Prohibition and Social Credit being the sole parties in the Senate is pretty cursed... Also: why does the Senate only have 98 seats? Which state doesn't exist?
Probably Hawaii.Prohibition and Social Credit being the sole parties in the Senate is pretty cursed... Also: why does the Senate only have 98 seats? Which state doesn't exist?
I'm actually redoing that infobox and am making more from the same series. But I do think this will actually become a thing.Make the TL please
Hawaiʻi is independent, and Alaska doesn't exist in its OTL form - the state of Lincoln covers the Panhandle and a swathe stretching from the Kenai peninsula north to the Mat-Su Valley, while the rest of the OTL state is the Alaska Territory.Prohibition and Social Credit being the sole parties in the Senate is pretty cursed... Also: why does the Senate only have 98 seats? Which state doesn't exist?
I'll give you credit (heh)-it's far more original than the typical "socially-right-wing-economically-left-wing/socially-left-wing-economically-right-wing" divide seen so often in American political TLs.Hawaiʻi is independent, and Alaska doesn't exist in its OTL form - the state of Lincoln covers the Panhandle and a swathe stretching from the Kenai peninsula north to the Mat-Su Valley, while the rest of the OTL state is the Alaska Territory.
Party beliefs:
Prohibitionist beliefs:
- The government should be willing to intervene in society.
- The free market can be made to work, but is unsustainable on its own.
- The United States should avoid foreign entanglements unless there is an overwhelming reason not to.
Creditist beliefs:
- The most important issues Americans face are threats to the social fabric.
- Rights are individual in nature, and relate strongly to individual virtue.
- Women should have more rights as individuals and not be forced or guided into the household.
- Immigration should be controlled to maintain the present culture and the least economic competition for the native-born.
- Immigrants should assimilate to the dominant culture to the greatest practical degree.
- The market should be subject to widespread intervention to increase equality and freedom.
- However, the provision of zero-interest credit by the Federal Reserve, the prohibition on unregulated creation of credit through loans, the subsidizing of products to reduce their list price, and the National Dividend do not make economic sense and should be reformed or abolished.
- Government social programs such as the provision of universal health insurance should be monopolies.
- Social engineering, whether to establish a common culture or to eliminate prejudices and unwelcome practices (for example, racism, homophobia, and smoking) is a legitimate use of government.
- Robust systems to prevent discrimination (whether on the grounds of race, gender or gender identity, sexuality, or many other factors, but not cultural matters) should be in place.
- The national government should have as close to a monopoly over education as possible, and should be very involved in curricula.
- Censorship of media and policing of consumer products to ensure public health and virtue are legitimate uses, and indeed duties, of government.
- The United States should avoid intervening in other countries' affairs unless there is an overwhelming humanitarian interest in intervention.
- The most important issues Americans face are pocketbook issues.
- Rights are collective in nature, and relate strongly to institutional systems.
- Women should have more rights as members of the household and not be forced or guided into acting as individuals (e.g. by being part of the wider economy on their own, or acting as primary wage-earners).
- Immigration should be aimed at ensuring the most economic opportunity for both the native-born and the immigrants in question.
- It is not the business of government to compel immigrants to assimilate to the dominant culture.
- Other than interventions in the finance system to boost purchasing power, the market should remain as free as possible.
- The government should provide zero-interest credit through the Federal Reserve, prohibit the unregulated creation of credit through loans, subsidize products to reduce their list price, and provide each household the share of the national wealth diverted from them by corporate non-wage costs.
- Government social programs such as the provision of universal health insurance should compete with private business as a "public option".
- Social engineering is outside the scope of government.
- The government should not force private businesses to obey its own standards by imposing anti-discrimination ordinances.
- Education should be provided by the government, but devolved and funded by state and local governments, with the federal government's only role being to resolve disputes and fund/operate schools and programs that could not otherwise be funded/operated.
- Censorship and overwhelming police power should be avoided where possible.
- The United States should avoid intervening militarily in other countries' affairs, but should foster trade so long as it does not exploit American workers.
@Gonzo wants to know you're location.
Nice. But how come Lex has hair?Preview for an upcoming TL entitled "Gotham Gazette/Daily Planet"
Multiple nifty fictional wikiboxes in a row? I approve!Wikipedia like Information boxes for HBO's Watchmen which I have made using a custom layout as the internet is not like it is in otl (I like how it looks so I'll use the layout for other things)
And again!The Man Dressed in Brown
This is so weird, I like it!This is a revamp of the post I put out like a day ago on here. I didn't like how it had turned out, so I decided to change some things around. I also made a list of all twenty-five Presidential Triumvirates in the history of the United Empire of Columbia, with some extra blurbs of information on the side to flesh out the world. Hope you all enjoy it!
Grande's election to be the Marquis is a bit of an outlier--everyone before her had been well into their thirties/early forties, if not older, and all of them men before the second-to-last. The Oracle position, meanwhile, is traditionally given to women of a young age, because it stems from the first Oracle, Sybil Ludington, and her amazing acts as a sixteen year old. Ludington winds up doing more for the Revolutionary cause ITTL than just her midnight ride, so she is the obvious selection for the first role.My question is why does the Albionic Church’s core leadership seem to exclusively be teenage-20-something year old girls?
Here's an infobox for the 33rd President of the United States, Henry A. Wallace, for an upcoming timeline!
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I had wholly expected Thaddeus Ross to have been president post-snap and that to be a major plot element of Endgame. Nice to see that I was not alone.
So apparently Rhodey was going to be the Vice President of the US in an early draft of Endgame...
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Why are 3 of the parties not wikilinked?Crossposting from my TL once again.