawing the Union of All Russia into the war allied with the Commonwealth. A rebellion in the Quebec Protectorate, instigated by the French Empire, caused further setbacks, as more troops had to be recalled to put down the uprising.

Looking to break the stalemate any way possible, the Commonwealth turned to economic warfare; risking a major hit to the economy, the Commonwealth Government banned the sale of Mercury and Sulphuric acid to any business or outfit that might eventually sell on to powers “deemed hostile to the Commonwealth”; at the time, The Commonwealth produced seventy percent of they worlds mercury; essential to the mercury boilers that were used for generating power from the sun; and fifty percent of the worlds Sulphuric acid, used in the fuel cells and atherirte charges that powered many aethercraft. Through wholesale to a number of global firms, the Commonwealth was inadvertently providing the Empire with nearly two-thirds its annual requirement of the two materials, an oversight which had become apparent upon an in depth investigation of potential economic weapons. The embargo effectively halted the Empires military construction, and put server limits on its fleets, as their fuel supplies had to be carefully rationed.

The Commonwealth embargo was the major turning point of the war: with their enemies fleets trapped in port, the Commonwealth Aether Navy ranged far and wide, overwhelming the Imperial forces wherever they found them. Through a combination of combat and fuel shortages, the Imperial military presence around Jupiter was whittled away, until finally the flagship of the Imperial Jovian Fleet, HMS Enterprise, was destroyed by the Commonwealth bombnaught CNS Vampire, leaving the Jovian colonies completely at the the commonwealths mercy. Distraught at the possible loss of “his” colonies, Richard IV ordered his forces to cease operations, and instructed his government to sue for peace; the Armistice of Manila was signed four days latter, ending the war.

With the Commonwealth in undisputed control of Jupiter, it dictated the terms of peace: The Empire was to withdraw from Commonwealth Canada, and the Saskatchewan Protectorate was to be granted its actual independence; as well, the Ganymede colonies seized by the Free Sons of Ganymede were to be granted independence as a Commonwealth Protectorate. Japan demanded, and received, Oriacion Territory, expanding their American possessions southward, while the Russians only requested monetary remuneration for the destruction cause to their Alyáska territory; other nations would sign their own treaties. It wasn't all loss for the Empire: the failed rebellion in Quebec was all excuse the Empire needed to forcefully integrate the Protectorate into a full domain of the Empire, while their conquest of Florida was complete. These gains, however, were little comfort in the face of the colossal debt and loss of face the Empire had experienced: for the first time in sixty years, it had been defeated by its oldest enemy, and near overwhelmingly so.

The unpreparedness of the Imperial Navy to contest the aether, as well as the embarrassment the revelation their enemy had been supplying much of their most critical resources for years, were too much for the proud people of the Empire, who demanded someone be held accountable: Richard IV obliged them, firing Crockett and his entire government and effectively ending the Imperial Scientific Society. This attempt to deflect all the blame was ultimately not enough; he was dethroned two year later, challenged and replaced by Charles V of the Stuart-Calvets. With the end of the Imperial Scientific Society came great upheavals in Imperial society, as the new framework upon which their nation was being built was torn away and exposed, revealing dark horrors an unimaginable crimes that would almost lead to civil war; many of those closest to the the top, Richard IV included, were ultimately exiled.

The Commonwealth, on the other hand, exulted in its victory; it was now the undisputed power of the cosmos, with unmatched military force and economic power. Its tactics of aether control and intercept revolutionised war in the aether, and dircetly led to the start of the aether arms race; although it was top dog now, that position would be challenged by others, with France, Brazil and the Ottomans all waiting in the wings. Having shown the way, the Commonwealth would ultimately find it expensive to stay at the top, its victory ultimately trapping it in a seemingly never ending cycle of military and colonial expansion, as it desperately attempted to avoid befalling the same fate that had lead to their greatest victory over their oldest foe.

This is first of all, fantastic, I am in love with it

The minor worlds like New Siciliy would be the asteroid belt?

What are the worlds like? Habitable like Earth or just barely so? Are there any natives there?
This is first of all, fantastic, I am in love with it

The minor worlds like New Siciliy would be the asteroid belt?

What are the worlds like? Habitable like Earth or just barely so? Are there any natives there?

Thank you.

Yes, the minor world's are the asteroid belt; asteroid sounded too "modern" for my taste.

Unfortunately for the people of this world, they didn't have a group of ASB's come through and populate the other worlds with lovely Martian princesses and sexy centaurs; the solar system is the same cold, dead place it is to us, only now it's populated by men with big mustaches flying around in verneian space bullets and exiled minority's launched en masses by uncaring emperor's who don't mind letting a few thousand unwanted subjects die if it means they get to call themselves "king of Europa"
Unfortunately for the people of this world, they didn't have a group of ASB's come through and populate the other worlds with lovely Martian princesses and sexy centaurs;


the solar system is the same cold, dead place it is to us, only now it's populated by men with big mustaches flying around in verneian space bullets and exiled minority's launched en masses by uncaring emperor's who don't mind letting a few thousand unwanted subjects die if it means they get to call themselves "king of Europa"

well, you win some and you lose some, I guess

Deleted member 92121

Thank you.

Yes, the minor world's are the asteroid belt; asteroid sounded too "modern" for my taste.

Unfortunately for the people of this world, they didn't have a group of ASB's come through and populate the other worlds with lovely Martian princesses and sexy centaurs; the solar system is the same cold, dead place it is to us, only now it's populated by men with big mustaches flying around in verneian space bullets and exiled minority's launched en masses by uncaring emperor's who don't mind letting a few thousand unwanted subjects die if it means they get to call themselves "king of Europa"

It's really a fantastic work. The visual of the "Bombnaught Enterprise" over Jupiter was also cool as hell. Where did you get the photo?

Are you familiar qith "Doctor Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators"? I was immediately reminded of that site by you tl and your description above of "Men with big moustaches in space" only increased it. It's this fascinating idea of a steampunk victorian space imperialism.
It's really a fantastic work. The visual of the "Bombnaught Enterprise" over Jupiter was also cool as hell. Where did you get the photo?

Are you familiar qith "Doctor Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators"? I was immediately reminded of that site by you tl and your description above of "Men with big moustaches in space" only increased it. It's this fascinating idea of a steampunk victorian space imperialism.
The photo is supposedly the first ever photo taken of a UFO, found it on Wikipedia of all places.

Haven't heard of that site, will check it out.
Greater Virginia Preview - Senator Harry Byrd
Greater Virginia - The Civil War
Greater Virginia - Reconstruction
Greater Virginia - The Gilded Age

Greater Virginia - The Progressive Era
Despite the stranglehold on state government by the Conservative Democrats, there were actually deep divisions within Virginia. Much to the chagrin of the rest of the state Democratic Party, western Virginia hadn’t gone anywhere near to the same lengths to crush the Republican Party and actually allowed it to flourish. This was never enough to seriously challenge eastern supremacy but would be treated like an annoying ulcer by the bulk of the Virginia Democratic Party. This had the effect of, beginning in the monumental 1896 election, Virginia becoming a nominally swing state as eastern Virginia broke for the Democratic ticket and western Virginia breaking towards the Republican ticket. Virginia would Democratic in every Presidential election of the Progressive Era, but always usually by a very narrow margin. In 1896 the Democratic ticket won 50.2-48.5, in 1900 the Democratic ticket won 50.5-48.6, in 1904 the Democratic ticket won 49-48.9, in 1908 the Democratic ticket won 49.2-48.8, and then the Democrats would carry the state convincingly in 1912 and 1916. This would lead to western Virginia Democrats no longer being given the Lt. Governor position and all statewide offices being held by eastern Virginia for most of this Era. Western Virginia would have an outsize influence in Republican national politics, as seen in the 1912 election.

The western Virginia Democratic Party would eventually claw its way back into relevancy. With eastern Virginia Democratic dominance came complacency while the western Virginia Democrats had to fight and claw for relevancy. This led to an increasingly odd scenario where due to voter suppression and apathy more of the statewide vote began to drift westwards in the state. It would be former State Senator John Cornwell that would finally take advantage of that fact, driving up supporters in the Virginia gubernatorial primary of 1917 and going on to become Governor; the first westerner to hold that position since the end of the Civil War. His administration would be a more populist one; promoting recruitment to fight in the Great War, seeking to resolve labor disputes, and eventually pushing Virginia to become the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment. Governor Cornwell would face resistance, especially after the 1919 elections, and would be replaced with an eastern Governor and Lt. Governor; but the ability of western Virginia to compete with the rest of the state was proven just as the country and world was entering a new post-War era.


Greater Virginia - The 1912 Election
When Theodore Roosevelt came to the conclusion that President Taft had betrayed Roosevelt’s progressive vision and sided with conservatives he decided to launch a campaign to replace the incumbent President as the Republican nominee. Primaries were a new thing in Presidential politics and Roosevelt took his message directly to these rank and file Republican voters, sweeping 9 of 13 states and locking in 290 delegates to the President’s 124 with another 34 to Senator La Follette. Party conventions, largely consisting of Republican institutionalists would break heavily for Taft. In the South, where the Republican Party in many states was largely just beneficiaries of Republican patronage, President Taft would maneuver to ensure most of the South to back his bid. North Carolina and Virginia would be exceptions, with the latter having a surprisingly robust Republican Party in the west of their state that filled out the convention with their own men rather than one loaded with Taft appointees; and that delegation was loyal to Roosevelt. After the conventions, Roosevelt had 429 delegates; Taft had 345; 46 committed elsewhere; and another 254 that had disputed credentials and 538 needed to win. The RNC, with Taft loyalists taking 3 spots for every Roosevelt or La Follette loyalist, would rule in President Taft’s favor on every single credential. It looked like Taft would hold onto the Republican nomination.

But, Taft’s support was actually quite soft even with the RNC in his corner. The first order of business for the new convention would be the appointment of a temporary chair. Taft had tapped Senator Elihu Root, who had served in the Roosevelt administration as someone who would side with the President while preventing Roosevelt from outright attacking him. Roosevelt planned to put forward his own candidate for Chair who would in turn rule in favor of Roosevelt’s efforts to bring in dozens of his delegates who had been rejected. It became clear quickly that despite the RNC’s rulings there were a minority of the 254 disputed delegates that actually preferred Roosevelt and that Root was going to struggle to achieve a majority. Roosevelt would offer Governor Francis McGovern as Convention Chair to appease La Follette’s delegates and get their support, but La Follette had instructed his supportes to accept no deals; La Follete’s floor manager William Houser would take the convention floor and shout “We make no deals with Roosevelt! We make no trades with Taft!” La Follette’s delegates were instructed to remain neutral, and a wire from the Senator himself confirmed this. But then two dozen progressives would announce their support for McGovern and so would half the Wisconsin delegation, and when a head count had Root just a few delegates ahead of McGovern the rest of La Follette’s delegates broke with instructions to put McGovern over the top 538-536. La Follette would be apoplectic when he found out; he had grown to despise both Taft for his conservatism and Roosevelt for stealing his moment. It wouldn’t matter. Roosevelt was awarded the Arizona delegation, the bulk of the Texas delegation and Washington would be split between Roosevelt and La Follette; Senator La Follette did not appreciate the gesture. The first ballot would be Roosevelt 522, Taft 499, La Follette 43, with a scattering to other candidates that would immediately shift to Roosevelt, followed by the 7 Washington delegates just awarded to La Follette making Roosevelt the nominee by a slim majority.

It would prove to be a Pyrrhic Victory. In a fig leaf to conservatives, Roosevelt’s friend and conservative Senator Henry Cabot Lodge would be nominated for Vice President and the platform would be a bit more moderate than the sort of fire Roosevelt had thrown during the primaries. Many would take that fig leaf, but President Taft was not one of them; he would stay in the White House and fume. Senator La Follette would stay in Wisconsin and fume. Roosevelt would take it upon himself to campaign nationwide while Wilson would do what he could to tie Roosevelt to Taft, fairly easy to do as Taft was his handpicked successor. Eugene Debs would be out railing against both parties a4 s ineffective and corrupt. In Milwaukee, where without La Follette’s help Roosevelt had to campaign, he would be shot. And after all that, he would lose to Woodrow Wilson. With La Follette’s hostility, Wisconsin broke for Wilson. Despite Hiram Johnson’s support, a combination of him being passed over for Vice President and Eugene Debs getting over 10% in California, would cost Roosevelt the state’s popular vote and all but one one electoral vote. New York would prove the most embarrassing, where Debs would get a respectable 4% but it was that local Republicans, many of whom had been happy to see the back of Teddy Roosevelt back in 1900, did nothing to help him win the state and so he didn’t. The national popular vote difference was rather close, and there were plenty of states that Wilson won by less than the popular vote margin to make a difference, but all of that added up to Theodore Roosevelt being denied the White House.

Close States:
Margin of Victory Less Than 1% (4 Electoral Votes)
1. New Hampshire, .97%

Margin of Victory Less Than 5% (117 Electoral Votes)
New York, 1.63%
2. Connecticut, 1.79%
3. Rhode Island, 1.91%
4. Wyoming, 2.09%
5. California, 2.68%
6. New Jersey, 3.42%
7. Nebraska, 3.69%
8. Kansas, 3.82%
9. Montana, 3.97%
10. Oregon, 4.24%
11. Nevada, 4.56%

Margin of Victory Between 5% and 10% (130 Electoral Votes)
1. Ohio, 5.39%
2. Colorado, 5,52%
3. Indiana, 6.76%
4. Idaho, 6.83%
5. Utah, 6.94%
6. New Mexico, 7.28%
7. Iowa, 7.39%
8. South Dakota, 8.48%
9. Arizona, 8.61%
10. North Dakota, 8.91%
11. Wisconsin, 9.12%
12. Illinois, 9.44%
13. Maine, 9.72%




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Partitioned Germany for the world of Hail, Britannia:


The German-speaking states, also known collectively as simply Germany, the German countries, the German nations, rarely the Germanies, and sometimes poetically as Germania, is a geopolitical term used for grouping the seven sovereign states in Central Europe which speak dialects of the German language: Austria, Brandenburg, Hanover, Hesse, Raetia, Rhineland and Saxony. Although neighbouring Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland also have German-speaking populations, they are not considered German states as they never formed part of the German Confederation or its successor states.

All seven countries cooperate on a regional level in several intergovernmental organisations, including the Frankfurt Group, and all are members of the European Union, and with the exception of Hanover, members of the Eurozone. Brandenburg, Hesse, Raetia, Rhineland, and Saxony are full members of the European Defence Organisation (also known as the Brussels Treaty Organisation), while Hanover is an associate member as part of the Common Defence Pact, and Austria is a neutral state and an EDO observer. The German states are all governed under parliamentary democracies, five of the states are constitutional monarchies, while Rhineland and Raetia are republics, although the latter recognises three of it state governments as sub-national monarchies.

Historically, the territory of the German states formed the core of the Holy Roman Empire, and later the German Confederation, which also included parts of modern Czechoslovakia and Belgium, and eventually evolved into the German Empire in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War. The new Empire, under the Prussian House of Hohenzollern, unified the 26 German states under a single Emperor, excluding Austria which remained a separate empire under the Habsburgs. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the German Empire rose to great power status, establishing an overseas colonial empire and forming a military alliance with Austria-Hungary and other smaller nations, known collectively as the Central Powers, in opposition to the Triple Entente. Their defeat in the First World War led to the collapse of the multinational realm of Austria-Hungary, with its constituent parts becoming independent republics, while the German Empire overthrew its monarchies and transitioned into the unstable Weimar Republic. Initially the First Austrian Republic sought annexation into the new German republic, but remained independent until 1938.

The rise to power of the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930s saw the re-militarisation of the German armed forces, and the establishment of a centralised totalitarian “German Reich”, more commonly known internationally as Nazi Germany. Austria was annexed into the Reich in 1938, a process known as Anschluss, marking the first time that every German country was united as a single sovereign state. German aggression and irredentist claims against Czechoslovakia and Poland culminated in the outbreak of the Second World War, during which time the German-led Axis Powers conquered and occupied most of Europe. Nazi Germany was defeated in 1945, and the territory was occupied by the Allied forces of France, Brazil, and the United Empire. Although immediate post-war conferences proposed the restoration of a united Germany under a pro-western monarchist government, with Britain proposing the head of the House of Hanover as German Emperor, the French government opposed a strong German state on its border. A proposal by the British Chancellor, Henry Morgenthau, in 1945 would eventually be adopted in 1949, with the division of post-war Germany into the modern seven states.

Referenda held in each country established new constitutions and governments; Hanover, Brandenburg, Saxony, and Hesse voted to restore their historic monarchies, while Rhineland and Raetia adopted republican constitutions. Austria initially formed the Second Austrian Republic, which lasted until 1955 when the House of Habsburg returned to the throne under newly crowed King Otto II, opting for a kingdom rather than an empire. The seven countries formed the Frankfurt Group in 1950, to foster cooperation between them based on building political and cultural ties. Rhineland became a founding member of the European Economic Community in 1958, with Raetia and Hesse joining in 1973, Brandenburg and Saxony in 1990, and Hanover and Austria in 1995. The German states represent some of the richest and most developed countries in Europe, and after France represent the single-largest and most influential industrial and political block within the European Union. Although the Vereint für Deutschland ("United for Germany") movement currently holds seats in every German legislature, supporting a policy of German reunification, opinion polls consistently show low support for reunification, instead supporting the increased integration of the German states into the European Union.
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the Heraclian Renaissance was a cultural movement of the mid 7th to 9th century that profoundly affected western European lives on an intellectual and stander of living perspective.
its influence was felt in art, architecture, literature , economy , administration, religion, and other aspects.

almost all historians agree that that the ideas characterizing the the Heraclian Renaissance had their origins after the reconstruction period under Heraclius I ( 610-642) from 628 to 642 ,
there is also universal agreement that the rebirth began under the reign Heraclius I successor , Cosntans II was but its unsure when exactly it began . some historians say it was after Gregory's rebellion other argue it was after the Lombadic war.

Second Roman Reconquest of Italy and the revival of the west.
Constans II the bearded conqueror fought the lombards and reconquered the peninsula in 665 , the combination of greco roman culture with Germanic culture and the unique political structures of post Lombardic wars , and Constans II rebuilding of many cities and roman aqueducts. led some to theorize that its unusual social climate allowed the emergence of a rare cultural efflorescence. Many of the rebuilt and upgraded cities, allowed for a higher standard of living in the peninsula not seen since the pre gothic war period , this led to the farmers having better wages and stability, with this new security stability and excesses of money and now more easily connected to international commerce with the eastern roman empire and its trade routes in Europe , Africa and Asia.

this Led to better stability and commerce becoming a major economical factor in Italy , by 700 AD it became one of the most wealthy provinces , due to this and the heraclian vision of restored Italy and their better administration

eastern roman iconography spread to the peninsula especially to the south paitings of this period where characterized by having grized by gold leaf backgrounds, its figures' faces (and eyes) were almond-shaped with pointy little chins. Noses were long with a spoon-like depression at the top, and the folds in robes , eastern roman symbolism also spread.

surviving roman architecture got combined was rebuilt and some combined with eastern roman architecture ,the eastern roman domes espeicaly became popular for ecclesiastical buildings
the city of more was described by the writer Idder as similar to the descriptions he heard from the time of the old emperors, as many structures like the flavian amphitheater where rebuilt .

economy and administration
the economy under Eastern roman administration got significantly better , with a more structured taxation system and now being directly conected to the bigger roman trade routes , allowed commerce became a significant part of the economy and becoming a merchant being one of the most wealthy occupations ,with excess wealth led to spending on the arts , this led to more people to dedicate themselves to the various arts and as literacy rose more works of literature. mostly on ecclesiastical debates on the nature of Jesus and how god works on the universe , with gods impact on mans actions and nature.

the reconquest made the debates of the east and west over the filioque controversy shunned and not to be discussed , due to the papacy being a roman puppet religious tensions where calmed and a certain tolerance grew between the eastern and new western Romans , still there where debates over the nature of Christ until Constantine IV declaration against monophysitism still there where still some debates over to convert the copts to orthodoxy , most important was the new writings on gods acting on the universe and how it was linked to human nature and reason.

Greek did not replace Latin as the common language in Italy , but it did spread especially in the south in benevento and Sicily
Latin was still in use, and became more standardized under roman rule and certain vulgar Latin dialects began to die off especially in the south.

the cultural exchange to the rest of the empire was minimum but due to Constans II other conquest of the frankish and visigothic Mediterranean shores allowed better administration to these areas but roman control did not last long enough to spread to the interior.
but it was spread by other powers.

north Africa
the great Berber empire spread through north Africa brought the ideas of the Romans deeper tot he west and south of their empire , due to the Punic revival also made the Berber empire art and architecture a combination of Punic , roman and Berber with great works like the imperial palace or the baths of Carthage,religion was very diverse and so a certain tolerance grew for the empire many faiths .

after Askel I conquest of the Visigothic kingdom he took the model of ruling from the old Visigoths but took the better administration of the roman controlled south , it was a mix of Germanic , Berber and roman styles leading to diverse arts , even language as shown by the writings of idder how as timed passed the language began to become more distinct compared to the rest of the Berber empire , its architecture as well as it had no hint of Punic just roman and Germanic styles, as evidenced by the great cathedral of Toledo or the library of Toledo.

due to the instability of the frankish realms meant that there was not excesses wealth to spent on commerce and the various arts. it was not until Charles Martel and his successors where the rebirth spread.
this culminated with Charlemagne after this failed invasion emperor Cosntantine V was so impressed with his bravery that he declared the Frankish king autokrator of the west as he was to be a roman vassal , Charlemagne began to revive frankia as to him it should be better or at least compared to roman Gaul , stability came , new buildings like aqueducts and baths where re built , commerce grew but not the extend of Italy , still the arts spread , and since Charlemagne was found of writing and reading many small libraries where built the biggest and most important was that in Charlemagne palace.

due to this , the time period is also referred as the age of the 3 empires where the frankish empire , the roman empire and the great berber empire achived a standar of living , art and progress not seen since classical rome.
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Hey. I have a question. Is there a way to do this on mobile phones? I'm stranded on another country cause of the lockdown and I have no computer or laptop. Is there a way to do it on Mobile? (I'm on an ASUS)
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Hey. I have a question. Is there a way to do this on mobile phones? I'm stranded on another country cause of the lockdown and I have no computer or laptop. Is there a way to do it on Mobile? (I'm on an ASUS)

There should be an option to request the desktop version of wikipedia in your browser and you can just edit like you would do so on a computer.
There should be an option to request the desktop version of wikipedia in your browser and you can just edit like you would do so on a computer.

But how would I screenshot it properly? I can't seem to position it to take a screen shot.

And how can I download the photo, as screenshots on cellphones can't be downloaded (only on gallery, yes. But you cannot place them here on the website.)
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